Brides on a Mission: Week 10



  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 10
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 2 lbs! My finance was out of town so I stayed in and ate super healthy

    2. Highlight of the past week: got some work done on my thesis!

    3. Lowlight of the past week: Had a bad dream about wedding. The photographer didn't show up and I forgot to get my hair and makeup done. :noway: stupid dream!

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I am going with reds, yellow and orange for the fall.

    5. Any wedding news updates: My MOH booked my shower date. We are having a brunch. Yum! do you ladies think 10am is too early a start time for a brunch???

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: I always try to check the menu for the most health options before going out.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: I strength train with a personal trainer twice a week. This had been a huge help because she pushes me further than I would push myself!

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): did not participate in the challenge

    9. Weekly wrap up: going out of town to my grandmothers house with my cousins this weekend! Going to be a lot of fun but also a lot of eating out! Wish me luck!

    My Favorite Healthy recipe, and one my FH loves as well, Is Black Bean and Ham soup. I make it in the crockpot on the weekends and we eat it all week long!

    The recipe makes 9-10 one cup servings. According to the recipe calculator: 1 serving = 272 calories, 45 carbs, 4 fat, 26 protein
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello!!! I am still new to all of this soooooo I didnt do so good this weekend :0( or this past week :0( but I will get better!! or at least I hope soo!!! Im kind of in a rut right now :0( but I love reading everyone posts!!!

    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I only maintained!!! didnt lose any or gain any!!!! AND I havent measured anything yet :0( I had a lot of stuff go on last week (like my bank getting hacked into :0( soo didnt get to it!!)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got a freelance job (I am a sign language interpreter!!! soo freelance jobs mean not my regular jobs just something on the side!!!) with a poetry out loud competetion in town this weekend!!! it was a two day event!!! and I got some really good money for two days of easy work (which lets be honest poetry is not easy work BUT there was no deaf people even in the audience soo the nerves were settled!!!) and for 6 hours of work (with no real deaf people and an hour break in the middle for a band that didnt sing!!!) I made almost 400 dollars to add to the wedding fund!! soo YAY!!! go me!!! AND I had my last birthday dinner this past weekend with my future father in law and his wifey!!! soo no more birthday dinners that include cake and stuff until next year!!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): welllll I got my bank account hacked into and right now I am without checks or a debit card or even online access to my account soo I got my money back but it is still very frustrating to have to deal with all of this!!! in turn spending two days at the bank to get all of this figured out (becuz this was a case that my branch had never seen) meant I had to reschedule two of my photographer appointments!!! :0(

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I have no idea yet!!! my colors are navy and fuschia...and most everything will be navy and fuschia with white...sooo I cant decide becuz there arent really any navy flowers LOL but I do like the bright pink roses and calla lillies (if that is how you spell it??) and I want to wear fuschia shoes sooooo maybe I will do bright pinks only in my bouqet or maybe white...who the heck knows??? any suggestions???

    5. Any wedding news updates: well I found a invitation maker to custom make invites for a price that I can afford and she is kind of new soo I am excited to see what work she rolls out in the next couple of months before I decide if we shall do that or if I will make my own!!! ;)) other than that nothing really!!! I had to reschedule two photography appointments for next week soooo this week I have two appointments and today is my first one!!

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: NO :0( and I really should I mean I really really should but I can honestly say (and this is hard for me to admit BECUZ I have done a lot of things in my life: grad school...deaf parents...etc) but dieting and working out steadily is the hardest thing I have ever done :0( and I just cant get it under control!!! i mean I just cant and I dont know what to do about it!!!!

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: sometimes...depends on what I do!!!! If I am at the gym then yes!!! Jillian then yes!!!! :))

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): somehow I must have missed this last week and no I didnt do it :0( I was new last week soo IDK how I missed it but I most certaintly did!!! sorry about that!!!

