Saving exercise calories (challenge)



  • TheNewJessieMae
    Today is thursday and I've stayed at 1200, but last night was the first actual exercise that I've done............ Besided cleaning. SO I don't really know how all this is going to pan out for me, but I'm still on it. I'd like to exercise tonight but depending on what time the construction guy leaves will determine that. I am so glad to see everyone doing such a GREAT JOB!!! And I'm so glad the smoke has finally cleared with this debate................ Now lets get to it!!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Jess- go for it! I think you'll be fine.

    Kristen, I'm only at 1200 calories too. I actually ate about 300 over yesterday because I burned almost 2000 and I was getting stomach pains. I ate and felt fine. Also went to bed early to avoid late night snacking.

    Here's to a successful Thursday. We're more than half way through the challenge. Getting ready to log my food to calculate how many calories I have left over for dinner!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Evening all! I had 1210 cals yesterday and 1182 today and stayed clear of my exercise cals. Cal burn for those two days was 1091. Didn't feel like I needed to eat the extra calories but could easily have snacked on something just because I had earned extra calories. Thought about this challenge though and that was enough to make me avoid the extra unnecessary food!

    Going to try and train at the weekend and get a walk in tomorrow.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    i'm totally falling apart! not going over with my exercise calories but it's just been too busy of a week and the rest of the weekend isn't looking much better! spent al day today laying laminate flooring and my brother's new girlfriend is making us home made lasagna for dinner... definitely going over tonight! tomorrow is my fiance's birthday and sunday is his mom's thanksgiving!...

    still going to try my best but it's not looking good :-P
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Kristen-I am having the opposite problem. I'm ONLY eating 1200 calories, BUT not really geting the chance to exercise. So I feel like I'm not doing this very well either........ Eh well we all have good intentions.

    We can try next week?!?!?!
    I'm starting the 30 day Shred tonight so yall watch OUT!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I would SERIOUSLY LOVE if we could do this challenge again next week since I have commited myself to the 30 day shred.


    Anyhow I only ate 40 of my exercise cals last night. burned 365.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Great jobJess! Sorry I don't have much time to read any of the comments. Jess, I would like to try this again next week too. With the exception of Thursday. I think it would be good to "bank" my exercise calories, leading up to the big day (Thanksgiving).
    I have found a system that works and it doesn't leave me hungry. I only get 1200 calories too, so this is how I'm going to distribute them.

    B: 250
    S: 100
    L: 300
    S: 150
    D: 400

    Still haven't gotten on the scale. Excited about Monday!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Well I weighed in this morning, have now reached my goal weight, so this week, for me, was a huge success. The push was joining in with this, the OPs suggesting not to go over our daily calories, not to even go into our exercise calories and for me, it worked a treat.

    I had just under 3lbs to go when I started this Monday just gone, I weighed in this morning and am half a pound UNDER my goal weight, so now it is on to maintenance.

    I would like to say, thank you to the OP, because it was only them posting this thread that made me think "perhaps that is what I should do to try and shift these last three pounds", so I posted on this thread that I would like to join in and pride kept me from falling - oh my, sometimes pride has its place and is a wondrous thing!

    Just wanted to report in xxxxxxx
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Well I weighed in this morning, have now reached my goal weight, so this week, for me, was a huge success. The push was joining in with this, the OPs suggesting not to go over our daily calories, not to even go into our exercise calories and for me, it worked a treat.

    I had just under 3lbs to go when I started this Monday just gone, I weighed in this morning and am half a pound UNDER my goal weight, so now it is on to maintenance.

    I would like to say, thank you to the OP, because it was only them posting this thread that made me think "perhaps that is what I should do to try and shift these last three pounds", so I posted on this thread that I would like to join in and pride kept me from falling - oh my, sometimes pride has its place and is a wondrous thing!

    Just wanted to report in xxxxxxx

    That is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooo friggin proud of you!!!!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Exercise burned 706 calories, I only ate 44 of that. Pretty good for me!!! YAYAY then we're on for next week? That's GREAT
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I am just finding this challenge, and I would love for us to do this during the upcoming week. I find that if I eat en extra 100 calories past the 1200 calories I am allowed, weight loss is difficult; but if I stay under, I lose weight. This challenge would be great for me.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Well my official weigh in is tomorrow, but I am down 2.6! that's incredible considering its either 1, zero or a gain! Sure, I'd love to do it again next week. Excluding Thursday, but then right back to counting through next weekend.
    Thanks everyone for your participation and support.
  • SkierElle
    Well I burned 3800 calories this week, and lost 2.5 lbs in 6 days!! didn't really touch them except one day, that is if my count is accurate! Also, great job Lotus Flower!!! that is amazing!! you are INSPIRING!!

