Am i over exercising ???

i log WAY more minutes and calories burnt a week than is reccomended like so much more. i generally do a 45 minute intense cross country run ev ery morning which includes hills, followed by squats pushups crunches and other toning exercises. walking too and from work clocks up 1.5 hours walking and i walk super speedy plus i work in an extremely busy restaurant where i am rushing around constantly then some nights if im not working late i go for an hour evening walk cos i like it and to burn extra calories?

am i overdoing it ? i enjoy all of the above so surely thats ok or does my body need a break ?


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Whenever I see someone's profile says they are 18, I hesitate in responding...if you're truly an adult, not a teen with a growing body, my response would be: listen to your body, and use your best judgement.

    If you're a teen, with a fake profile age, like so many on here, ask your parents for an appointment with a sports medicine doc, a nutrition specialist who works with kids, or some other qualified person you can ask questions of.
  • willbfit1
    willbfit1 Posts: 9 Member
    truthfully i think if your eating enough you should be OK.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    Whenever I see someone's profile says they are 18, I hesitate in responding...if you're truly an adult, not a teen with a growing body, my response would be: listen to your body, and use your best judgement.

    If you're a teen, with a fake profile age, like so many on here, ask your parents for an appointment with a sports medicine doc, a nutrition specialist who works with kids, or some other qualified person you can ask questions of.

    im 18 haha :)
  • GeorgieDrake123
    truthfully i think if your eating enough you should be OK.

    i have an odd relationship with food. one minute food is my best friend one minute i cant bear to eat anything. its hard to explain but i just love exercise. if u look at my food diary some days there like nothing some days theres loads but i never make my calories goal of 1200 infact i never go above 1000. and like i know thats probably not enough but i feel like ive eaten loads and im full and i couldnt possibly eat anymore or id definately gain weight. and what i eat is healthy. so i think its okay.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    truthfully i think if your eating enough you should be OK.

    But this is the key Georgie!! I truly believe you are one day gonna burn yourself totally out... I worry about you... :frown:
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    Depending on that, you're undereating by as much as 1,000 calories a day.
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    as long as you are eaten enough to fuel your body and do not not physically feel like you're over doing it....getting light headed, head aches, nausea or just feeling all around fatigued...i wouldn't worry too much about it! I am glad to hear that at such a young age you realize how important exercise is for your health and that you are asking questions about it! do try and up your calories little by little though
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    I agree with what's been stated thus far. With that said, I workout quite a bit (2 kickboxing classes a day, 1-3 hours of cycling most days, and sometimes the gym on top of that), but I also put the fuel (food) back in to my body to counter-balance this. Starving ones self and working out a lot do not make for positive results. I want to make life changes that will last, not find a quick fix. I just happen to love my workouts, and am trying to bring strength as well as weight loss.

    As others have said, listen to what your body is telling you. If you're tired, don't force yourself into a second or third workout of the day. Sometimes, we just need a rest. If you're feeling good though and fueling properly, I see nothing wrong with living an active life. :O)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I agree with what's been stated thus far. With that said, I workout quite a bit (2 kickboxing classes a day, 1-3 hours of cycling most days, and sometimes the gym on top of that), but I also put the fuel (food) back in to my body to counter-balance this. Starving ones self and working out a lot do not make for positive results. I want to make life changes that will last, not find a quick fix. I just happen to love my workouts, and am trying to bring strength as well as weight loss.

    As others have said, listen to what your body is telling you. If you're tired, don't force yourself into a second or third workout of the day. Sometimes, we just need a rest. If you're feeling good though and fueling properly, I see nothing wrong with living an active life. :O)

    I agree with this. I love running too. But, some days I get up and the idea of putting my running shoes on and stepping out the door seems really hard. Then I know I need a rest day.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    im 5 foot 11 and i weigh 138llb. ish.

    dont worry about me im okay, but i have booked an appointment with my doctor so see if i could speak to a nutritionalist as i find it difficult to eat enough calories.

    well my body doesnt feel tired i drink lots of water i dont get headaches or nausea sometimes i get a light headed feeling if i get up too quickly and i have to put my head between my legs to stop it but i think thats just standing up fast.

    so i think my exercise is okay according to you guys, but i will check with the nutritionalist providing i can get a refferal !
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member

    if u look at my food diary some days there like nothing some days theres loads but i never make my calories goal of 1200 infact i never go above 1000. and like i know thats probably not enough but i feel like ive eaten loads and im full and i couldnt possibly eat anymore or id definately gain weight. and what i eat is healthy. so i think its okay.

    I just saw this part of your reply, and this is concerning! As I said, although I workout a lot, I refuel as well. On a "bad" day I burn about 1,000 cals and on a "good" day around 3,000... however, I also eat between 1,800-2,400 cals a day. You MUST refuel or you will burn yourself out and possibly do some major damage to your body. Your body goes into starvation mode when you don't feed it (which is why you aren't hungry). Your body is going to hold on to everything because you aren't giving it enough fuel. Please, do consider eating more if you're going to continue to workout at these levels. You will not gain weight if you are burning as many calories as you have indicated. You may experience a temporary gain because you've not been eating much, but it will come off. In the long run, you will be better off to give yourself more. Try eating some smaller meals more frequently... it may help bring your metabolism up again.
  • GeorgieDrake123
    truthfully i think if your eating enough you should be OK.