    9. Weekly wrap up: ummmm I am pretty negative right now sooooo I am sorry about that!!!

    Challenge: **I cannot find the recipe I have soo I cannot remember or find the nutritional value but I use ground turkey becuz its better or less calories and such per serving** AND of course you can subsitute anything you want like I have use egg beaters before instead of real eggs and the chicken broth I use 99% fat free you can make it what you wanna make it!!!! oh and low sodium stove top!!! and I have used regular as well and its still good for you and is tatey!!!
    Weight Watchers Chicken Meatloaf
    2lbs ground chn
    1pkg stove top
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup bbq sauce
    1 cup ckn broth
    Mix all and bake 1 hour at 375 degrees
    Serves 8

    And Krista!!! no I dont want to be super skinny!!! as of right now I am considered obsese :0( for my height and weight soo I wanna lose some pounds and tone it up!!!! :))
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @Vanrunninggirl: Welcome to the group! :-) You dont' have to 'add' anywhere, just reply to this thread and you start recognizing ppl fast. I've been on mfp before but never 'involved' in a forum, so this helps me stay motivated, and helps to be held accountable. I giggled at your question, is everybody trying to get scary skinny for their wedding? I'm gona go out on a limb and say NO! I know my body, and my weight doesn't fluctuate much. I've been in the same clothes since college.. which is great. But I know I hadn't been taking as good of care as my body, and yes the scale grew a bit. So, I'm focusing on eating healthy including fruits (which I hate... ahhhh) and exercising to my full potential. I've been w/ my fh 4 years, so its easy to get comfortable in your skin. Now, with my wedding coming up in less than 6 months, i want to be feeling good and confident. With a few lbs lost, I'm already feeling good.. and eating healthy and being aware of what I'm eating.. YIKES.. has me filled with more energy. Welcome to brides on a mission! :-)
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm not very tech-smart so I just hit reply in hopes that this would qualify as me adding myself? Please someone inform me if there's more I have to do to see updates?

    Anyhoo, we're not officially engaged yet, but it is all starting to get exciting as we are planning a destination wedding 11 months from now after finding the perfect place while on vacation a few weeks ago.

    Love this week's challenge, I will think about my favourite healthy recipe while answering all these other initial get-to-know-me questions:

    1. Name: Krista
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Vancouver, BC Canada
    4. Occupation: Infant Development Program Supervisor
    5. Wedding date: February 2012 - Date not officially set yet
    6. Fiancés name: Dieter (odd I know, it's German, pronounced like Peter, except starting with a "D", haha).
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: Just over five years
    8. Heaviest weight: 178 lbs
    9. Goal weight and date: I'm not sure how much more I can lose?!!??! Is everyone trying to get scary skinny for their weddings?
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running, aerobics, walking my dog
    11. Favorite healthy food: does sushi count?

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: nothing this week, but lost a pound and half after a week's vacation - so trying to keep that up....craving bread and sweets and trying to resist
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my mom calling me yesterday morning to tell me she couldn't sleep the night before because she's so excited her baby girl is getting MARRIED!!! still can't believe it either!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): hiccups already with wedding planning. long story short, my sister has been charged with a DUI (from a long time ago, about 18 months ago) but doesn't have a court date until a few months from now in May so she MAY not be able to enter the states for our wedding, which can NOT happen! If any of you have a little sister that causes the family drama, you will understand how it is kind of annoying that she has managed to be a bigger factor in early wedding plan than me, figures!
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: orchids, greens, still very early stages of planning
    5. Any wedding news updates: my best friend will be there with bells on, all the way from the UK, which makes me cry
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: oh yes, far too many unfortunately, count everything i eat, limit refined carbs, if i eat something bad, never give up the day or the week or the month, food is like 80% and exercise only about 10% so i don't beat myself up if i can't always get the workouts i want in, but i also know i can weigh the very same and look very different just because of the difference exercise, or lack of it, makes on the way my body looks
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: as much as i can, i know it's important, but i'm more of a cardio girl
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): no, i wasn't part of this last week, i wish i knew about it though!
    9. Weekly wrap up: planning a wedding is STRESSFUL, so is work, i'll just have to keep running to clear my head and run off steam. so excited to marry my best friend and the love of my life!

    Haha, can you tell I'm chatty?

