

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Wednesday morning:wink: . Going to be in the 80's possible 90's today. Talk about one exteme or the other. :cry: My back is still pretty sore, can not get comfortable sitting very well. I have an appointment in the morning with my chiropractor. Sure hope he can help.

    Jane--Hope you hear something on your ultra sound soon, sometimes the waiting it the worst part. Ok saw where you just posted you have to see a GYN, what does that mean??

    Patty--I agree taking a picture would be a good idea and giving it to the police. Just be careful.

    Meg--Glad DD is realizing that what she did was not wise. The cheese was a good choice.

    Rori--Good luck with the job, I know I think about changing, but know I could not make what I am making here after 27 years and long as I have house payments can't mess with that. And I admit I am not good with change.

    Carol--Hope all goes well at the new doctors this morning and that you get some answers.

    On the subject of our things. I have one DS that is always telling us what he wants when we are gone. I just tell him I am using it right now. I know DH and I need to address this so that the kids don't fight. I agree I would rather have my dad back then anything, but not possible. Mom,my sister and I dicided on some things for each of us and mom put our names on them. Just hope its nothing I get anytime soon.

    Sylvia--Sure glad you were not hurt, please keep an eye on the BP as sounds pretty low. Your grandchildren are so Blessed to have you taking such good care of them. Have fun on your trip and be waiting to hear all about it.:flowerforyou:

    Michele--Great news on hearing from Bryan. I know it is different with sons when they get married. Not easy, but different. But bright side he did contact you. I agree about the sun screen and filters. Good for you putting yourself first.

    Just got a call from my boss to let me know a co-workers grandson shot himself. He was home on leave. So sad. So please say prayers for Linda and her family.

    Heather-Michele--a group of our doctors here are now doing vaserlipo for tighten the skin. Sounds easy, only insurance does not pay for it and I am afraid to ask the price. I would love to have my arms done. Maybe someday???

    Heather--Hope you enjoy your holiday and we will miss you.

    Susan--Happy b-lated birthday. Sometimes you have to enjoy the day and long as you get right back on track it comes out ok in the end.

    Cynthia--Hugs:brokenheart: :sad: !! Sorry to hear about Charlie-it is not easy to lose a pet they are family. Take care of you!!

    Gloria--Hugs to you:heart: . I know what you mean as I have been thinking about Father's day. They say the first year is the hardest.

    jb--prayers for all the family. :heart:

    Katla--Thanks for sharing your story about CMA. I know I enjoy the people and riding with the group.

    Well ladies I hope the rest of your day goes well. I am thinking after work I may go see about having something done with my hair. It just hangs there and is so thin. I want something that looks nice and easy to take care of. Seems I always stress out about getting something done and then end up just getting it cut short.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Vicki, Kim, and everyone else with ongoing back problems, I really feel for you all! Mine is still sore but improving slowly. I miss going to Curves. I checked out the gym across the street from where I work. They have a pool and yoga available so I asked my insurance, who has a wellness club, to see if this club will join. When I find out, I hope they join and give a good discount. Curves is in that club but because I was already a member, I couldn't get the reduced rate.

    So, in the meantime, I am walking. Trying for 2- 10 min walks during the day and a 30 min walk at lunch or in evening. The 10 minute ones don't bother my back, but the 30 min. one did. Will have to shorten that one for now.

    Alison, I really wish I could speed walk! Sounds like fun! But, every time I try to go for walk, my 'furrbabbies' want to go and whine and cry so I have to take them. Can't power walk with 3 dogs on a leash!

    Got to get back to work. Hugs and prayers for all who need them.

    Rita from CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Hello lovely women for the last time in a while.:cry:

    Mostly packed. We have to leave the house at 7.30 so an early start. Just got freezer and fridge stuff to go. I do get very anxious at this stage so BREATHE. :bigsmile: We haven't been to this house before and I am not good at doing new things.:noway: But I am doing it, so that is an achievement. :happy: I always love it when I get there so have to remember that.:smile:

    Got a bit cross with my lovely DH because he seems to want to leave all the directions to me.:sad: I at least expect him to know where he is going.:ohwell: My strop was private and did get to nicely and politely show him the map and the route. I suppose I should be happy he trusts me.:tongue: Actually I feel :sad:

    I do wish we had wifi where we are going. You have become such a big part of my life. I'm too mean to pay for Continental roaming phone data charges.:embarassed: If I can find a wifi café I will be back!

