Yardtigress Member


  • So glad you listed that etsy shop. I have loads of colored bracelets and once in a while get a sore, but nothing really pretty for an evening out.
  • I use 2 cups cashew milk, 1/2 cup spinach and kale, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 5-9 drops cherry extract, sweetener to taste( I use a blend of stevia and erithtol) one scoop of jay Robb protein powder and ice. Mix in my vitamix. Yummy. You can make a snickers flavored one just add Carmel extract instead of cherry and a tbsp of…
  • I made in one pot, beans and rice- 2 cups cooked brown rice 1 can pinto beans rinsed 1 can black beans rinsed 1 med onion 1 med bell pepper 1 link favorite sausage ( I used hot Mexican chorizo ) cut in bite size pieces 1 chicken breast cut in bite size pieces Add garlic, cumin and red pepper to taste. (If your kids don't…
  • Well, if you are in need of friends you can add me.
  • I lost my mom in November last year. I eat comfort food for 4 months and gained 14 lbs. Then one day I just decided the start eating right again. I'm sorry for your loss, give yourself time to grieve and try to keep up with your life too.
  • Wow did I get behind. I went on a cross stitch weekend retreat and got off track. Back on track, I've been out in the garden today and already have almost 5000 steps, and tomatoes. I got the first zucchini last night. It was yummy! One of my friends moved from her large house with a back yard to a condo with no yard, so we…
  • I eat lots of veggies and some fruit. I don't have to not eat gluten, I just feel a lot better when I don't and my blood sugar stays under control better.
  • Good morning all, Gail- hope you are feeling better, have a good time in NYC area. Jane- prayers for you friend and you too. Going to a stitch time tonight, I have to bring my dinner cause all they have nearby is mc Donald's . Yuck! Tigress in GA
  • Well all that sleep is good, but not for my weight. I know it's water, but 6 pounds!:angry: :angry: :angry: :noway: I'm back to eating good and think I'll walk today. Blood sugar is back under control.:smile: Tigress in GA
  • Good evening ladies, had my next mouth surgery yesterday morning, it was for my implant. The put in the collar? I don't know what that is all I know in 4 weeks I can have the dentist put in the fake tooth, so I won't have a gap. Been on pain pills for a couple of days, getting lots of sleep:laugh: Ate very bad after the…
  • Finally caught up on all the pages I've missed. Went on a stitching day on Saturday, I had a good time, gabbing and stitching. Worked in the studio the next couple of days cleaning up and getting rid of some stuff. I found another box of pictures, I will send them to my brother and sister. I think I have my mom's place…
  • Wow, my head is spinning 4 pages already? Went to ladies night last night, we went out to eat and then painted tiles to be fired for a table that will be sold to earn money for our group. Well, I ordered the roasted chicken and it came out bloody, the waitress asked me if I wanted another chicken. Lol I said No. Then she…
  • So glad I got my plants in on Monday, it is raining today so I won't have to water. I called a fencing contractor to put a chain link fence up around my garden with a nice gate, have yet to hear from him. DH just can't build a good gate and I'm really tired if the set up we have now. He has a Doctor appt today, and then to…
  • Hope all in the path of the storms are ok. Well I ate out three times last week and the scale shows it. I gained 1 lb. Yesterday DH and I got out into the garden and started the clean up. I will be planting today. I have to say that my butt hurts from all the squats clean up the beds in the garden yesterday. I am starting…
  • I always carry a snack and my meter. It can be very dangerous, I act drunk when I'm low and most people will walk around you or ignore you because they think you're drunk. They don't know you need help. I also eat a small bit even if I'm not hungry. You are a diabetic skipping meals is not a good idea. Last month I had a…
  • Welcome to all the new ladies, I have been busy this week and will bump for later. Tigress in GA
  • Good morning ladies, I haven't figured out what to have for breakfast yet, so I'm going to write a little while I think about it. Patty- my Fitbit was only 9 months old, but for $100 bucks it should last more than 2 years. They are pretty good at customer service, so give it a try all they can say is yes or no. You are out…
  • Heather- I'm addicted to Star Wars books. Lol Vicki-I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking. I took it for about 2 months, and then stopped cause I started thinking about killing myself. I've never thought anything could be bad enough to kill myself for.(I'd just disappear, run away). My doctor put me on Citalopram 20 mg. I've…
  • Patty- I hope you haven't gotten rid of your none working Fitbit. Contact the company, they are really great at customer service. When my ultra stopped working(I had bought it at best buy) they wanted a receipt, which I didn't have. Then I had to take a picture with my phone and email them. They replaced it with a one for…
  • Yes Beth, I have fond memories of those eggs! The chocolate and walnuts! Yummy! Haven't seen the in years. It's a good thing I might not be able to resist them. I lost 1 lb this week, which is what I'm set up for. I'm happy with it and my blood sugars. I've lost 3.5 lbs since I came back to eating right. I still haven't…
  • I budget my calories to give me food spread throughout the day even a bedtime snack. My diary is open.
  • Bean sprouts, zucchini, a cucumber and tomato salad with feta and kalmata olives, and a baked trout filet.
  • You can look at my diary if you'd like. I don't eat bread, pasta, white rice, or white potatoes. Veggies are lower in calories and you can eat so much more.
  • Never got new clothes for Easter, we got a few when school started, and new under clothes at Christmas, but not Easter. I'm having trout for dinner and have not eaten any chocolate or sugar free peeps. I used to like opening the peeps and let them get hard and then eat them. The sugar free ones don't get hard for a long…
  • I had a wonderful fun day. I got invited to meet a bunch of stitcher's and stitch and chat the day away. I really had a good time. They meet about every three weeks. Went out to lunch and I stayed good I had veggies and 2 chicken tenders, I don't normally eat breaded fried foods, but I had to have some protein. I even had…
  • Don't be so down on yourself, I've only lost 18 lbs and haven't been able to fit into new clothes, but I can pull my jeans off without unbuttoning them. Lol. I consider this progress. Give your self a break, as people say you didn't gain it over night. I think your doing great.
  • LKM- bump to mark your spot so you can find where you stopped reading, when you don't have time or anything to say. I go with what MFP says is the amount of calories I need to eat which is now 1490. I eat LOTS of veggies, meat, fruit, brown rice, sweet potatoes, fish, yogurt, nuts and drink water, tea, and broth. I'm not…
  • Thanks for the advice, but I can resist, I have chocolate kisses in a plastic bag sitting on my end table. I just leave them there, and I don't want them. If i do I have one or two, but that's all. Tigress in GA
  • DH came home early from work, he's on days this week for a class, and gave me chocolate for Easter. While I love the man dearly, he just doesn't get it. I now have enough chocolate for the rest of the year. I haven't been craving chocolate since I stopped eating bread, pasta and potatoes. I had on square instead of my half…