

  • I have just started experimenting with IF in the last week. Started with a 24 hour fast (actually was more like 36 hours) from after dinner Friday night (and after friday night snacking) till Sunday morning. It was surprisingly easy. I am working towards some deadlines at the moment, so am at my computer till 2am most…
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat. 7lbs to lose and finding it hard to get them off. Low carbing (less than 50g) and watching cals mostly, because I JUST EAT TOO MUCH if I don't! Having less to lose definitely makes it harder. If I am very strict and stick to 1200 cals or less, I lose. The minute i go up to 1300/1400/1500 the…
  • I was at the mirror with a torch in a flash! Never heard of such a thing. Luckily it all seems pretty normal back there. But thanks for the suggestion. At least it sounds pretty easy to cure!
  • Thanks, that sounds awful. Must have been scary. I don't find my problem that bad, was really just curious, but now I am paying more careful attention to it and i feel like i have plenty of saliva in my mouth, but that maybe everyone is correct and there isn't enough saliva right in the back of my throat. Weird. Need to do…
  • Thanks, I need to pay it more attention then and see when I feel it most. I live in hot tropical India so drink a good amount of water anyway, naturally. Should I be concerned? I am not one to run off to the doctor and it certainly isn't chronic, whatever it is, just mildly uncomfortable. I haven't noticed any difficulty…
  • That is very interesting. I don't feel like i have a hard time swallowing, but definitely a feeling of something at the back of my throat. I eat loads of fresh veg, avocados and coconut, all with some carb content, so I wouldn't consider myself zero carbs, as the article that DeadVim sent the link for suggested was the…
  • No, I am definitely not suffering from a dry mouth and eyes. Thank goodness. That was a bit of doom and gloom! I don't want to be reading about stomach cancers! Anyway, I feel healthy and I am kind of getting used to the feeling, still curious that I can't find anyone else with the same symptom... :smile:
  • That's interesting. I'm not eating dairy at all, so it can't be that. But actually, this morning I was wondering why I still have a slight feeling of mucous/post-nasal drip, which I have suffered from a bit in the past and always attributed to dairy and wheat. Although it is much improved, I still feel like i have it a…
  • Thanks DeadVim, very inspiring. I will be patient.
  • Thanks, that's really helpful everyone. I guess I need to reconsider the "eating exercise calories back". MFP suggested 1200 a day for me and I find that on days that I have added my exercise calories in I can easily manage, and often can't eat all back, but on the days when I haven't exercised, 1200 seems a bit skimpy and…
  • Thanks. Think I'm ready to order the Primal Blueprint....
  • Hi, I'm new to this, been eating primal for about ten days now, but I think I have been low carb/high protein, rather than low carb/high fat. So, I am very keen to try these percentages and see how it goes. The first 5 or so days I was amazed that my hunger/cravings seemed to have disappeared completely, but this second…
  • Also try hemp protein powder instead of whey. With almond, soya or coconut milk. Or a combination of all three.
  • Couldn't agree more. I still struggle with trigger foods, like peanut butter, but the healthier you eat, the less you feel like putting all that processed stuff inside you. One day at a time... :smile:
  • Spinach, mushroom and tomato 2 egg omelet and a double espresso. I'd just been for a run and still felt hungry afterwards so had a shake of frozen soya milk and banana. Kept me going till mid afternoon!
  • I have found my sodium is always really low, and I can only attribute it to the fact that i almost never eat anything packaged or processed as I live in rural India and have to make everything fresh. And I definitely add salt to my food. It's nearly always high in the pre-made, packaged meals or processed foods. Try…
  • Great, we eat it regularly in my house, Indian style bindi masala. Very delicious and now I know, nutritious!
  • I grind my own beans, make espresso in an Italian machinato on the gas cooker, and drink it thick, black and ever-so-slightly bitter.
  • Thanks. I live in a pretty rural part of India so can't find those brands here.... but i can make my own.
  • Both sound great. What is almond flour? The stuff left over after making the milk? I just made milk and was wondering how I could put the fiber leftovers to good use. Definitely going to give this bread a try! Thanks :smile:
  • I also thought it was unnecessary but just bought one this last week and it's made a massive difference to my serving sizes. And there are cheap ones out there. So what if it's a gram or two out? Way better than guessing!
  • I can only reiterate what everyone else has said. Brilliant post. I am so glad i found it and read it. Thank you! :smile:
  • Me: 2 LNS: 2 A bad night last night. Pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again....
  • I'm in. Definitely my main problem. I can be so good all day and then come 9pm (and I'm usually up till 1am) I self-sabotage. I need this support and these guidelines. Thank you. So far this month Me: 1- LNS: 1 I need the cut-off to be 9pm though. I usually keep some calories stored up for one after-dinner healthy snack,…
  • @mandypizzle: coconut water is the liquid inside the young (tender) coconuts, before it solidifies into the white flesh that we eat and make the milk from. It's definitely not a substitute for milk at all, but is a delicious, nutritious and refreshing drink. As far as I know you can only get it fresh from the tree (I live…