

  • Happy Thanksgiving all!!! We don't have it in the UK :sad:
  • I totally agree!!! You look great on all 3 pics don't be ashamed I wish I looked as good as you do - thats a compliment!!!
  • Aww bless you I understand your frsutration but you have some great advice. I agree with the slowly slowly and health and you getting yourself well is the most important. How about a spa day? you could go to the sauna, pool, gentle yoga or just relax healthy but also relaxing. Take Care!!!
  • Hi! I started Day 1 yesterday so can't tell you much as yet but I enjoyed it expecially as is only 30 minutes so easy to fit in. I dashed home from work and did it before chilling out in the bath. I can't wait for my session again tonight. I am struggling with the exercise part of this all yet I felt much more energised…
  • WOW!!! You're an inspiration and great advice for us stay at home gymaphobics!!! :smile:
  • Hi Record all exercise however small. Make a conscious effort eg use the stairs, park your car and walk further than would normally etc consciously use every opportunity to do exercise for example if I'm watching tv I use my exercise ball during the adverts and do sit ups or in my office I do subtle leg lifts or stomach…
  • Seems a common thing blowing out at weekends, me too!!! Had an awful one this weekend and infact got so upset about it on Saturday night it spoilt my weekend. I've just been out and bought 30 Day Shred and am so excited to go home and get started. Maybe we should start a weekend club to motivate each other and keep the…
  • WOW you have done amaZING WELL DONE!!!
  • I had a McDs last week and I can just taste the fat in it now which spoils the once enthusiasm for it, it actually turns my stomach thinking about the fat and calorie content... ugh I'm not saying I'll never eat fast foods again but I find it harder to now am healthIER eating
  • Hi jlbay!!! I can really relate to your blog and think you're being really hard on yourself, I understand you've had it rough with weight you have the key to unlocking the success with that and you've proved before that you can. :smile: I can empathise with regards to your injury and weight gain I too have always had hang…
  • Hi!!! I'm 5'2" and 145 LBs so understand completely, whilst only started last week (and only lost 1LB) I am open to ideas also. I have done slimming world before too and really got on well with it (Didn't go to classes either), if you stick to the pronciples of it I can't see why it shouldn't work. Good Luck let us know…
  • Hi!!! I'll give it a go, do you have any great tips? I only started last week so at a disadvantage but very keen to try as the weight must come off and I really want to look good in a nice dress for Christmas! Lost just over 1LB so far this week, official weigh in the Morning though as will be 1 full week and lots've…
  • You look amazing you've inspired me cos I want to look that good in a dress and bikini!!!! How long has it taken you to shed the pounds? and is there anything in particaulr that helped? Hope you don't mind I friend requested you, I need your kind of determination :)
  • You are Amazing!!!! Look at all the people you've helped influence their liives and thats just on here. Well Done you and keep up the great work, can't wait ti see the next pics of you!!! x
  • Its a special occasion I think if you don't occasionally have a treat as you have you'll (I will definately) crack and purge eg chocolate, biscuits whatever the craving is so don't beat yourself up. Take stock and be good tomorrow, or today (Unsure if you're in US or UK) Keep going come on :))) ps hope you had a great time…
  • I'm new, day1!!! But I'm definately in and if you do strat the "private" members facebook please let me know as think would be a great booster for all :)