Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Been meaning to do this for days… so here goes.

    Beth- hope you are feeling better. I like how you and DH are at the same loss for this time around. In synch.

    Kati- I really hope the cold weather gives you a break and you can send those kiddos outside for a bit. How much further on your tri challenge?

    Tamara- I love cereal for dinner. Not only do I like the way it tastes, I like not cooking. I hated seeing the results from this past week too. I was admiring how all of our newbies are chugging along and sort of embarrassed that I’ve gained since we started. I think it happens to those of us who have been around and are either close to or at goal.

    Shuntae- I’m so happy you found running buddies, sure makes it more fun to train.

    Tanya- I gotta ask. Is tea comparable to what we call dinner or supper? I always thought tea was sort of an afternoon snack sort of thing, but from your posts, I’m not sure.

    Roni- I hope you have a better week next week! Hugs my friend.

    Donna- we are here for you. 167 will be toast and I’m sure you’ll be at your goal in no time.

    Jeannie- I am sorry you’ve felt like dookie all week, but I’m happy you are coming back around.

    Tammy- enjoy the monster trucks. The fumes would send me over the edge, I have never been to one of those things because of that!

    Jan- I think we are all foodaholics on here. LOL. Listen to Sam about thinking how nasty it is to eat off your kid’s plates. I totally remember one incident at Burger King. Took a drink from DS (2YR) straw and a huge chunk of food came out of it. I almost lost it. Not sure how the food got in there, but it sure was a surprise coming out. So nasty. I never did that again.

    Andrew- sorry you are away from the family and busy as all heck.

    WHERE's AMANDA? Anybody have her on facebook? By the way, anyboby that wants to add me to facebook, feel free. (Lori Eckel)

    Sorry so many of you are fighting the cold and snow. We had a pretty nice day today- mid 60’s. I’m praying it’s decent tomorrow. 11 hours of sitting outside at soccer to look forward to. Pleassssseeeee be half way warm! I know once the sun sets it will get cold, so I’m taking plenty of clothes to be prepared. I also just packed half the kitchen for snacks and meals. It’s gonna be a LONG day.

    I’m still struggling a little bit with my eating for some reason. Attitude is much improved, need to get my head back in the game. Tomorrow is survival, Sunday I have to start logging again and be more accountable to myself for what I’m eating.
    It’s been an incredibly long day. I’m wiped out. Spent 2 hours at the gym, then 4 hours cleaning this house and doing laundry, changing beds, then it was getting dinner, getting ready for tomorrow….. Nonstop day. Headed for a shower and some snooze time!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hello my friends--

    Brief howdydoo before I drag my weary, aching *kitten* to bed. Did a marathon typing session tonight to get all my work done before midnight. Pay cycle ends tonight, so everything logged by midnight gets into next week's pay. So, good news-- I can actually sleep in tomorrow-- bliss.gif

    Sarah's none too happy about being asked to do the 8am basketball practice run for Aaron-- 2mo5pow.gif-- but, she's doing it nonetheless. Told her I haven't had a morning where I didn't have to get up to an alarm clock in who knows how long-- plus, Caleb and Josh tag-team me all night, every night-- so this old hag needs some sleep. putertired.gif

    Spent some time comforting 7 year old Abby tonight-- consoling2.gifsad and confused about why her big brother's not in the picture these days. Seven year olds simply do not get "tough love." Poor little sweetie-- doesn't help that she's got a cold, to boot, and felt awful.

    Need to turn in and get some needed sleep-- zzz.gif

    Later, my troops.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Sorry to hear that so many of you have snow again, we seem to be in sort of bubble here. Had a snow flurry at 3.30pm yesterday as I was walking home from school but it didn't settle, but as dh drove to work this morning he got 10miles down the road and there was thick snow!!!!!

    Lori - when I say tea it would mean dinner (usually fed to the boys between 4.30/5pm), supper would be a snack before bed

    Marla - hope you got your layin, and I know how you feel about the nightly tag team

    Kati - what is aarp??

    Hello to everone else, will check in later I need to go and do some chores (urgh!!!)
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning black team - I desperately need some prayers this morning.

