30 day shred???

Hi I was wondering if anyone is starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred soon? I´m new here and never done the shred before so if anyone has a tip or wants to start at the same time for motivation and stuff that would be really great :)


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm not doing the shred currently, but it's a great program! have fun with it!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I just did my Day 21 this morning.....I LOVE the 30 Day Shred program! You'll love it and will see so many benefits! I haven't lost much weight (under 5 lbs.)...but I've lost inches! In the 3 weeks I've been using the program, I've dropped an inch in my waist and thighs, and 1 1/4 inches in my hips! Woot woot! Good luck!
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    il give it a go ? ...how do u start it ?x
  • Trickynotts
    I started Day 1 yesterday so can't tell you much as yet but I enjoyed it expecially as is only 30 minutes so easy to fit in. I dashed home from work and did it before chilling out in the bath. I can't wait for my session again tonight. I am struggling with the exercise part of this all yet I felt much more energised this Morning and am hoping its all down to Jillian. I would be happy to be your shred buddy as I'm totally new to it too
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    I was supposed to start yesterday but I went to the gym instead - I am going to do day 1 today, if you want to start with me!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm on day 5 and loving it. Days 2 and 3 were tough because I was aching, but the aches disapeared overnight and day 4 was great! Have fun!
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Thanks for the encouraging words, I´m really looking forward to this :) I´ve been doing Tracy Anderson´s mat workout (started with her post pregnancy workout though, since I had a baby a few months ago) for what seems like ages and I´ve noticed a small change in my abs but beyond that... I feel like I´ve been doing so much work and not seeing the results of it and it really bums me out! So I really want to take this all the way :D

    Vivx: Do you have the DVD? I would be really cool to have someone to talk to about this :) I want to start today. Are you starting today also?
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Bzbear and Trickynotts: Yes yes!! The more the merrier :D
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I did 3 days last week, got too busy over the weekend and didn't get it done, did it sunday morning and it kicked my butt, couldn't even finish it!
    don't take much for days off if you don't have too...... it was getting easier for me each time..... and now its like starting over!!
    Good luck!!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I'm doing level 2 at the minute (with other stuff) and the only thing I would say is make sure you put in an extra calf stretch at the end as her stretches are quite quick and my calves never feel properly stretched with the one she does. As there's quite a bit of lower-leg impact i found this to be areal help! Good luck - I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  • frubjious

    I got the DVD through recently and haven't ahd a chance to give it a go yet. It'd be great to start at the same time as some one else.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    I'm on day 6 today and I love it. She says on the dvd that by days 5, 6 and 7 you'll start feeling more endurance and she's right. I felt great yesterday!!! Good luck!!
  • Peejay13
    Just completed day 3 and it finally was a wee bit easier! Ached!
  • driscollmc
    i'm on day 3 right now, and my buns are hurting so bad i can barely sit down haha! but its the good kind of hurt, so i'm okay :) it's pretty awesome so far, i sweat more than i do when i'm on the elliptical for 45 minutes and this workout is only 20, so i definitely recommend it!!
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    not yet but i will order it and give it a try ! x
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    It´s so great to hear from all of you! Thanks for all the comments :) And frubjious: Please join us :)

    I think I´ll take before and after pictures to see my results, I´m confident that I will see them :)
    I´m always a bit skeptical about weigh ins, if you gain muscle mass it doesn´t really show accurate number in fat loss... So I don´t know...
    But maybe I should take my measurements as well?

    What do you guys think?
  • frubjious
    Yup, think meaurements and photos are a great idea.
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Those before shots are not doing ANYTHING for my confidence right now HA HA!

    Did the workout earlier, and I´m already feeling sore so I think that´s a good sign :)
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    I was wondering how you put this in the exercise diary? I haven´t put anything in my exercise diary (except running) because I don´t know what to put in for a workout dvd, like the Tracy Anderson one I did.
    Do you guys know how to put in the shred?? Thanks in advance!
  • frubjious
    Just done it, feeling great but arms pretty shakey now! I've put it down as circuit training, I'm not sure if that's right but it seemed the closest.