    But this is the key Georgie!! I truly believe you are one day gonna burn yourself totally out... I worry about you... :frown:

    ill be okay, im gonna try get reffered to a nutrionalist to see if i could pack more calories in but still be healthy. i wont burn out dont worry about me :)
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    im 5 foot 11 and i weigh 138llb. ish.

    dont worry about me im okay, but i have booked an appointment with my doctor so see if i could speak to a nutritionalist as i find it difficult to eat enough calories.

    well my body doesnt feel tired i drink lots of water i dont get headaches or nausea sometimes i get a light headed feeling if i get up too quickly and i have to put my head between my legs to stop it but i think thats just standing up fast.

    so i think my exercise is okay according to you guys, but i will check with the nutritionalist providing i can get a refferal !

    I am glad you are trying to see a nutritionist! I know you have been trying to eat better and I am rooting for you!! I want you to stay healthy!
  • GeorgieDrake123

    if u look at my food diary some days there like nothing some days theres loads but i never make my calories goal of 1200 infact i never go above 1000. and like i know thats probably not enough but i feel like ive eaten loads and im full and i couldnt possibly eat anymore or id definately gain weight. and what i eat is healthy. so i think its okay.

    I just saw this part of your reply, and this is concerning! As I said, although I workout a lot, I refuel as well. On a "bad" day I burn about 1,000 cals and on a "good" day around 3,000... however, I also eat between 1,800-2,400 cals a day. You MUST refuel or you will burn yourself out and possibly do some major damage to your body. Your body goes into starvation mode when you don't feed it (which is why you aren't hungry). Your body is going to hold on to everything because you aren't giving it enough fuel. Please, do consider eating more if you're going to continue to workout at these levels. You will not gain weight if you are burning as many calories as you have indicated. You may experience a temporary gain because you've not been eating much, but it will come off. In the long run, you will be better off to give yourself more. Try eating some smaller meals more frequently... it may help bring your metabolism up again.

    well small frequent meals are hard as i am so busy and always working in a busy restaurant. can you explain a but more about the starvation mode making me never hungry ? as im pretty sure im not in starvation mode but i do have a very small appetite, like there is not time that food is ever really appealing or i actually think, wow im hungry i just eat because i know i need to do it to live kinda thing all food tastes the same. like cardbord haha
  • GeorgieDrake123
    im 5 foot 11 and i weigh 138llb. ish.

    dont worry about me im okay, but i have booked an appointment with my doctor so see if i could speak to a nutritionalist as i find it difficult to eat enough calories.

    well my body doesnt feel tired i drink lots of water i dont get headaches or nausea sometimes i get a light headed feeling if i get up too quickly and i have to put my head between my legs to stop it but i think thats just standing up fast.

    so i think my exercise is okay according to you guys, but i will check with the nutritionalist providing i can get a refferal !

    I am glad you are trying to see a nutritionist! I know you have been trying to eat better and I am rooting for you!! I want you to stay healthy!

    thankyou for your support. i want to be healthy and i know thats the best thing but sometimes its soooooo hard and even though i know its best i just dont want too sometimes. but the i have good days where i eat my calorie goals and feel great. hopefully the nutritionalist can make those days every day. well done on ur weight loss by the way ur doing great ! xx
  • planetshark
    planetshark Posts: 37 Member
    Yes. Your body needs rest to repair itself and grow stronger, period.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Well I wouldn't say you are over-exercising, but you are undereating. Your body would prefer to have around 2,500 calories a day with all that activity.

    The reason you're not "starving" is because your body knows how to survive, and your hormones adjust (and I don't mean the sex hormones :laugh: I mean the ones running all your biology).

    You may want to consider gradually increasing your calories. Otherwise all this undereating will really backfire as you get into your 20s and 30s.

    I know restaurant work is tough, can you maybe have one giant meal after your shift?
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    well small frequent meals are hard as i am so busy and always working in a busy restaurant. can you explain a but more about the starvation mode making me never hungry ? as im pretty sure im not in starvation mode but i do have a very small appetite, like there is not time that food is ever really appealing or i actually think, wow im hungry i just eat because i know i need to do it to live kinda thing all food tastes the same. like cardbord haha

    I am just a bit concerned that you're eating so little each day (even if you weren't working out - that really isn't much food at all). At 5'11" and 138 lbs, you are already at a healthy weight (really, likely under what you should be). I am 5'4" and my goal weight is in this range (118-145 lbs). I think it's a wonderful idea to go and speak with your doctor and a nutritionist if that is possible. Tell them everything you've shared here so that they can give you recommendations for your body. I am neither a doctor nor a nutritionist, but I do have some concerns for your well being from what you've shared.

    If foods aren't tasting good (as in, nothing at all), this could be a completely different issue, and I am nowhere near qualified to help you (unfortunately). If you're just looking to add some calories, look for nutritious foods that are calorie dense. Maybe add some peanut butter to your celery or apple. Have a protein shake and add banana and/or peanut butter to it. Nuts are calorie dense, and have some great things for you as well. Maybe even experiment with some foods and spices to see what you like. Don't be afraid to experiment with tastes and see what may help you want to eat.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    If you are enjoying it it is not too much. If you start getting tired, don't want to get out of bed, drag around all day, start getting sick, etc, those are signs of fatigue. Just learn to listen to your body. The more you exercise the more your body adjusts and you can do more. I exercise a lot and it would kill some people, but I feel fine. I know when I need a day off and I take it. Otherwise I work hard every day that I can.

    Sounds like you are doing great. Good job!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    And by the looks of your diary, you're also starving yourself.