    For the ferry I have downloaded a favourite bbc programme and I have a book to read from my favourite detective series - do any of you know the Donna Leon series set in Venice, about a detective called Brunetti. We LOVE them.

    Good night and Goodbye for a while my dear friends.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I changed my picture. It's the same one but is just a close up of my face. My body does not define me. Well, for that matter, neither does my face but I am so proud to see my face in the mirror now that I now show it to you!!!! I read a quote the other day, I am not a fat person, I a person who is fat. Was so true, we have worth just because of who we are and we are fat.

    Got addicted to a new TV show, Criminal minds. It's on during the day on A&E. I love the crime dramas. I love the medical talk and the psychology in it.

    Another beautiful day for a walk. Yesterday I went for a walk around my neighborhood and 1/2 was through remembered that I didn't leave a note for my husband. Yes, he was concerned for me when he got home. So I have learned my lesson. Just wish he would always do the same for me. I always have to be the one when I come in from church, store or whatever to say hi to him, sometimes several times. Drives me crazy.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Welcome New Comers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee :drinker:

    Rita has your doctor given you exercises to strengthen your back. From the woman who helps me the problems with pain she says it is often muscular and does not always originate where the pain starts.

    Vicki hope your back is healing too.

    Jane hope things go well with gyn.

    Gloria compassion.:flowerforyou:

    Susan Happy 60th!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia Have a safe trip. Again if you need any help while here let me know. You are going about an hour northeast of the Twin Cities. I wish it was greener up here for your visit. Usually by this time of year it is.

    Vicki Prayers for co-workers grandson’s family.

    Jb prayers for Mariah and your family.

    Cynthia sorry about Charlie.:flowerforyou:

    To watch my portions, so tomorrow I wake to a healthier me.
    2014 word: contentment
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon & what a beautiful one it is,sunny,sunny 81 ....with good weather all wk.We sat on the deck yest & today,just enjoying the sun & busy birds.:love:
    Someone mentioned a plateu .......my loss stopped dead in the water & never restarted :grumble: :grumble:
    Have lost/gained the same 3 pds for last 6-8 wks.:sad: :cry: Know my calorie intake is often too low,but just can 't see adding food I don't want.Thought it would straighten itself out,but it's a puzzle for sure.Still weigh/ measure most of my food.This body loves flab :sad:
    Sylvia,our home area in Ohio was full of pottery mfgr for many yrs.They are mostly closed now. Weller & Shawnee were 2 of them.
    They have a pottery festival & sell a lot at auction,many by phone from other states,countries.

    Joyce,so many questions have no answers. Maybe it just took longer for SIL to grow up.
    BTW,yrs ago tried Kashi cereal & was afraid it was gonna break a tooth! My only experience with Kashi.

    Meg,sounds like you found a good teaching moment.Good for you.17 is a rough age for many,having parents to raise them,but feeling they are adults.Remember all the ladies who fessed up to being a handful,or their kids were & turned out fine.

    Tere,I agree.....the blonde needs a reality check::blushing: My DH doesn't gain,doesn't lose. He just eats anything he wants.
    No fair !
    Katla,we went thru that when younger DD moved to Fl with her husband who never kept a job,along with our 2 yr old only Grdaughter.I cried a river.....tho it did no good.Eventually she came to her senses & went thru a divorce.6 mos later,she met the guy who is her 2nd husband.He was/is the complete opposite of 1 st one,thank heaven! Still in Fl....will move to Nc when he retires.

    Have windows & doors open to a light breeze. Welcome newbies & good luck with your eating plan. Pat in Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Just to update, that DH sat down with the map this evening, quite unprompted, and wrote out the route.:love::love: :love:

    How I doubted him!:blushing: I am blessed.

