Losing weight fast and keeping it off?

Alright, so I have a question (I searched but didn't find another topic like this). I need to lose quite a bit of weight, over 100lbs at least. I have lost over 6 lbs in 9 days and 2 pounds previous to that in the last month. My question is, has anyone had experience with losing weight fast and keeping it off? I changed my diet last week and it's taking some getting used to. I am not enough the amount of calories I should most days but I get close. Of course I know this will result in rather quick weight loss, so I'm trying not to eat too little. But has anyone with a large amount of weight lost it and kept it off?

I know that since I'm larger the weight will come off quick at first and then slow down after a while. I just don't want to lose it SO fast that I wind up gaining a lot of it back.


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    If you are just starting your dieting, you are probably losing water weight, and that can take 2 weeks to come off, maybe longer I'm not sure, just depends on how much water you are carrying and how much you are drinking. Once the water weight comes off which is easiest to lose, you'll slow down. I lose about 2lbs a week and I'm always under my intake, I have a hard time reaching my intake most days.
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I lost my first 10 lbs in 7 days, all water weight probably, but so far its been about three months and ive lost 37 total. I've turned "weight loss" into a lifestyle, so I don't see myself gaining it back anytime soon.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I know the water weight goes first so I figure that's what is going now (seeing as i've been peeing like a racehorse! i know tmi, but its insane!) I don't see myself gaining it back if I can really lose enough, I don't want to be stuck in this miserable uncomfortable state of body forever! I've heard so many stories of quick weight loss that comes right back, I just don't intend to be one of those stories!
  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    There is a topic in the motivation forum that is for people who have 100+ to lose, im apart of that group and for the journey it actually helps ( in my opinion of course) if you have someone to go to who is on the same path as you. Look us up.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The issue is not how fast you lose the weight (That's not entirely true, but it sounds like you are being sensible about things), it's what you do when you've lost the weight. If you think that you can lose all that weight and then go back to eating the way you have been, you WILL gain it all back.

    Use the time that it takes to lose the weight to develop new eating habits. Habits that you will be able to maintain for a lifetime.