

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Haven’t been here for awhile and thought I’d hop in and say hello. I am still struggling with maintenance. When they say it’s harder to maintain than to lose weight, they aren’t kidding. Those seven pounds I gained while on vacation are not coming off, and I know I only have myself to blame. I have good days and bad days, but the bad days end up with binging, which only sabotages my good days. I find that I am losing and gaining the same couple of pounds over and over. It’s frustrating!:mad:

    Last night I had an episode of vertigo. :sick: I get these once in awhile and I haven’t had one since last year. They just come out of nowhere and leave me totally helpless. The only thing I can do is go to bed, and it actually gets worse when I lay down until I can become totally still (which is a problem for me since I’m a restless sleeper) for a period of time. My co-worker just had this same problem. I wonder if allergies could cause this since this spring is supposed to be an extra bad season for allergy sufferers. I’ve never had allergies before, but it’s just weird that two of us from the same small office had the same problem.

    Frank and I visited my kids out in Somerset last weekend. It turned out to be quite nice weather-wise, and we had a great time. The grandkids are getting so big…..three of the oldest boys are now taller than me (which isn’t hard since I’m only 5’2”). It was great to see them all, including my granddaughter and her two boys. :heart: We celebrated her baby’s 2nd birthday while out there. She waited for us to come out and had a BBQ/Birthday party at her house. I took tons of pictures and plan to hang them in frames going up our stairway. I already bought the frames. The only problem is that I took single pictures of all the kids and somehow missed my oldest great-grandson! :noway: I don’t know how that happened, but I guess I took so many pictures that I didn’t notice. I have nine grandchildren and two great grands, so I guess it’s easy to miss one when they are all running around and playing. Anyway, we are going up there again for the 4th of July, so I’ll be sure to catch him then.

    I almost forgot…this is a new month! My goals always remain the same, but my comments always change!:huh:

    I hope everyone is doing well. I haven’t read the posts yet, but plan to do so when I get the chance.

    To all those who are new – Feel free to jump right in and share. We were all in your shoes when we started.:flowerforyou:

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (70%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Started, but hoping to be more consistent)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. :heart:

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • arsail
    arsail Posts: 13 Member
    Looking forward to The warmer weather so I can spend more time outside and active. Hope to hit a few big numbers this month, the first one is dropping below 200 lbs!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Nice to see you Lucy!
    I'm having a bit of a chillax before the next phase which will be countdown! Done as much prep as I can. Filled the house with flowers from the garden. The lilac is out and we have three trees, one of which is a deeper purple. All our shrubs seem to have benefited from the soaking they had over winter. I'm surprised they didn't drown! We have a white flowered something that I have never seen so prolific as this year, so I brought a few branches in. May is our garden's best month by far. The apple blosson is fabulous. We haven't really done anything yo deserve this as, like Rita, we discovered all sorts of things after we moved in. We plant pots for the patio and have added some things, like penstemmons, for late summer colour, but it mainly looks after itself. Our veg raised beds are, weirdly, in the front garden and require more work, of course. Luckily we have had quite a bit of rain recently so I have been spared the dreaded watering! Horrible slugs though, so I am setting out beer traps. They are eating my new chard sprouts. :grumble:

    DH asked if there was anything he could do to help so I ssid he could pull up a couple of the weeds on the patio that I could see from the living room. He went out and spent two hours bent double scraping round all the pavingvstones! I kept telling him thst wasn't necessary, but it does look very much neater now. I told him it looks very "grown up". I've always wanted to be grown up and never quite managed it! ! !:laugh:

    Katie - congrats on your students' achievements! :flowerforyou:

    Jane - Happy birthday! :flowerforyou: Feel better soon!:flowerforyou: I still have my cold, but I am improving. I am going to have a half hour's shut eye now.

    Love Heather in sunny and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Joyce, Heather – how fun to see your pic! Neither of you look how I had imagined! I thought Joyce would have long hair and Heather a cute bob ! My imagining had it backwards:laugh:

    Cynthia – what is your DC (darling cat)’s name?

    Gloria – Cancer is an awful thing – it is amazing how quick it can go, so wonderful you have such great memories of hiking, picnics and fun activities.

    Margaret – that sounds like such an interesting art/flower show!

