The thought of eating breakfast makes me sick help!!!



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Ultimately, no, it won't. But I did find that eating breakfast helped from snacking and overeating through the day. I despised breakfast, always did, ever since I was a little kid. And I was just like you where the idea of eating breakfast, or the eating of breakfast, would actually make me feel ill.

    But when I started eating healthier, I had always been told about the "you have to eat breakfast" myth, so I started eating breakfast. I started off really small, usually just a breakfast bar that was 100 calories or less. Then I slowly added more and more to it and made more complete meal out of it over time. Now I eat two eggs, two strips of center cut bacon, an ounce of avocado, two slices of sprouted grain flax seed bread, and two servings of PB2 pretty much every morning. And I love it. Fills me up, wakes me up, carries me easily on to lunch without any desire to eat before then.

    And now, if I don't have breakfast, the day feels weird and I get hungry way before lunch time. So I've turned into a breakfast eater because of the myth that I didn't know was a myth at the time. But that doesn't mean that you have to do the same. Just do what feels best for you overall and that's what you'll be most likely to stick to for the long haul.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I LOVE breakfast and I LOVE breakfast foods, but that's besides the point. I've noticed that when I skip breakfast, I'm usually starving by lunch time and I tend to want to eat more. I don't have time to actually cook breakfast every morning, so I'll just have instant oatmeal or milk and cereal. Something quick.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I think everyone is different. Personally, if I don't get my breakfast fairly soon after waking up I feel awful. But some people don't get on with eating first thing. My husband doesn't like breakfast. It seems to upset his system. He will often have a substantial mid-morning snack instead. I think you have to do what works for you. For some people skipping breakfast causes problems but others actually find it's better for them. Most of my night-owl friends don't eat breakfast and have no trouble losing/maintaining weight and most of my early-bird friends need breakfast or they want to eat everything in sight! There is probably no connection but it does illustrate how everyone is different.

    Basically, if eating breakfast first thing makes you feel worse, don't do it :)

    Carolyn x
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I have never been a breakfast eater. Will it affect my weightloss if I dont eat breakfast??? Thanks

    It does not matter when you eat. Part of why we all got fat in the first place was listening to everyone tell us when to eat and what to eat. Just whatever you need to do to keep in a calorie budget. All the myths about metabolism and starvation mode are just that, myths. All you need to do is think about calories for the day, or even for the week, you don't have to eat the same amount every day, you can have some low calorie days and some higher calorie days. Think of it like a weekly calorie budget and do whatever you want.

    Now that I've lost the weight I'm never going to listen to others tell me when or what to eat. I OWN IT. I own this body, not anyone else, and I will only eat when I decide, and not eat when I decide.

    I lost weight by stopping eating every day at 7pm, 5pm, then 3pm only because I realized I had enough calories for the day. But it does not matter when you eat or not eat. Then a couple times a week I skipped breakfast, or dinner, or both, and at all 3 meals the other days, or some days skipped what ever meal I felt like. It doesn't matter. And my doctor checked my hormones throughout the process, from obese down to 10% body fat. My DXA scan proved I didn't lose lean body mass or go into starvation mode, but I knew this by how I felt at the gym, strong and stronger and feeling awesome.

    Even if intermittent fasting does not appeal to you this article has great information debunking the myths of eating -->
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast and then got on here and people were commenting on how it was super important so I started with Carnation Instant Breakfast where you add a pack to milk and it has carbs and protein. Then I switched to yogurt with cereal on top of has about 250 calories and coffee with cream and Splenda adds another 30 so you can see it adds to something.......Just slowly add and it is not so hard to add something-
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I know I concentrate better at work if I have breakfast, though some days it can be something simple like a cereal bar on the go. I doubt it will hinder your weightloss if you don't eat until a bit later in the day, it's up to you!
  • minsooky
    No, there is no scientific research to support any claim that breakfast will speed up weight loss. Certainly, if you skip breakfast intentionally and then get ravenously hungry during lunch, it's not a good idea, but if it's what you're used to, stick with it.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    Eating breaky is your most important meal of the day its what kick starts your metabolism and yes it will effect your weight loss so suck it up and eat Breakfast ! You should be eating every 3 hours during the day so 5-6 small meals a day.. wanna lose weight eat properly
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    Just wondering if anyone knows why breakfast makes some people nauseous, while others can scarf down porridge like it's nothing?
    I'm one of the nauseous ones, and I sometimes feel a bit jealous. Breakfast food does look pretty nice sometimes!

