Brides on a Mission: Week 10



  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    @JulieSue: Don't even worry about being negative! Sounds like you had a bit of a rough week and we are all here to be sounding boards and a support system! Oh and I am also struggling with the consistency of dieting and exercise. There are weeks that I just fall of the wagon and then I feel so guilty! Fusica flowers sound like fun! There are so many you could use. I really like amaryllis, they come in a gorgeous fuscia color and many other varieties to compliment. My florist had this book of the different color combinations and it just blew my mind!

    thanks so much!!!! :)) i know and i know im just in a grouchy mood today!!! and I need to snap out of it!!! but yay I never thought of it that way!! and I hope when I go talk to florists they have books too!!! thanks for the kind words!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    I forgot a huge positive!!

    I ordered a bathing suit a couple weeks ago and got it yesterday. Too big! So, we went to Fashion Bug just to putz around and for me to try stuff on. I was able to get a really, really cute dress and a pair of exercise shorts in two sizes smaller than what I was wearing in January!

    I don't see the weight coming off, and the scale hasn't budged for a couple weeks....but at least clothes are definitely fitting better.

    I'm excited that when summer comes around, I might be in a size 18 swimsuit (last summer's and the one I wore to Florida were 24's.) !!!

    That is great! Congrats!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Dezil – You mentioned in an earlier post about favor ideas? I’m an avid Yankee Candle lover and I already had a ton around the house that I never took the shrink wrap off of. I bought organza favor bags from Michael’s and am going to put one in each for each guest, then create a little thank you tag to tie fast. I also bought eye chart charms to add to them, just to pull in my fiance’s career in a cute little way. I bought 20 Wedding Day scented candles that will be mixed in. The person who receives the Wedding Day candle will receive a centerpiece to take home!:-)

    Greenpianokeys – Facebook has caused many a scandal nowadays and really makes people come across as rude and unfeeling. When I first started reading your post, I thought you were going to tell me that your brother picked the same date to save money!:-/ In any case, having your wedding a month apart does kind of put a financial burden on your parents. Kind of stinks he didn’t check with you, I agree. He probably feels caught between trying to keep you happy and his fiancé happy. It probably will make things difficult for out of town guests who have to get time off so close together too. Chin up, at least yours comes first, so most people will be centered on your big day!:-D

    Bditbobcat – I agree that weddings bring out the worst in people. My grandma has been a real pain with my mom. I have some single relatives that want to bring dates, even though I specifically addressed the invitation for one person. We simply cannot afford and the venue cannot hold any more people. We’ve explained all of this… then today she says slyly “what if people bring a guest anyway?” My mom’s reply: “they’ll look really stupid if they do, since they won’t have a place setting or any food.”*LOL* In any case, if your friend isn’t engaged she really can’t claim a month. That’s ridiculous! Do what you have to do and don’t feel guilty about it. If she questions you, just say that it was the only month that worked for the rest of your bridal party.*shrugs*

    wannabrn10 – Did you decide to go with the Nuvaring? I love mine and have been on it for about a year. It’ so great not to have to worry about taking the pill at the same time every day. However, I have found that my migraines (I call them “period headaches”) are worse since I went on it. I’m not sure if I’ll stay on it or not, but I’d definitely recommend that you give it a try at least! It doesn’t have the weight gain side effects like the depo shot does. It does worry me though about the Nuvaring/pregnancy post. I’ve heard it’s MORE effective than the pill. How can you put it in wrong and make it less effective?*confused* I assume its effectiveness can be compromised by antibiotics, but all birth control is like that.

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Trying to play catch up from being sick.