    Katla – you’ll get it turned around, isn’t it great what a heart felt apology will do:smile:

    Jane – Happy Birthday – hope you feel better and that everyone will give you a rain check to celebrate your b-day when you are feeling better. :wink:

    Lucy –vertigo is such a weird thing! I hope you are doing better. :smile:

    Well friday's are my check in day, and another 2lbs gone (this is over 2 weeks as I skipped last week) the other good thing for me is all my measurements are under 50 inches (some are many many under, some just a bit) somehow this is a big deal for me - and I did not realize it would make me so pleased.

    I saw a friend yesterday, she has been overweight (probably in the 250 range) as long as I have known her and she has always worn her clothes skin tight, well we had not seen each other since Jan. - just been busy - and she has lost weight, which I noticed but was not sure at first as she is wearing a smaller size but still skin tight... we talked and found she has lost 32 lbs! I was so glad, I know she is healthier - I think a smidgen looser clothing would be more flattering, but I guess this is her style; I had always assumed that she had not wanted to buy stuff bigger as she gained.

    I have a busy work day ahead - but no need to cook as there are plenty of leftovers :happy: I think that is one of the joys of company is a couple of days of great meals it makes all the work ahead stretch to more days.

    Happy Friday!
    Kim in sunny N. California
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    I have gained weight and can not seem to stop eating. I am 54 years old, feel tired all the time, my body hurts and I do not move as well as I would like. My son died earlier this year. He was only 20 years old. After he died, I turned almost immediately to food. Today is May 1st. I have hope and want my health back. I do not want to honor the memory of my son by wallowing in depression and food. I want to regain a healthy weight so I can live my best life.

    I have one goal only for this month.

    1.I will log my food and exercise EVERY DAY. This will be my greatest challenge. Thank goodness for the phone app.

    Thoughts of strength being sent to you.... HUG
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cherish that time with your mom Cynthia (as I'm sure you already are). As much as our mom's and grandma's can be crazy PIA's (more so as they age) I'm sure most would take it for a little time back.
    xo-Gloria in dreary *kitten* Metro Detroit
    You said it right! Sometimes she drives me crazy, and about 15 years ago there was a period when we just didn't have much contact. I'm glad it's better now. Sometimes I really miss her, living far away as I do. Would love to just drop in, chat, maybe go to Kohl's :bigsmile: , fix something in the house, that kind of thing. Well, you know what I mean.

    Thanks everybody for the congratulations (weight loss) and for the concern about my cat, Charlie (about 18 yo). He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in January; was meowing for food all the time, had lost a lot of weight etc. Thyroid medication helped, but I noticed the last week or so that he wasn't eating well at all (that's the other end of the spectrum). So he has kidney problems as well. Wondering how this will all work out. Suddenly I feel guilty for giving more attention to my dog since I've had the dog (or at least it feels that way).

    On the plus side, I went to the gym and busted my you-know-what for the third time this week. Which means I can pretty much eat whatever the h*** I want this evening. :bigsmile:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    A quick pop it to say hello!

    I am also much colder now that I was before the weight loss. It's funny, because I always attributed it to a loss of "insulation" so it I enjoyed seeing someone else refer to it that way. I'm curious, too, to see what summer brings because I HATE being overheated!

    The boy child had to work until 11 p.m. last night so it was midnight before I got to sleep. I'm a wee bit tired today. I also need to have a little vent, so here goes: My son has just become active in the church youth group this year after several years hiatus. A meal is provided for the kids every Sunday evening but my son doesn't eat since the food provided is not safe for him. However, I got a direct email this morning requesting that I take my turn providing a meal for the group. I feel really resentful that I am supposed to pony up the money and time for food for 15 when my own child goes hungry at these meetings every week! The ONLY time anyone ever tried to provide food for him was when one parent bought a bag of pork rinds for him. :noway: I'm also pissed because I will have to do it on my own and I have a major event at church to attend tomorrow evening and a class immediately after church on Sunday. I will have no Sabbath and that makes the rest of my week get off to a miserable start. I asked advice of my pastor (and good friend) and he said he would help out with the expense, but I honestly am more upset about my loss of time. I will do what I "should" do, but it honestly makes me want to sit down and cry. I'm done now. I think. :tongue:

    I am so happy it is Friday! I don't know that I could take another work day this week. I'm counting down the 10 minutes until I can leave!! My daughter and I are going to Qdoba for naked taco salads for lunch (2 for $10 dollar meal day) and maybe some yogurt afterwards if she has the calories to spare.

