

  • very difficult to find unsweetened almond milk in canada, isn't that odd? safeway in the states has it right on the shelf, not in a canadian safeway - only heavily sweetened vanilla.
  • Brides on a Mission: August 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm yo-yo-ing since returning from my parents house about a week ago, i think i'm up 1 or 2 pounds. Cutting all alcohol out of my diet would really help! But it's just so nice to have a beverage in summer! 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just…
  • ladies, my first fitting is august 2nd also! exact same day! and i'm nowhere NEAR ready...i keep telling myself it's a corset back so it's all fine, but really, IT IS NOT FINE!!! Eeks, the fitting is happening MUCH sooner than i expected because my best friend is here from the UK and wants to see the dress, perhaps I won't…
  • Brides on a Mission: JULY 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: zip, well i'm yo-yoing a bit and i'm not sure why, i've been up 2 lbs for about a month and i can't seem to shake them, grrr!!! engagement photos in two weeks and i would feel more comfortable back at 143. 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just…
  • It's been a while, so I thought I'd give all my stats again... 1. Name: Krista 2. Age: 23, copy and pasting from green piano keys, oh i wish i was still 23 - 26 is the real answer 3. City: Vancouver, BC Canada 4. Occupation: Manager at Non-profit, work with babies, love my job! 5. Wedding date: February 19, 2012 6. Fiancés…
  • Hi girls, sorry I missed last week because I was on vacation Brides on a Mission: MAY 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none, no change. I hadn't been on the scale for 8 days and normally I'm a daily weigher. I was SO nervous this morning, but I'm the same as when I left. Turns out if you balance extra booze with only…
  • haha i hate when people do this, i am a fan of trashy girly tv and i watch real housewives, i don't know if you've ever seen nene leakes from real housewives of atlanta, but LORD someone needs to tell her to WEAR A BRA!!!
  • Thanks ladies for the words of wisdom. My surgeon is actually a family friend and he recommends breastfeeding for a month maximum, i could afford a new set in 10-14 years, I just wouldn't want to have to pay to get them re-done in like 5-6 years after kids. He does do the incision around the nipple, but he said his record…
  • Brides on a Mission: week 16 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none, TOO MANY WEEKS LIKE THIS!!! not sure what to try to do differently! 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got the ring :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just…
  • Brides on a Mission: week 16: 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none, HUGE plateau, i'm not sure my body will let me weigh less than 143 lbs! 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My favourite Aunty is able to make it to the wedding, which is very exciting for me:) Went on…
  • Hi all, Wow! Has another week flown by already?! I hope some of you with weddings coming soon will still check back to see the action for a few more months and keep this going!!! I love to hear all the good ideas and it keeps me motivated to just keep slugging away and checking in on wedding stuff!!! I have always been…
  • Eeks should totally be getting ready for work this morning but instead I can't get off the Brides on a Mission thread, hehe. Brides on a Mission: week 14 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: technically none...weird week - gained 2, lost 2 - will try to be more consistent with LOTS of water in case I'm retaining some. 2.…
  • Hey Brides, just reading the updates and will be posting my own response shortly, thought I would make a few comments first. Overall had a really great week, so hopefully I can spread my good feeling to all of you! @wannabrn10: I find (for working out now and when I used to have to do homework), the only thing that brings…
  • My friend is an Ob-Gyn and she says if you're in child-bearing years it's more bang for your buck to take prenatal vitamins even if not pregnant or planning to conceive. Typically, the no-name ones are just as good as the more expensive Materna or other brands. They have increased iron and folates, which young women need.…
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! seriously! that you're sticking to your vision on this one too!!!!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 13 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none! my weight has been creeping up, i've gained about 1.5 lbs, not sure why, but I'm doing my darnedest not to let it affect me mentally to the point where i just give up. started jillian michaels 30 day shred yesterday, hopefully that helps! 2. Highlight…
  • So I think I've made my final decision for the photography: We already have $1100 as part of our wedding package towards photography. I will then pay an additional $2400 (total for photography $3500) and will get a 9 1/2 x 13 inch 70 page leather custom (embossed with our names, wedding date and location) that is digitally…
  • Haha, I guess I'm just in love with this photographer and it's affecting my judgement!!! Haha I have a long time to make this decision, there are many other cheaper packages. That is up to an ADDITIONAL $4000, we already have $1100 towards the photographer through our ceremony package. I know I'm nuts but photos are THE…
  • Brides on a Mission: week 12 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none...don't know what's going on with me 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): it went by quickly? haha not the best week of my life! 3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need…
  • my mother-in-law is italian and she showed me how to make tiramisu from sweetened condensed milk and cream cheese as an alternative to mascapone (i think she does this as a remnant from her younger days when raising lots of hungry kids on a budget). it is also one of my favourites until i watched her make it at which point…
  • Glad to hear you're able to have that excellent photographer - i think a good photographer is one of the most important things!!! Fortunately, the guy I was interested in in Maui was available for our day, and came as part of the ceremony package at the hotel we're getting married at - so it makes it a better deal,…
  • TOTALLY HEAR YOU honey!!!! My "fiance" and I (don't have a ring yet, so I don't feel right using that term), just decided about 3 weeks ago to get married next year, and we've been on a whirlwind ever since - we (or should I say I, really he didn't do any work!) already made and sent out the invitations. And before that,…
  • greenpianokeys: i checked out the photographer you love, trust me she's worth the extra $500!!!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 11 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: same, maybe even gained a half pound or so, arg!!! i did insanity with the bf a couple times this week but that's really all i did. 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): putting the deposit down on the ceremony…
  • the ingredient in chips and stuff is MSG (monosodium g... something) - it gives me immediate effects - headache, numbness of the mouth, foggy and lethargic feeling, like immediately, but it's in LOTS of things - pretty much anything you didn't make yourself that's salty. also, i have an ongoing problem with iron…
  • Thanks ladies - we just broke this to the parents about a week ago. So my parents are saying they'll pay 1/3-1/2 as they're not quite sure what the budget looks like yet, but they're super generous so i'm thinking more like 1/2. However, we're moving REALLY quickly so we're already anticipating putting deposits down to…
  • I just read all the updates ladies. Thanks, and your gut was right. I did hear back from the event planner at the venue we originally wanted, and we also got some other news - an additional $5000 charge, so we are definitely looking into different venues. How do people afford to get married?! Arg, I'm going to have to sell…