krissy_krossy Member


  • If you want to gain weight you can. I still have days where I drink several beers, have some pizza, and play video games all night. They just happen much less frequently. I get that food tastes good and makes you feel happy. If I didn't love how food tasted and eating it was a chore, life would be incredibly boring. The…
  • I would view it as an absolute last resort. My BIL was considering it for a while but decided not to. He's on meds that make weight loss incredibly difficult and is diabetic on insulin, so he's had a tough time. I'm not sure how he's done it since we live across the country, but my FIL recently told us that since we've…
  • I'm sure all the people you removed are heartbroken. :laugh: I think anyone's progress at any age is impressive. Maybe I'm just a youngster who doesn't know better. You can brag about removing all your "unimpressive" friends who have it so easy because they're young. Ill continue to not judge anyone trying to improve…
  • I lost almost 10 pounds my first week of changing my eating habits. It was water. That's probably how she's lost so much so quickly. It's not actual fat. I think products like that are an amazing waste of money. I've never even so much as bought a slim fast shake and I'm doing pretty well. I guess I just like real food.…
  • I haven't gotten through all the replies so far, buuut... I am glad that there is affordable, delicious food. Do I just eat doughnuts and Cheetoes and boxed macaroni and cheese? Nope, not at all. But I do have it in moderation because I like it and I have self-control. I'm not going to go the rest of my life without ever…
  • Things like nuts, avocados, and cheese are calorie dense so if you add some in you can up your calories without feeling really stuffed. Also cooking with oil (I use olive oil) adds calories easily.
  • Oh dear, that was an adventure to read... You're eating *cause you're sad? As in overeating? Mindlessly eating? I'm going to assume that's what you meant. But you've gone down in size so what's the problem? I'd rather go down in size than have the number go down on the scale (if I had to pick one.) No one sees what's on…
  • Green tea has caffeine... Even decaf has some, although it's a negligable amount unless you're getting certain medical tests done. Then they'll tell you that you can't even have decaf (like when I had some heart tests done.)
  • What's so terrible about water? The way some people feel about it makes me think that they were raised on nothing but juice and soda pop. It's water... Still, MFP should have it say "liquid intake" instead. I see some people who say that it's only considered water if it falls from the sky or you surf in it or something,…
  • D'awww, Adipose!
    in Scam Comment by krissy_krossy April 2013
  • Darn, I'm married to a man who's never read The Dark Tower. :cry: Be my mistress? :flowerforyou: :laugh: Edited because I apparently can't spell after my second beer. SMH.
  • This has inspired me to go grab a Shock Top, since it's the cheapest beer I'll allow in the house (none of that Budweiser crap. King of Beers my *kitten*.) I'm fine if I can fight off the drunk-munchies. If not, bummer, but I drink maybe once or twice every 2 months so I'll be okay. Cheers :drinker:
  • These posts always make me want a coke. I like to have a refreshing beverage while I read a ton of pseudo-science and misinformation. It's mostly water and it's delicious.
  • Water retention. Chances are you haven't gain muscle on a calorie deficit, especially that quickly. It's not 1.5 kgs of muscle, it's not 1.5kgs of fat. It's water. Or poop. Might be poop...
  • Is it healthy to eat less than 1,000 calories? No. Just no. Are you for real? NO. I just started dieting and have yet to eat 1,000 calories in one day. Uhhh, why? Are you seriously serious? My goal is 1,200 and I am a 5'5 female. So why aren't you eating that amount? And why is your goal that low? What is this even?
  • Some cheese on those veggies or some avocado in place of some of them would add some calories without so much bulk... *shrug* Unless there's a medical reason someone has gotten overweight (and even in a lot of those cases) they didn't get overweight by having trouble eating 1400-1500 calories. Me included.
  • This. Looking at me you couldn't tell I had an eating disorder for years. Looking at my x-rays over a year after recovering, though, you can see the permanent damage it's caused to my bones. Let me tell you, having the bone density of someone who can get a senior discount isn't that fun.
  • The problem is that you are exercising too much and are unable or unwilling to take in the calories to keep yourself healthy and fuel your workouts. If you are drastically undereating you may not notice problems right away, but after a while you bet your butt you will. Long enough and at too low of a calorie amount you can…
  • An oz of cheese has around 110 calories. An oz of nuts has around 150-170. An avocado has around 250. It's not that hard. I mean, I don't think many of us got overweight by struggling to get to 1500 calories a day...
  • Honestly? Therapy would probably be good for you. A lot of people dismiss it, are ashamed if they go, get a terrible therapist and avoid the whole thing rather than find one that works for them, but I've been going to therapy since I was 13. Over those 9, almost 10 years, I only had 2 (out of like... 10) that I enjoyed,…
  • Not much. I don't have a ton of muscle but I still have a good amount in my legs from 7 years of marching band (you'd be surprised at the workout you get from marching 4 hours a day with a xylophone on your shoulders) and walking everywhere for ages (I lived in a small town most of my life and could walk to work, the…
  • I find it more pricey too. People are pointing out the reduced cost with eating out less. We didn't really eat out to begin with, still don't now, and it's more expensive for us. We used to split a box of Kraft mac and cheese for dinner. It was 60 cents for dinner for us both (we shop at the commissary where they sell…
  • Thing like nuts, avocoados, and cheese are calorie dense. Buuuut... beating yourself up for eating a piece of candy is silly. I have a bowl of ice cream most nights. I measure it out now and eat healthy foods earlier in the day, but I don't give up things I enjoy. Giving up all of the foods you love because you're "on a…
  • I'm on my husband's computer, so I don't have photos on here, but my main photo is where I started and recently. 46 pounds gone so far.
  • Really? 1. Doesn't make a difference. I don't eat breakfast. I hate eating in the morning and it DOESN'T keep me full like people say, it makes me hungrier throughout the day. I've been losing weight just fine. 2. I can pile up a 10" plate or have a 12" plate with a reasonable amount of food on it. If I'm measuring and…
  • I quit for a month with the help of Zyban (same thing as the anti-depressant Welbutrin but under a different name) until they realized that SSRI's send me through the roof. So I don't take that, Chantix is pretty awful from what I hear, and I've seen enough people get addicted to nicotine gum instead of cigarettes that I…
  • I do if there's something I want on it and I'm not too hungry. A lot of places I enjoy have age limits on kid's meals, though (I'm looking at you, D!ckey's. And they're really going to bleep out that restaurant name?) If not, I get a regular meal and take the extra home and have lunch or dinner the next day or my husband…
  • Because pits and rottweilers are some of the sweetest dogs. Smaller dogs raised by the same people would do that if they were larger. You said yourself that most owners of such dogs you see are "scumbags." Don't you think that has something to do with the dogs being aggressive?
  • Stay out of the couple's business unless it's to advise them to go to therapy/counseling or you suspect abuse. Doesn't matter if he's "your boy," he's a grown man who made his own decisions.
  • It's not the breed, it's how the dog was raised. Ignorance about this frustrates me because I have a pitbull. BSL can prevent us from living in certain places because of my "vicious" dog that knows what to do when you ask for kisses. Idk how to upload photos from my phone, but if y'all have instagram mine is…