    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Didn't check. I was sick, so I got little workouts in and I didn't always eat the healthiest, either.... I ate what I could taste!*LOL*
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Recovered from a cold.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Caught the flu at the end of the week, even though I had a flu shot. Was completely miserable. No workouts, but I did eat a little better towards the end of the week.
    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: No bridesmaids or groomsmen. I have one matron of honor and a best man and a best woman.
    5. Any wedding news updates: Started receiving RSVPs! So exciting!:-D
    6. What is your go to healthy snack: Well, I don't know if I would call it healthy, but I like to eat Red Hots when I'm craving candy. They have a lot of flavor for few calories, so it really kicks the craving.
    7. What time of day do you work out: 4pm, right after teachers are allowed to leave school!
    8. Weekly wrap up: Didn't have the chance to do the challenge, but I did lose weight (already changed in MFP) during my illness... at least that's one perk!:-P

  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1lb 155.2lbs this week. I wont weigh in next week as I am off the scales for lent with a target to still lose 4lbs (over the 40 days)
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): sorted out the garden in preperation for spring!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): had a huge row with DF (darling fiance) last night about money for the wedding. he started it!!!!
    4. How many brides-maids/grooms men do you have standing up: i thought i'd already answered this question. Have I already replied to this thread? i am getting so mixed up!!!
    5. Any wedding news updates: none
    6. What is your go to healthy snack: fruit
    7. What time of day do you work out: morning (i have definately already answered this! oh i am going mad!!!!)
    8. Weekly wrap up: i am responding to all my threads twice at different times in the week. I think i need a rest.......... ooops!
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    I HAVENT GONE MAD!!! i copied and pasted from sweet princess who was catching up from last week.... so heres this week!

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: as before 1lb
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): see above post!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): see above post!
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: purple and green are our colours. so purple ones with lots of green!? i dont know yet! i don't know much about flowers unfortunately, but wil update when i have been to see the florist.
    5. Any wedding news updates: none
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: lay off the carbs and stack up the veg and salad
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: yes
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): i missed it!!
    9. Weekly wrap up: ummmmmmm.... still am lost with which week we're on so i'll try be more organised next week! x
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Brides on a Mission: week 8
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: will post on thurs

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): i was able to get some work outs in with my busy school schedule, I made it through the first week of classes, and I didn't over eat on Saturday at a fundraiser. (lol not the most exciting week)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Not losing weight when I was under my cals and have been working out, the whole BP problems I have been having and the god aweful headaches that are from the high BP. I really hope I get better soon.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I love love love green button mums! I want pomanaders made from those flowers to hang from the chairs in the asile at the church. I also really like cream colored ranunculus. I am going for shades of green and cream/white flowers. I think it will look really cool up against the bridesmaids saphire blue dresses. I kind of want a bunch of hot pink roses....but it wouldn't reall fit into the color scheme of the wedding so not sure how that is going to work out.

    5. Any wedding news updates: im not doing anything else until graduation in june
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: nothing fried, no bread, if I get a burger I only eat 1/2 of the bun, im not a cream sauce fan so I dont really do that (plus it never reheats right for left-overs). I try to get what I want but not going balls to the wall every time I eat out.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: If I do a video or a class which uses weights, yes. But otherwise I have just been doing cardio because I dont have the time for both. I my legs, arms, and abs are crazy though from hot yoga.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): this is the first challange that I didn't do at all! I just didnt have time with school being so crazy to do my regular workout and add this in there. I will try after wed to put it into my routine since it will be a little eaiser of a week.

    9. Weekly wrap up: good food and workout wise. Just blah about my high BP and not getting better faster. I haven't been feeling good after my workouts (my head is going to pop off) and my MD said if that happends I need to chill with the working out for a while. I am not going to work out today because I have to be at school all will be interesting to see how I feel this afternoon/dinner time when my headaches are the worst.
  • NurseNatalie2011

    wannabrn10 – Did you decide to go with the Nuvaring? I love mine and have been on it for about a year. It’ so great not to have to worry about taking the pill at the same time every day. However, I have found that my migraines (I call them “period headaches”) are worse since I went on it. I’m not sure if I’ll stay on it or not, but I’d definitely recommend that you give it a try at least! It doesn’t have the weight gain side effects like the depo shot does. It does worry me though about the Nuvaring/pregnancy post. I’ve heard it’s MORE effective than the pill. How can you put it in wrong and make it less effective?*confused* I assume its effectiveness can be compromised by antibiotics, but all birth control is like that.