    Oh! Oh! I get to talk to my rock star today at 3 p.m.! I need to get over my irritability before he calls so that we can have a pleasant conversation. I'm excited! He hasn't been on tour in my area for two years and I miss him and his crew. If I can remember to do it when I get home, I will post a picture of us together.

    Off to have lunch and grocery shop for hot dogs, fixings, and dessert for 15!

    Carol in cloudy NC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Back again.

    While I was working out and working I was remembering some of the things I forgot to say earlier:

    milagros00, while I came as close as a momma can come to losing her child (when Aaron was 17 mos), I can't even imagine how I could get up and go on if I actually did. SO smart to keep your goals small and simple. One at a time, one step at a time. Walking might be a good first step. Find a place where you feel comfortable and peaceful, bring your music. Have a mall or an indoor back up plan so you don't get mad at yourself for failing if the weather is bad. Do you belong to a grief support group? Do you have a Gilda's Club near you? Talking with others who DO understand may just help you get thought the days a little easier.

    Not sure how to choose my words but it makes me sad to hear that anyone would feel ashamed to show their picture...while I totally understand the feeling. I got upset the other day at my step father for putting a "fat" picture on his cell phone. To make it worse it was a picture someone took at my mom's funeral luncheon so the dark circles, bags.....

    Point is, and I know I'm preaching to the choir, that the love and self confidence from within is 99% of the battle. I think if we battle the inner demons that make many of us reach for the food in the first place, there will be much greater success in changing the "coping" habits. No one is here to judge and it's always better to put a face with the words. :flowerforyou:

    Dianna, is that "Harrison" as in up north or down the road in Harrison Twp?

    drkatiebug, I was very touched by your victory. There are some jobs/professions that are "callings" and it's stories like that are what makes it all worth it.

    Congrats to all who had victories in April and wishes of strength and perseverance to all in achieving your daily, weekly and monthly goals.

    Cynthia, my grandma used to call me every day with some reason for me to go there. She couldn't hear and I spent all my time yelling and repeating. She drove me up the wall but when the phone stopped ringing I was heartbroken.

    Kim, as we recently chatted about mothers, not all memories are happy, warm and fuzzy but thankfully, enough were. It's going to put the "sick and dying" memories behind the good ones but like with everything, one day at a time.....

    Despite feeling like poo, I did my workout, finished my orders and everything is packed up and ready to ship. Think I'm gong to rest a bit before I have to get my boy from school.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 461 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Rushed for time for the next few days. Preparing for the floor installation on Monday and Tuesday. We have a lot of things to move, including the lower half of the closet in our bedroom. The high school class reunion party is tomorrow. Was stressing about what to take, Hubby suggested a shrimp platter (good idea, love him) and I am making pizza "pull apart" bread. The hostess wanted us to bring food.

    Jane, happy birthday and hope you feel better.

    DeeDee, the craziness will be over soon and you will love the results.

    Milagros00, my deepest sympathy for the loss of your son. Hugs.

    Katia, hugs. It will get better.

    Welcome new ladies!


    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Spent the morning with Gwen........she had a cardiac stress test which tied up a considerable amount of time, then her errands, back to her house, filled her pills for the week and got low ones refills ordered.........she's still not quite right, snippy with the medical staff, defensive, argumentative today. Made sure she knows I won't be avail.; maybe that's the problem?? Who knows?Had a long call from the gardener yesterday about her being unhappy with his work; poor guy!

    Anyway, I really, really need to pack for the trip so I scanned the posts quickly and will only have a bit of time to write any more. No computer in NC. but I promise to eat well and exercise!

    Drkatiebug................MAJOR, major congratulations on your success with those students.........take a bow!!!!

    tere..........As they say on the game show: Come on down!!! LOL!! We can hit the outlets while those crazy women are running 3 hours!

    Margaret.........I'm glad you enjoyed your music event. My other possibility for this weekend was to go see Josh Bell in concert; he's wonderful and was my DD's idol when she was in middle school.

    Michele.......I had extra onions on the quarter pounder............I guess it tasted OK, we were in such a mad rush trying to beat the storms that I think I inhaled it.

    jane............HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm sure that the adorable Violet will take a raincheck.........makes me smile everytime I see that pic of her holding her hair!!

    Bye, everyone, hope your weekends are wonderful!
    "See" you next week.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    The furnace repair guy is scheduled to come tomorrow. The DH is in charge of this project and he doesn't know if the guy is coming for sure or even going to call to confirm! Men!!! Must mow the lawn this weekend. All that ran and now sun has made the lawn very green and pretty but too long! We only have a push mower now so this will be a challenge for me since DH can't push mow because of his physical problems, and now my back problems! Looks like we will be looking for a rider mower very shortly!

