Doomed Due to Desk Job



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you are doing a decent workout on your days off (quality not quantity), and sticking to yuor calories, you dont need to do extra when you're at work....
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    if you are doing a decent workout on your days off (quality not quantity), and sticking to yuor calories, you dont need to do extra when you're at work....
    I am but when im at work i feel like im just too idle.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    My husband is in the military and on the same schedule, and half the time his "off" days aren't even off. To top it off they switch him between days and nights fairly frequently. He still finds time to exercise a bit. It doesn't take that long...

    Are you worried about failing the weigh-in? Stick to your calories and you'll lose weight. Worried about failing the fitness part? Get in exercise when you can instead of making excuses. Besides, not to be rude, but they don't ask for that much for the test. Go running a couple times a week and do some sit-ups and push-ups before bed. Easy peasy.
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    I work behind a desk 5 days a week and find it easier when im there. I have set time for my meals and what im eating!!
  • ashb811
    ashb811 Posts: 17
    I work a desk job... 9 hour days. Two girls and I get up every hour and do a random exercise. Sometimes its squats and lunges and others its crunches or push ups. Just something small that really adds up. 20 squats a day x 9 hours ends up being 180 squats in a day. And it only takes about 2 minutes.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Due to physical disabilities the only exercising I can do now is stretching - and I'm doing fine in regard to weight loss. Hopefully I'll be able to do more as I lose weight.

    Sounds like you're in a mental funk - shake it off woman! Get real and get moving!

    P.S. Thank you for your service to our country. :flowerforyou:
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    My sister uses a balance ball instead of a chair at her desk for a little extra movement/core stabilizing, and she can do exercises on it during a break. I had a co-worker at an old job who used a standing desk instead of a regular one and those can be rigged with paper boxes, etc. Some people stand for telephone calls. Eat at your desk and use breaks/lunch for movement. With your kind of schedule, calorie cycling of some kind might be helpful. Eat light on work days and more on exercise days.

    You can do this, don't let the job become a reason for not meeting your goals. I will say though, working night shift can mess with your head due to hormones/circadian rhythm, etc. Hopefully this is not a long-term posting because honestly it does not sound like it agrees with you (mental funk). I enjoyed my night shift job for a few years, but it is really hard on your body/mind and eventually was just not worth the pay/convenience/etc.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    Suck it up buttercup.

    I work a desk job and I've lost 49lbs no problem. My husband works the exact same schedule as you (even at night) and he still manages to work out and lose weight.

    It's all about priorities. And calories.

    On his days off, my husband keeps the night shift schedule (or close to it). It makes it easier for him to stay up all night when he works. So, he does his workout in the middle of the night. On the days he works, he gets a run in first thing after work. He logs all his food on MFP and keeps a calorie deficit.

    So, eat less, move more (even if you have to do it in the middle of the night on your days off). Simple.
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    I am at a desk most days as well. I spend two hours a day minimum driving to and from that desk.

    I make sure I find time for exercise every day. I get up early, and either run or weight lift.
    Sure I'd like to go home and sleep. I'd rather give up some tv or laying about time to either work out or go to bed early.

    I fell great. My weight is easily controlled.
    No excuses.
    If you want it, you'll do it.

    Be strong !
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    No disrespect but it sounds to me like someone is making excuses.

    There is no reason why you can't work out on your off days. There is no reason why you can't get up earlier to workout. There is no reason why you can't work out before bed. Tiredness isn't an excuse in my book.

    I suggest making time to exercise instead of failing to find time.

    no harshness here, but i kind of agree with the comment Above ^. I mean you are getting days off so use those days and work out! that is what i do. I get two days off a week. I ALWAYS work out on those days, and i try to squeeze in at least one more night time gym trip after work during each week. Plus i am jogging 2 - 3 days a week. I use to be a gym person - FIVE DAYS A WEEK but my 'desk job' keeps me at work too late but ill be darned if i dont manage the time some where, some how. I have two kids that i tug around with me also. nothing is easy except an excuse. Dont use one. Find the time!
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    This might be helpful for you...:smile:
    I have a desk job and during my lunch break most days I walk around the building. I installed cardio trainer app on my phone so it tracks my speed and that pushes me to walk faster. I usually burn over 200 calories during my 1 hour lunch.
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    I get up at 4am to get dropped off at work. I sleep at work until an hour or so before opening time. I work until 8pm - 9pm and then come home. We have dinner and my partner goes to bed. I then do housework and get out my wii and play Just Dance for up to half an hour. You really have to make the effort to make the time to exercise - and you will feel better once you do.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    I work a desk job. I am an OS and I work 2 on 2 off and I get out there and do it. I keep to my schedule. If my weight lifting falls on a work day then I go after work.

