I am under eating by at least 1000 cals a day?



  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Seems like you're making yourself manic. This stuff isn't that hard. Eat over your BMR and under your TDEE that's going to be true for a lot of people.
  • lorenacoy9
    Ppl peanut butter n nuts r not bad fat their a good fat n filling im loosing weight n eat that n some d
    ays i spoil my self to cheese fries with ranch n that's a bad fat
  • lorenacoy9
    Eat for u n ur metabolism type mines fat and protein efficient
  • sexymuffintop
    Ppl peanut butter n nuts r not bad fat their a good fat n filling im loosing weight n eat that n some d
    ays i spoil my self to cheese fries with ranch n that's a bad fat

    I do not have a clue what you are talking about.....
  • lorenacoy9
    Eat for u n ur metabolism type mines fat and protein efficient
  • lorenacoy9
    Somr one said penut butter was fatting so im saying not a bad fat
  • I do cardio Monday, Wednesday, Friday, burning 200-300 calories each time, am a waitress Monday-Friday from 10am to 1pm do weight training Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and I am losing weight eating 2500 calories (about 0.5-1lbs a week) and I'm now 5'8 and 140lbs. You DO need to eat to lose weight ,or as soon as you go back to maintaining your weight you're going to gain it all back again.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    OP you have every right to screw your body up as much as you want. Go right ahead.

    Signed the vegetarian who generally avoids processed foods, eats healthy AND struggles to stay at around 2000 calories a day. Eating lots is easy! What can I say, it's a talent. On the bright side I've actually lost lots of weight by not being delusional about what I eat and what exercise I do.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    1 hour per day in the gym is enough. Maximum 6 days, ideally 5. Strength train 2-3 days per week, rest cardiovascular. You'll exhaust yourself and not be be able to go at all! A good calorie amount would probably be around 1600. When the body is under stress is may lose for a while, but then it will stop. Need to be balanced about it. Know that's hard when you just want the weight off now, bit what your doing is counterproductive. 2 hours exercise every day and only eating 1000 calories per day is a fast track to making yourself feel very crappy! I've been there, burnt myself out and now I'm suffering, slowly building my way back up. Not fun!

    Zara :-)
  • lorenacoy9
    i say eat what u want just portion it wait sorry no fried foods not good uh uh n every one cant ignore processed even if u can the earth n water n air is polluted theres fluoride in water but more power to ya eat in moderation to certain things n ull be ok idk if it has to do with metabolism type if so find out what urs is
  • sexymuffintop
    i say eat what u want just portion it wait sorry no fried foods not good uh uh n every one cant ignore processed even if u can the earth n water n air is polluted theres fluoride in water but more power to ya eat in moderation to certain things n ull be ok idk if it has to do with metabolism type if so find out what urs is

    wtf? Metabolism type? There are different types of metabolism now? I kinda thought most of us humans processed food in the same way?
  • lorenacoy9
    uh yes there is diff types
  • sexymuffintop
    uh yes there is diff types

    Such as?
  • lorenacoy9
    according to mahhh research depends on age also genetics amount of muscle tissue etc like per say u n some one whos the same height n weight if u n that person who u know work out same hours eat bout same one of u can have a better faster than other or that can handle to a certain food diet than the other what works for u wont for em cause their metabolism
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    according to mahhh research depends on age also genetics amount of muscle tissue etc like per say u n some one whos the same height n weight if u n that person who u know work out same hours eat bout same one of u can have a better faster than other or that can handle to a certain food diet than the other what works for u wont for em cause their metabolism

    Does any of that actually make sense to you? I can;t understand a word of it :(
  • dianamatienzo
    Your body enters starvation mode when you don't consume enough calories for a prolonged period of time. Not eating enough makes it harder to lose weight because your body tries to hold on to anything it gets, but obviously someone can lose weight that way (such as people suffering from anorexia) because your body needs calories its not receiving, so it uses any energy source it has. The reason why that's bad is that your body will not only use stored fat for energy; it'll use muscle too. When someone is anorexic, they don't get enough nutrients so their hair and skin suffer greatly, and they do lose weight, but weight in muscle and fat. Plus they have a lot less energy because their body is trying to keep the use of energy down since it thinks food is scarce.

    If you're only eating 1,000 calories a day you will eventually lose weight, but it's the worst way to do so. You'll mess up your metabolism completely and become very ill. I would recommend eating more and keeping up the exercise and hard work :) It'll be slower, but the results will last. Also, don't go by what the scale says; go by how you feel and how your clothes fit! Good luck!
  • sexymuffintop
    according to mahhh research depends on age also genetics amount of muscle tissue etc like per say u n some one whos the same height n weight if u n that person who u know work out same hours eat bout same one of u can have a better faster than other or that can handle to a certain food diet than the other what works for u wont for em cause their metabolism

    Does any of that actually make sense to you? I can;t understand a word of it :(

    Literally not a freaking word no. Someone may as well of stood next to me and gone blar blar blar rarrrrrrrrr and I would have understood more to be honest. I will add some raspberry ketones to my different type of metabolism and see how that works....
  • lorenacoy9
    okay all of u diss n dont believe so what ever aint arguing n honey they arnt even prooven if they work pat ur self cuz ur falling into the diet industry bs but if u wanna be stupid be my guest n do what ur gonna do ur money ur loss eat real raspberry or grow a dam tree or shrub w/e heres advice chile melts fat well helps so dont think to hard on it
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    This thread just got 1000x more entertaining.
  • amytaylorwilliamdrake
    okay at risk of sounding mean you cannot get to weigh 111kg, than say I cannot eat 1400 calories a day its too much. How in the heck did you get to be that heavy than? Sorry but its not by eating 1200 calories a day.