    I had a great day yesterday from pain and over did it. I worked out at a good level at Curves, then last evening walked 3 miles. Today, I can hardly move, my back hurts so. Went to the Chiro-Accupuncturist this morning but it didn't even touch the pain this time. Oh, well, I must remember I am not 30 years old any more!

    I just wanted to jump in and post before the weekend. Not sure if I will have time Sat or Sun to post but will try my best to log everything over the weekend.

    Hugs and prayers to all who need them. Congrats on all the NSV's!

    Rita from sunny CT
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good grief 4 pages already? Horrible last 2 days; I'll be here tomorrow. Have a great friday afternoon to all my vitamin F pals! Meg from Omaha
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Wow, my head is spinning 4 pages already? Went to ladies night last night, we went out to eat and then painted tiles to be fired for a table that will be sold to earn money for our group. Well, I ordered the roasted chicken and it came out bloody, the waitress asked me if I wanted another chicken. Lol I said No. Then she asked me if I wanted something else, I could feel my sugar dropping and knew I was going to be really angry soon so I ordered a hamburger no bun and roasted veggies. Well we got to the pottery place an hour late, dinner took so long. A couple of the other ladies couldn't believe that I had seafood dip with cucumber slices, not tortilla chips and a hamburger with no bun. Oh well, it's their problem, one of them said, I couldn't do that, I thought yes, you could if you wanted too. So NSV for me.

    Mila- sorry for your loss! Don't let the food get you like I did, stick with us!

    Meg-we will be here tomorrow too. Ready to listen!

    Gail- how are you doing? How's that sweet dog of yours, give some kisses for me.

    Well I have to get my stuff ready for my stitchy day tomorrow. We are traveling then stitching, so I have my stuff ready just need to get it in the car.

    Tigress in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, since I lost weight I am much colder. I wear long underwear, wool socks, and turtlenecks a lot. I’ve learned to dress in extra layers. I consume 1800-2000 calories a day so it has nothing to do with the number of calories I consume. There are several other thinner women in my line dance class who wear long sleeves and long pants when everyone else is wearing short sleeves and capris.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, I’ve tried brushing the dogs’ teeth before but stopped after a few days. I’m hoping that setting it as a resolution will help. I don’t think I do a great job with their teeth, but anything should be better than nothing…..congrats on releasing inches.

    :flowerforyou: Katherine, thanks for adding your photo….you look great.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, that’s a great picture

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I love your picture

    :flowerforyou: I changed my picture
    it looks better if you look on my profile.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Janemartin, Happy Birthday

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I always feel better when I apologize immediately when I’ve been grumpy or short with somebody (especially DH)

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I hope you have great weather for your ride.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, are you still weighing measuring and logging your food now that you are maintaining?

    :bigsmile: Kim, congrats on your weight loss this week

    :bigsmile: This has been a super day that included teaching a fun line dance class (wearing my new shirt that says "Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat), some time alone, a lot of dog walking in the sunshine, a bit of yard work, an hour on the exercise bike while watching Magnum P.I., and a short nap with DH and the pets.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wonder if my weight loss is making me colder also. Whenever I would visit my Mom or MIL all the old people had long sleeves and/or a sweater on. I was dreading when I got old and was like that. Well guess what, I am that person now. And I'm not old. Well at least in my 80's. But I sure am cold.

    I went out to eat today with my niece. I think I told you about her. She is the daughter of the 'black sheep' of my husbands family but such a sweetheart. She has been fat since she was 5 and has a very troubled 7 year old son. So I couldn't even brag about my 7 year old grand daughter because I dind't want to make her feel bad. We went to Smiling Moose Deli, first time I had been there. If I had known how nice the build your salad was I would have ordered that. But I picked what I was going to get from online and then made a point of not looking up at the menu so as not to want something else or to get confused. Ashley was behind me and ordered next and ordered the build your own. But even my side salad they build it right there in front of you and you get 4 toppings of your choice, with the build your own you get 8. But it was good. I got vegan vegetable soup and my calories were real good. We sat and yacked for 2 1/2 hours so I really didn't notice that I was still hungry. When I got home I went ahead and got my usual carrot sticks and apple I eat every day. I had put a note up on face book how much my girls and I had lost and I put our last name on the post saying the ........girls have lost this much weight so far. So she responded and said hey I have lost 7 pounds and want to be in there. So she is going to check with her step sister to see if she is losing anything. I really just caught up with them last September when my MIL died since for 1 my BIL never came to any family function and 2 he never, ever brought his children around even when they were little. So it was nice to see them when my MIL died even though they felt they needed to ask permission to be with us.

