starvation mode? but i eat lots !

hi everyone im new here been using about 10 days, so i hope im using the forum correctly. im a fit healthy person always have been but am trying to really take my fitness and nutrition to the max at the moment. i never realised untill i used this site but apparently im eating WAY TOO FEW CALORIES. and every day i get a message from myfitnesspal saying im not eating enough and my body will soon go into starvation mode and for my own health i should eat more. but i feel like i eat loads, i eat 3 meals a day plus snacks its all super healthy and then at the end of the day when i put my calories in it tells me all this crap. sometimes i go to the kitchen and see what i can eat to make the calories up but im just not hungry and i dont wanna forcefeed myself ? should i just ignore the messages and do i have a good diet or should i make some changes cos i cant see anything wrong ? any help ?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    We can't see what you're eating and don't know how tall you are or how much you exercise and eat ;-)

    Say more, and/or set diary to Public
  • GeorgieDrake123
    sorry im new to this ill do the diary thing now. and im 5.11 and i weigh 144llbs and im 18
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You only get that message if you're eating less than 1200 calories.

    1200 is the minimum anyone who isn't under strict medical supervision should eat. As a fit, healthy 18 year old woman, you should eat more. You're at the prime of your life, metabolically speaking. Your body is a calorie burning furnace!

    For reference, I'm more than twice your age, and lost my weight eating an average total of 1800-2200 calories.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    sorry im new to this ill do the diary thing now. and im 5.11 and i weigh 144llbs and im 18

    Holy poop... your weight loss goal is far too little! You want to be fit and healthy... you won't be at that size.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    1) All calorie calculators are generic. They give a decent estimate, but metabolism is NOT a static thing. It can go up and down depending on hormones, muscle mass, recovery, stress, eating habits, etc.

    2) What is the bigger goal?....If you're trying to lose weight and you're losing, so long as you are happy, then feel free to eat a little less(stay healthy though).

    3) Starvation mode is a joke. Don't believe me then go look at those poor kids in Ethiopia. What is fat?....stored energy. When you diet you are going to have some form of metabolic slowdown. It's inevitable. All things equal it takes more calories to maintain an individual at a heavier weight. Having said that, you DO want to keep your metabolism firing as strongly as possible. Go to low for too long and your body WILL put you at a lowered maintenance level. It will not happen overnight though from one low calorie day. Hope this helps yeh. Cheers

    NSCF Certified Personal Trainer
    AAAI Certified Fitness Trainer
    ISMA Certified Nutritional Consultant
  • GeorgieDrake123
    im not too focused on my goal i just guessed thats probably what ill weigh when i look how i want too. when im happy with the weight ive lost and way i look the actual number isnt too important. i understand im eating maybe not enough calories but like i dont know how to eat more i eat 3 meals a day and snacks and im always full i also have alot of allergies to work around

    the bleach/dye they put in to make things white in bread pasta etc
    anything too acidic really
    animal fat (pure like the fat on bacon or steak i can eat lean meats)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Am I reading that right? She's 5'11" and wants to weigh 110??? I'm 5'8". If I weighed 110 I would look like Skeletor. :frown:
  • GeorgieDrake123
    thankyou hat did help im not so paranoid about putting my body in some weird death mode now ! but i am still a little concerned i just need some reassurance from users that my diet is healthy and sensible as i thought it was great till myfitnesspal got all stressy with me hehe
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Am I reading that right? She's 5'11" and wants to weigh 110??? I'm 5'8". If I weighed 110 I would look like Skeletor. :frown:

    Agreed. The average VS model is 5'9-5'11 and around 115-120 pounds.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    Try adding in some healthy, but high cal foods like peanut butter or Avocados or nuts...

    Also at the wieght you are already at, I would concentrate more on toning and less on weight loss... Taking it down another 20 might be alright, but toning is going to help you "look the way you want to look" a lot sooner than just losing will!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's not healthy. There is no reason under the sun for a healthy young woman who is already a healthy weight to eat that little.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    sorry im new to this ill do the diary thing now. and im 5.11 and i weigh 144llbs and im 18

    I'm sorry, this will be harsh but I'm getting tired of this.

