Brides on a Mission: Week 10



  • NurseNatalie2011
    I weighed in today. I noramlly do it on thursday but I will be having clinicals for school on Thursdays now and I just wont really have the time in the morning to do all this. I lost 0.6lbs. (I never entered my weight from last week in because I gained, but if I use that weight I lost 1.0lbs). I am glad it is something. I workout all the time and I only go over my cals once a week so I should be losing like no other...but im not. I will take every little bit!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    Brides on a Mission: week 8

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: weigh in tomorrow morning!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): FH's mom offered to pay for catering at the reception! I have been planning a DIY almost everything wedding (to save $, and because I can be a bit of a control freak!) and had been planning to do the food ourselves (with help from family/friends). This has taken a LOAD of stress off of me, because I no longer have to plan shopping lists, preparation, setup, cleanup, etc. etc. I had been leery of letting family pay for stuff, because sometimes they think that means they get a say in the wedding planning, but thankfully my FMIL is amazing, and we won't have to worry about that at all!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I got sick towards the end of the week (there is definitely something going around) and missed a few days of working out. I am starting to get back into my routine now, but still not feeling completely 100%.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: We are trying to have a "green" wedding, so I haven't decided if I want cut flowers or not. I have toyed with several ideas: growing our own flowers to use; potted flowers for centerpieces (guests can take home); wooden flowers; leaf roses (google it, so cool!), etc. Our reception is outdoors and guests will be seated at picnic tables, so instead of a centerpiece we are going to scatter colorful leaves and candles down the centers of the tables. So, no flowers there, but I still haven't decided what to do for the bouquets. I like the idea of a fall bouquet with leaves, berries, etc., and some flowers mixed in, as well. I'll let you ladies know when I decide ;) Our colors are shades of maroon, orange, yellow, and brown.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Another one of my bridesmaids has chosen/bought her dress! Looking into catering stuff now, and will start taste testing soon!

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: I look for the healthier choices first, and I only eat until I am full (which is very rarely the entire meal). Recently I have been trying to order only water to drink.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: I started 30-day shred this week, so I have been using 5 lb. weights for that. At the gym I use several weight machines for arms, abs, and legs, but no free weights.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): All 3 of these have actually been added to my routine through the 30-day shred! But I didn't actually start that until this week, haha. I HAVE started adding more reps to my routine at the gym, though, so in that sense, I did well with the challenge.