    Heather in Hampshire, soon to be in Brittany, France,:heart::heart: :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight everyone. I ate a lot of Ben & Jerry's tonight (textbook stress eating). :blushing:

    Joyce: besides leaving a note I'd encourage you to have a cell phone in your pocket. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia :cry:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Don't you love when they do things like that. Have a great time in France:flowerforyou:
    Just to update, that DH sat down with the map this evening, quite unprompted, and wrote out the route.:love::love: :love:

    How I doubted him!:blushing: I am blessed.

    Heather in Hampshire, soon to be in Brittany, France,:heart::heart: :heart:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just checking in. I've been out of commission with the stomach flu. Double yuk, pun intended.

    Very busy time of year as we wind down school for the year. Come the middle of June, I will be officially re-retired and will focus entirely on eating and cooking healthy, walking and strength training, and organizing and de-cluttering the house. Bring it on!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Just to update, that DH sat down with the map this evening, quite unprompted, and wrote out the route.:love::love: :love:

    How I doubted him!:blushing: I am blessed.

    Heather in Hampshire, soon to be in Brittany, France,:heart::heart: :heart:

    Yep, for a second, I had the thought START to go through my head wondering how to say "bon voyage" in French:blushing: :laugh:

    Anyhow, bon voyage!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Finally caught up on all the pages I've missed. Went on a stitching day on Saturday, I had a good time, gabbing and stitching. Worked in the studio the next couple of days cleaning up and getting rid of some stuff. I found another box of pictures, I will send them to my brother and sister. I think I have my mom's place sold. It's really my house that she lived in, I just don't want to keep it, I get upset every time I have to go over there.

    Gloria- this is my first Mother's Day without my Mom too.

    Cynthia- I'm so sorry about Charlie. I know that it is hard to lose your fur baby. I lost Gandalf, my Yardtigress nine years ago. I had her for over 20 years, her kidneys were going and the vet told me that she could have seizures and I didn't want that. I'm sitting here crying my eyes out, it's a good thing I can type without seeing the keyboard.

    Ok back, I can see again.

    Michele- so glad you heard from Bryan.

    Meg- get that blood sugar under control, we don't want to lose you!

    Gail- good luck on the surgery-if you are going to need help, let me know.

    JB- Mariah and family are in my prayers.

    Tigress in GA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 minutes of yoga today (I stopped at the store first and had to wait while they gave me the sale price) and then an hour of the deep water. We had our last bowling session for the winter season, next week we have the orgizational meeting for the summer league. I tell you, there were A LOT of people missing today, but that was good, we got out early, went to WalMart to get lightbulbs and then I had time to go in the pool. After the deep water class I stopped to see if Big Lots had any rye bread (they didn't), then went to Bi-Lo then to CVS. I had to wait and wait while they checked to see if they had what I wanted in the back. One item the man brought up, but it was the wrong size. In the end, I got two 14oz boxes of cheerios for free. Steamed the asparagus I bought earlier, cut up some of the organic strawberries I bought earlier so I can freeze them, I still have two more packages to cut up and freeze.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do my "Transform your Body with Brooke Burke" DVD and then volunteer at the Green Room

    Just had some of the grapefruit I bought earlier today. It's billed as being red but it's really more like pink. And is it ever sour!!!! I think I'm spoiled by the ones I got when we were in FL in Feb.

    I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be responding to very many people today. My eyes are REALLY burning from the pollen. My computer is right near the door to the screened in porch. If I move to another area of the house, they don't burn as badly.

    Kim - have a good lunch

    Joyce - I get the ground flax seed at WalMart. It's made by Hodgson Mill, I usually find it in the aisle with the cake mixes and things like that. Unfortunately I'm thinking that Bryan sent me an email now to let me know not to expect to hear from him for Mother's Day and to let me know that he moved (ie new address). I've asked him for the new address, but it wouldn't surprise me if he chooses not to give it to me.

    Heather - I always love hearing from you and all about your adventures

    Susan - happy birthday!