    No, I am now on a really low estrogen oral pill. My MD said that the nuevaring will have the same side effect of high BP and headaches as the pill that was giving me trouble. If you put it in wrong there isn't the right amount of hormones being sent to the ovaries. If it isn't in far enough or not sitting right it wont be as effective. It is all so confusing! lol
  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I STILL haven't measured my inches.... I really need to go buy a measuring tape! I will weigh in tomorrow a.m.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My fiance finally tried my bootcamp class with me! :) It was fun to have him there, and he just kept going on and on at how he has so much respect for me now (I kicked his butt!) We had been having a few bad weeks with arguing and things, and we've just been getting along so much better lately.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Found out that I can't move into my apt until the 15th (or probably after that). But this is acutally a GOOD thing, because they decided to re-do the carpet in the ENTIRE apt intead of just the living room! :) So even though I have to wait, it will be so worth it in the end.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I am having a vintage wedding in a barn, so we are going with hydrangas (sp?) and more "natural" looking flowers. Mine will be all white with some green leaves, and the ladies will have all green arrangements.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Booked a new makeup artist. The original one I wanted never emails be back and seems rude- so I decided to go with someone else. Things are all really coming together! I can't wait!

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: I do TONS of research before I go, and know exactly what I am going to order. The biggest thing is portion control. If it is a big dish, I ask for a box to come with my meal and place half of it in the box before I even start eating. Many menus now have a "healthy" choice option, which i love!

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: I do with my bootcamp class.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): didn't do it to be honest! I am hoping to keep up with the challenge this week!

    9. Weekly wrap up: Things are going to start getting busy for me in about 2 weeks. I am coaching volleyball along with teaching, and our 4th & 5th grade clinic and tournaments are approching! I am hoping to keep up my progress even when i'm busy. Have a great week everyone!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member
    I would love your feedback! My MOH booked my shower date. We are having a brunch. Yum! do you ladies think 10am is too early a start time for a brunch???

    I have no problem with it, but I guess some at work people made comments to my MOH and now she is really worried about the timing. Thanks!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member

    I know I am behind but I am just now getting to the swing of things on this blog or message board AND let me add that I love it!!! Yeah weddings are soo not fun (sometimes!!!) one of my BM is like that in so many ways...we are actually getting married in her birthday month and when we played wtih the different dates to get married I often heard things lke "well if you get married on the 5th then you will be on your honeymoon for my birthday!!" of if I got married on the 12th "at midnight its not Julie's wedding its my birthday celebration" I was like seriously I cant get one day to have a wedding...and I know she loves her birthday but its not the end of the world and if I move away then I am going to miss tons of birthdays and let me add that due to family things (which I totally understand) she missed my birthday this past year soo I mean seriously stuff happens!!! soo I am glad that things are okay but no one can claim a month seriously espeically when she is not even engaged!!! sorry you had to deal with that but trust me I totally understand!!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @kstoller2: 10:00am is fine! Depending on how far ppl have to travel to get to your shower? My shower is a brunch shower as well, but at 11:00am. However, I'm expecing some people to travel from out of town and thats a 2.5 hour trip.... I think 10:00 is great, then the day isn't 'wasted' and you won't be rushed.... Plus, she can do a lot of the prepping the night before. I love the idea of brunch. So what it isn't your typical 2:00 shower w/ apps, but a brunch is a fun way to get people together! I say go with it! Great idea, different idea, and 10:00 am isn't early, even if ppl have to travel 2+ hours...Good Luck!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I would love your feedback! My MOH booked my shower date. We are having a brunch. Yum! do you ladies think 10am is too early a start time for a brunch???

    I have no problem with it, but I guess some at work people made comments to my MOH and now she is really worried about the timing. Thanks!

    I think that is a little early for a brunch....I think those are normally a little later. I would say anytime between 11am-2pm. I love the idea of a brunch though. They are more personal I think. It is a way to be less formal but still have a ton a fun!
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Uh. I might never catch up with everyone. I'm still catching up on Week 8!*LOL*

    heels24 & lynnellec - I don’t think that I’ve seen the Four Weddings show. I wish there were more places where you could watch them online. I got rid of cable and I need my fix!*LOL*

    eaglesfan426 – I find the fitness shows to be very inspiring. Instead of noshing in front of the TV, it gives me an extra boost of willpower to stop snacking. Sometimes I even get motivated enough to do some exercise during commercials. I’m in the same boat with the fiancé though. He keeps complaining that he’s gaining weight, but doesn’t’ do much to take it off. I don’t ***** too much though, since he does work six days a week and he’s definitely tired when he comes home.