    And for this week's challenge, I think I'll go with something that most people will easily enjoy: Moroccan Chicken and Couscous:

    Have a fantastic week ladies :)

    HAHA!!! welcome and fear not I am chatty too!!! :))
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @gainskb: Do you buy the jams at the store or online? I've never heard of Mrs Millers... but I dig this idea! It doesn't go with my wedding theme, but my rehearsal/grooms dinner is a picnic theme. Yes, with the red and white checkered table cloths, wild flowers in large canning jars, etc. So, it would be fun to have some mini jars of jam to hand out (depending on the cost of course.) Love the idea though, with your country style wedding! Yayy!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @JulieSue: With the fuscia and navy wedding colors... You could do fuscia and bright pink orchids/roses/and perhaps some white fillers too... and have navy ribbon wrapped around the stems!!! My colors are lime green and black so I'm doing lime green spider mums w/ some white flowers (I meet w/ the florist this wknd) But then I'm thinking of having the stems wrapped in lime green ribbon (since my ladies are wearing black dresses.) Just an idea!!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member

    9. Goal weight and date: I'm not sure how much more I can lose?!!??! Is everyone trying to get scary skinny for their weddings?

    Krista, I am just trying to get fit and healthy after several years of not focusing on my health. Right now my goal would put me around the upper middle of my BMI range. I care most about being toned and healthy! Welcome to the group!
  • NicolioRussell
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: still not weighing in. I've been really slacking on the diet part of things (not going crazy overboard, but not really sticking to my calorie goals), but I've been exercising as much as I always do, so that's good at least.
    I know I've lost a couple inches, though! I'm waiting to talk to my doctor at the end of the month and get weighed then. I'm confused about my calorie goals anyways. I've looked at three different weight loss websites and each gives me a different calorie goal (LiveStrong gives me a goal that is 700 more than MFP!!)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Honestly, I don't really remember anything great that happened. I finished all of my week's homework by Wednesday so I had could enjoy the weekend. I guess that was positive.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Just having money issues. It's impossible to save for our wedding. I had an ER visit back in August and we just now got a new bill for the ER doctor; we just paid off the visit last month. It's turned out to be $1,000 ordeal. PLUS my mom got in a car accident on Friday and totalled her car. She's okay and it's amazing that she is with all of the damage done to her car.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: Colors are brown and light blue; daisies!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: None, really. We're metting with two cake bakers, a caterer and a photographer all on Saturday while we are in my hometown (where we're having the wedding). Everything is two hours away, so we have to squeeze all our meetings into one day.

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: I'm so nervous about eating out that we just don't do it anymore (and we're trying to save more money!). I'd rather cook at home and control what I'm eating. I'm still not confident enough, after 2.5 months, to want to go out and eat. Besides, I would probably end up getting a salad...and what's the point in paying $9 for a salad at a restaurant?

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: No, we have some....and I've been considering it. Working on mixing up my work out routine so I don't get too much into a habit

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): Push-ups are a joke for me. I can't even do them. But did tons of squats and sit ups with the biggest loser challenge. Don't know the count though!

    9. Weekly wrap up: It's only Monday; Been trying to get the fiance back on track (he has been SUPER slacking....Add him as a friend Crussell327 and hound him!!). He's my support system and when he slacks...I slack. I know I should "own it" more, but yeah. We generally enable each other. I kept begging him to help me out....and finally he says he will again. Hopefully this week will be better!!

    P.S. We are only going to much as I'd love to go to are EXPENSIVE! We're having a hard time just paying for the trip and flight, let alone adding in a bunch of tickets to other parks. But, we did get park hopper tickets, so we'll be able to explore all of Disney :-)
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    @JulieSue: With the fuscia and navy wedding colors... You could do fuscia and bright pink orchids/roses/and perhaps some white fillers too... and have navy ribbon wrapped around the stems!!! My colors are lime green and black so I'm doing lime green spider mums w/ some white flowers (I meet w/ the florist this wknd) But then I'm thinking of having the stems wrapped in lime green ribbon (since my ladies are wearing black dresses.) Just an idea!!

    yes that is what I thought I could do!!! :)) we were on the same page there!!! :)) wow black and lime green sounds amazing :)) I wish there was a better way to share photos!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @JulieSue: Don't even worry about being negative! Sounds like you had a bit of a rough week and we are all here to be sounding boards and a support system! Oh and I am also struggling with the consistency of dieting and exercise. There are weeks that I just fall of the wagon and then I feel so guilty! Fusica flowers sound like fun! There are so many you could use. I really like amaryllis, they come in a gorgeous fuscia color and many other varieties to compliment. My florist had this book of the different color combinations and it just blew my mind!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    @gainskb: Do you buy the jams at the store or online? I've never heard of Mrs Millers... but I dig this idea! It doesn't go with my wedding theme, but my rehearsal/grooms dinner is a picnic theme. Yes, with the red and white checkered table cloths, wild flowers in large canning jars, etc. So, it would be fun to have some mini jars of jam to hand out (depending on the cost of course.) Love the idea though, with your country style wedding! Yayy!

