Taratruex Member


  • When i saw the 10 minute straight day i got so scared that i wasnt going to be able to do it, that i didnt run for a month! I was wayyyyy over reacting because i went back to running and picked back up where i left off. Yesterday i just ran the 20 minute segment. It was tough, but i did it and you can too.
  • Week 6 Day 2 is coming up for me and is my 20 minute run. Im nervous....
    in Week 6 Comment by Taratruex January 2012
  • You are an inspiration to me and everyone in our group, I hope to be as successful as you are at 6 months!
  • Im in it for the long haul, im on daily. Hit my 95th day yesterday. If you want to you can add me as a friend. Going from 259 to 145 is my goal. One word of advice. Patience. You have made the hardest decision to get on the horse, believe me i know. Ive fallen off multiple times, but the most important part is getting back…
  • Look into bodymedia and their arm band I love mine! Calculates calories in out and sleep
  • 25 pounds = an average 2 year old this is crazy!
  • There is a group out there that im very fond of, its a group of people with 100+ lbs to lose, ill try to bump the post so you can find it. Its a great group of people and very supportive.
  • Anyone experience having a hard time on Week 5 day 2? Was running and seems as though it was harder than Week 5 day 1. Oh well will try again probably since i had a tough time.
  • There is a topic in the motivation forum that is for people who have 100+ to lose, im apart of that group and for the journey it actually helps ( in my opinion of course) if you have someone to go to who is on the same path as you. Look us up.
  • Im doing week 4 this week and did day 1 I thought I was going to have to stop but did great. Also my program has me running a ten minute segment week 5 not 20 I'm using ease into 5k it's an iPhone app. I've been so successful! Good luck everyone!
  • I have the BODYMEDIA arm band and absolutely love it! It measures sleep and calories all day and night. I have not thought twice about this purchase. And for those of you who are embarrassed to wear it on your arm you could wear it on your calf and there is no difference.
  • Yeah, your body cannot function on less than around 1200 calories. You should be trying to lose the weight slowly. You don't want it to fly off of you because it is harder to lose the loose skin. I would get a second opinion from another doctor. There are also ways to find out your BMR to get more accurate information.
    in Hmmm Comment by Taratruex October 2011