    9. Weekly wrap up: It was a good week, aside from getting sick towards the end. The number on the scale is still going down, even if it's not as quickly as I would like ;) I have so much more energy, though! Wedding plans are coming along nicely - the search for the perfect shoes has begun!
  • kalebsmama07
    update to my weigh in this week i didnt do earlier in the week......weighed in today and lost 2.6 lbs.....but a loss is a loss ....seeing ive already lost theses same lbs before....due to gain 5lbs in one week...last week n half or so....
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 3.8 lbs :-)
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): went to a wedding of some close friends that was really fun and made me look forward to our wedding! Also, my parents were in town this weekend.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My love is going through some hard stuff with his family. I don't think he would want me to put it out here or I would's hard to watch him hurt.
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: White roses and cala lilys with black feathers to accent
    5. Any wedding news updates:Going dress shopping on Friday...I am really worried I won't like it because I hate the way I look in everything
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: We almost always go to a sandwich place when we feel like eating out but otherwise I usually do a salad because the sodium is so high in most things but...I just always check the sodium
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: Not really. I want to incorporate them eventually but I am just now getting a routine with working out (the last two weeks have been good) and I started doing yoga so...eventually but right now no
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): Somehow I completely missed this challege...I did a good job sticking to my workouts though, which is progress for me since I wasn't working out much my first couple of months on here
    9. Weekly wrap up: Pretty good week. I am glad after two weeks of not losing anything that I finally saw the scale move. I am nervous to go dress shopping because I desperately want to look and feel pretty on my wedding and I am worried I won't find a dress that is what I want AND looks good.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    OK...I don't know how well I can explain this but I will try. Often times I will get drink holders from places that have the plain cardboard ones. If you don't know what I'm talking about let me know and I will try to explain better. Anyway...I collect those when I can and then I buy stuff at the dollar store or something to decorate them. Tie bows on the top, buy scrapbooking stuff that fit their personal style. Then you have 4 spots to stick in little gifts. I usually do like a bubble bath, a bottle of one of those cold coffees, a favorite snack of theirs, fresh flowers....those kinds of things. You can really make it as inexpensive or as expensive as you would like. Just an idea...I usually get a really good reaction from them and I don't spend much money! :-) Good luck.
    okay so i would like to give a gift to my best friend who is my maid of honor and my best friends sister who is making my cake....what can i give to them or make for them....with limited amount of money ......cheaper the better...but i would love to have something nice for not cheap just limited....any creative ideas out there????help please or suggestions????? these people just mean alot to me... ohhh and exactlly 2 MONTHS TODAY....till i get married!!!! ahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh im so freaking excited.........also update with my hubbys so called turns out that...that he has a torn ligament....but if he doesnt rest it could turn into a he'll be doing light duty for a while....
  • kalebsmama07
    OK...I don't know how well I can explain this but I will try. Often times I will get drink holders from places that have the plain cardboard ones. If you don't know what I'm talking about let me know and I will try to explain better. Anyway...I collect those when I can and then I buy stuff at the dollar store or something to decorate them. Tie bows on the top, buy scrapbooking stuff that fit their personal style. Then you have 4 spots to stick in little gifts. I usually do like a bubble bath, a bottle of one of those cold coffees, a favorite snack of theirs, fresh flowers....those kinds of things. You can really make it as inexpensive or as expensive as you would like. Just an idea...I usually get a really good reaction from them and I don't spend much money! :-) Good luck.
    okay so i would like to give a gift to my best friend who is my maid of honor and my best friends sister who is making my cake....what can i give to them or make for them....with limited amount of money ......cheaper the better...but i would love to have something nice for not cheap just limited....any creative ideas out there????help please or suggestions????? these people just mean alot to me... ohhh and exactlly 2 MONTHS TODAY....till i get married!!!! ahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh im so freaking excited.........also update with my hubbys so called turns out that...that he has a torn ligament....but if he doesnt rest it could turn into a he'll be doing light duty for a while....

    not sure i know what your talking about???
  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    I weighed in today. I noramlly do it on thursday but I will be having clinicals for school on Thursdays now and I just wont really have the time in the morning to do all this. I lost 0.6lbs. (I never entered my weight from last week in because I gained, but if I use that weight I lost 1.0lbs). I am glad it is something. I workout all the time and I only go over my cals once a week so I should be losing like no other...but im not. I will take every little bit!

    Hey girl, it sounds to me like your body has gone into starvation mode. I've done it a few times with Weight Watchers, because I didn't eat all of my points. Try eating ALL the calories it tells you to for a week, and I bet you'll lose! :)
  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    I lost .2 this week! :) Not much, but I lost almost 8 last week so my body is just balancing out!! Still working hard, like I know you all are. I am so proud of everyone.. you are all doing amazing! I love reading everyones diarys and staying motivated.
  • NicolioRussell
    Yes!!! I've lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in!! Woo :-)

    Today was the first time I used the rowing machine...and wow. If you've never done it! It's intense and a great workout!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I just read all the updates ladies. Thanks, and your gut was right. I did hear back from the event planner at the venue we originally wanted, and we also got some other news - an additional $5000 charge, so we are definitely looking into different venues. How do people afford to get married?! Arg, I'm going to have to sell an organ or something!:noway:

    My fiance and I are splitting the cost with my parents which helps out both of us and then we also have two roommates living in our house - there rent = extra money = wedding of my dreams! hurray! and the Obama tax credit didn't hurt when we bought our house :-P
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    5. Any wedding news updates:Going dress shopping on Friday...I am really worried I won't like it because I hate the way I look in everything

    9. Weekly wrap up: Pretty good week. I am glad after two weeks of not losing anything that I finally saw the scale move. I am nervous to go dress shopping because I desperately want to look and feel pretty on my wedding and I am worried I won't find a dress that is what I want AND looks good.

