Slimming Worlders HELP Please x

Hi Everyone

After diliberating I have decided to try the slimming world diet. I have been calorie counting but I eat so badly and skip meals in order to save calories that it has become unhealthy and counter productive!
I want to lose another stone ideally. I am 5ft4 and 146lb.

My question is, because I have not been eating much, am I likely to gain in the first few weeks while I adjust to the new regime? I want to be prepared and not ditch it because it has made me put on.

I am not joining a class but doing it myself. Do you have any tips for me?

Many Thanks in advance



  • mrsyatesy
    I dont do Slimming world, but have done a few years ago. There's nothing on there that will make you put on weight, provided that you don't use the opportunity to eat more than your body needs. Listen to your body, when you're full, stop eating - there is no such thing as "free" food - it may be free on SW but it still has a calorie content and that still needs to be countered by exercise if you go over your daily intake.
    I would still use the calorie guide on MFP, log your food, ownership and getting in to the habit of awareness of what you are eating is half the battle to maintaining after the weight has gone.
    SW uses combination of food and awareness of your eating habits to help you lose weight, but it'll be you who does it anyway, good luck.
  • Trickynotts
    I want to lose another stone ideally. I am 5ft4 and 146lb.

    I'm 5'2" and 145 LBs so understand completely, whilst only started last week (and only lost 1LB) I am open to ideas also.
    I have done slimming world before too and really got on well with it (Didn't go to classes either), if you stick to the pronciples of it I can't see why it shouldn't work. Good Luck let us know how you get on :bigsmile:
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Bumping up incase anyone else can offer me any advice x