    kstoller2 – The double booking thing sounded like a real nightmare. I’m glad everything worked itself out for you. Is the place a really big one? I’m kind of glad we’re getting married in a small town, rural community because stuff like this doesn’t happen. At least I hope not!*bites nails*


    Four Weddings is interesting because four brides go to each other's weddings and they they rank each other on various thinks like the dress, the food, the experience, etc. Whoever has the highest score wins a honeymoon trip. It's entertaining to watch and see what people plan for their weddings in the way of themes and such. Plus, the joy and happiness on the faces of the brides and grooms is heartwarming!!
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    @heels24-Have fun meeting with the florist! Word of advice that i got from three different florist I met with, who all said the same thing about hydrangeas... unless the flowers are in water all day, they will wilt like no one's business. I really wanted hydrangea bouquets and boutonnieres but after realizing that the flowers may be brown by the end of the day because of it being summertime, we're going with peonies for the bouquets and using hydrangeas as centerpieces on the tables. I love your colors though! Perfect combination!! The shoes I ordered in the link I sent you, totally look Carolina Blue to me!

    Thanks for the advice! Very good to know. Now that I think of it, I have seen hydrangeas in a bouquet before that totally wilted. I love peonies too so I think your flowers will look amazing!

    Haha, yeah I thought the same thing about your shoes when I was looking at them! I'm strongly considering wearing Carolina blue shoes now too. :)

    I sooo wanted hydrangea's! But I'm glad we're incorporating them into the centerpieces and we don't have to worry about them dying in the middle of the ceremony!

    I'm meeting with the person doing my dress alterations and I'll try to remember to get a photo of the dress with the shoes so you can see what it looks like, if you want since we're dress twins!! :smile:
  • vanrunninggirl
    Hi ladies,

    OMG i swear i'm burning calories stressing over this damn wedding that i don't even have a ring for yet!!! PLEASE tell me the planning is more difficult in the beginning and then it gets easier?!?!?!

    ok, so i will send a more detailed update about our plans in the works later on today (already late for work, haha, eek!!!) but i just wanted to know if anyone had any creative ideas about how to CUT the guestlist? the venue we are in love with has a MAX capacity of 37 people. i hadn't realized how few that is until we started crunching numbers. 2 of those bums in seats will just be me and my husband-to-be, that leaves 35 seats. we're thinking of doing invitations in rounds (ie. send out to the must have at our wedding people, see how many can actually make it, and then invite others after if we have availability). My list is scraped to family ONLY - not a single friend, which in the end will NOT work, there are at least 2 girlfriends i can think of that MUST be there. I'm just hoping and praying 2 family members won't be able to attend so i can squeeze the girlfriends in (and luckily they're both single). But, that list, with one whole family that i dislike and don't see much on my mom's side, is 22!!! Eeek, I only get 18!!!! Do you think the fiance should have to sacrifice 4 of his 17? He's only got 12 crucial family members, but he isn't inviting any cousins, and I am.

    AAHHH, any suggestions? Should I call everyone first?

    Oh and the venue event planner lady is not getting back to me, 2 weeks of one-sided communication from me, is this a terrible sign?
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    I sooo wanted hydrangea's! But I'm glad we're incorporating them into the centerpieces and we don't have to worry about them dying in the middle of the ceremony!

    I'm meeting with the person doing my dress alterations and I'll try to remember to get a photo of the dress with the shoes so you can see what it looks like, if you want since we're dress twins!! :smile:

    I think including them in your centerpieces is a great call. That way you still get to have them, plus I think they look fantastic when incorporated into centerpieces!