    We were getting ready to go out last night to DD fundraiser at school. I had to drive ds-12 to ballet by 6:15. Driving my expedition going south not more than 1/2 mile from my house. drive over the tress el. The train had just gone the light making a left hand turn. It is a very sharp left hand turn. Cars were waiting at the cross street and the lights were blaring in my face. It was very dark at the corner and as I was turning I hit a pedestrian crossing the street. She was in all black and I did not see her at all. The scene goes running through my head over and over again...what did I miss? How could I not have seen her. It was pitch black where she was crossing. Witnesses said they didn't see her. I called 911 and the ambulance police where there immediately. It was rush hour. She was conscious and speaking but had a big gash in her leg. Her bag was underneath the left back tire of the truck. I called the hospital to see how she was and they wouldn't release any information to me. I called the police station about 11 to try and get some answers. They called the hospital for me and said it was not life threatening. she seems to be ok but she was in surgery. I'm assuming for her leg. I have been praying the rosary all night. Had to take a sleeping pill to pass out. I'm still shaking, can't eat. I'm going to for run right now. right now I feel like I will run forever.

    Please pray for this 31 year old woman....and me
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Oh Donna, I am so sorry that this has happened to you, I will pray for you and the lady. You are in my thoughts.

    Hugs tanya xx
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning black team - I desperately need some prayers this morning.

    We were getting ready to go out last night to DD fundraiser at school. I had to drive ds-12 to ballet by 6:15. Driving my expedition going south not more than 1/2 mile from my house. drive over the tress el. The train had just gone the light making a left hand turn. It is a very sharp left hand turn. Cars were waiting at the cross street and the lights were blaring in my face. It was very dark at the corner and as I was turning I hit a pedestrian crossing the street. She was in all black and I did not see her at all. The scene goes running through my head over and over again...what did I miss? How could I not have seen her. It was pitch black where she was crossing. Witnesses said they didn't see her. I called 911 and the ambulance police where there immediately. It was rush hour. She was conscious and speaking but had a big gash in her leg. Her bag was underneath the left back tire of the truck. I called the hospital to see how she was and they wouldn't release any information to me. I called the police station about 11 to try and get some answers. They called the hospital for me and said it was not life threatening. she seems to be ok but she was in surgery. I'm assuming for her leg. I have been praying the rosary all night. Had to take a sleeping pill to pass out. I'm still shaking, can't eat. I'm going to for run right now. right now I feel like I will run forever.

    Please pray for this 31 year old woman....and me

    Donna I am so so so sorry, I will keep you in my prayer that everything turns out ok. Keep us posted!!! You need to try to eat something so your body dont shut down!!! Or go into starvation mode!!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Donna - Prayers being said for the pedestrian and for you.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good Morning black team - I desperately need some prayers this morning.

    We were getting ready to go out last night to DD fundraiser at school. I had to drive ds-12 to ballet by 6:15. Driving my expedition going south not more than 1/2 mile from my house. drive over the tress el. The train had just gone the light making a left hand turn. It is a very sharp left hand turn. Cars were waiting at the cross street and the lights were blaring in my face. It was very dark at the corner and as I was turning I hit a pedestrian crossing the street. She was in all black and I did not see her at all. The scene goes running through my head over and over again...what did I miss? How could I not have seen her. It was pitch black where she was crossing. Witnesses said they didn't see her. I called 911 and the ambulance police where there immediately. It was rush hour. She was conscious and speaking but had a big gash in her leg. Her bag was underneath the left back tire of the truck. I called the hospital to see how she was and they wouldn't release any information to me. I called the police station about 11 to try and get some answers. They called the hospital for me and said it was not life threatening. she seems to be ok but she was in surgery. I'm assuming for her leg. I have been praying the rosary all night. Had to take a sleeping pill to pass out. I'm still shaking, can't eat. I'm going to for run right now. right now I feel like I will run forever.

    Please pray for this 31 year old woman....and me

    Oh Donna, I am so sorry to hear this! *Hugs*

    Sending one up for you and the pedestrian right now.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    be back to check in later, Lord willing--

    Ticker action with no medicines and 1200 calories-- even with little exercise this week. whoooooooo!!!!!!!

    Woot on the ticker action!!!

    Double that woot!

    Woot out .....Marla ...Woot Woot Woot !!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Donna-- I sympathize-- I ran over a crossing guard when I was 21, or so-- he was standing at the corner where I was waiting to pull out into traffic. I was looking left, looking for a break in traffic, saw the break, and took my foot off the brakes and began rolling. Thank God before I accellerated, I looked back ahead of me, and boom, there's this old dude with a stop sign, banging on my hood.