    Cynthia - my heart breaks for you. You know, when we had Sadie put to sleep, I could swear he looked at me as if to say "it's ok, I won't be in pain"

    Sylvia - safe travels. Vince always laughs at me because I clean the house before we go somewhere. Like you, I hate coming home to a messy house. He says "what are you cleaning for -- the robbers?"

    jb - lots of prayers for Mariah and the doctors and nurses who will be taking care of her

    jane - good luck at the gyno doc tomorrow

    Vicki - so sorry for Linda and her family. That laserlipo sounds neat, but like you said, insurance doesn't cover it so I think it's a lost cause right now.

    Rita - a lot of the gyms aroung here have the Silver Sneakers program. Only your insurance needs to be a member. With my luck, our insurance won't....lol

    Margaret - many times I have a pain on the left side of my lower back. I'm convinced it's because I have such tight hamstrings and they're probably a bit tighter on my left leg.

    drkatiebug - hope you feel better fast

    yardigress - hope that house is sold for sure

    Off to take a shower. My eyes are still burning.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: Went out to lunch today with a big group from line dance to celebrate the teacher’s 65th birthday. It was a surprise for her that she didn’t figure out until 3 people left class early. It was at a Chinese restaurant. I chose wisely and brought half the food home to give to Jake.

    :bigsmile: After a month of no strength training, I tried again today with an easy routine including a two minute plank.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Cynthia, the night my mother died, I ate a half gallon of chocolate ice cream…I hope you got some comfort from Ben and Jerry. Come back to this thread tomorrow for some “no calorie comfort”.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    JB, I'm sorry to hear the news about your grand-niece. Poor baby. I'll send all my good thoughts her way.

    Margaret - thanks for your good wishes! I'm sure we will have a great time even if it's not very green. You can see better without all the leaves in the way.:happy:

    Tonight was tons of fun, but I'm pooped! The kids had a blast with all the craft stuff and left with nice handmade gifts for their mom, step mom, and other grandma. They were so proud of what they made. And nobody burned themselves with the glue gun! Molly was locked in her crate the whole time, happily working on a rawhide chew. Bruno was the PERFECT little dog. The kids were impressed with his waving goodbye trick, so he got lots of treats. Dinner was pretty good, but now I have to clean it all up again before I can pack for the trip. Hubby is still grading papers, or at least he would be if Molly wasn't in there yowling at him to play with her. I have a feeling it is going to be a late night.

    Good night everyone!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    GAAA I had a nice long post and lost it. It's storming outside but I'm on my laptop so I don't think that's it.

    So sorry to say this will be short...I was also kicked out of word, so I have lost all my writing.....I think the laptop "belched" or something similar....the whole thing shut down

    Cynthia: I am just heartbroken about Charlie cat. We lost our Smokey who was almost 19 a couple months ago and I still wake up at night wondering where he is. You are doing the right thing and you will be blessed for it. He had a wonderful life and family.

    jb: omy goodness I do remember Mariah and her earlier fight with cancer. I am so sorry to hear that the cancer is back and is so hard to treat. I will add her to my daily prayers and good thoughts.

    Well tomorrow is my 55th.. UGH. I'm giving and grading a final...what a fun way to spend the day. Then I'm going plant shopping again. Nothing is on the schedule....DH was actually able to find a bakery to do a sugar free cake with sugar free icing but he can't get it until Saturday, so we will celebrate then.

    OK I'm off. Sorry about the lost post. Take care, Meg from stormy Omaha
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Joyce – finding the right cereal is tough!

    Anamika – back to yoga! Yeah!!:smile:

    Heather – we’ll miss you! But have a glorious time! :happy:

    Patty – glad you check! I am so lucky to have great neighbors – if anything weird was happening they would quickly figure out this was not the place - across the street is an EMT, 2 doors one way is a police officer, 2 doors the other way is a retired sharp shooter… visitors wonder about all the police in our neighborhood – but it’s just that they live here. :laugh:

    Susan – that was so nice for the bosses to take you out – and Happy birthday to you! :drinker:

    Cynthia – I am sending (((((hugs)))))))))))) so sorry about Charlie. I would be doing Ben & Jerry’s too or having a margarita….:drinker: :drinker:

    Gloria - ((((((((hugs ))))))) for you too; I remember the first fathers day it was really hard. :indifferent:

    Sylvia – hope your crafty day was fun and the trip to Minnesota is wonderful! :smile:

    JB - I am so sad to hear about Mairah, I’ll send my good thoughts to her, and her family!

