Brides on a Mission: Week 11



  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm having honeymoon airfare blues!! Why is it going to cost $600 to fly roundtrip to Disney? :-(

    If you are going to Disney, you should probobly wait till closer to the date, It gets cheaper closer you get until about 6 weeks out then the prices sky rocket. I flew cross country all the time, so don't get too bumed and give yourself some more time... oh and make sure you use travelocity, they have the best fares, or southwest.... good luck :)
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 11

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 2.5 pounds lost

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Received a free "bridal" makeover with Mary Kay that I won from one of the random wedding shows I went to this past year. It was pretty fun! I still get another appointment for a full makeover in a few weeks! But I feel bad because I already have a makeup artist lined up for the wedding day, but it feels good to be fawned over for a little bit and feel like a bride!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Finding out that I may or may not have a job in a few months from now (which happens to be one month before the wedding). Hello stressful week, which is where I think the weight loss came from this week.

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Theme- indoor (because it's way too hot to be outside in June)/shabby chic; ceremony at a church and the reception in an area of a museum that looks like a loft with exposed brick-- helps with the shabby chic feel; probably will have between 150 and 175 attend; most excited about seeing my groom/best friend/person I love the most at the end of the aisle and becoming Mr. & Mrs. that day!

    5. Any wedding news updates: Had to move the final food tasting to next month due to scheduling conflicts... was really looking forward to that this week!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: Feeling that nothing is going to work out properly but turning that into a positive to think "well I tried my best and if it doesn't work out, then it isn't meant to be and that there are greater plans in the works for me" and focus on one day at a time.

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Be more aware of it and start looking to the positive in the situation... what was it that Pollyanna always did in the movie-- look to the glad and see the positive/happy in people and things.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): One of my fav recipes is steaming snow peas and carrots (separately), add a little bit of butter (spray or light version) to coat and sprinkle some dill on top. We love the flavors together! I'm sure I can think of another one, but this one is quick and easy! For some slow cook recipes, there are some great slow cook recipes in the recipe forum!

    9. Weekly wrap up: The wedding plans are coming along, I'm hoping to get to the gym this week since last week was a complete bust from Wednesday on. I was happy with myself on our overnight trip to Indy for a supercross motorcyle race for not going crazy on food and such despite the stress I was under... the hotel we stayed at had the best fresh fruit I've ever had at a hotel!!
  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I will weigh tomorrow- probably won't lose much, I had a weird weekend!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I went to a zumba party with my mom on Friday night. 3 hours of zumba- it was a blast!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): STILL waiting (impatiently) to move into my apartment. I thought it would be this weekend, but the carpent is still backordered. :( I NEED to get out of my house!!

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): We are going for a vintage feel to our wedding. We are actually having the reception in an old barn, and the entire wedding will be on the property of an old farm house. :) The woman who owns it converted the barn for wedding receptions. She put in chandeliers, a candle wall, and I am just SO excited. It is small(ish) for my family size, so we HAVE to stay under 200, which is really really hard!! I am most looking forward to marring the man of my dreams, I seriously cannot wait. The one thing I am nervous about, though, is my mother on my wedding day. Just for an example: I am very laid back and she is FREAKING out about the wedding. My dad says he is going to try to get her on some sort of medication before the wedding. let's hope that happens. (She is already having nightmares about something going wrong on the big day!)

    5. Any wedding news updates: We are ordering my invitations over Spring Break. We are finalizing my list currently.

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I have bad food days- and sometimes i just have to think- Okay, I am going to have a great work out to burn all that off! :)

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: I am almost always a positive person. If you have difficulties with this, you should read the book Change the way you see everything, it literally changed my life.

    Here's the link if you're interested! :)

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge : Hmm.. didn't do it. I love making "hobo dinners" in the oven. Just wrap a chicken breast, chopped up potatoes, carrots, and all your favorite veggies and seasonings. pop it in the oven at 350 for about an hour, and you have a delicious healthy meal with no clean up, and almost no effort! :)

    9. Weekly wrap up: If you read earlier about my mom, you understand my need to move out of my house. My fiance is really struggling with it too. He wants to move far, far away now! I figure once i'm out of the house, it will get much better. IF that ever happens!!!! :-/ So anywho- I am just tired and ready to be out, and be able to cook my own meals and make my own decisions.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brides on a Mission:
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I haven't measured, my TOM is Tomorrow so I'll measure next week

