15-25 Lbs left to lose?

Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
Anyone else been on MFP for a while and have 15-25 lbs left to lose. How much have you lost thus far? What programs have you been following? What are your plans for reaching your goals this year? I started at 212 on MFP down from a high of 218 and am now at 180, my goal is 160 (may re-evaluate once I get there). How about you??? What are the tips for your success?


  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I want to lose about 15 more Tia! I've lost 62 thus far, 60 with MFP! I strictly followed MFP but I set my on calories at my BMR so that way I was at least eating that. I didn't want to follow 1200 everyday but if I didn't workout that day or had very little exercise, I didn't beat myself up about only reaching a little over 1200. I began my journey with Leslie Sansone dvd's and after I lost the first 25 lbs in two months, I stepped it up to Turbo Fire. I loved it and did it for two months then got bored. I hit a plateau in January, and started doing zumba still following my 1550 calorie goal and lost only like 2 or 3 pounds the entire month. Then I met a friend on IG that told me to pay more attention to my macros than my calories and to follow 40 % carbs, 40 % protein and 20 % fat, and my weightloss started picking back up instantly! So now I'm switching my workouts up to what ever I feel like that day, I'm so ADHD when it comes to workout programs. I bore easily and I won't give it my all if I really don't want to do that particular workout. So when I want Turbo Fire, I do it, When I want Zumba, I do it, when I want Jillian, I do her too. That has been working for me. My goal is to at least be at 175 by July 1st and then I will decide if I want to lose more at that point. I looked great at 160 before but I didn't work out like I do now and I wasn't as toned as I am now, so I may look and feel great at 175, so I'm sticking to that number. I do know that when I weighed 150 it didn't look good on me. I had nothing, no butt, no boobs, no curves, just a big head...LOL!! I want to look fit but curvy, so I'm hoping that 175 will get me that fit look I'm looking for! My main tip is to never let yourself feel hungry, when I'm hungry, I will mess up! I keep snacks with me! My next tip is if you bite it you write it, track everything, I know it's a pain but it's very important. Next plan your meals at least a day in advance, when I don't plan, I may not be able to make the best choices or stay within my macros. Next, make this fun, try a new recipe at least once a week if possible so you don't feel deprived or bored with your meals. Next, stay connected with people who want to get healthy and fit just as bad as you do. When you don't feel like eating good or working out, if you've got a support system that is doing that, it's hard for you not to want to do good. Next, set days of the week that you plan to workout and just do it! Look at it as an appointment that you can't cancel. Next, always listen to your body, if you are tired, don't beat yourself up about it rest!!! Set mini goals for yourself, looking at the big picture always made me give up, so I look at everything in increments, I focus on 5 lbs at a time!!
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Anyone else been on MFP for a while and have 15-25 lbs left to lose.
    YEP. Been here almost 6 months under different ID. Have 20-25 pounds to lose.

    How much have you lost thus far?
    50lbs in a year

    What programs have you been following?
    None. I follow some basic dietary restrictions (low carb and 1400-1500calories net). I run, spin and do weights 6 days a week.

    What are your plans for reaching your goals this year?
    Would love to.lose it all by july- my 13 year wedding anniversary.

    I started at 212 on MFP down from a high of 218 and am now at 180, my goal is 160 (may re-evaluate once I get there). How about you??? What are the tips for your success?
    My goal has changed overtime from a certain number on the scale to BF%. I am currently at 30% and would like to be between 18-20%.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I know we are on friends list so you can pop into mine anytime for updates.

    I'm down from a MFP high of 210, to 174.2 today, body fat from 35% to around 27% as well.

    Goal weight is tenative, right now have it set to 155, so about 19lbs left, but more important is I want to see under 20% for my body fat. :)

    Plans, well 1 day of cardio, walking 3-5 miles give or take, 2 days heavy lifting, and then 5 days of work aka running amuck with kids.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I want to lose about 15 more Tia! I've lost 62 thus far, 60 with MFP! I strictly followed MFP but I set my on calories at my BMR so that way I was at least eating that. I didn't want to follow 1200 everyday but if I didn't workout that day or had very little exercise, I didn't beat myself up about only reaching a little over 1200. I began my journey with Leslie Sansone dvd's and after I lost the first 25 lbs in two months, I stepped it up to Turbo Fire. I loved it and did it for two months then got bored. I hit a plateau in January, and started doing zumba still following my 1550 calorie goal and lost only like 2 or 3 pounds the entire month. Then I met a friend on IG that told me to pay more attention to my macros than my calories and to follow 40 % carbs, 40 % protein and 20 % fat, and my weightloss started picking back up instantly! So now I'm switching my workouts up to what ever I feel like that day, I'm so ADHD when it comes to workout programs. I bore easily and I won't give it my all if I really don't want to do that particular workout. So when I want Turbo Fire, I do it, When I want Zumba, I do it, when I want Jillian, I do her too. That has been working for me. My goal is to at least be at 175 by July 1st and then I will decide if I want to lose more at that point. I looked great at 160 before but I didn't work out like I do now and I wasn't as toned as I am now, so I may look and feel great at 175, so I'm sticking to that number. I do know that when I weighed 150 it didn't look good on me. I had nothing, no butt, no boobs, no curves, just a big head...LOL!! I want to look fit but curvy, so I'm hoping that 175 will get me that fit look I'm looking for! My main tip is to never let yourself feel hungry, when I'm hungry, I will mess up! I keep snacks with me! My next tip is if you bite it you write it, track everything, I know it's a pain but it's very important. Next plan your meals at least a day in advance, when I don't plan, I may not be able to make the best choices or stay within my macros. Next, make this fun, try a new recipe at least once a week if possible so you don't feel deprived or bored with your meals. Next, stay connected with people who want to get healthy and fit just as bad as you do. When you don't feel like eating good or working out, if you've got a support system that is doing that, it's hard for you not to want to do good. Next, set days of the week that you plan to workout and just do it! Look at it as an appointment that you can't cancel. Next, always listen to your body, if you are tired, don't beat yourself up about it rest!!! Set mini goals for yourself, looking at the big picture always made me give up, so I look at everything in increments, I focus on 5 lbs at a time!!

