30 day shred???



  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    i just started today can i join you guys?
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Of course! Have you done the shred before? This is my first time doing it, all I can say it is quite brutal but I´m totally up for the challenge :)
  • frubjious
    I do a few other things, nothing is really regularly other then going for a 30 minute walk during my lunch hour. I try and do something every day (with mixed success) either swim or a class like body combat or body balance or DVD at home. Nothing hard core and definitely not the gym, I start thinking of reason to leave as soon as I get there.
  • frubjious
    Eugh, just finshed level two for the first time even doing the easier version of things it was crazy! Walking push ups! Did not see that coming. See how my body feels about it tomorrow.
  • Peejay13
    Completed day 5! Have really struggled with aching calves but today was definately better and I feel so much better! Still doing girly press ups though which given what Ive heard about level 2 is just useless! How can I get my weak upper body to deal with press ups in the next 5 days???
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Just completed day 4, and although it was HARD again (certain exercises that didn't used to be hard are now!) I felt a bit better than yesterday. I am hoping that I am coming "over" the hill and that tomorrow will be a bit easier. Also doing the girly pushups - I can do the regular one but I feel like my form suffers! Oh well - still a lot of time until scary level 2!

    Which brings me to a question - I thought we were supposed to do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, 10 days of level 3. No?
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Good Luck guys!

    I completed it once a few months ago! It's great..and get's easier as you go along! If you have sore muscles after a workout...try to keep on working out the day after (unless they are super sore) the workout will make you feel much better!

    Avoid the knee circles in level 1! They can be quite dangerous as it is not a natural movement for the knee. Maybe replace them with neck circles or another exercise.
  • frubjious
    Which brings me to a question - I thought we were supposed to do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, 10 days of level 3. No?

    I think you're just supposed to move on to the next level when you feel ready. Level one is tough and my muscles really ache but I'm not exhausted after it. I'm probably doing it wrong. :ohwell:
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    I do the regular ones, but they are really hard!
    Bzbear I think thats how its done, 10 days at each of the levels :)
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    yeah i think the ideal time frame is 10 days on each level however if your not ready to move up the levels after just 10 days she does say "move on when you feel ready to" so you of course can take longer if necessary.

    i do other exercises as well as, mostly cardio or walking - off for a 5 mile walk today when i drop the eldest to playschool (kindergarden i think its called in US).

    I did day 2 this morning and my arms are totally killing me - those press ups are killers and i'm only doing the girly version too!! before starting this dvd i had never done press ups before in my life!

    going to be sore tomorrow!

    but the great thing is after a couple of weeks of rubbish Weigh ins (-1lb 2 weeks ago and +1lb last week) i finally shifted 3lbs at weigh in this morning!

    nice to have people to talk to who are all doing the same thing :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    day 8 done. Admittidly I didn't give the first cardio round my all, but I was tired after 20 mins on the strider earlier. So mycal count was about 50 less than yesterday.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    day 5 complete!!! felt much better today, wooooooo
  • frubjious
    Well done on your 3lb Ley!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    thank you :)

    day 3 done moving onto the hard versions tomorrow!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    thank you :)

    day 3 done moving onto the hard versions tomorrow!

    Goluck with the harder moves x

    Day 9 done, felt really strong and in good form this morning. What a great start to the day!
  • frubjious
    I did it! I managed the full walking push ups and even the first set of full plank jacks! I really didn't think I could! I am completely made from jelly now.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I did it! I managed the full walking push ups and even the first set of full plank jacks! I really didn't think I could! I am completely made from jelly now.
    Well done! I had a little look at level two yesterday after I'd finished 1, It looks really tough!
  • frubjious
    Thanks, its not too bad if you do the modified stuff.
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Great job you guys :)
    I finally got around to do day 5 earlier, been kind of busy today. Today is also my cheat day, I´m going real mellow on it though :P Maybe some gummy bears and that is it !
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    oooh not sure when i'm going to be able to do day 4 might have to be a before bed job today as we're visiting the inlaws!