    I am going to do it partially this week, I am going to be burning a lot more than 3500 as I am starting insanity, so I'll probably eat half of the exercise cals.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    good luck starting insanity! let me know how you like it. i am going to do it this week too. I will dip into my exercise calories only if I need to. I want to try to not eat more than half of them on any given day.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    wow a lot of you did awesome and had great losses!! i definitely didn't exercise as much as I should have... I'm up for trying again this week (except for Thursday!) and I'm planning to up my exercise again! i don't even come close to the level of exercise some of you are at! slow and steady :-)
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    If this challenge is still going on next week, I would like to join it. Most days I don't eat until my exercise calories, except on the weekends. Since I'm so close to goal weight, the pounds are starting to come off really slow, so next Monday, I'm going to start a new exercise routine, a modified version of the p90x and I'm not going to eat any of my exercise calories (not even on the weekends), until Christmas.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Leela, you've done a really cool thing here. Instead of asking for some person to tell you what to do, you decided to see for yourself how your body reacts and invited others to join. Way to go!

    I can think of three.reasons why people experienced such success.
    1. Not eating exercise calories causes a bigger calorie deficit
    2. Often we over estimate the number of exercise calories we burn, so if you eat them all back, you are seriously narrowing your deficit or going over on your calories without knowing.
    3. Changing up your routine really does work.

    Just some calorie-free food for thought. I don't typically eat my exercise calories either.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    If this challenge is still going on next week, I would like to join it. Most days I don't eat until my exercise calories, except on the weekends. Since I'm so close to goal weight, the pounds are starting to come off really slow, so next Monday, I'm going to start a new exercise routine, a modified version of the p90x and I'm not going to eat any of my exercise calories (not even on the weekends), until Christmas.

    I'm in it with you. Although on most days this week, I am trying to keep my calories under 1200, Thanksgiving Day is not at all a guarantee to meet this goal.

    Let's start this again next week. I really believe not eating those exercise calories will help with stubborn weight loss.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm still in. I know that this week will be a little more challenging, but I am certainly up for the challenge. Last week, I lost more than I have in over 6 weeks. I hope not to blow it all on thanksgiving. I am going to eat generously on thanksgiving and modestly throughout the weekend. I want to go into December another 2- 3 pounds lighter, that would put me in a really good position for success for the rest of the year.

    So I'm looking at calories like money. If I have $12.00 for the whole day (1200 calories), you eat 250 calories (or $2.50) on breakfast, so that leaves me with $9.50 to "spend" on the rest of my snacks and meals. Well what happens when you run out of money (in real life), you don't get to eat! So you learn to spend your money wisely. $2.00 on a candy bar, or $2.00 on 3 ounces of chicken, a half of cup of brown rice and a half of cup of veggies. But what happens if you're still soooo hungry after your $12.00 are spent? You go to the bank and make a withdrawal. Burning 400 calories gives me back (up to) 4 more dollars to spend. But I try not to make withdrawals unless its mandatory!

    Kristen, I know what you mean, I didn't exercise as much last week either. I don't think it was really intentional though.

    Stewie, thats a long time to go without eating your exercise calories, esp whie doing p90x, so please be careful. When I do double zumba on wednesdays, I usually eat back a few hundred calories so I don't have a headache or dizzy spell.

    Elaine- I want to start off by saying, great name! It's my mom's name and my daughter's middle name. You're right about overestimating the number of exercise calories we burn, but also, we UNDERestimate the number of calories we eat. I have a hrm and a digital food scale and I try to keep everything as accurate as possible, but there's always room for error. Thanks for your feedback.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Elaine- I want to start off by saying, great name! It's my mom's name and my daughter's middle name. You're right about overestimating the number of exercise calories we burn, but also, we UNDERestimate the number of calories we eat. I have a hrm and a digital food scale and I try to keep everything as accurate as possible, but there's always room for error. Thanks for your feedback.

    My grandmother's name was Elaine, and my mother's middle name is Elaine. Small world! ;-)

    I got really tired of weighing and measuring things, so I made it a game. When eating at home, I dish out the portions and THEN weigh/measure them. This helps train my portion control for when I'm eating out, and very often I need to add food to the portion I initially dished once it is weighed/measured (supporting your claim on under-reporting calories consumed), and that makes me feel like I am getting more food to eat.

    The fact that this whole calorie thing IS so inexact (are you sure that you got exactly 1/8 of the chicken in that pot of chicken soup, or did you get more of the carrots in your portion?) is what drives me nuts when people freak out at people who eat near the 1200 mark. It isn't like your body is digital, and can tell 1199 from 1200!