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got some serious fiance time this weekend

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I had 2 cervical biopsies

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Outdoors, inexpensive, beautiful and natural/eco-friendly

    5. Any wedding news updates: I have the money for my wedding!!!!!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I'm always going to be broke

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Just work a little harder

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!):

    Mexican Salsa

    1 Can black beans rinsed
    1 Can corn nibblets rinsed
    1 red bell pepper
    1 bag of Tostitos scoops
    light zesty italian dressing

    mix the first three together, add some italian for taste (not to runny) and scoop with the damn good, and healthy for can add onions, spices, what ever you want to it....
    9. Weekly wrap up: I did awesome working out last night, and sort of did ok last week. I worked out for 4 days last week, but went over my calories on the other 3 days.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: No weigh in this week

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Tech weekend for my show- Tech rehearsals are generally very stressful, but MAN, we have an awesome show! Can't wait till opening night!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Tech rehearsal weekend also meant, little sleep, no time to workout, and some convienient but cruddy food choices...

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): May of 2012, we're thinking of doing a retro-1960's theme. I wanted a small wedding, but he comes from a HUGE Irish Catholic family and his mother insists we invite them all. Instead of Bridesmaids, I have Brides-Adams. I am looking forward to finally being Mrs. Storm :)

    5. Any wedding news updates: My costume designer friend agreed to design and build my dress :)

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: "You've always been fat, you'll always be fat" to "You can be whatever you dream of- look how far you've come already!"

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Remembering that positive energy attracts positive energy :)

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I posted "Meganne's Magic Tuna Salad" on last week's thread :)

    9. Weekly wrap up: Living at the theatre this week- and it's exhausting, but I love it!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 11
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm down over 4 lbs from last week's weigh in..... I started some supplements that my brother gave me. He's a Phy Ed major, and loves his GNC products. Perhaps these are working in conjunction w/ my healthier eating and work-outs!!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I had my 2 year old Goddaughter overnight on Saturday, she is a ray of sunshine! Everytime I see her she has learned something new....
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): All is good...
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Style is elegant... Black bridesmaids dresses, pinstrip tux's for the guys.. with a pop of lime green. The location is rural Minnesota, God's Country as we call it. My family cabin is located there... so its about a 2 hour drive from Minneapolis. We're expecting around 300 guests. I'm looking forward to an amazing day just coming together! It will be fun seeing people enjoy themselves, and celebrating our love!!
    5. Any wedding news updates: Met with the florist: so.much.FUN!!!! Had food tasting: Picked stuffed chicken breast with hollandaise sauce and stuffed pork chops with a jim beam glaze for the main entres!! All the food was delicious! Went accessory shopping with my mom and mil, and bought my hair piece! And, we're onto our 3rd session of pre-marital counseling with the Pastor. This day is coming up in no time: less than 6 months!!!
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: Ha, I'm not sure.... My clothes aren't fitting any differently, but the number on the scale is showing a huge accomplishment!
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: I dont really struggle with negative thoughts. I love my body always, even my curves! I've never been a 'small' girl, so I've come to love myself, even with my curves! I do however feel good knowing I'm toning up, and that stupid number on the scale has a way of making a big impact! Currently, for the better!
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I didn't post a recipe, and meant to. Lately, I've been making up stir fry with chicken and fresh vegetables. I start frying the chicken in some evoo, and cut the vegetables and put them in a different pan. At the end I mix in some terreaki sauce, and YUM! Plus, it's low cal.. and I know everything that went into it!
    9. Weekly wrap up: Feeling good... My mini goal when I first started mfp was 170 by March 15th... Well we're here today and my scale this am said 170.8!!!!! Crazy! I'm feeling good, and liking this whole lifestyle change. I think with a wedding coming up it makes it that much easier to stay dedicated! The day after Christmas I was 188, and I was thinking "Holy Sh**, I've got a wedding coming up... what am I doing to myself." I kicked it into gear, watching what I eat, LOGGING what I eat, being more active and joining the spin classes.... and taking the stairs at work. It's really been paying off. I had wanted to be 170 for my wedding. But, not that I am .8 away from my 'ideal' weight.. I want to push through. Now, it's 165! I'll continue doing what I'm doing... and hopefully that scale keeps on dropping!

