eorcel Member


  • You are eating carbs that are preventing you from losing the weight. You have to find a healthy carb or fiber that works for you. I eat vegan, and when I tried raw vegan with fruits smoothies, I regained 8 lbs in a week! Plus it was hard to lose a pound while eating fruits! I realized if I stop eating beans, I stop losing…
  • Most definately. However, the less processed your food is, the less sodium you would consume :-)
  • I am down 2 pounds this week, and I weigh 130 pounds!
  • I am weighing in at 132 pounds. I have lost 1 pound.
  • I will join, too! My starting weight is 133 pounds and I will be 118 after I lose 15 pounds by V-day.
  • I am sensitive to sodium so I keep my sodium count up to 500 mg per day. But I will tell you too much sodium leads to a lot of diseases, including cardiovascular and insulin resistance, bad health, and eventually death from "whatever." So watching your sodium intact is pretty important. I am insulin resistant myself, but…
  • The scale moved in the right direction for me this morning. Last week I weighed 134.4. this morning, I am 133.4! I've lost 5 pounds so far and have 10 more to go by the new year.
  • I am extremely sensitive to sodium and is now reducing it significantly. It creates severe water retention with symptoms for those sensitive to it. And it would create water retention for those not sensitive, however, very little symptoms or none. This water retention would result in slow, or no weight loss. So limiting…
  • You said it all!
  • I have to admit, I weigh myself everyday also. I actually enjoyed it when I was losing a pound a day. When my sister and I went out to eat, we split a low calorie meal in half. The next day I was ready to shoot the scale. Literally! I also is tough to weigh yourself every day. But I think I am still not bold enough to…
  • Last Monday, I weighed 137.4. Today I weight 134.4. I had lost 3 pounds this past week!
  • I find if you eat meat, you may go over your calorie count. Also, it sounds like you've had some take out foods. You might want to check the options you can eat at a restaurant at MFP before you go out to eat. My low glycemic diet includes soy and veggies and I never tend to consume over 800 calories most days.
  • I have a gym membership, but is stopped going in the summer when I realized walking and exercise DVDS have worked wonders. You can find great ones at Target. I have a tendency to stick to one DVD. SHAPE fitness for ABS and SHAPE HIP, BUTT, and THIGHS are my favorites. The FIRM has some excellent DVDS. The last time I went…
  • Welcome! I recently helped a coworker/friend join MFP. She is over 200 lbs and has recently got married. She just started her fitness journey, unlike me who started my journey log before I joing MFP. My weight-loss success has sped up since. I am proud for her for joining first hand before enduring the life of weight loss…
  • I'm sure my boyfriend loved me when I as size 14, but now that I've lost weight, he is nicer to me and more considerate of me. Go figure. It's been eight years and I'm still waiting for the engagement ring. I'd like to see if he is going to propose to me when I've reached my targeted weight loss goal. :huh:
  • Lost another pound since starting this challenge. I currently weight 136.4!
  • I have to eat low carb for health reasons. So I actually find it to be fun. Recently I was eating parboiled rice because it is lower in glycemic index than brown rice and brown rice hurts my stomach. Now I don't eat any rice, just veggies, beans and soy. I also eat gluten free for health reasons so I don't eat breads and…
  • Lost 1 pounds this morning, and feeling excited!
  • I've been staying under 1200 calories as well, so I will join this group.
  • I am in. My starting weight is 138.4 I hope to be 123 pounds by 1/1/11.
  • My sister's knees just started popping yesterday, and it worries me because I have other arthritis issues. One website had this lady that said she ignored becaus of the suggestions she received, and years later it worsened, so she advises against ignoring it. She is seeing my doctor today, and will hopefully get a referral…