    supposed to be warming up this weekend,:smile: spring kind of left us this week completely:brokenheart:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Yanniejannie – hope the trip is great :smile:

    Rita – hope your back is better

    Tigress – good for you! I had not thought of serving cucumber slices with dip, what a great work around. :wink:

    Barbie – sounds like a great day

    Joyce - so nice to connect with more family - that deli sounds great - and the name is so fun Smiling Moose! :bigsmile: my guest room has a moose theme.... not over the top though...

    I had another super productive day; feels good. I looked at the 2 pair of pants and 1 pair of shorts that are too long and they are really too long from the waist to the crotch; one pair has an elastic waist, so I am going to see if I can take the waist band apart and sit it lower on the pants.. I'm pretty sure it will do in the pockets; but I like the pants and they match a top that looks great.

    Good night Ladies,

    Kim in N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    This morning I got up and I don't know if when I was doing the rebounder DVD I really worked my abs or when I took the deep water class. That's probably one of the problems with doing exercising just about every day, if I'm sore I'm not sure what it's from. On the outside chance that it was from the rebounder DVD, I decided to do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVD instead. You know, to me she is very motivational. Also, the people she has doing the DVD aren't just these 20 and 30-somethings, they're older people, and yes, they many times don't have perfect bodies. But that just reinforces to me that it's OK not to have a perfect body. When I do a Jillian Michael's tape, most of the people she has doing them have really nice bodies (not the Biggest Loser tapes, tho. However, some of the participants don't use correct form)

    I'm planning to do the Gilad's 45/45 Split Routine. For one thing, that's a new DVD for me and I want to be sure that it doesn't need to be returned for some reason.

    Rori - what I really like about exercising in the pool is that there is little to no impact. You can get a really good workout. Bad part is that while you're in the pool, you don't feel it. But the next day...... You can be so sore. But I do find it to be a great workout. Wooho on the inches lost. That means so much more than a number on the scale.

    Rita - what wonderful surprises you have!

    While we were at the Newcomer lunch, a lady won a free month of training at this place near me. Well, she said she wouldn't use it so she gave it to me. I will definitely use it. The biggest problem I can see right now is that I don't know if I can commit to a month until March. Right now we'll be working outside, then there's the holidays, then we usually go to FL in Feb. I want to call them and explain the situation, does the month have to be taken all at once, or is it a month consisting of 30 days? It was very nice of her to give that certificate to me

    Katherine - lovely pic! Thanks for posting it

    Kim - yes, it is a salt water pool. We dump bags of salt into it, the salt is then broken down into the sodium and chloride. The salt water chlorine generator ionizes the salt into its component parts -- sodium and chlorine. Chlorine is used to sanitize the pool. The sodium floats in the pool and over time recombines with the chlorine. Actually, they have salt water pools just about everywhere.

    Wonderful to see so many pics and be able to put faces with names.

    Cynthia - Maybe this will help you some. When we had PJ who was diabetic, the vet told us that if we just snipped off the needles, we could put the syringe into the garbage. So I had a baby food jar full of the needles. when we had to give Sassy the fluids, we did the same thing, we were able to put the needles in a jar and throw the syringe away. Eventually, I did throw the needles away (like a few weeks later) but, of course, they couldn't be used by a junkie or someone else because they didn't have the syringe attached to it.

    Patty - have fun dancing. What kind of dancing do you do?

    Talked Vince into putting down some weed & feed and grass seed. He says that the ground is really too hard right now. I'm in a way disappointed that he didn't do it earlier. See, I don't know much about putting in a lawn -- I look more to him. I know that he finds the pool really interesting, all those chemical processes and things computerized. But I wouldn't mind taking care of the yard IF it was established.

    DeeDee - ditto on what makes us beautiful. Hey, you're more than welcome the first weekend in August! Oh no, your a/c is out again! Bummer

    jane - happy birthday. So sorry you're sick. How was last night?