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement, even the post's to one another! It makes it easier to sign onto mfp and see positive thoughts. I'm glad we're all in this together!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My concern is the usher Geoff. My fiancé said he didn’t get anything at his sister and Geoff’s wedding….. So does that let us off the hook for him? Is the tie enough? I thought maybe giving him a copy of the wedding album too might be appreciated, like we’re doing with the Dads, since he and his sister live out of state and we don’t get see them very often.


    I'd just get him a framed picture of him and you two...or the 4 of you since he's married to your SIL...I think that whole photoalbum would be a bit much...but the ties are a great idea~
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Brides on a Mission: week 11 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Maintaining until after my wedding, which is in 18 days!!!!!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My mom, two best friends, and I went out to the Hard Rock and the Inner Harbor for my bachelorette "party". :]
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My sister couldn't join us because she had pink eye. :[
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): The theme of our wedding is kind of a mix of Irish and Hawaiian. Our wedding bands, and most of the favors have the claddaugh on them. Some favors, and our centerpieces have hibiscus flowers on them. Location will be the Sheraton Baltimore North in Towson, MD. We have approximately 85 people attending. Very small. I am most looking forward to being Mrs. Callaghan. :]
    5. Any wedding news updates: Everything is pretty much finalized, although i did just find out that my best friend Jeremy WILL be attending!!!
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I am not accomplishing anything by maintaining... I've accomplished so much already, and after the wedding I'll accomplish SO much more!
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Sticking to it, and getting back to losing after my wedding.
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I don't have one. Sorry. :[
    9. Weekly wrap up: I've been doing amazing at maintaining. I thought for sure I would fall off the wagon when I stopped being a carb nazi and I'd gain it all back, but I haven't!! And, less than 3 weeks to go! EEEEEKKK.
  • Here I go complaining about money again.....

    I'm so overwhelmed this week. Between school and wedding stuff, it's nuts.

    I despise the fact that this week, we are paying for airfare, paying the deposit for wedding cake, AND paying the deposit for the photographer.

    Seriously, that's $1200! Not to mention that our deposit for our caterer needs paid soon, and that itself is $500. My mind is BLOWN.

    I suppose I should just work on my homework, but I don't even want to do that cause I'm so stressed!!

    I think that this might possibly be the worst part of the wedding process!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 11 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Won't weight myself until next week. I want to get back into my gym routine first. I think my sick cough has finally gone away!:-)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I was happy that my measurements are getting smaller, even though I haven't been going to the gym as much as I would have liked. I'm going to have to take my dress pants in because they're getting too big and are looking sloppy.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Went to Bonanza's all you can eat buffet. Ate mostly salad, but splurged a little too much on the deserts. I'd rather spend my calories there, though!;-)

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Brown/Purple Paisley Theme, located in our church for the ceremony and reception, 150 guests invited, I'm most looking forward to seeing my fiance when I walk up the aisle on our wedding day. Not to mention the wedding night...(We're both virgins and decided to wait until then).*wink wink*

    5. Any wedding news updates: Paid for the honeymoon tonight. We're doing a 5 Night Carnival Canada/New England that departs from New York City, visits St. John's, New Brunswick, and Halifax, Nova Scotia. It will be our first cruise, so we're totally excited!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: Your stomach protrudes like a puffy hoagie bun (I say this when I look at myself in the mirror naked). Positive: Your stomach is so much flatter than when you've started. You're really making progress! Keep it up, girlfriend!

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: When I catch myself saying a negative though, I should pause and rephrase it as something positive.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I don't have a specific recipe suggestion, but I love the recipe website

    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm doing pretty good getting to the gym this week and I hope to see progress when I weigh in next time.

  • Here I go complaining about money again.....

    I'm so overwhelmed this week. Between school and wedding stuff, it's nuts.

    I despise the fact that this week, we are paying for airfare, paying the deposit for wedding cake, AND paying the deposit for the photographer.

    Seriously, that's $1200! Not to mention that our deposit for our caterer needs paid soon, and that itself is $500. My mind is BLOWN.

    I suppose I should just work on my homework, but I don't even want to do that cause I'm so stressed!!

    I think that this might possibly be the worst part of the wedding process!!

    TOTALLY HEAR YOU honey!!!!

