I am under eating by at least 1000 cals a day?



  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.

    not to be rude or anything, but no one got to needing to lose weight because they could not eat enough...

    like others have said, calculate your tdee and go from there. if you work out 2 hours a day, then you def need higher calories. if you are not eating enough, then your body will become stubborn and hold on to whatever is there and make weightloss slow down.
    also, if it has only been 2 weeks it can take more time to actually see the scale move. you said yourself you have lost inches, and sometimes that is better to go by.

    as far as anorexics, yes there may not be any weight gain because there is severe restriction of food. but as soon as more food is eaten, even if it is going from 800 calories a day to 1000 or 1100 a day which is still under eating, there will be weight gain since the body is still trying to hold onto everything it can.

    theres a group on here that is called eat more to lose weight or somthing of the sorts, which gives good information on how eating more is actually better to help with weightloss.
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.

    Add a "whey isolate" (or possibly whey protein if you can handle the lactose). This would be nice after your workouts, help you rev up your metabolism and also make sure you are getting all the protein you need. If you don't get enough protein (especially the essential amino acids), your body will break down your muscles.
  • sexymuffintop
    OP gets advice. OP doesn't agree/understand advice. OP strops off. BBBBLLLEEEUUUUGGGHHHHHHHH.:noway: :noway: :yawn:

    It's a lot like training a kitten, isn't it?


    Moral of your gif. Don't put your hand near an angry *****....
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    People who can't eat or hate food - let's call them the "600-calorie people" often are unaware of the cause themselves. Not only that, they're also often in denial. Truth or honesty becomes a threat. They're in some sort of starvation mode: starving for attention and confirmation.

    The real question: "Am I lovely?" has not been satisfactorily answered in their past. Well, I don't want to play Dr. Freud, but it's not a guess or a theory… It's a pattern.

    Suggestions like: "Eat more healthy fats" or "Exercise less" or "You're destroying your metabolism" never work because they trigger a mind-protective defense mechanism. They are replied with slogans like: "You're not listening to my real problem!" or "Why are you so hostile?" or in this case: "I won't eat meat. Don't you know what they're doing to our cows?!"

    The problem is further preferably exposed on public forums because there is a full house of folk equally wandering in the dark, proclaiming: "Forget the Roadmap!" and "You're doing fine!" and seemingly offer 'support' and 'comfort'. But in fact they're just prolonging blindness and making it more difficult to get through.

    For the 600-calorie people who feel they don't lose (fast) enough while they are killing themselves with cardio/HIIT and nothing else seems to work, here's a little problem assistant:

    1. Look in the mirror. Was this helpful? Yes/No
    2. Eat more. Was this helpful? Yes/No
    3. Seek professional help. Was this helpful? Yes/No
    4. Good luck.

  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.

    not to be rude or anything, but no one got to needing to lose weight because they could not eat enough...
    I think this needs to be attached to the MFP logo lol

    I understand that mindset because I used to be there. It's easy to eat 2,500 calories when you aren't being conscious. But when you are being selective and making the right food choices (which tend to be lower calorie), it's hard to keep adding stuff when what you are already eating fills you up. I'm supposed to be eating about 1,800 calories and I have to push myself to get to 1,600. Sure I could if I snacked on my low-fat ice-cream but the sugar makes me feel guilty.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much
    Then you're doing it wrong. Seriously.

    So why eat something that is sooooooo filling for only 8 cals? A tablespoon of peanut butter is about 100!

    Because I ENJOY eating it! And I didn't know at the time thats all it was.

    And like I said I do eat things like PB etc,

    I went back on my records and found a day which was a bad day for me, eating things like ice cream, cheese cake, roast dinner, chips etc, and it only was 1600 calories!

    One of my days was all bran, smoothie, PB toast, 2 pears, yoghurt a huge mixture of veges, some pork lions, plus cranberry juice and it was only 1300 calories. And I remember I was STUFFED! There was no way I could eat another mouthful! But I was trying so hard to get at least over 1200 I just ate way too much

    just curious if you measure/weigh your food. i was suprised how i thought i was eating a serving when it was actually more once i got a food scale. i think a lot of people mis gauge how much they are eating unless they acurately measure/weigh iit.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • sixisCHANGEDjk
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    Not to be offensive but if you don't have anything else to do during the day, go eat.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Calories are important, but not as much as what comes with them... I know there are some of you out there who would refute this statement; I'd challenge anyone who can come up with a sound argument (citing actual evidence) to quote this post and prove me wrong.