    After exercising, came upstairs and cut up some carrots. I like to have some sort of snack that I can just grab when we're working outside. I usually take my mug of water with me, too.

    Gloria - T25 AND Zumba -- you go girl!

    Lucy in DE - welcome back! Stop in more often. Hope you're feeling better today.

    yanniejannie - if you inhaled that quarter pounder, you probably didn't even taste it!

    Vince and I went outside today, he used the tractor and I the push behind mower. I really really wish he'd have worked on seeding the grass a couple of weeks ago, I really want it to be more. There are bare spots, and while I was mowing I had some very bad coughing spells, and I'm sure it's because the mower was kicking up dirt and not grass. We did put seed down on one part of the yard (at my insistence) but don't know how it'll take since it's supposed to be very warm the next few days. Pool is doing ok, only the temp is like 68 but otherwise it's perfectly safe to go in. I want to go back outside and put down this paver sand on the front walk. We'll probably rewet that grass. How I wish Vince had done that sonner! For something like this, I look to him to know when to do things and he was more interested int he pool (compyuterized stuff). Oh well. Update: We ran out of the paver sand about 3/4 of the way doing the front sidewalk. We'll probably get more at Lowe's tomorrow. I also want to use the Wet & Forget in the evening.

    Can't help it, but I've been thinking about Bryan a lot lately, my heart aches at times and I really try hard to not stress and concentrate on other things. Maybe he's on my mind because Mother's Day is coming up. Wonder if he'll remember????

    I'm supposed to usher at the Green Room tonight so off to heat up dinner (it might be nice if I were to decide what I want to have!)

    tigress - good for you, great choices under difficult circumstances. Cucumber slices with dip...how neat!

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Rushing in to just say hi. It's been a busy week. Pregnant DD has had the stomach flu...or food poisoning. Who knows. It's been tough for her being 8 ms pregnant, working, and dealing with a toddler, with a husband who had to be on call, all at the same time. The worst is over it seems and she is on the mend.

    It takes a village, doesn't it.

    Love to all
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Morning everyone!
    Was very tired from the workout yesterday and other stuff I did; mostly tired in my back. Luckily I slept well, though it could have been longer.
    Charlie (cat) is eating small amounts, but nowhere near what he should be eating. I wish I could get "baby meat" (baby food with just meat) here; my mom always had good luck getting sick cats to eat that. I don't eat meat myself, but have some in the freezer for my dog; maybe I could puree that somehow (don't have a real blender, but maybe my hand blender will work). I give him special food from a syringe a couple of times a day, though he doesn't enjoy that.
    Will continue this and the medication and giving him the fluids through the weekend and hope his appetite picks up. As you can see, I'm preoccupied with this, but will log as always etc.

    Hope everyone has a good day,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Good morning my lovelies.:flowerforyou:

    Ooooofffff! Ate far too much last night plus wine. I reckon I need two days of eating on plan to atone. And tomorrow is my DGS'S birthday! It's a big family gathering with an indoor "picnic". Then a trip to a playground. My ex will be there with wife and young family.:ohwell: I will eat to maintenance for that and be strict today and Monday. That should see me balanced out.:smile:
    I think the evening went well. DH kept everyone entertained with his tale of being a twin who was adopted and found his sister in later life. That was how he seduced me as it is very fascinating!
    I've just had a phone call from my yoga teacher to thank me for last night and also to tell me that one of our sudents has just died of cancer. Very quick and a bit of a shock.

    DH has gone off for the last football match of the season. They always start it early to prevent people drinking too much beforehand.:laugh: I sent him off with packed lunch as he can forget about these things and I don't like him driving long distance without some food in his stomach. Especially if he manages to squeeze a quick pint in before the match.:noway: That of course is why he is naturally slim. I don't think I could EVER forget to eat!:noway: :noway: :laugh:

    Lovely sunny day here. :bigsmile: I have done my exercises for the second day on my own.:drinker: A record burn for me.:flowerforyou: I think the priority is to get the sugar paste rabbits done. Then I can relax a bit. Got to wrap. DGS'S presents.
    I think we will do the garden on Monday, which is a bank holiday for May Day. I brought the dahlia in last night as we had a frost warning, but I don't think there was a frost. We are in the south of England and in the coastal strip.

    The only problem with DH leaving early is that I am left with quite a bit of washing up.:frown: But I really wanted him to have a nice time at the football.:love:

    Have a good weekend folks!

    Heather in gorgeous, sunny, flowery Hampshire UK