    My "fiance" and I (don't have a ring yet, so I don't feel right using that term), just decided about 3 weeks ago to get married next year, and we've been on a whirlwind ever since - we (or should I say I, really he didn't do any work!) already made and sent out the invitations. And before that, of course, I had to confirm the location, so I put at $3200 deposit down on the ceremony site, on my credit card - EEEEEEEKK!!!! way more money than i had in my spending plans that's for sure!!!

    but it's only money and we only get married once right? i like to quote someone i saw on one of those wedding shows -
    "for my next wedding, i'll be right on budget".
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: .8 lbs which officially puts me in the 130's!!! yay! and I'm never going back to the 140's! (until I get pregnant... lol)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Went snowboarding at Wisp which is my ffavvoorite mountain but it's 3 hours away so we never go! It was my fiance's first time to Wisp and I think I have him hooked now so we'll be going at least once a year :-)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): The same snowboarding trip was also my lowlight :-(... we went for the whole weekend with my fiance's friends and I just really don't like them. They are very pushy when it comes to drinking and they just want everyone drunk all the time and its just not my thing anymore.. especially on our snowboarding trip! and they just try to make you feel so guilty and they say over and over again "I just want everyone to have fun!"... well this isn't FUN for me! Next year we're going to go with Billy's family instead.. they all snowboard too and it will be a much more enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Right after we left on Sunday I broke down crying in the car. I understand my fiance was friend's with these people at one point in his life but they haven't grown up at all and I just feel NO need to be friends with people like that! There is more to it than this but I don't want to get into it - my fiance eventually apologized to me and told me that I'm right.. it's not worth being friends with them. I told him we can continue being friends with them but no more trips with them. I don't like living in the same space as them for any period of time.

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Going for the whole plantation country style wedding.. location is a really nice historic home with the mountains in the background.. colors are purple and kiwi and I'll be incorporating a lot of everyday items like shutters which will hold the place cards, a window with white glass markers to sign as our guestbook, a personalized mailbox for cards and lanterns as our centerpieces. We're having approximately 120-130 people. I'm looking most forward to the moment I walk down the aisle and see my fiance standing there waiting for me. He's my soul mate and best friend and I can't wait for us to finally be married!

    5. Any wedding news updates: I got my program fans in! We decided to do fans because we're expecting it to be a bit warm here in VA in the middle of June although last year on June 19th the weather was AMAZING. Like high 70's perfect!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: My program manager has no idea what he is doing! ... and positively thinking... My program manager could use my help to become more educated about earned value and by teaching him I could learn new things myself. (That actually kind of helped! Tomorrow when I sit down with him I'll remember this!)

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: I've actually been practicing this for awhile now. Probably a year or so ago I just started to let stuff go that was negative because it just wasn't worth getting all worked up about. Also, my mom is a huge advocate for the positive thinking model. If you believe things will go your way then they will. I really think it works. My life rocks :-) I'm very blessed and couldn't ask for more! One of my favorite quotes is "The happiest of people don't always have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes their way!" and my other favorite is "Believe it achieve it!" (This was also my beer pong slogan in college ahhah.. I did have a good record!)

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I'm not much of a cook but I do like to make no-fat frozen smoothies. Here's my recipe:

    3/4 cup of non-fat yogurt
    1 cup of skim milk
    1/2 cup of ice
    3/4 cup of frozen fruit
    2 sweet-n-lows

    Just add it all to the blender and blend! Makes two servings of about 130 calories each!

    9. Weekly wrap up: It's been an up and down week because of the good but bad snowboarding trip. Very happy that I'm in the 130's now and less than 5 lbs away from my goal! Especially because I don't feel like I've been trying that hard to get here! This is definitely a lifestyle I can continue!
  • TOTALLY HEAR YOU honey!!!!

    My "fiance" and I (don't have a ring yet, so I don't feel right using that term), just decided about 3 weeks ago to get married next year, and we've been on a whirlwind ever since - we (or should I say I, really he didn't do any work!) already made and sent out the invitations. And before that, of course, I had to confirm the location, so I put at $3200 deposit down on the ceremony site, on my credit card - EEEEEEEKK!!!! way more money than i had in my spending plans that's for sure!!!

    but it's only money and we only get married once right? i like to quote someone i saw on one of those wedding shows -
    "for my next wedding, i'll be right on budget".