    Don't worry so much.. you're going to have a grea time! Wedding dresses do WONDERS! It is definitely not your typical dress shopping experience and you've already lost 24 lbs! You're going to look amazing! Have fun!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 10

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: lost 2 lbs! it's my best week yet!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I was able to go on a run OUTSIDE w/ my puppy! It's snowing like crazy today, but yesterday the roads were fine for tennis shoes! And, its my 4th week of spin class!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Our dryer broke, so we had to shed out some $$$ to fix that. But, I've never been so grateful for a working appliance in my life! lol Gotta love home ownership!

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: Lime Green! Spider mums, button mums, etc!

    5. Any wedding news updates: We started pre-martial counseling w/ the pastor! Also, food tasting and floral appointment this upcoming weekend!! And, Kevin picked out the tux's for him and the guys! And, I'll be going to the bridal shop on sat w/ my mom and mil trying on accessories :-)

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: Well.. Lately: Wheat bread, no fries, no pop.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: I'm lately obsessed w/ cycle zone spin class.. so no weights there. But, if I go into lift then yes.. I'm not afraid of the weight machines.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): Loved it! It got me moving while watching TV shows! I did 200 of each, I'm an over achiever! hehe

    9. Weekly wrap up: Proud of my 2 lb loss, excited for this weekend to get some bridal stuff done. Ash Wednesday service tonight, no chocolate for me til Easter. (I did this alone last year and lost 5 lbs.. crazy!)
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    I'll see if I can get a picture and get back to you.

    not sure i know what your talking about???
  • NicolioRussell
    I just read all the updates ladies. Thanks, and your gut was right. I did hear back from the event planner at the venue we originally wanted, and we also got some other news - an additional $5000 charge, so we are definitely looking into different venues. How do people afford to get married?! Arg, I'm going to have to sell an organ or something!:noway:

    My fiance and I are splitting the cost with my parents which helps out both of us and then we also have two roommates living in our house - there rent = extra money = wedding of my dreams! hurray! and the Obama tax credit didn't hurt when we bought our house :-P

    Don't know if you know this...but we found out the hard way.... The new homebuyer's credit is actually a loan that you have to start paying back the year after you get the credit on your taxes. Just an FYI. We didn't know this and we were floored when we found out that we had to pay in over $300 towards the "loan".
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I weighed in today. I noramlly do it on thursday but I will be having clinicals for school on Thursdays now and I just wont really have the time in the morning to do all this. I lost 0.6lbs. (I never entered my weight from last week in because I gained, but if I use that weight I lost 1.0lbs). I am glad it is something. I workout all the time and I only go over my cals once a week so I should be losing like no other...but im not. I will take every little bit!

    Hey girl, it sounds to me like your body has gone into starvation mode. I've done it a few times with Weight Watchers, because I didn't eat all of my points. Try eating ALL the calories it tells you to for a week, and I bet you'll lose! :)

    Yah, I agree. It happend once before and then I started eating more and I lose like 3lbs in a week! It is just sometimes hard to eat more when you get used to eating smaller amounts of food. I am sitting at caribou coffee and eating a bag a chips! I never really thought I would have to make myself eat this things to lose weight. I haven't been even close to my fat lately....I sure got it all in today! Thanks for the support, girl!
  • NurseNatalie2011