    In my opinion, I focus more on meeting my nutrient goals for the day without eating an obscene amount of calories. I am a ski instructor in Colorado, I am very active, and often times lunch is a hard meal for me too since I cant carry my lunch with me and the stuff we feed the kids is laughable in the nutrition department. I carry unsalted almonds because i know they can stave hunger in responsible amounts. I also try to make lunch a two-part meal (splitting the calories between the pitiful choices I can actually eat at the salad bar in the cafeteria, and a hearty snack when I get home around 4 o'clock).

    When it comes to calories, MFP will tell you you aren't eating enough if you don't consume at least 1200 calories a day. I agree with this; calories are energy and you need energy from food every day to promote a faster metabolism and to keep your body from storing fat. My goal is to eat a minimum of 1400 REAL calories a day, from REAL foods that are of high nutrient density, anti-angiogenic, and take awhile to digest, as opposed to empty B.S. calories that you don't need and your metabolism rips right through. Eating the right foods to reach your nutritional goals is most important. If you are eating whole, healthy foods, its actually somewhat challenging to go over 1700-1800 calories a day... you're simply not hungry enough!

    Definitely do what some people on this forum have suggested and go to another source to determine what is nutritionally appropriate for you... I find that MFP goes way overboard on sugar, fat, and calorie totals when I log my activity for the day, and I also don't entirely agree with the calorie total that it tells me. For instance, when I log 240 minutes of "Skiing, Downhill, Moderate Effort" It tells me that I can eat an extra 2200 calories that day... I highly doubt that, especially since half of that time (or more) is riding chairlifts!

    If you are very active like I am, yes... you do need more calories, fats, and proteins than a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. That being said, you shouldn't try to go overboard on your calorie intake, especially if its at night with dinner, well after exercising. Remember that a calorie is a measure of energy, and if you don't use energy, your body will store it as fat for later use.

    This was what I was trying to say, but didn't know how

    To everyone else. No I didn't get fat on only eating 1500 calories a day. I got fat on eating too many high calorie, high fat, high sugar food that were loaded with chemicals that left me HUNGRY all day, PLUS I didn't do any exercise.

    I also use to eat when I wasn't hungry and binge eat. THAT IS HOW I GOT FAT.

    I have LEARNT to only eat when I am hungry, and to eat healthy foods. Not EVERYTHING has to be covered with fat etc, nor does it have to be high in calories to be fulling.

    And you all presume that everyone can eat anything. How do you know that we can all have nuts, oils etc? I myself can't have bananas, corn, or alot of dairy or wheat products as of health problems that come with them, and having alot of fats, no matter how good they are, can make me feel physically sick. I can eat about half a handful of nuts before I feel like vomiting, and if that doesn't happen I end up with thick mucus in my throat.

    I ENJOY EATING ALOT OF VEGES, and if that is so wrong, then hell! I am doing it all wrong

    That is not saying though I do not eat the occasional treat. I even have loads of dark chocolate in my freezer for when I have sugar cravings, so I don't reach for that caramel slice. I still eat chips every so often, and I still go to the cafe, but now I balance that out by eating correctly through the rest of the week.

    And how do you think vegans do it? They don't have alot of stuff that you are all suggesting yet they survive.

    Its not about how many calories you eat, its about WHAT YOU ARE EATING.

    I eat to fuel my body, not to keep up with my calorie intake

    well then maybe you should have included this in the begining to let people know what you have to work with, instead of chiming in halfway to defend yourself after receving adivce from people who have had success with weightloss, when YOU asked for it in the first place.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    Not to be offensive but if you don't have anything else to do during the day, go eat.

    i think that's how she got here in the first place.
    i always get baffled when people go to the forums to ask for advice then get all pissy about it. do your own research then instead of asking us
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lol at when people get offended that other people don't want to congratulate them for starving themselves on a fitness site.

    Just lololol.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Brilliant flounce, OP!


    You whine that you're not losing weight, people are telling you how to fix that, you rage-slam the keyboard saying that you asked how to lose weight and nobody was helpful and how we're all so very, very mean. Huh...:huh:

    How about you try to remember that the people who were trying to help have had success with weight loss while you haven't been, and perhaps what they're saying has some merit.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    If you can't possibly eat 2500 calories a day, how did you get in the position to need to lose weight?