    I can't imagine the deposit for the ceremony site being $3200, haha. Wow! But you're having yours in Hawaii, right? You'll love it there! I've been to Honolulu and the Big Island (2 separate times) with my family. It's gorgeous there, and the people are awesome. Honolulu is CRAZY tourist-y. Every corner has an ABC store - it's a convenience type shop. But it's great. I loved it. We wanted to go there for our honeymoon and thought it would be too expensive. Well, at this rate, our perfect Disney vacation is costing us $2500. There goes the cheap idea of just staying on the mainland! :-P

    Did you have to send out invitations so early because it's a destination wedding? Just curious cause I thought the tradition was to send them 3 months before the wedding....but I know nothing about destination weddings.

    I think it's so amazing how much weddings cost. I wish someone would have said to me "whatever you think this wedding will cost, triple it" because that's what has happened! Deposit week is so awful! I can't wait til we are at the point where we're just paying things and not shelling out huge chunks of money.

    Oh, update. We ARE using my dream photographer with great thanks to my future in-laws! I am SO excited. We have the option of either doing engagement pictures or a budoir session which I think might be a good gift for my FH. Not sure how I feel about getting pictures taken of me in my bra! :-P
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    To go along with our positive thinking theme of this week... If you haven't heard of this book I definitely suggest you check it out.

    The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

    Summary: The Secret book reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret.

    And there is a sequel to it called "The Power".

    Here's the link to the offiical website of the book:

    Might seem a little quirky for some people but IMO it's a great way to look at life!
  • To go along with our positive thinking theme of this week... If you haven't heard of this book I definitely suggest you check it out.

    The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

    Summary: The Secret book reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret.

    And there is a sequel to it called "The Power".

    Here's the link to the offiical website of the book:

    Might seem a little quirky for some people but IMO it's a great way to look at life!

    Thanks! That sounds interesting!

    I was reading self (I think it was that mag) yesterday when I was waiting for the meeting to start that I had to go to for school. There was a whole section about turning negative thinking into postive thinking and certian words that should not be used in a persons vocab, expecailly at work. Really made me think about it all!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    To go along with our positive thinking theme of this week... If you haven't heard of this book I definitely suggest you check it out.

    The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

    Summary: The Secret book reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret.

    And there is a sequel to it called "The Power".

    Here's the link to the offiical website of the book:

    Might seem a little quirky for some people but IMO it's a great way to look at life!

    I LOOOOVE The Secret. Haven't read The Power yet, but I know the whole focus of both is attracting good into your life through positive thinking, more or less. And I totally believe envisioning the relationship I wanted, like you're shown about in The Secret, is what brought my fiance into my life. He is sooo exactly what I "asked" for, it kinda creeped me out a little early in our relationship :)
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none...gained .6's my TOM, I hope it's just that :grumble:
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got my dress! I was so nervous that I would hate the way I looked in everything but I really had a wonderful time. Also, bought the black feathers I am using in my bouquets.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Another gain this week. I was so pumped last week when I finally had a loss and now up again, just a little but still frustrating.
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): It's an evening wedding and mostly black and white so pretty chic but I am throwing in a few unique fun things to show our personalities like a little bit of zebra print and feathers in the centerpieces and bouquets.
    5. Any wedding news updates: Got my dress and my veil
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I'll never be even close to where I want to be for my wedding. I will look and feel so much better than I do now.
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Ughh....I am bad at this.
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I'm not much of a cook
    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm getting pretty stressed about work. My school is closing in May putting us all out of jobs and no one has a job yet. I do have a summer nanny job which will help a lot and I can always sub...but I love teaching, it breaks my heart to think of not having my own classroom next year. Last year I was a sub and, it was stressful not knowing when I could work or if I would have a good pay check...and I gained a lot of weight during that year. I'm nervous.
  • TOTALLY HEAR YOU honey!!!!

    My "fiance" and I (don't have a ring yet, so I don't feel right using that term), just decided about 3 weeks ago to get married next year, and we've been on a whirlwind ever since - we (or should I say I, really he didn't do any work!) already made and sent out the invitations. And before that, of course, I had to confirm the location, so I put at $3200 deposit down on the ceremony site, on my credit card - EEEEEEEKK!!!! way more money than i had in my spending plans that's for sure!!!

    but it's only money and we only get married once right? i like to quote someone i saw on one of those wedding shows -
    "for my next wedding, i'll be right on budget".