    I got them online.. here's the website:

    I went with the 1.5 oz jars which are $1.05 each. They are small but enough for a family of four to enjoy with a breakfast. Also, you have to kind of click around because not all of the flavors come in the 1.5 oz size. One of the ones that does is the Apple Butter which is delicous :-)
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    Have you been to Harry Potter world? I went there last summer. It was awesome! I did think it was a little small though. But you burn a ton of cal getting there because it is at the very back of the park!

    No I haven't been! I want to go soooo bad! I am a Harry Potter junkie! I lllooovvee the books and (most of) the movies! I heard from a co-worker the same thing - that it felt a bit small. I can't wait to go but it probably won't be for another year at least... can't complain though... the reason would be we have no PTO remaining but that's because we'll be in Hawaii for 10 days following our wedding :-)
  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: None, TOM soon!!!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got my flowers figured out for the wedding!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Nothing to much, just not very good eating this weekend.
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: We are having a lot of different flowers...orchids mainly, roses, some kind of berries...I don't know I am a little flower stupid! Thank goodness my decorator, FMIL and my mom were there with me!
    5. Any wedding news updates: Nope
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: Yes, I try and ask the waitress what the meal is with the lowest fat.
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: no, I should though.
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): I am really not good at these challenges. I have a knee issue so it hurts my knee pretty bad to do strength training.
    9. Weekly wrap up: Hope everyone has a great week!
  • kalebsmama07
    so alittle update.....since we told people we were getting married...(we were at first due to our or his family) we now have 20-25 people coming.....and me and my finace wanted just the important people in our lives there to me 20 people is alot....wel me and my finace agreed no before parties...bachlor / bacholertte (not sure if i spelt rite) but we now have best man and maid of honor...for our wedding in which they want to throw us a party....together or seprate i have no idea...ill know more soon..but im excited....i excited to have all these people coming and such main reason too for not inviting people in the first place was so i didnt have to entertain n i could actually enjoy the day......
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: .5 (I think I did some serious stress eating this week!)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My blue wedding shoes arriving this week! Plus, I was at Macy's looking for something and decided to try on some dresses and was super excited that I was fitting into dresses that a few months ago... forget-about-it! Even though the scale isn't moving much, I feel like I'm toning up more.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Making myself stressed out and making myself feel overwhelmed by multiple projects at work. I know I'll get them done but right now, not feeling it. By the time I get home, I have no energy to get to the gym.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: We're having whites, blushes and light pink peonies for the bouquets, nosegays and cake topper; hypericum berry boutonnieres for the boys; and white hydrangeas for the centerpieces on every other table.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Ordered our invite envelopes from Cards and Pockets last night. Now I just need to make some small tweaks on the invites and send them to the printer (I've seen a few samples already that I sent the printer to figure how how the design looks on the linen paper... So excited to see the final product!!). I'll get that done next week after I get some work projects off my plate since the turnaround time for the invites is only going to be a couple of days.

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: I usually try to have a salad before the meal. A lot of times, Mike and I will split our meal so we don't overeat. This worked perfectly this past weekend at a Japanses restaurant.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: Yes... for the freeweight stuff between 8 and 10 pounds, but then I also use FreeMotion machines that have weights on them as well.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): I suck at push-ups! I have never liked them, even after playing field hockey and tennis for so many years. The sit-up and squats, I can do all day... but the push-ups... I am NOT "winning" (to kinda quote Charlie Sheen).

    9. Weekly wrap up: Despite the scale not moving, I do feel like I ate better this week. I've been working hard on cutting out wheat (let me just tell you how hard that is because EVERYTHING seems to have wheat in it-- ugh!) to see if the wheat is impacting my allergies and it amazing me how I have felt after eating a meal that has a bunch of bread in it compared to a meal that is bread-free or bread-lite!