    You are not eating enough for an 18 year old at your size. Your protein and fat intake is usually very low, pretty much like every teenager on this site. You should be getting twice the calories you do now and more if you are exercising. Sure you aren't likely to get any growth spurts from now on but I'm 95% confident that with this kind of eating habits, you'll face hormonal problems in a year. Same goes for starving marvin girls.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    just to re establish im not too bothered about what weight i end up weighing i just guessed. im more bothered about what i see in the mirror

    and thankyou for the advice about avocados and peanut butter and nuts thats a good idea i had no idea those foods were high in calories :) THANKYOU
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    im not too focused on my goal i just guessed thats probably what ill weigh when i look how i want too. when im happy with the weight ive lost and way i look the actual number isnt too important. i understand im eating maybe not enough calories but like i dont know how to eat more i eat 3 meals a day and snacks and im always full i also have alot of allergies to work around

    the bleach/dye they put in to make things white in bread pasta etc
    anything too acidic really
    animal fat (pure like the fat on bacon or steak i can eat lean meats)

    Cut back on processed foods, don't eat white bread and pasta, eat whole wheat and use olive oil and some spices on your pasta, or butter even. There are a lot of choices out there. Avocados are good for helping to increase calories, whole versions of foods instead of reduced or fat free. I only looked back a few days, but you're definitely not eating enough.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    sorry im new to this ill do the diary thing now. and im 5.11 and i weigh 144llbs and im 18

    I'm sorry, this will be harsh but I'm getting tired of this.

    You are not eating enough for an 18 year old at your size. Your protein and fat intake is usually very low, pretty much like every teenager on this site. You should be getting twice the calories you do now and more if you are exercising. Sure you aren't likely to get any growth spurts from now on but I'm 95% confident that with this kind of eating habits, you'll face hormonal problems in a year. Same goes for starving marvin girls.

    heya i know im not eating enough but i dont know how to increase my calorie intake thats why i need advice ! i do do alot of exercisae running and yoga every day sometimes circuit training for toning. ive had some great advice about maybe trying peanut butter and avocado cos i have allergies
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    just to re establish im not too bothered about what weight i end up weighing i just guessed. im more bothered about what i see in the mirror

    and thankyou for the advice about avocados and peanut butter and nuts thats a good idea i had no idea those foods were high in calories :) THANKYOU

    Your welcome!! Also at the wieght you are already at, I would concentrate more on toning and less on weight loss... Taking it down another 20 might be alright, but toning is going to help you "look the way you want to look" a lot sooner than just losing will!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ugh, how could I forget peanut butter?! YES! :smile: Also, adding lean meats or fish, Greek yogurt, tempeh, something to get your protein up.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    just to re establish im not too bothered about what weight i end up weighing i just guessed. im more bothered about what i see in the mirror

    and thankyou for the advice about avocados and peanut butter and nuts thats a good idea i had no idea those foods were high in calories :) THANKYOU

    Your welcome!! Also at the wieght you are already at, I would concentrate more on toning and less on weight loss... Taking it down another 20 might be alright, but toning is going to help you "look the way you want to look" a lot sooner than just losing will!

    yeah im trying to exercise loads and i get alot of protein, like is aid im more worried about whats in the mirror than whats on the scale ! your advice has been great im gonna go straight to the shops tommorow to load up on avocados peanut butter and nuts ! everyone seems to be having a go at me for not eating enough when i created this post because i would like some help and advice on how to eat more, please stop having a go at my everyone im trying to change !!!
  • GeorgieDrake123
    Ugh, how could I forget peanut butter?! YES! :smile: Also, adding lean meats or fish, Greek yogurt, tempeh, something to get your protein up.

    just read this and looking at my diary i dont eat much meat. thanks for the advice everyone im making a shopping list as we speek so far

    meat and fish
    peanut butter
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If you're allergic to dairy why is Greek yogurt in your diary?

    Also, you don't eat lots. You barely eat anything.
    Nuts, avocados, nut butter, olive oil, steak, sunflower seeds, protein bars, protein powders....

    Favorite protein bars: ThinkThin (230 calories/bar).
    Just got cake batter flavored protein powder by Muscle Milk Light and it's DELICIOUS!