    I can't imagine the deposit for the ceremony site being $3200, haha. Wow! But you're having yours in Hawaii, right? You'll love it there! I've been to Honolulu and the Big Island (2 separate times) with my family. It's gorgeous there, and the people are awesome. Honolulu is CRAZY tourist-y. Every corner has an ABC store - it's a convenience type shop. But it's great. I loved it. We wanted to go there for our honeymoon and thought it would be too expensive. Well, at this rate, our perfect Disney vacation is costing us $2500. There goes the cheap idea of just staying on the mainland! :-P

    Did you have to send out invitations so early because it's a destination wedding? Just curious cause I thought the tradition was to send them 3 months before the wedding....but I know nothing about destination weddings.

    I think it's so amazing how much weddings cost. I wish someone would have said to me "whatever you think this wedding will cost, triple it" because that's what has happened! Deposit week is so awful! I can't wait til we are at the point where we're just paying things and not shelling out huge chunks of money.

    Oh, update. We ARE using my dream photographer with great thanks to my future in-laws! I am SO excited. We have the option of either doing engagement pictures or a budoir session which I think might be a good gift for my FH. Not sure how I feel about getting pictures taken of me in my bra! :-P

    Glad to hear you're able to have that excellent photographer - i think a good photographer is one of the most important things!!! Fortunately, the guy I was interested in in Maui was available for our day, and came as part of the ceremony package at the hotel we're getting married at - so it makes it a better deal, otherwise I would have had to have just booked him anyways.

    Yes, we were just in Maui and that's why we decided to get married there. I love ABC store mostly for the cheap chocolate covered macadamia nuts - haha you can tell why mfp is necessary in my life!!! I mostly gave them away as gifts though! I don't think I could personally have a destination wedding without having been to that particular destination - just a bit too much of a control freak for that! My parents are also going in a couple of days so they're going to check the grounds out further and snap some photos for me.

    Yes, about the invitations, we sent them out WAY early, seemed too early to me, but my fiance was eager to get them out. Nothing about our wedding is traditional, and his family lives in Northern British Columbia (BC), my family being in central BC, Australia and the UK, we wanted to give people as much notice as possible. This will be a destination wedding for us, but more just a central spot for all of our guests because they would have to travel anyways. Plus an excuse for a holiday! Also, we sent out only 20 invites for 36 people as our venue capacity is small. So we asked for rsvps by May so that if there are a number of people who can't attend, we will still have time to invite a few more friends and still give them enough notice.

    I think I'm most looking forward to the day AFTER the wedding, when I know everything has gone off without a hitch and I still have 10 more days of vacation to relax!
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    I got a call to interview tomorrow for a teaching position for next year literally ten minutes after I posted this. I'm excited but nervous...they are interviewing through Tuesday so I'll still have to wait awhile to hear back. Also, one of my co-workers is also interviewing. I THINK they have two positions open but not sure...this could get intense. But for now...I'm excited!!!

    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm getting pretty stressed about work. My school is closing in May putting us all out of jobs and no one has a job yet. I do have a summer nanny job which will help a lot and I can always sub...but I love teaching, it breaks my heart to think of not having my own classroom next year. Last year I was a sub and, it was stressful not knowing when I could work or if I would have a good pay check...and I gained a lot of weight during that year. I'm nervous.
  • I got a call to interview tomorrow for a teaching position for next year literally ten minutes after I posted this. I'm excited but nervous...they are interviewing through Tuesday so I'll still have to wait awhile to hear back. Also, one of my co-workers is also interviewing. I THINK they have two positions open but not sure...this could get intense. But for now...I'm excited!!!

    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm getting pretty stressed about work. My school is closing in May putting us all out of jobs and no one has a job yet. I do have a summer nanny job which will help a lot and I can always sub...but I love teaching, it breaks my heart to think of not having my own classroom next year. Last year I was a sub and, it was stressful not knowing when I could work or if I would have a good pay check...and I gained a lot of weight during that year. I'm nervous.


    I know how tough it is to find a good job. I just interviewed today at an educational daycare... They even kept me there for a second interview! I was there for 2 hours! I work as a nanny right now and part-time is not paying the bills, so I totally get it.

    Good luck!!!!!! let us know how it goes!!
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