    @heels24-Have fun meeting with the florist! Word of advice that i got from three different florist I met with, who all said the same thing about hydrangeas... unless the flowers are in water all day, they will wilt like no one's business. I really wanted hydrangea bouquets and boutonnieres but after realizing that the flowers may be brown by the end of the day because of it being summertime, we're going with peonies for the bouquets and using hydrangeas as centerpieces on the tables. I love your colors though! Perfect combination!! The shoes I ordered in the link I sent you, totally look Carolina Blue to me!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm not weighing in until the end of the month
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got a lot of compliments on how skinny I looked
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): A funeral is never easy, and the amount of food I've eaten in the last week is astonishing
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I'm not picking a specific color, I'm having an outside wedding in the summer so it's just going to be pastels and pretty flowers. I'm getting a Canadian Wildflower bouquet, my centerpieces are going to be all bedding plants, etc
    5. Any wedding news updates: I've started harassing my photographer to get a contract drawn up
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: yeah, don't eat out, or don't order a ton of food...i make sure I research it first
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: no, not until my gym opens up again
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): I didn't do it...but I will this week! What's the challenge this week? I'll combine them:)
    9. Weekly wrap up: It was a rough one, but it's monday, and I'm back and better than ever. After all the comments this past week on how skinny i look (i'm still 195) I think that I can do even better before the summer so I can look extra amazing
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Thanks to some of the orginal starting members for guiding new members along on our board! I try to check in but I just dont have too much time right now to respond to everyone! Thanks a ton!!! :flowerforyou:
  • NicolioRussell
    I forgot a huge positive!!

    I ordered a bathing suit a couple weeks ago and got it yesterday. Too big! So, we went to Fashion Bug just to putz around and for me to try stuff on. I was able to get a really, really cute dress and a pair of exercise shorts in two sizes smaller than what I was wearing in January!

    I don't see the weight coming off, and the scale hasn't budged for a couple weeks....but at least clothes are definitely fitting better.

    I'm excited that when summer comes around, I might be in a size 18 swimsuit (last summer's and the one I wore to Florida were 24's.) !!!
  • NicolioRussell
    Brides on a Mission: week 8
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm not weighing in until the end of the month
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got a lot of compliments on how skinny I looked
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): A funeral is never easy, and the amount of food I've eaten in the last week is astonishing
    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: I'm not picking a specific color, I'm having an outside wedding in the summer so it's just going to be pastels and pretty flowers. I'm getting a Canadian Wildflower bouquet, my centerpieces are going to be all bedding plants, etc
    5. Any wedding news updates: I've started harassing my photographer to get a contract drawn up
    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: yeah, don't eat out, or don't order a ton of food...i make sure I research it first
    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: no, not until my gym opens up again
    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): I didn't do it...but I will this week! What's the challenge this week? I'll combine them:)
    9. Weekly wrap up: It was a rough one, but it's monday, and I'm back and better than ever. After all the comments this past week on how skinny i look (i'm still 195) I think that I can do even better before the summer so I can look extra amazing

    Oh my goodness, it took FOREVER for my photographer to send me a contract. So long that we started looking for another photographer. Once we had a ton of appointments set up, then I got the contract in my email. Now I'm torn cause we've found some people with better work than who we had originally chosen, though they are much more expensive.
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    @heels24-Have fun meeting with the florist! Word of advice that i got from three different florist I met with, who all said the same thing about hydrangeas... unless the flowers are in water all day, they will wilt like no one's business. I really wanted hydrangea bouquets and boutonnieres but after realizing that the flowers may be brown by the end of the day because of it being summertime, we're going with peonies for the bouquets and using hydrangeas as centerpieces on the tables. I love your colors though! Perfect combination!! The shoes I ordered in the link I sent you, totally look Carolina Blue to me!

    Thanks for the advice! Very good to know. Now that I think of it, I have seen hydrangeas in a bouquet before that totally wilted. I love peonies too so I think your flowers will look amazing!

    Haha, yeah I thought the same thing about your shoes when I was looking at them! I'm strongly considering wearing Carolina blue shoes now too. :)