Saving exercise calories (challenge)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    if you are worried about the starvation mode. Go one week without eating the exercise cals. then the second week eat them, and third week don't. on and on. I wonder what would happen? I think I'm going to try that.
    There are a few days a week that I will burn 1000 or more calories. After next week, I will try to eat half my exercise calories if I burn over 500. Anything under 500, I will consider a bonus.

    Kgaylord, I will be checking back in a week, as well as throughout the week, esp if I need some added motivation. I'll just briefly recap my week and tell everyone how its going. If its harder than I thought, easier, or not much different. Wednesday is going to be really hard for me.

    Judy, congrats on your loss!

    Thanks everyone for the responses.
  • stina1985
    I'm going to try this also! After a dissapointing weigh in this morning, I am going to not eat any of my exercise calories this week and see what the result is... I shall let you know next Monday! xx
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    weighed in this morning and was floored by the number. I hope to have a much better week. I won't share the start number, but I will certainly share the difference by next Monday.
    I planned out my food for the whole day. as long as nothing horrible goes wrong, I should be fine for day 1.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Starting November 15th (My son's 3rd Birthday)
    I am weighing in at 149.8 pounds. Hope to have a big difference next monday!!!
    Good luck to all of us!!!!

    Leela you will do GREAT I'm sure!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    weighed in this morning and was floored by the number. I hope to have a much better week. I won't share the start number, but I will certainly share the difference by next Monday.
    I planned out my food for the whole day. as long as nothing horrible goes wrong, I should be fine for day 1.

    It's good that you plan your meals for the day!!!! I try to do that as well and I see a bigger difference when I have meals planned. I also try to have all my dinners planned for the week. It helps impulse buying at the grocery store because I know EXACTLY what I am making and what ingredients I need. GOOD LUCK!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    day one was a success!! hope everyone else made it through today!! and have a good tomorrow!
  • SkierElle
    me too! day one = success! and this last week I lost exactly 2lbs so hoping to see the same or more next Monday!
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Leela, You know I am in... I have been on this plateau for months now, and I decided to give that a try. I started the 30 day shred with Jillian and its pretty hard, but I actually like it. So I will weigh in tommorrow (16th Nov 2010) Good look to all.
  • CharlieWolt
    I would love to join in! I started out really motivated, and I still am, but I think in a 'group' challenge, it'll be harder to fail at this, cos you have to live up to this!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    C) to try to end the debate of whether to eat or not to eat your exercise calories.

    I doubt this little experiment of yours is going to end the debate. It isn't scientific, there are no controls, and way too many factors that could affect the weight loss. Plus, one week and handful of volunteers is in no way determinative as to what all people trying to lose weight should do.

    who's a little black cloud on a sunny day?
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    girl if i could break 300 this week i will do a happy dance

    i bet you can, or you can get really, really close!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kristen, Ski, glad you both had a successful first day! So did I!
    Thanks for the newcomers. We need all the support we can get!
    My meals are loosely planned again today. I will allow for slight variations along the way that will keep me under.
  • runs10k
    count me in as well
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    How's everyone getting on?

    I haven't done any training yesterday or today so had no bonus calories not to eat! Have managed to stay in or around 1200. So far so good. Hoping to get training tomorrow so will make sure I stay away from those exercise calories!
  • SkierElle
    getting on AWESOMEly! haha. I am trying to burn at least 3500 cals this week, so far (since sunday) I am at 1400, havent worked out yet today but I am planning for 600 tonight, then 600 tomrw, thursday too, then friday whatevers left. Sat will probably be a leisurly bike ride as long as I get all 3500 by then :) yay. it sounds like a lot but its really not that hard and sometimes I ride my bike to campus (6 miles) so I count that too. but I dont record lifting weights.

    does anyone have a calorie goal for exercise, other than just a time goal? I like the calorie goal better because then if I dont have as much time I can just push harder and get it all done in 30 mins instead of 45 (or whatever).
  • sairanasir
    sairanasir Posts: 54 Member
    Count me in - i am never sure wheter to eat all my exercise calories!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    My calorie burn that's set up is 525 daily. Yesterday I didn't burn many and today I'm going to shoot for atleast 525. I know tomorrow I will more than double that number wtih the two zumba classes that I do on Wednesday. So I haven't set up a goal for the week. I just want to try to hit 525 or close daily. I don't want to slack on my exercise because I know I'm not eating those calories. And as someone said, I don't want to get headaches or dizzy from too much exercise and not enough calories being eaten. But I want to stay around what I would do on a normal week when I give myself the freedom to enjoy my exercise calories.

    My workout week looks as follows:
    Monday- (60 minutes) stability ball class at the gym
    Tuesday- (atleast 45 minutes) exercise videos from home
    wed- 2 hours of zumba plus 30 minutes of cardio
    Thurs- rest or something from home (30 minutes)
    Friday- Sunday: 45- 60 minutes of cardio at gym
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    i made it through day 2 successfully but the rest of this week is going to be a challenge! I'm going to a Caps hockey game tonight and get to go into the free food and drink section before the game (eek!)... Saturday is my fiance's birthday and we're going to another Caps hockey game and then out to a bar after... and then Sunday is my fiance's mom's thanksgiving celebration (yes I have to survive TWO thanksgivings!)... Definitely glad I joined this competition or I would have definitely been going over this week!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kristen, I'm glad you made it through day 2. Wednesdays and Saturdays are going to be my hardest challenge too. Have fun at the hockey games. Maybe you can have a light breakfast and lunch (don't skip them entirely), so you can have some calories left for the event. This has definitely made me more aware of everything I eat. I have been mindful of every calorie, and usually I'm an emotional eater or mainly just eating out of boredom. So I have to lock the kitchen up and only drink water the rest of the night Went to bed early last night, probably for the reasons I mentioned aboved. It was the only way I was going to survive yesterday successfully.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks for the support Leela! I went over by 50 calories (not too bad since I only get 1200) and I'm actually very proud of myself because before I started MFP I would have eaten probably twice my total calorie amount. It was hard to resist eating all of the free food and I probably shouldn't have had the bite of cookie (at least I didn't eat the whole thing!), but overall still very proud of myself!

    I hope you did well last night also! And I've put myself to bed to stop the eating before too! Or I go brush my teeth!