krissy_krossy Member


  • I'm 27 and haven't run (not even for 20 feet) for 9 years, since before I was a 3 pack a day smoker. Quit smoking last October and am preparing for my first treadmill run. I still have this nagging fear that I'll gasp and wheeze like a crazy lady but am slowly upping my speed.
  • My boyfriend and I both recently went to the doctor and found we gained weight since dating (we were already a bit squishy) and he had higher cholesterol. I also just turned 27 and I want to hit my 30's in good health. I quit smoking last year and losing weight and exercising more is my last step in taking care of myself…
  • Fat people get shamed, thin people get shamed now ("real women have curves", "men don't want skeletons", etc.) Don't shame anyone. What business is someone else's weight of yours? Being overweight is terrible for your health. Everyone knows that. It rubbed me the wrong way how he was pretty much blaming other people for…
  • Teenagers need to eat a reasonable amount like anybody else. No, I don't think teenagers should be on fad diets like Atkins, but I don't think anyone should, really. They're silly. I think that they should actually teach nutrition in schools so it wouldn't be such a big problem. I see all these campaigns to get kids…
  • I'm sure somebody else has told you to eat more. If not, eat more. I'm down to 134 from 191 starting on Jan 2nd. I was at a standstill for a while then I started a very physical job and started losing again, though I eat more now than I did. It's much slower now, but as I've only got 14 pounds to go instead of 71, I'm okay…
  • I drink about 3-5 cans of Vanilla Coke Zero or Pepsi Max every day. In fact, I've been drinking diet soda on a regular basis for about 8 years now. I've lost about 50 pounds since January. I'm losing weight slower now, but because I don't have much left to lose and not because of the diet soda.
  • Don't give up foods you like, just eat it in moderation. That's actually harder, imo (though I am an "all or nothing" type of person so maybe it's just me.) I still eat pizza and ice cream, but an ACTUAL serving size and less often. I was 191 pounds when I weighed at my heaviest (could very well have been over 200 at some…
  • Nope. I almost never eat breakfast. Besides, it makes me hungrier for the rest of the day. Some people find that it makes them feel less hungry during the day. Whatever works for you.
  • I never said it would. But eating at a sensible calorie deficit will work for everyone. And fast food is not "evil" regardless of the consumer's age.
  • Started at 191, down to 141 (so 50 pounds down), and have 20-ish left to go (I'm 5'4".) My weight has been at sort of a standstill and I've honestly been pretty agitated. I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing and wait for the weight to come off. Eating food in moderation and getting in some exercise. I'll be…
  • Wut? Fast food isn't bad in moderation. I eat it once a week or so if we can afford it. I don't classify foods as "good" or "bad." People get overweight/obese and have the related health problems by eating too much food (not just fast food. You can get overweight eating "healthy" food.) I've lost weight just fine. And…
  • Food plays a bigger role. I DO exercise, but not as much as I probably should. I've been active on here since January and have had pretty good success with my weight loss (started at 191 and obese, now 141 and considered a "healthy weight.") I have exercised some, but most of it was due to changing how much I eat. I don't…
  • Yep. 5'4" is a good height for me since I'm used to it. :laugh: But seriously, I do. I was 5'3" until I was 19 and then magically grew almost a full inch (I claim 5'4" since I round up that last 1/4 inch.) The only bother is finding pants that aren't too long. That might have a lot to do with my sitting height, though. I'm…
  • First step: Forget Dr. Oz junk. Second step: look up "In Place of a Roadmap." I'm sure someone has/will post the link at some point since I don't have it ATM. Third step: Relax, don't weigh daily if you panic over normal fluctuations, get a food scale, and give it some time.
    in help Comment by krissy_krossy April 2013
  • A HRM is great. I don't have one yet, but you know how many calories burned and it's far more accurate than MFP's calculations. For now I use the Endomondo app which automatically adds data to MFP when you complete the workout and has a decent selection including treadmill (I use it for walking as well since it has a GPS…
  • A lot of GP's love to give nutrition advice and many don't have a clue. Even as an adult, I don't talk to my GP about nutrition any further than "I would like some blood tests to check my iron/vitamin/etc. levels." Find a doctor who specializes in nutrition and preferably one has experience working with children and see…
  • I know some people say it's silly, but I'm a huge advocate for therapy. Granted, there are some crackpot therapists out there (and I've met with several,) but a good one can make a world of difference with problems like that. I've seen over a dozen different therapists (most never for more than the first appointment…
  • 80 pounds is quite a bit of weight lost. Other users gave good advice but perhaps some of it is also skin? I'm down almost 50 pounds and I have some skin that makes me look more flabby than I am. Granted I could do with building some muscle, but I know I wouldn't look quite so "soft" if I didn't have the extra skin as well.
  • -What was your starting weight? 191 pounds -What's your target? 120-ish, maybe a bit lower depending on body fat % and such when I get there. I'm kind of short, so 110-120 isn't that low. -What are you now? 143.8 to be exact. Weighed-in today. -How many calories/day do you consume? About 1450 or so, give or take 100. -When…
  • *shrug* If it's not diet, cutting it out saves calories. I drink diet soda. I like it and I don't buy into all the scary stories about it. I've lost weight just fine. Besides, diet soda gets rid of my appeitite.
  • 40D to 34B already. I'm loving it, tbh. When I was previously at the weight I hope to get back to I was a 32A. Crossing fingers that I'm around there when I get these last 24 pounds or so gone. I hated having a large chest.
  • My husband is in the military and on the same schedule, and half the time his "off" days aren't even off. To top it off they switch him between days and nights fairly frequently. He still finds time to exercise a bit. It doesn't take that long... Are you worried about failing the weigh-in? Stick to your calories and you'll…
  • I take a prenatal vitamin with added iron. I also take an extra vitamin D supplement from my doctor (I don't remember the dosage atm) since they thought my levels were low enough to warrant it.
  • This last weekend I went out and bought myself new underoos! When I was heavier I didn't feel like I needed anything pretty since I wasn't about to let anyone see me without my clothes. I went and got some at VS PINK (not super fancy, but better than the Walmart packaged crap I had) since I've gone from XL/XXL to M in…
  • Filter your water? My parents have well water and it tastes disgusting. Ours probably does too (possibky due to old munitions in the ground for ages) but I've never tried it as it's cloudy... But filtered water has no taste (some bottled as well, tho arrowhead is still gross.),
  • Yep, you need to increase your calories. I'm on my phone so I can't but I'm sure someone can post some helpful information regarding TDEE and such.
  • I am aware, and I am against government funded healthcare.
  • I was aware that I was overweight; I didn't need anyone to tell me. I also honestly don't care how overweight someone chooses to be (unless government healthcare in the USA happens, not fond of possibly having to pay higher taxes to take care of someone's problems they created on their own.) Someone being 300 pounds…
  • Brilliant flounce, OP! You whine that you're not losing weight, people are telling you how to fix that, you rage-slam the keyboard saying that you asked how to lose weight and nobody was helpful and how we're all so very, very mean. Huh...:huh: How about you try to remember that the people who were trying to help have had…
  • I've got quite a bit, especially on my thighs, stomach, and lady lumps. I'm sure some of it will "bounce back" but, as I now have some LOVELY strechmarks, I know it won't all go back to the way it was. I'll take the loose skin over fat any day.