    I just found this recipe a few weeks ago. I am in love with it. I substituted egg noodles for rotini and used low fat cheese. The fianced loved it because there is meet in it and it was "creamy." I loved it because it was healthy for him!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I just read all the updates ladies. Thanks, and your gut was right. I did hear back from the event planner at the venue we originally wanted, and we also got some other news - an additional $5000 charge, so we are definitely looking into different venues. How do people afford to get married?! Arg, I'm going to have to sell an organ or something!:noway:

    My fiance and I are splitting the cost with my parents which helps out both of us and then we also have two roommates living in our house - there rent = extra money = wedding of my dreams! hurray! and the Obama tax credit didn't hurt when we bought our house :-P

    Don't know if you know this...but we found out the hard way.... The new homebuyer's credit is actually a loan that you have to start paying back the year after you get the credit on your taxes. Just an FYI. We didn't know this and we were floored when we found out that we had to pay in over $300 towards the "loan".

    Actually that's only true for people who got the loan in 2008. The 2009 Homebuyer credit does not have to be paid back. It really stinks for the people who bought in 2008 and I think a lot of people were trying to get the government to let them have the same deal as those who bought in 2009.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I have TWO favorites :)

    This first one, Honey-Jalapeno Chicken is AMAZING but it is spicy spicy so keep that in mind ( I put some extra jalapenos in it the first time i made it and literally had to go get a spoon full of sour cream! Its so delicious though and i love the cilantro. yummmm makes me want to make it right now.
    i made it and put it over rice (BF is not a big noodle person

    The second one is not spicy if you make it as listed, but i like a little kick so i put some chili sesame oil in it along with the regular sesame oil. again very good :) You can make it with pork chops OR chicken (I've done it both ways and it is delicious.) Wit this one as well, I make it sometimes as just the main dish (no noodles) and pair it with other sides.
    Sorry both are asianish - i know its not everyones thing. i like it for that fact in that a lot of the chinese food i used to eat is just tooo bad for me to have anymore. I hope you all enjoy them :))

    Both of those recipes sound amazing! I think you would like one of my personal favs.

    the sauce is real easy: 1 part Louisiana hot sauce, 1 part soy sauce (i use reduced sodium) and 1 part honey. Simmer until desired thickness. (for less spice use less hot sauce)

    I pour that over stir-fried chicken and veggies and some rice. It is so yummy. The spiciness works perfectly with the sweetness of the honey.

    Ohhhhh that does sound good! What brand loisiana hot sauce do you like?
  • vanrunninggirl
    Thanks ladies - we just broke this to the parents about a week ago. So my parents are saying they'll pay 1/3-1/2 as they're not quite sure what the budget looks like yet, but they're super generous so i'm thinking more like 1/2. However, we're moving REALLY quickly so we're already anticipating putting deposits down to secure the venue for the date. We bought a house in may 2009, but I live in Canada so it's entirely different. I think we got a first time home buyer's credit of $750 - haha that is LONG gone. I've got a bit of savings but i'm waiting until AFTER my bf buys the giant engagement ring before i even THINK of asking for money! Smart no? Haha!!!! I swear diamonds cost more in Canada, maybe he should take a trip over the border? We're now thinking of two different locations that are right down the road from one another in Maui, one for the ceremony and another for the reception. It's looking OK, a few thousand dollars more than we had originally anticipated, but I'm sure that's pretty par for the course. Right?!?! Not certain yet, but can I just say - The Four Seasons ladies!!!! The potential beauty of having a small wedding is we can eat well :)
  • dolphinkates
    dolphinkates Posts: 13 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none...i'm coming back from not staying on track for two weeks
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): i ordered my wedding dress!!! I'm so excited
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): i've been sick and my monthly is getting worse so exercise and eating right has been nil
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: pink roses with stephanoitis
    5. Any wedding news updates: wedding dress ordered, appt for the bridesmaids to get their dresses
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: i don't eat out often enough for that to be an issue
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: i will be
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): did not do week 9 challenge
    9. Weekly wrap up: being sick sucks...back on the plan