
There have been quite a few posts recently about people feeling like they've let themselves down and gone over their goals by 500-1000. Whilst having been on MFP I've had my share of bad days, and when I've gone about 1000 calories over, that's because I kept my log in mind and didn't make it any worse! I've definitely had at least 2 days where I've probably been 2000 over (if not more :embarassed: omg I hope not more...).

My question is - have you all had days like THAT or am I just really, really greedy?! (lol actually I know I am, I meant greedier than everyone else :tongue: ) I don't seem to see many posts owning up to that much of a binge!

ps. to anyone reading this who's been posting about a rough weekend - I'm definitely not trying to belittle your anxiety! If anything I hope this makes you feel a little better :wink:


  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    yeah i have them and i feel bad like i let myself down. How is the weather over in London?
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    67lb loss! Woah well done - I see those bad days haven't done you too much harm :drinker:
    Weather's not particularly pleasant. Cold and dark and frosty, not in a cosy way! How's it wherever you are?
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lol I've had my share of bad days, and have several times gone on huge binges that have left me 2000 + cals over. I always feel so afwful afterwards, that that in itself is enough to get me back on the straight and narrow.
    Your not alone!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    very cold in Minnesota like 20 below wind chill
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Absolutely. I tend to go over my goals especially during the weekends... and not by a little, by about 1000 to 2000. Many times I feel all the hard work and unsatisfying low calories weekdays diet is just to shed the pounds i gain over weekends. :grumble:
  • cracky
    cracky Posts: 15
    Yep. Been there... often. I do feel bad for those days, but they are easy to do. I would have gone well over 2000 + the other night having a couple of quiet drinks with friends... a couple of beers and chips and dip will send anyone well over!

    But all of those bad feelings after a day of bad eating are out weighed by the satisfaction out of having a good day!
  • eorcel
    eorcel Posts: 22 Member
    I find if you eat meat, you may go over your calorie count. Also, it sounds like you've had some take out foods. You might want to check the options you can eat at a restaurant at MFP before you go out to eat. My low glycemic diet includes soy and veggies and I never tend to consume over 800 calories most days.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I sometimes go over by up to 1000 or so, but not really more than that. It's really infrequent and usually happens when some surprises come up. My mom came over about a week ago and we pretty much only ate out for a couple of days.
    Now I have been at my mom's place for about a week now and I haven't bothered to count any calories. I've just eaten when hungry! Surprisingy, I have come down about 4 pounds during this week, so I guess my half a year of religious portion control is paying off and I don't need to eat so much anymore.. I won't log any weight loss before I can get on my own scale though..
    It is a bit alarming though, since I don't have that much to lose anymore...

    So.. That can happen even to a "former binge eater". I used to eat anything I could lay my hands on..
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    You're not the only greedy person on here, I am at least as greedy as you are ;-)

    People who take a look at my diary might think I am not dedicated to this weight loss, as I am over calories most days, like a few and up to 300 or more calories. Very very seldom I manage to stay under calorie. With this, I still lose weight, I haven't seen a weight gain since mid September.

    I have had days with a plus of 500 and up to 1000 calories. I don't think I had more than that, can't remember. I don't beat myself up for this, I don't even regret it. Strange enough, with weeks including a so-called bad day, I tend to lose more weight than others. That's why I don't call them bad days, I prefer to call it living!

    I won't be counting calories for the rest of my life, I won't be missing anything food-wise or party-wise for the rest of my life, and if that includes days of 3000 or more calories, then be it! I just need to be a good girl those days I have no special occasions.

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Guilty!!!! I am over by lots lately :blushing: I was very good until I reached goal weight in August and now i'm trying to maintain....... I am finding maintaining a real challenge!!! some days, especially recently with all the festivities, i have had days when i am way over by more than 2000 calories OMG..... and once i start eating the wrong foods i cant stop :sad: (its as if i've started so i will make up for everything that i have missed out on and eat everything in sight, even if i don't like it) what has happened to my willpower??? but then I manage to get back on track (big sigh of relief). I do not know if this is normal behaviour (don't think so) none of my friends can consume as many calories as i can lol
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm totally greedy. For example, this weekend my fiance's uncle took us out to eat and I totally pigged out at this fantastic Italian restuarant. To make matters worse, the restaurant had HUGE portion sizes. I dove into the bread basket, tried to offset it with a salad, but the main course was so humungous (sp?) that I totally blew my calorie count for that day, just by one meal. To make matters worse, I've got a large container of leftovers waiting for me at home.

    I'm going to go to the gym this afternoon to try to offset eating it. The food is great, so I don't want to just throw it away!*boo hooing*

  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    once i start eating the wrong foods i cant stop :sad: (its as if i've started so i will make up for everything that i have missed out on and eat everything in sight, even if i don't like it) what has happened to my willpower??? but then I manage to get back on track (big sigh of relief). I do not know if this is normal behaviour (don't think so) none of my friends can consume as many calories as i can lol

    This is me! Exactly! lol hmm yeah I don't think it's normal, although this is how my sister and mum eat too.

    All the replies have definitely made me feel better, thanks everyone! It's good to see it's not just me who goes ridiculously overboard every now and again
  • ironmule2042
    I've definitely had days I've gone over but I can usually limit to less than 100 over on any given day. However I do try to give myself a cheat day once a week where I am sure I go 1000+ over on that day. On those days I stick to my normal healthy breakfast and lunch but I eat a good dinner without being concerned about calories. the next morning I go right back to my normal habits.

    Making that cheat day a semi-regular scheduled (once a week) keeps me from losing my focus on my healthy lifestyle by giving me the break I need. I'm less likely to have days where I exceed.

    Don't feel greedy. We all need to indulge ourselves once in a while. :-)