    I knocked him on his keester. Boy, was he mad. He wasn't hurt badly, but was totally ticked. Cop across the intersection ticketed me for reckless driving, and the guy sued my insurance company--

    But I was very shaken-- what if it had been a kid I didn't see?

    I think of that guy every time I'm in the same situation-- looking left, waiting to pull out. I always check first before taking my foot off the brakes-- fool me once, shame on you-- fool me twice, shame on me.

    So sorry you're so upset-- hang in there, my friend.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello everyone...Just got back from the Monster Jam. My little guy had a blast. It cost me a small fortune but it was worth it. He got his stuffed "Gravedigger" moster truck signed by the driver and was so excited. We had seats right down at the floor and between the fumes and the dirt I need another shower. My eyes are burning terribly. I need to work some today and most of the day tomorrow, so everyone have a good weekend.

    Donna...Sending prayers for you and the pedestrian. So glad it wasn't any worse.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone - thanks so much for your prayers. As of now, I know that the pedestrian is resting comfortably after surgery on her foot. the officer went to visit her this morning to get her statement. She said she was running to catch the train. I did not see her. She came out of nowhere. In hindsight, as she was running, between the lights of the side road cars in my eyes as I was turning and the blindspot from the truck, she said she hit my front left bumper. Thank God I didn't run her over. I don't think I would be writing you now. Of course this is what the officer told me on the phone. I will get the 10 page police report on Monday.

    I want to send her something in the hospital. I don't know her full name yet, I will get that on Monday. What do you think? I know insurance companies need to take care of this now but I don't think I can live with myself unless I see her and know that she is ok. Some say I should stay away because she will probably sue me. I forced myself to eat about 700 calories and added 2 beers on there for tonight. DH insists I need to take the edge off and hopefully get some sleep.

    Tammy- Gravedigger rocks
    Shuntae,Kati, Tamara,Tanya, Marla - thank you so much for your prayers
    :heart: :heart:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi Everyone - thanks so much for your prayers. As of now, I know that the pedestrian is resting comfortably after surgery on her foot. the officer went to visit her this morning to get her statement. She said she was running to catch the train. I did not see her. She came out of nowhere. In hindsight, as she was running, between the lights of the side road cars in my eyes as I was turning and the blindspot from the truck, she said she hit my front left bumper. Thank God I didn't run her over. I don't think I would be writing you now. Of course this is what the officer told me on the phone. I will get the 10 page police report on Monday.

    I want to send her something in the hospital. I don't know her full name yet, I will get that on Monday. What do you think? I know insurance companies need to take care of this now but I don't think I can live with myself unless I see her and know that she is ok. Some say I should stay away because she will probably sue me. I forced myself to eat about 700 calories and added 2 beers on there for tonight. DH insists I need to take the edge off and hopefully get some sleep.

    Tammy- Gravedigger rocks
    Shuntae,Kati, Tamara,Tanya, Marla - thank you so much for your prayers
    :heart: :heart:

    Donna...I hope you can settle your nerves tonight. I'm not sure how I would handle your situation. I don't see how she can sue you since in her statement she says she ran into your car, but I have heard of crazier things. Possibly you could send her some flowers and a card? I will pray for you to get a good night's rest.:flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Some say I should stay away because she will probably sue me.

    You don't live in Fl do you? I once had a friend who was hit by a car and the lady who hit her flipped her car and eded up dying well her husband and lawyer decided that they were going to try to sue my friend for damages and pain and suffering. Fl is a no fault state unless you can show undenying facts that they were at fault. Luckily she had them.

    Hope things start to get better for you. hard decicion to make about going or not. She knows it wasn't your fault and so do the cops so I hope she wouldn't try to sue you.

    Good Luck on whatever you decide.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hello everyone...Just got back from the Monster Jam. My little guy had a blast. It cost me a small fortune but it was worth it. He got his stuffed "Gravedigger" moster truck signed by the driver and was so excited. We had seats right down at the floor and between the fumes and the dirt I need another shower. My eyes are burning terribly. I need to work some today and most of the day tomorrow, so everyone have a good weekend.

    Donna...Sending prayers for you and the pedestrian. So glad it wasn't any worse.

