teeminus30 Member


  • On good days, I'm under. It's hard to hit the nail on the head. As long as you aren't too far under all the time so your body thinks it's starving and stores up fat, you should be cool.
  • My bad. I'm on the West Coast. Maybe you already had dinner. I'd leave those cals on the table. If you want something, 1/2 a bag of Pop Secret Homestyle popcorn is 70 cals.
  • Take a walk. Do some FitTV. Hit the gym. Burn some calories and earn some dinner.
  • I forgot the suggestions. I eat a lot of Lean Cuisine for lunches and snacks. They have these spring rolls that feel like a treat. You get to eat 3 for 200 calories. CJs mini wontons, available at Costco, are really good and I'm a foodie. You can eat 12 for 150 calories. We eat them with brown rice or make them into wonton…
  • For me seeing how many calories were in things helped in the beginning. If I ate better I could eat more and still lose weight. Then I started to lose weight and everywhere I go, everyone I know tells me how great I look. 8 more lbs and I get to go shopping. I say get the junk out of the house. I used to drink a lot of…
  • I love this post. I have the same attitude. I treat myself. It's the only way I can be successful. I've learned to take one bite of something yummy. If I have calories left at the end of the day, I have dessert. And once a week I eat something fabulous even if I am over calories for the day. I shave those calories off a…
  • I used to drink a lot of calories too, lattes, coca-cola, evening drink. Now I only drink water and treat myself with a lower cal latte occasionally and cocktails only on special occasions (which I think I have down to once a week). You and I have very similar goals. My goal weight is 144. I'm in the 150s now. Do I get to…
  • You can do it. MFP makes it easy. The more you exercise the more you get to eat. I love food and I hate diets but I've lost 15.5lbs. If I can do it anybody can. Once you get going you'll get in a groove.
  • MFP is FREE! I've never done WW. I've heard great things about it. MFP is FREE! Plus, it's the easiest diet I've ever been on. I don't feel like I'm dieting. I don't have to eat diet food. I'm learning about the calories in things and portion sizes. I'm making smarter choices. I want to exercise because that means I can…
  • I think weight training is a good idea as part of your overall plan. Muscle does weigh more than fat but it also helps you burn fat. Yes, do some weight training but everything in moderation. If your food is in line and you're getting your cardio you should not gain weight. I'm focused on the weight loss right now. I am…
  • At first I was motivated by a friend. Then it was the results. The feeling better. Now, I'm loving the compliments.
  • I once had a trainer who wanted me to drink a gallon a day. I could never do it but here are some tricks that helped me get to 8+. 1. Drink a glass first thing in the morning. Before you do anything else. 2. Don't let yourself have any other beverage until you have gotten your eight glasses (exceptions can be made for one…
  • Uhm.........SHOP!
  • I don't like it when people get preach-y and I am not over the top religious but my favorite church song goes like this, "This joy I have, the world didn't give it to me (repeat 2x). The world didn't give it, the world can't take it away"! Don't let them steal your joy. It looks to me like you are making great progress.…