Okay so over the year I have managed to loose 26lb that was without exercise and recently sinse iv been exercising my weight has actually gained 6lb and cant seem to loose it again and so iv been eating vause im sad that its not going anywhere but whats confusing is my size has gone down 2 sizes and so im really confused.

Also I really am not sure about my hrm can people give me a rough idea of what they are burning when doing c25k amd 30 day shred week 2 of c25k im burnimg 300 kcal which I think its a lot :S also for 30 day shred im doig 300 kcal a level whereas I no people only burnimg 150 amd I dont weigh that much more then them :S

HELP lol thankssss :D


  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Oh dear, that was an adventure to read...

    You're eating *cause you're sad? As in overeating? Mindlessly eating? I'm going to assume that's what you meant. But you've gone down in size so what's the problem? I'd rather go down in size than have the number go down on the scale (if I had to pick one.) No one sees what's on the scale but you. Everyone sees what you look like.

    I'm not sure what the problem is.