    Monster jam!

    That sounds super fun Tammy!. Is it true that although they sell you the whole only need the edge?

    Cool stuff. Sounds like the little guy had a blast.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi Everyone - thanks so much for your prayers. As of now, I know that the pedestrian is resting comfortably after surgery on her foot. the officer went to visit her this morning to get her statement. She said she was running to catch the train. I did not see her. She came out of nowhere. In hindsight, as she was running, between the lights of the side road cars in my eyes as I was turning and the blindspot from the truck, she said she hit my front left bumper. Thank God I didn't run her over. I don't think I would be writing you now. Of course this is what the officer told me on the phone. I will get the 10 page police report on Monday.

    I want to send her something in the hospital. I don't know her full name yet, I will get that on Monday. What do you think? I know insurance companies need to take care of this now but I don't think I can live with myself unless I see her and know that she is ok. Some say I should stay away because she will probably sue me. I forced myself to eat about 700 calories and added 2 beers on there for tonight. DH insists I need to take the edge off and hopefully get some sleep.

    Tammy- Gravedigger rocks
    Shuntae,Kati, Tamara,Tanya, Marla - thank you so much for your prayers
    :heart: :heart:

    Donna........prayers your way and sent you a PM.

    Love, Jeannie
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello everyone...Just got back from the Monster Jam. My little guy had a blast. It cost me a small fortune but it was worth it. He got his stuffed "Gravedigger" moster truck signed by the driver and was so excited. We had seats right down at the floor and between the fumes and the dirt I need another shower. My eyes are burning terribly. I need to work some today and most of the day tomorrow, so everyone have a good weekend.

    Donna...Sending prayers for you and the pedestrian. So glad it wasn't any worse.

    Monster jam!

    That sounds super fun Tammy!. Is it true that although they sell you the whole only need the edge?

    Cool stuff. Sounds like the little guy had a blast.

    Jordan was so excited and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I took him since his Cub Scout trip to the USS Yorktown got cancelled. He was looking forward to a big weekend and it was turning out to be a bomb, so I thought the Monster Jam would fill in the gap a little. I used my whole seat--I had to sit way back to try to keep the dirt from hitting me in the face! We were a little too close to the action for me!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone--

    Incredible night-- my 18 and 16 year old daughters, Sarah and Faith, sang in the high school variety show. I am an incredible proud mama-- I'll be posting clips on facebook, and see if I can add a link here or something-- they were beautiful. I cried like a baby. The harmony, the joy-- oh, my gosh--

    Faith sang "Memory" from Cats, and then they sang two duets, "Sisters," an old Rosemary Clooney number, first featured in White Christmas, and "There Can be Miracles," from The Prince of Egypt.

    Oh em gee-- just fabulous-- truly.

    We then took all 5 of our girls, and two of their friends to Applebees for some 1/2 prize appetizers-- so I nibbled some tonight-- but, what a night. Sighhhhhhh--

    Later, my friends--
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Super fricken LONG day at work!!!!!!!! Retail can be SOOOOOOO hard sometimes and all I wanted to do was eat when I got home....and look at me...I ate chips.....the ONE stupid fricken thing that I told myself I wasn't going to do this week and I didn't make it through the weekend......I am so disappointed in myself and realize why I am here with a weight problem!! GGRR!! I know that I shouldn't be so hard on myself but, I just get so mad that I have this addiction with food.....I understand how people can be addicted to drugs and things like that because I have been battling with food for YEARS!!!!!! Anyway, I am just rambling now...thanks for listening!!!

  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Morning all, have stripped my bed, put clean sheets on and washed the old ones, and have a serious craving for biltong....... Rob brought some back after work last night and I am trying to keep myself busy so that I don't spend the day eating it all and then blowing my calories!

    Marla - great news about your girls and I hope that you had fun eating out after

    Bry - when I used to work in retail I used to have a snackout for when I got home, so that I didn't raid the crisps or sweets

    Tammy - monster trucks sound so cool, I would love to take my little men to see some but wouldn't know where to look in the UK

    Donna - hope that the beer helped and that you are getting through your ordeal. Do what you feel is right (with respect to lady in hospital), but if you send a card do not say sorry - its like admitting it was your fault!

    Everyone else - hope you had a good saturday and have a great sunday.