    As to the question, I think not eating breakfast should be fine, as long as you don't just binge on stuff (especially junk) later in the day! Make sure your lunch is filling.
    I've never eaten breakfast and I've never been overweight, but maybe that's just my body being weird *shrug*
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Eating breaky is your most important meal of the day its what kick starts your metabolism and yes it will effect your weight loss so suck it up and eat Breakfast ! You should be eating every 3 hours during the day so 5-6 small meals a day.. wanna lose weight eat properly

    Please, breakfast does not kick start your metabolism. And you do not have to eat 5-6 times a day to eat well and lose weight. If this works for you then absolutely great but don't band it about as the only way to do it as it's not the only way and really doesn't suit some people.
  • mrbunnylamakins
    Serious no one heard any studies on breakfast and weight loss? I been majorly into nutrition for over 8 years and I have many articles on the matter. More than I can post.

    I used to work at a book ware house stocking books all day and eating breakfast was a must. I would wake up hungry and by the time lunch came around also I was hungry. Even if you watched the Biggest Loose they get them to eat breakfast (small).
    Plus why is it recommended to eat 5-6 small meals than 3 regular?

    As look up Protein included in breakfast helps people too to loose weight. Stay way from cereal, even many of the healthy cereals have a lot of sugars in them. They can spike the blood sugar and leave crashing soon later. That is why many cereals you can crush in to powder easily (easily digested and processed). Why they recommend eating a small amount of fruit and yogurt (protein) to start off with, 12 grain bread with butter. Juices I would stay away from unless you can eat a healthy breakfast. Because juices will spike blood sugar too, Which is why they say apple juice can give you more energy in the morning than cup of coffee. Thus why they use apple juice to sweeten other fruit juices. You can try to also eat a little bit of cheese and or peanut butter.

    Also it is an “old wives’ tale”, a myth that came about because after a while of eating less, we seem to get used to it.
    Which many people claimed the stomach stays the same size.
    It turns out they were wrong, at least about the stomach shrinking part. Here’s the scoop: Researchers at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Department of Medicine and Psychiatry at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital have actually measured the size of the stomachs of people before and after 4 weeks of eating less. They found that dieters had their stomachs shrink by 27-36%!

    Why I am mentioning this many people and I who fast for just one day realize after doing so we can barely eat as much as we did. from dinner to breakfast for many can be 12 hour stretch. Which also a couple times I missed breakfast and be ravenously hungry by lunch time and bite off more than I can chew then.
  • heyitsedgar
    When I dropped the majority of my weight (45lbs) I wasnt eating breakfast. After doing some research, studies do show that people do tend to lose weight more if they eat breakfast.

    This is not saying that if you dont eat breakfast, you wont lose weight. Its saying: statistically people have been able to keep their weight off and saw greater weight loss than those who didnt eat breakfast.

    Studies from controlled and variables trials showed that :
    Each time you eat, you stimulate your metabolism for a short period of time, which means that the more often you eat, the more you’ll increase your metabolism. Eating every 2 to 3 hours feeds muscle and starves fat. By eating frequently, you reassure your body that you aren’t going to starve; that food will always be available.


    Skipping breakfast, eating only a sandwich for lunch, and pigging out at dinner, on the other hand, frightens your body into storing fat, just in case your next meal never comes.
    Research from Georgia State University shows that people who eat every 2 to 3 hours have less body fat and faster metabolisms than those who eat only 2 or 3 meals per day.

    Again not everyone has the same metabolism, but in a more generalized population, eating breakfast has shown results that cant be faked. Not eating breakfast COULD case your body to think its starving and cause you to store more fat because it COULD believe that its starving.

    I started eating breakfast on a daily basis starting back in January as a new years resolution. It has helped me in my cut and has also made me more aware of when to eat and how often to eat for my own personal progress.

    I was NEVER a fan of breakfast and always thought it was BULL but I forced myself to do it. My breakfast is simple and filling, while also very nutritious:

    1 scoop of cytosport banana and strawberry complete whey
    1/4 cup of raspberries or grapes or blueberries
    3/4 cup of strawberries
    HELLA water.
    blend it up and sip it on my way to class for about 30mins until its all gone.
    Fast digesting carbs/simple sugars can be good in a breakfast along with the antioxidants and the protein helps keep you feeling nice and full for a while.

    Again, everyone is different. No need to argue with several studies that came to the same conclusion, do what you want.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Nope. I almost never eat breakfast. Besides, it makes me hungrier for the rest of the day. Some people find that it makes them feel less hungry during the day. Whatever works for you.