Lightbulb moment - Alcohol



  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    lol, definitely not. I drink more than most people I know, but I also routinely quit for 30 days. weight comes off, energy goes up. all im saying is that if you cant lay off the bottle for 30 days, maybe you need to be thinking about why.

    Yeah, I agree that if you can't put it away for a while, you might have a problem.

    I find that exercising in the morning is a lot easier when I don't have that nightly drink, so that's the chief reason I cut down on drinking. In the past, I used to put my drinking on hold just to lose weight--it's very effective.
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    We should make an MFP group!............damn theres alot of people like me out here. I might be alittle more though.

    Yes! A beer group.

    Ben Franklin said it best.... "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
  • lraymond14
    lraymond14 Posts: 22 Member
    if you cant stop drinking at any given moment you have a problem. not necessarily one that needs help, but you do have one. try going 30 days without alcohol and see how you feel. Im not saying give it up for good, but if you cant set the bottle down for 30 days, maybe you should re-examine your priorities in life.

    Oh oh heres comes the Polllizzeeeeee. Everybody run!!!!:bigsmile:

    BeerRunner - You must be my twin. Are you sure we're not related. :happy:
  • Mom4Liz
    Mom4Liz Posts: 55
    I think it depends how much you drink too. Like if I have just one glass of wine it decreases my appetite but if I have 3 I want to eat junk food.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Drunken pilates. You'd be amazed at how bendy you can get whilst drinking. Giggity. Problem.solved.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Did anyone else lose weight by cutting out alcohol?

    99.9% of people probably did, yes.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    When I drink, I usually always go over on my calories because I tend to drink on the days I go out to eat, then i come home with the drunkin' munchies and eat some more because f-it. i don't drink a lot, however - maybe a few times a month, so it hasn't really affected my weight. Alcohol is usually just one part of my splurge-y meals.

    If cutting out alcohol works for you and you are happy with that choice, go for it! It will probably do yer body good - and remember, if you still miss your favorite alcoholic beverage, you can always work on fitting it into your daily calories, or work on drinking in moderation (whatever "moderation" means for you. For me, it's a few times a month.)
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    Drunken pilates. You'd be amazed at how bendy you can get whilst drinking. Giggity. Problem.solved.

  • Txracy
    Txracy Posts: 78
    I always leave room in my calorie allowance for an after-workout beer. It gives me extra motivation during my workout, knowing I have something to look forward to. Plus, since I work out in the evenings, I get all pumped up and have a hard time sleeping if I don't have something relaxing afterward (it's not always a beer. I also drink chamomile or sleepy time tea to unwind after the gym).

    Also, a cold beer while sitting in a hot bubble bath after a kick *kitten* workout? My favorite part of the day. :)

    Cutting out alcohol completely is doable, but I enjoy my microbrews, and don't want to give them up for the rest of my life, so part of my permanent, healthier lifestyle changes is learning how to incorporate my occasional indulgences.
  • AmazingRed
    AmazingRed Posts: 22 Member
    I have cut out booze, I think I've had just a couple of drinks since I started MFP. I'm not sure how much of a difference it is making, but I definitely don't have the calories to waste. Just reading this made me miss beer though :(
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    This has inspired me to go grab a Shock Top, since it's the cheapest beer I'll allow in the house (none of that Budweiser crap. King of Beers my *kitten*.) I'm fine if I can fight off the drunk-munchies. If not, bummer, but I drink maybe once or twice every 2 months so I'll be okay.

    Cheers :drinker:
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    ... I have made the choice to drink less and I am losing weight without giving it up entirely.

    This is incredibly encouraging to hear, thanks. I'm at early days yet. Oh man, Stone. We have a bunch of amazing microbrew stuff from out of state a friend gave us in the house right now and it's KILLING me. I'm sticking with 2 beers and thinking of it as a treat. That's totally what I'm doing. And hopefully my boyfriend will drink most of it so I can stop looking at it every time I open the fridge.

    EDIT: Two beers, once or twice a week. No more than that. BIG step up from 3-5 beers with one or two days a week off.

    Stone - hell yes! I find a good option with the microbrews, especially the heavier ones (or the ones that come in large bottles), is to share them with someone. That way you get to try more different types with half the calories

    With beer - quality over quantity is key
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I'm down 23 pounds since Jan primarily from cutting back on alcohol.

    *Crossing fingers that this will happen for me.*
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Oh hellll nahhhhhh I gotta have my nightcap booze!!!! I rather do an extra MILE or an estra Set on everything than give up maaaa boooze babycakes!!!!

    #1 Control the drunk snacking
    #2 workout a little harder
    #3 check this site out reference LOWER calorie drinks

    AND finally Enjoy that buzzzzzzzz:devil:

    i love this answer

    You know it babycakes!!!!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I always leave room in my calorie allowance for an after-workout beer. It gives me extra motivation during my workout, knowing I have something to look forward to. Plus, since I work out in the evenings, I get all pumped up and have a hard time sleeping if I don't have something relaxing afterward (it's not always a beer. I also drink chamomile or sleepy time tea to unwind after the gym).

    Also, a cold beer while sitting in a hot bubble bath after a kick *kitten* workout? My favorite part of the day. :)

    Cutting out alcohol completely is doable, but I enjoy my microbrews, and don't want to give them up for the rest of my life, so part of my permanent, healthier lifestyle changes is learning how to incorporate my occasional indulgences.

    You are awesome!!!!!!
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I find that cabernet sauvignon pairs really well with Orville Redenbacher 100 calorie snack bags. :-)
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I find that cabernet sauvignon pairs really well with Orville Redenbacher 100 calorie snack bags. :-)

    I can get behind that.
  • gsstaley
    gsstaley Posts: 9
    I ran an extra 20 minutes last night so I could fit a Michelob Ultra (my "diet" beer : / ) into MFP!
    Not sure it was worth it, though.
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    My weight loss didn't really gain any momentum until I stopped my alcohol intake. I wasn't drinking that much but when I started thinking about how restricted I was calorie-wise I didn't want to give up 10% to 20% (or more) of my lowered nutrition calories to alcohol.