Saving exercise calories (challenge)



  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    If this challenge is still going on next week, I would like to join it. Most days I don't eat until my exercise calories, except on the weekends. Since I'm so close to goal weight, the pounds are starting to come off really slow, so next Monday, I'm going to start a new exercise routine, a modified version of the p90x and I'm not going to eat any of my exercise calories (not even on the weekends), until Christmas.

    I'm with you on that. It will be 1200 calories dily until Christmas. Your body becomes used to eat that few amount of calories.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    yesterday was a total bust, but I hope to do better today!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Ok Lee. I'm in again......... when do we start or did we start monday? I'm confused since I haven't done this forever.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I attempted to start monday, but this week has been a total flop. I am super committed to starting again on Monday. I need more motivation and I don't want to be one of those stastics of people who gain 5 and 8 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I attempted to start monday, but this week has been a total flop. I am super committed to starting again on Monday. I need more motivation and I don't want to be one of those stastics of people who gain 5 and 8 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years.

    Ok well I burned 1201 cals today and only used 18 of those!!!!!!
    Doing the shred daily I KNOW I will at least have that to log because I am making myself stay on it!!! We'll weigh in again monday and go another week?
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Ok well I burned 1201 cals today and only used 18 of those!!!!!!
    Doing the shred daily I KNOW I will at least have that to log because I am making myself stay on it!!! We'll weigh in again monday and go another week?

    Great! I honestly believe that the best for us is to not eat the exercise calories. The results certainly come faster for me that way. I couldn't wait for Monday to start again, so I started today. I regained 2 pounds (only!) from two days of non-stop Thanksgiving eating, and I am anxious to lose those pounds again, and then more.

    My Starting weight with this forum: 158 pounds
    Have lose 1 pound so far
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Getting rid of all the thanksgiving leftovers so I can be in tune with this challenge again starting tomorrow.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Weighed in at 157.4 this morning. I completed my food diary for today. I am ready.

    Here is to a challenging, but will certainly be rewarding, week.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    It will be a challenge, but I am up for it. I am trying hard not to touch those exercise calories. Usually when I eat, its because I'm bored or craving something sweet or salty. So I am really trying to discipline myself to eat only when I'm hungry!
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I gained 2 pounds from the holidays. There were so many leftovers, I've just been pigging out over the weekend. Today I've been finishing up a little bit of leftovers and only have 200 calories left for dinner, but I'm not that hungry so that's fine.

    I weighed in this morning and I was 118.8 pounds. I will not be touching any exercise calories this week and will weigh myself again next Monday. Good luck to everyone.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I wanted all the leftovers gone by today. But I told my husband if there is anything still lingering on the 1st, its going in the garbage! all the desserts are gone and if I eat some of the other foods in moderation, I can still stay under my calories.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Staying under calories can be tough. I find that I lose weight even if I eat 100 more calories. I prefer to stay at 1200 so that my body becomes used to that amount of calories, and in case I come across an additional food item I can't resist. I would still end up way under my exercise calories because I haven't been consuming much calories to begin with.

    I am interested in knowing if anyone else is struggling to meet this challenge and what they are doing to keep their caloric intake under 1200 calories. Because I work as a nutritionist, I have some suggestions and I will post them later.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Well the things that I am trying to do differently is not eat so early in the morning and so late in the evening. I'm trying to eat between 9am and 9pm. then I eat what I call "around the clock" 9,12,3,6,9 I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry and stop eating when I'm full. I am trying not to eat out of boredom or while watching tv. I still have a problem with snacking "after hours". I am trying to eat more filling foods instead of eating empty calories. More fiber, more water. I would love to hear your suggestions as I am still having a hard time keeping my focus. I do fine all day, but toward the end of the night, I tend to crash and burn!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Here are the suggestions for keeping calories low that I have pulled together. The websites are very helpful.


    Low-fat or fat-free version of foods
    More watery vegetables (lettuce, celery, cucumber) than fruits (see website below to compare calories)
    Low-fat veggie dips, and other low-fat or fat-free dressings
    Sugar-free version of foods: ex. beverages, snacks, deserts
    Whole-grain products to help control appetite (whole-wheat breads, oatmeal, brown rice)
    1 slice of bread at a time, or lite breads in which 2 slices is the same as 1 (for sandwich lovers)
    Fish or chicken without skin instead of beef or pork
    Tofu instead of meat (very low calories with high protein to help with increase metabolism)
    Food re-placers such as veggie burgers, smart dogs, veggie cheese
    Use cooking sprays
    Use herbs


    Whole-grain products instead of white, bleached food products
    Soy-milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, instead of regular cow's milk
    Low-sugar, no added sugar, and sugar-free foods and beverages
    Use sweeteners such as Agave Nectar, Nutrasweet or other artificial sugars (although their safety is questionable)



    If you have trouble keeping your calories down, snack on more vegetables such as carrots, broccoli or cucumber in order to create more space for the foods you crave

    Personally, I like to snack on carrots to combat hunger, and it works!
  • eorcel
    eorcel Posts: 22 Member
    I've been staying under 1200 calories as well, so I will join this group.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    So far, everything looks good and I'm not starving. Hoping to remain under 1200, or around there by the time I go to bed.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    ok, I thought I was seeing double. You guys names are so you know each other? I hope that's not a dumb question. its almost midnight and my brain has already shut down.
    Well I didn't workout today and I was still able to eat under 1200 calories and I don't feel like I am starving. Fiber and water are big factors in that. I am trying not to eat empty calories. I have to make every one of them count. Making a plan the day before really helps me too.

    Thanks guys for hanging in there with me! Have a great weekend.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    ok, I thought I was seeing double. You guys names are so you know each other? I hope that's not a dumb question. its almost midnight and my brain has already shut down.
    Well I didn't workout today and I was still able to eat under 1200 calories and I don't feel like I am starving. Fiber and water are big factors in that. I am trying not to eat empty calories. I have to make every one of them count. Making a plan the day before really helps me too.

    Thanks guys for hanging in there with me! Have a great weekend.

    We are twin sisters, and I am excited my sister has finally joined in. She has been doing a fantastic job losing weight (25 pounds this year!), and I feel this website adds more benefits and support to that.

    It's been hard for me to stay under 1200 sometimes, but I wouldn't change my goal for anything. The idea prevents me from overdoing it with large meals. If I indulge in the evening, I'm generally still having a low caloric intake that is sufficient for weight loss (just not as fast).
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    that's exactly how I feel. Its just about awareness of what I eat. Am I hungry or just bored? I'll go find something else to occupy my time and then eat about a half an hour later. I wait later in the morning to eat instead of as soon as I wake up. I dont eat if I know I am going to sleep in the next half hour to an hour. So that's what I am taking away from this challenge. Not eating every single morsel of my exercise calories just because I have them. Or because the majority of the members feel "obligated" to eat them. I just listen to my body and try to make healthy choices. So far its been working!
  • sinbad1971
    I have been doing this, this week burnt up about an extra 4500 cals in exercise (mostly just brisk but quite lengthy walks 25 miles in total), foollowing the 1000 cal deficit to lose 2lb a week this week I lost 3.5lb which matches the extra you would expect to lose with an extra 4500 cals per week deficit. Be interesting to see if this slows down over the coming weeks.