    You joined the military. What you think it was going to be all roses and daisies? What did you expect? Them to hand you workout time on is silver spoon? Um no. And I am sorry, but I don't believe that they "handed you a desk job." As the saying goes "Choose your rate, choose your fate." Or in this case your MOS. Suck it up!

    Edited to add this...

    Do not wait until your are on your final chance to pass the PT test or the final weight in to stay in. MAKE the time now.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Also have a desk job - I walk to and from work and go out for 20-30 minutes at lunchtime for a walk.

    As others have said, try getting up and down, doing some squats etc. every couple of hours - you can set a reminder on your PC. Or volunteer to help with any deliveries - shifting boxes of printer paper is great exercise!

    ETA - bring in every calorie you intend to consume! Vending machines and canteens with tempting treats are the spawn of the devil!:happy:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I presume you have at least a half-hour break during your 12-hour days? Go for a run or a power walk! I haven't even got a shower in my office, but with inventive use of wet-wipes I can run three miles and get back in time to eat a sandwich at my desk.
  • KeithKanderski
    Do you have a lunch break? If I miss my morning run, weather permitting, I will at least spend my lunch hour walking and then I eat my lunch while I work. Not sure how it works in the AF - if you are pretty much tied down to your desk for the whole 12 hours...
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    I sit behind a desk 8 hours a day and also go to college part-time. The only way I find time to exercise is by making time. I get up earlier, go to bed later, watch less tv etc. All small sacrifices in the grand scheme of things.

    I know there are plenty of so called 'exercises' that you can do in the office but for me I'd rather just eat clean and work my butt off when I get to the gym.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,534 Member
    1. Instead of taking a walk around the building, run it. Run it FAST, like you were in High School doing the 50yard dash.
    You might feel kinda silly at first, but I bet you will eventually have coworkers doing it, too!! If your building isn't quite that large, then run it fast TWICE! or work your way up to running it fast twice. You can bring an extra shirt and leave it in your desk to change out of if you get sweaty. (Obviously on Blue's days, just walk it, lol).

    2. Can you ride a bike? Ride to work? If it is too far, can you drive 1/2-way there, park the car, ride bike rest of the way? You'd be surprised how exhilarating and FUN it can be! (Be sure to wear your yellow caution vest requ'd on Base).

    3. No biking? Then park your car a LONG ways away and POWER WALK to your office. Takes about a week to get used to parking so far away, forcing that long walk seems forever. Just think you won't be fighting for a parking spot this way, too!

    4.. Every time you go into the Ladies room, do 10-20 jumping jacks and 10 fast deep-level-knee squats. keep form.

    5. When you walk to a coworkers desk, walk brisk, stand straight, suck in your core, shoulders back.

    6. Sitting at your desk, sit up straight & "tall", suck in your core, shoulders back and down.

    7. Snack on healthy protein, fresh veggies, skip the donuts, muffins, calorie-loaded carbs, while working these long shifts.

    8. Reach for water and not energy drinks or soda. Drink all of your water before anything else.
  • Mom4Liz
    Mom4Liz Posts: 55
    I kind of get what you're going through. I changed careers a couple of years ago. I went from being a Chef where I was always running back and forth to the walk in and on my feet all day to working at a desk job. The first couple of weeks were the worst. I was fidgety and I wasn't used to sitting still. Eventually you do get used to it though. I think there isn't much you can do that hasn't already been suggested.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I do work out on my days off, this is strictly for my days on while im in the office

    Wake up before your shift starts, hit the gym for some lifting/cardio and go to work.. then sleep when your done... and don't sit at your desk drinking soda and snacking on chips/etc.. its not the desk job that gets you its what you snack on out of boredom.