    THanks Kenya!!! Your journey has been such a motivation for me :love: . When I was in high school I looked great at 150 but 10 years later 150 is too small for this womans body. lol.SO i completely understand. :happy: Thanx for the tips. XOXO :flowerforyou:
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Anyone else been on MFP for a while and have 15-25 lbs left to lose.
    YEP. Been here almost 6 months under different ID. Have 20-25 pounds to lose.

    How much have you lost thus far?
    50lbs in a year

    What programs have you been following?
    None. I follow some basic dietary restrictions (low carb and 1400-1500calories net). I run, spin and do weights 6 days a week.

    What are your plans for reaching your goals this year?
    Would love to.lose it all by july- my 13 year wedding anniversary.

    I started at 212 on MFP down from a high of 218 and am now at 180, my goal is 160 (may re-evaluate once I get there). How about you??? What are the tips for your success?
    My goal has changed overtime from a certain number on the scale to BF%. I am currently at 30% and would like to be between 18-20%.

    WOw 50lbs!! COngrats! I think once I reach my goal (hopefully by mid-late July) I will focus more on bf% as well. 13 years of marriage!? OUTSTANDING :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I know we are on friends list so you can pop into mine anytime for updates.

    I'm down from a MFP high of 210, to 174.2 today, body fat from 35% to around 27% as well.

    Goal weight is tenative, right now have it set to 155, so about 19lbs left, but more important is I want to see under 20% for my body fat. :)

    Plans, well 1 day of cardio, walking 3-5 miles give or take, 2 days heavy lifting, and then 5 days of work aka running amuck with kids.

    YOu have been doing so awesome with your weightloss, i definitely need to do more heavy lifting. Thanx for the post :smile:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I've been on since January and (shhh! is houldn't really be butting in) have 13lb to lose, having lost 22 so far.

    A few weeks ago I upped my calories to 1400 (MFP had me at 1210 and I was STAAAAAARVING!) BUT I still log my exercise because I know if I didn't I'd always find an excuse not to do it.:wink:

    I want to reach 147lb, but all of a sudden more of my "thin" clothes are fitting so I might not quite get there - because of the exercise I'm in much better shape, so if I'm weighing heavier because of muscle (I was doing almost NO exercise last time I was 147lb) so be it.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I've been on since January and (shhh! is houldn't really be butting in) have 13lb to lose, having lost 22 so far.

    A few weeks ago I upped my calories to 1400 (MFP had me at 1210 and I was STAAAAAARVING!) BUT I still log my exercise because I know if I didn't I'd always find an excuse not to do it.:wink:

    I want to reach 147lb, but all of a sudden more of my "thin" clothes are fitting so I might not quite get there - because of the exercise I'm in much better shape, so if I'm weighing heavier because of muscle (I was doing almost NO exercise last time I was 147lb) so be it.

    Thats a great way to think about it. I keep forgetting about the muscle weight and the possibilty I could look better on the way down even before I reach goal weight, I could reach goal size. Thanx for the reminder!
  • MadisonLeo
    MadisonLeo Posts: 89
    I want to lose17 more (maybe more once I get to my GW). I have lost 24 pounds so far and want to get to my GW of 130.

    I pretty much make to eat as clean as possible and alot of raw fruits and veggies. I excercise enough everyday so that I end up under 1200 calories. I workout minimum 6 days per week and I change it up...kickboxing, crossfit, running, hiking, elliptical and weight training. This is what has made the difference for me.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Started at 191, down to 141 (so 50 pounds down), and have 20-ish left to go (I'm 5'4".) My weight has been at sort of a standstill and I've honestly been pretty agitated.

    I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing and wait for the weight to come off. Eating food in moderation and getting in some exercise. I'll be starting a job soon that, I've been told, is somewhat physical (on my feet quite a bit and some lifting of 50 lbs or so) and, having been unemployed up until now, adding that in will probably help some.

    When I'm feeling down, though, I just tell myself, "At least I'm only looking at 20 pounds to lose now instead of 70." I can't complain about having gone from "obese" to "healthy." Cheers me up and keeps me motivated.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Seems like variety and consitstency is the key to losing/winning this battle :smile: . Thanx for all the replies and tips!!