Water is disgusting



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I agree, I've always hated water. I don't like tea or coffee and fizzy drinks don't quench my thirst so I never have them either.

    What I've always had is juice / squash (the kind you water down) You don't actually need much juice, I use a couple of cm in a litre empty bottle, fill the rest with water. Voila! It works out that even if you drink loads one day, you'll probably have a maximum of about 50 calories. I use the no added sugar kind.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    just dont drink it, or try some flavor packets or juice. I dont drink tap water cause ours tastes funny, but we go to a spring and get at least a months supply.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    Drinking that much soda because you don't like water is NOT good and you will NOT see the results you want sadly.

    Sometimes drinking water is just hard but your body NEEDS it and your kidneys will thank you. Hell, your whole body will!

    If you're really wanting to change, you'll find a while to drink water. A lot of the suggestions are great. Add fruits: lemon, oranges, blueberries, cucumber slices, strawberries and a bit of natural sweeter like Stevia or hell, a pkt of splendas going to be a huge improvement. Add the fruit and let it sit in a big jug in the fridge overnight so its nice and cold, so the fruit has time to get into the water. Use filtered water, etc. If your ice tastes funny, don't add that. Get creative.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    Personally, I can't like the after-taste of sugar substitutes in diet coke. I walk around with the taste in my mouth for hours afterwards. The good thing with that is that I happily drink water rather than suffering that weird chemical taste over everything else I eat.

    Have you tried having just a little bit of lemon or lime in the water? The water where I live how tastes really odd compared to where I used to, and I had to struggle to get used to drinking it. I would keep a jug of water in the fridge, with a slice of lemon in it, to be able to drink enough water. I still do that in summer, when it so often is tepid when it comes out of the tap.

    Finally, someone else like me. I despise diet soda. Always have, always will. I used to drink unlimited amounts of regular soda every day, but I gave it up about 5 years ago. I have never in my life finished a diet soda. So disgusting.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I didn't read through the four pages of responses, so likely someone has already mentioned this, but; have you tried flavored seltzer? I love Polar brand- they have a pretty good selection of flavors, like Georgia Peach, Cherry Pomegranate, etc… and they're great. Sometimes I mix them with a little Pom Wonderful or V-Fusion juice… I log the juice when I use it, but I still count the seltzer as water…
  • munanabanana
    munanabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Maybe its because its so hard to completely do a 180 from drinking mostly pop to start drinking mostly water. Fortunately, you don't have to switch it overnight. You can take small steps, and you can make them as small as you need.

    You can drink less and less pop, and more and more water.
    You can start with fizzy water.
    Some people really prefer ice cold
    Water with some lemon
    You can use water additives (with artificial sweeteners so as to forgo calories) eg. Mio, crystal light, etc.- but you don't want to be chugging down mio 24/7 either, the end goal is to enjoy fresh, crisp water.

    Maybe something here can help you.
    Good luck!
  • JohnPortal
    JohnPortal Posts: 1 Member
    Water is the most important thing in life. Oxygen in our air comes from water... With that said:
    -Learn to drink water
    -Use sweeteners like Mio
    -Make fruit smoothies with ice cold water

    Sorry but all that diet coke is gonna hurt you in the long run. I used to be like you just remove all drinks except for water in your home and you will get used to it..
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Homemade lemonade: I use lots of lemon juice, a tiny bit of sweetener. Sometimes I also use lime juice in place of lemon juice or some of both. I also make this with carbonated water.
  • walkbyfaith0314
    i hate water too. I have a terrible pepsi addiction So here's what I've been doing.

    i get the Crystal Geyser flavored sparking water. There's no sweetener or anything but has just enough of that "its not water" taste to get me to drink it. I like the orange and lime ones.

    i noticed I'll drink water more frequently if its in a bottle because it doesn't taste like my tap. Also, I've cut up strawberries or melon to try to plunk in the water to make it taste better.
  • kaseyAnne425
    right, people say im crazy when i say i literally CANNOT drink water, fruit tea has been suggested and that's disgusting too, ive been drinking around 2 pints of diet coke a day for the last few months, as well as 3 cups of tea with semi skim milk a day.

    is there any suggestion of how i can get water into me without it tasting so gross?

    Many Thanks,


    This makes me cringe!!! Diet soda is HORRIBLE for you.. which I'm sure you already know so I won't get too much into it!

    I just want you to know how much water benefits you! When you retain water, you get bloated, puffy, and pack on a few extra pounds because of it. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day (try for more) will rid your body of excess water weight and help you lose weight, not to mention it will help your muscles! Try a low calorie, sugar free drink mix in your water!!! It's so important to drink lots of H2O, PLEASE don't neglect it!
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Filter your water? My parents have well water and it tastes disgusting. Ours probably does too (possibky due to old munitions in the ground for ages) but I've never tried it as it's cloudy... But filtered water has no taste (some bottled as well, tho arrowhead is still gross.),
  • kaseyAnne425
    Brita filtered water bottles are AMAZING!
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    my husband did not like plain water so i started to make my version of flavor water. just add slices of oranges, lemons raspberries and ginger and let it sit in the fridge for couple of days. hope I was able to help. best of luck
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Honestly, just get over it and drink the water.
  • mdhughes33
    I still don't like water for the most part... but I do like Fiji. Give me a frosty Fiji water, and it'll be gone within the hour (depending on what size).

    I always found it ironic that Fiji took Fiji's water and then started an organization to provide Fijians "clean" drinking water...... not to mention the whole Cleveland testing thing. ;)
  • Brianna72994
    I add flavor packets into mine. I love pink lemonade ones, and sugar free Hawaiian Punch. Also, Mio has a bunch of flavors. They even have a new sports drink one. I haven't tried it yet, but i'd like to
  • Brianna72994
    Plus now they make special water bottles that you put fruit into and it will infuse it into your water
  • joaniekimmel
    definitely try Mio drops...so many flavors, and it masks the horrible taste of the water where i work!!! ice cold, always ice cold! once you make yourself drink more , you'll feel better. try fresh lemons slices too
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    flavour it yourself with barley water, cordial or fruit squash won't be that many calories