

  • i dont think i have an eating disorder guys. im not skinny for a start arent people with eating disorders really thin. ? and i do eat, i just find food boring and uninteresting and most days especially if ive had a bad day i dont want to eat. dunno why. but surely that just means finding more foods i like not that i have a…
  • 30 minute walk, 20 minute train, 10 minute walk. soooooo 1 hr x
  • and i wouldnt call it destructive behaviour, im not destroying myself. just probably not being as healthy as i could ? x
  • i have a doctors appointment and hopefully he will refer me to a nutritionalist or sumink. i didnt know this was bad advice. i thought it was okay. i mean i feel fine, so what im doing cant be that bad just eat a few more calories. maybe. and it not i dont have the time, exept when im working when i really dont. its that i…
  • i love this !!!! i do own my body and im gonna do the best for it. ive seen alot of ideas here to do so im writing all them down and taking them to the doctor ti get advice and see how beneficial they will all be. im starting to think maybe my exercise level is fine but i need to eat more. someones pointed out im not…
  • im not doing it on purpouse. im trying to get a bit of advice so i have some ideas to tell my doctor and stuff and see how i could do better, i didnt come here so people could me mean to me :(
  • hmmm maybe if i increased my calories by 50 a day, did that for a week then added another 50 my appetite wuld increase. ill try that. im writing all ur advice down everyone as something to take to my doctor and hopefully nutritionalist if i can get a refferal so its all very helpful xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • thankyou for your support. i want to be healthy and i know thats the best thing but sometimes its soooooo hard and even though i know its best i just dont want too sometimes. but the i have good days where i eat my calorie goals and feel great. hopefully the nutritionalist can make those days every day. well done on ur…
  • well small frequent meals are hard as i am so busy and always working in a busy restaurant. can you explain a but more about the starvation mode making me never hungry ? as im pretty sure im not in starvation mode but i do have a very small appetite, like there is not time that food is ever really appealing or i actually…
  • ill be okay, im gonna try get reffered to a nutrionalist to see if i could pack more calories in but still be healthy. i wont burn out dont worry about me :)
  • im 5 foot 11 and i weigh 138llb. ish. dont worry about me im okay, but i have booked an appointment with my doctor so see if i could speak to a nutritionalist as i find it difficult to eat enough calories. well my body doesnt feel tired i drink lots of water i dont get headaches or nausea sometimes i get a light headed…
  • i have an odd relationship with food. one minute food is my best friend one minute i cant bear to eat anything. its hard to explain but i just love exercise. if u look at my food diary some days there like nothing some days theres loads but i never make my calories goal of 1200 infact i never go above 1000. and like i know…
  • hi sophie im following you, follow me back :)
  • heya, im an active tumblr fitblr i ggo on every day, post motivational pics and pictures of all my healthy food and recipes im sure youd love my blog. ive followed you anyways if anyone wants to follow me its
  • youve all been great ! i think i have what i need now and a few extra things to add to my shopping list i will also try protein bars which i was scared off ! nice that people are so supportive here, i tried other websites and didnt get any support just alot of 'oh you cant eat enough POOR YOU' or 'are you anorexic or…
  • wow the girls on there tat are my height and 110llbs look way too thin i definately need to lower my weight goal i didnt realise how thin that was ! thankyou
  • Hiya, my fitness pal doesnt have the lactose or dairy free option or same brand i buy sometimes but there the same calories as full dairy so i just put that as its like the closest thing :) sunflower seeds getting added to the shopping list now.. although im a bit wary or protein bars and powders, there not natural and…
  • i know i want to eat more but i didnt really know how thats why i posted
  • just read this and looking at my diary i dont eat much meat. thanks for the advice everyone im making a shopping list as we speek so far avocados meat and fish peanut butter nuts
  • yeah im trying to exercise loads and i get alot of protein, like is aid im more worried about whats in the mirror than whats on the scale ! your advice has been great im gonna go straight to the shops tommorow to load up on avocados peanut butter and nuts ! everyone seems to be having a go at me for not eating enough when…
  • heya i know im not eating enough but i dont know how to increase my calorie intake thats why i need advice ! i do do alot of exercisae running and yoga every day sometimes circuit training for toning. ive had some great advice about maybe trying peanut butter and avocado cos i have allergies
  • just to re establish im not too bothered about what weight i end up weighing i just guessed. im more bothered about what i see in the mirror and thankyou for the advice about avocados and peanut butter and nuts thats a good idea i had no idea those foods were high in calories :) THANKYOU
  • thankyou hat did help im not so paranoid about putting my body in some weird death mode now ! but i am still a little concerned i just need some reassurance from users that my diet is healthy and sensible as i thought it was great till myfitnesspal got all stressy with me hehe
  • im not too focused on my goal i just guessed thats probably what ill weigh when i look how i want too. when im happy with the weight ive lost and way i look the actual number isnt too important. i understand im eating maybe not enough calories but like i dont know how to eat more i eat 3 meals a day and snacks and im…
  • sorry im new to this ill do the diary thing now. and im 5.11 and i weigh 144llbs and im 18
  • someone help ?
  • hi everyone im new here been using about 10 days, so i hope im using the forum correctly. im a fit healthy person always have been but am trying to really take my fitness and nutrition to the max at the moment. i never realised untill i used this site but apparently im eating WAY TOO FEW CALORIES. and every day i get a…
  • im too scared to sleep at night. naps in the day keep me alive haha