    Yes PLEASE do! Can't wait to see it. I LOVE that we're dress twins. :love:
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hi ladies,

    OMG i swear i'm burning calories stressing over this damn wedding that i don't even have a ring for yet!!! PLEASE tell me the planning is more difficult in the beginning and then it gets easier?!?!?!

    ok, so i will send a more detailed update about our plans in the works later on today (already late for work, haha, eek!!!) but i just wanted to know if anyone had any creative ideas about how to CUT the guestlist? the venue we are in love with has a MAX capacity of 37 people. i hadn't realized how few that is until we started crunching numbers. 2 of those bums in seats will just be me and my husband-to-be, that leaves 35 seats. we're thinking of doing invitations in rounds (ie. send out to the must have at our wedding people, see how many can actually make it, and then invite others after if we have availability). My list is scraped to family ONLY - not a single friend, which in the end will NOT work, there are at least 2 girlfriends i can think of that MUST be there. I'm just hoping and praying 2 family members won't be able to attend so i can squeeze the girlfriends in (and luckily they're both single). But, that list, with one whole family that i dislike and don't see much on my mom's side, is 22!!! Eeek, I only get 18!!!! Do you think the fiance should have to sacrifice 4 of his 17? He's only got 12 crucial family members, but he isn't inviting any cousins, and I am.

    AAHHH, any suggestions? Should I call everyone first?

    Oh and the venue event planner lady is not getting back to me, 2 weeks of one-sided communication from me, is this a terrible sign?

    oh wow that is small!!! I wish I could give you answers but I am soo glad that you are asking this (on a much larger scale) becuz I need to do this as well...our venue that we love and can afford maxs at 250 people!! soo we must cut down but at the same time how do you know everyone will come??? UGH cant wait to hear answers on this and I am soo envious of you becuz I wish we could do family only that would be wonderful!!!! :)) soo if you arent engaged yet but are planning the wedding already...what is the reason??? you may have already shared this but I am new to this blog soo I would love to know!!! do you know when its coming or what not?? :))
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I sooo wanted hydrangea's! But I'm glad we're incorporating them into the centerpieces and we don't have to worry about them dying in the middle of the ceremony!

    I'm meeting with the person doing my dress alterations and I'll try to remember to get a photo of the dress with the shoes so you can see what it looks like, if you want since we're dress twins!! :smile:

    I think including them in your centerpieces is a great call. That way you still get to have them, plus I think they look fantastic when incorporated into centerpieces!

    Yes PLEASE do! Can't wait to see it. I LOVE that we're dress twins. :love:

    how cute!! dress twins!! is the dress in your profile picture the dress?? I love this message board it makes me smile and trust me I need this!!!!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi ladies,

    OMG i swear i'm burning calories stressing over this damn wedding that i don't even have a ring for yet!!! PLEASE tell me the planning is more difficult in the beginning and then it gets easier?!?!?!

    ok, so i will send a more detailed update about our plans in the works later on today (already late for work, haha, eek!!!) but i just wanted to know if anyone had any creative ideas about how to CUT the guestlist? the venue we are in love with has a MAX capacity of 37 people. i hadn't realized how few that is until we started crunching numbers. 2 of those bums in seats will just be me and my husband-to-be, that leaves 35 seats. we're thinking of doing invitations in rounds (ie. send out to the must have at our wedding people, see how many can actually make it, and then invite others after if we have availability). My list is scraped to family ONLY - not a single friend, which in the end will NOT work, there are at least 2 girlfriends i can think of that MUST be there. I'm just hoping and praying 2 family members won't be able to attend so i can squeeze the girlfriends in (and luckily they're both single). But, that list, with one whole family that i dislike and don't see much on my mom's side, is 22!!! Eeek, I only get 18!!!! Do you think the fiance should have to sacrifice 4 of his 17? He's only got 12 crucial family members, but he isn't inviting any cousins, and I am.

    AAHHH, any suggestions? Should I call everyone first?

    Oh and the venue event planner lady is not getting back to me, 2 weeks of one-sided communication from me, is this a terrible sign?

    This probably isn't the answer you'll want to hear but I think you need to find a different venue. Your wedding is about the people who are there to witness your marriage and celebrate. 35 people is tiny and I just think you're going to regret not being able to invite some of the people who are close to you. If you really only had 35 people you wanted there then I'd say go for it but it sounds like you're going to have to cut people out that should be there. There are lots of places that you can get married and you're still early in the planning - keep looking! You shouldn't have to sacrifice inviting people if it really is the perfect venue!