Having a rough time....

I am just down.. having a rough time staying on track and the motivation is not there this time around, I want to re join the gym, just not sure I can justify the cost, I have work out videos but I tend to not work out at home..sigh, if it were warm id go for a walk or a run but its pretty cold out there...lol..sigh.. I am in a slump, I want to lose weight... I just need to work harder at it!


  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    Hang in there!! I totally understand the way you are feeling. If you can get the gym membership--- DO IT! You have to make you a priority or you won't be as effective as you could be. We love you here girl.... DON'T GIVE UP ON YOU!! You deserve to be happy, healthy and in control of your health!!!
  • teeminus30
    teeminus30 Posts: 14 Member
    You can do it. MFP makes it easy. The more you exercise the more you get to eat. I love food and I hate diets but I've lost 15.5lbs. If I can do it anybody can. Once you get going you'll get in a groove.
  • Chunky77Monkey
    Start small. Take a few minutes each morning or even in the evening and do 10 jumping jacks, squats, push-ups or something that does not require any equipment. This will help you to start a routine and then you can slowly increase the number of reps.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    stay strong! you can do this....remind yourself everyday that you will not loose this battle!
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    Do you have a smartphone with the MFP app? For the life of me I could not get 'started' on my diet/exercise until a friend showed me the app. Once I had that on my phone, it became so easy (almost OCD-ish) to enter everything I ate anywhere on my phone and that really helped me get the diet part going.
  • jmbender4
    If you can afford it Join a gym !! Exercise boosts your mood ! When my kids were younger, just putting them in childcare for an hour or so a day boosted my mood.
  • sherylereikat1
    Try joining your local Y, no contract so its easier to justify the cost. I procrastinate on everything but I did get to the gym and every time I go I give myself a pat on the back. I keep in mind how good I felt after a workout and how much I get done at home after a workout. Energizes me to do chores I have of course put off. Just keep telling yourself you are worth the cost. Its hard to think that way for me since I have 2 teens at home but I have to do it for me.
  • avongodess
    I find that if I talk to people (friends, family etc... and "I" know that they know I am trying to do this, it is motivation for me to keep going. I have a hard time getting motivated sometimes too. But then I have days like today where I get up, put on my pants that were getting too uncomfortably tight and I can tell they are looser. So it makes you want to keep going. I actually thought I blew it today myself. Between my lunch and supper. but I was still good. I did my 1 hr of yoga this morning, so that allowed me the extra 206 calories. So I was good.
  • smalltowngirl504
    Thanks ladies, I was debating going to do the shred right now, simply because I am bored and have nothing else to do....I just cannot bring myself to want to do it ...

    I dont have hand weights anymore, so I tell myself well whats the point without hand weight, I know that there still is one..sigh.. I need to just go do it, its a measly 20 minutes of my night!!

    I have an andriod, do they have a MFP app, I joined WW, and it was a waste of money I do not like it!!!!

    We dont have a Y anymore, ours shut down... The gym I go to is a locally owned one its nice..I just gotta find the get up and go that I had last year.. Ive gained 10 lbs since May 2010, and 6 of that in the last month and a half... I stayed under 1200 calories today .. so thats a plus... I just need to go work out a little!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I started to slip into a rut, then I changed it up A LOT :tongue:
    Zumba and intervals, and I'm back in the game :wink:

    Don't give up...get moving first thing & don't think too much on it...get moving & don't stop :flowerforyou:
  • sdornbush
    I feel your pain girl! I have been telling my husband for months that I need to loose these 15-20 lbs then the next thing I know I'm shoving a cheeseburger and fries down my throat! Not anymore! MFP makes it soooo easy. By seeing what I have eaten through the day I am more conscientious about my choices. I am struggling changing my mind into learning that it's ok to eat the 1200 calories because for so long I have been starving myself basically. I love this program and I am hopeful that it will help me loose the weight and be ready for the beach this summer!
  • mcop64
    mcop64 Posts: 1
    Maybe I'm not the right person (just joined 2 days ago, so I'm kind of inspired an everything) but what I do is that I use every freaking minute to do something like if I'm getting ready to take a bath well I do like 30 sit ups, if I'm cooking in the kitchen the I do another 30 sit ups and run in the same place until out of breath and so on ... :flowerforyou: Hang on in there!!
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    Yep, I have the droid as well and they do have an MFP App. It's a step behind the iphone app unfortunately (so no additional community functionality) but the diet/exercise tracking works great! And it's free so very easy to start using it.
  • smalltowngirl504
    I just downloaded it, So thank you very much !!

    Thank you guys so much for all your kind words, I really do appreciate it.!!! we are going to the beach in august, Id like to hit my goal weight by then, so I dont feel and look like a slob, if I get back to the gym I know I can do it, I run about 5 miles on the elliptical before doing machines for arms , abs and legs... Hopefully next week will bring a gym membership!!!
  • smalltowngirl504
    I just downloaded it, So thank you very much !!

    Thank you guys so much for all your kind words, I really do appreciate it.!!! we are going to the beach in august, Id like to hit my goal weight by then, so I dont feel and look like a slob, if I get back to the gym I know I can do it, I run about 5 miles on the elliptical before doing machines for arms , abs and legs... Hopefully next week will bring a gym membership!!!
  • petey49
    petey49 Posts: 58 Member
    smalltowngirl504. Start slow. You don't need a gym or fancy weights. Commit to walking in place or using a step (just up and down) for 10 minutes today. You can do this while watching TV, the time will fly. Once you did today give yourself a big hug. Tomorrow do another 10 minutes. If you miss tomorrow, do it the day after. You can slowly work up the time and go faster. Grab two filled water bottles or tin cans or anything you can hold comfortably. Instant hand weights. Move your arms around, mimicing the gym machines while walking. Boosts cardio, burns more calories andreally tones the arms.

    The problem I found with the gym is I would start too fast, too hard, too heavy and after 2 days miss a day, then I would find reasons/excuses not to go. I have no reason not to get up and walk on my step or in place for 10 minutes while the tube is on. The nice thing is TV has a built-in timer as well.
  • ajinks7
    ajinks7 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm right there with you in this struggle but I keep starting over everyday, my goal is to put together 2-3 good days in a row. I did very nice last year. I lost more inches than weight but all my clothes were to big and then I had rotator cuff surgery in October and my eating/dieting has been off center every since. If I don't exercise I gain weight.
    I have started back at tthe gym now and I'm doing zumba at home to keep variety in my workout.
    I also wish it was warm outside so I could go for a walk after dinner but it will be soon enough ...... we just need to keep pushing everyday, log everything we eat and not give up.

    We will suceed.

    I have lost 9 pounds but you know they say the first 5 lbs is water but i'll take it.:flowerforyou: .
  • smalltowngirl504
    Its so nice to hear your advice and your stories.!!

    I did a 10 minute cardio kickboxing video, I am sweating like crazy, I did some situps, I plan to do a 15 minute ab video here soon as well... :) Im glad I found some stuff on youtube... Starting slow is a good idea, I do the same thing I jump in head first!!!