    Vicki – hope your chiropractor can help – sending good thoughts! Oh dear Linda’s family is getting good thoughts from CA.

    Rita – glad your back is getting better.

    Joyce – great picture! And I think you got that quote a bit wrong “ …. A person who WAS fat”

    Meg – happy birthday – 55 is double nickels!!!

    Lunch was fine; great company so so restaurant, but I did fine on calories which was really good as I got invited out for pizza tonight - had not had any since feb when I started mfp and it was really good; had 3 slices, stayed within my calories and am happy.

    All ready for tomorrow - doing an asian shrimp soup and peanut noodle salad, then crepes with pineapple filling and an apricot sauce - the challenge will be wine - my friend is a huge wine drinker last time we were together she just opened us each a bottle of our favorite and we finished them. a whole bottle of wine is WAY too many calories. I have my seltzer in the kitchen to cut it...

    smiles Kim
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cynthia I am so sorry about your fur baby. We ahd to put our family dog down quite a few years ago. He was so weak but I think he knew what was going on when we took him in the vets office. We had just been there the day before and he was so pathetically ill. So when we took him in I made a special bed for him in a box with his favorite blanket. He did ride in that on the way to the vet but when we got there he jumped out of the car and walked right up to the door with a look of expectation, sadness but yet resolved. He was so strong it helped us see his strength and we drew from it. They are precious members of our family

    Well I knew I had to do something different with my Kashi go lean crunch tonight. I couldn't have those huge rock hard clusters in my yogurt threatening to break my teeth! This is supposed to be healthy. Well I have my Grandma's old meat tenderizer. I'm not sure if she ever used it on meat or not, maybe she had two and I never saw the one for meat. But they were a traditional farming family, early to rise with frequent small meals and plenty of snacks for the men. She made a lot of peanut butter cookies and she used the meat tenderizer mallet to make the impression on the cookie. It worked quite well to break up my huge clusters but I still don't care for the taste. I know it is a nutty taste but ti has honey in it and if I am going to injest the carbohydrates of honey I at least want the sweetness of it in my yogurt. I will finish the box but then that's they last.

    Good choir practice. I am beginning to feel more and more part of them. And the music is so beautiful that we sing. I am so glad to know that God doesn't hold it against me that I was out of His fellowship for about 5 or 6 years. I have been seeing one of the members of my former church post some face book pictures of a wedding. Little did I know it was her own. That was how out of touch I was wit this wonderful group of friends I had in that church. I didn't even know that one of my dear friends had died. He died in 2012. I feel so bad. She is about 73 and looked like a very beautiful bride. She wore a long blue gown. She was our church organist and she also played the harp.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Surprise! It's me on the free wifi on the ferry! Very slow though.

    Just wanted to say - jb, hugs and loving thoughts for Mariah and family.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Cynthia - strength and love!:heart::flowerforyou:

    Joyce - so glad you are enjoying the choir!:flowerforyou:

    Horrible rainy day here and it's the same over the channel.:cry: Just bought a new French map, ours was 2005! And headlight stickers to change the beam direction. Just about to buy some sandwiches to have for lunch before we get off the boat.

    The good news - I've lost that pesky pound again! :drinker: So I start the holiday with a clean slate.:happy:

    Love to all. I will miss you!:cry:

    Heather, just leaving Portsmouth Harbour. UK. :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry I didnt check in last night, did read the posts...
    Cynthia, I am sending you love and hugs, we have been through losing ,both kitties and puppies, and never never easy...
    Meg-sending you some Birthday Love...I am a year behind you.. will be 54 in June
    I am going out for a race walk in a bit,I did end up going to the gym yestereday.. but my friend is picking me up at 7 to go to the dental convention...
    we are going out to lunch and I looked at the menu- we are going to margaritaville and the only thing that even is remotly decent is the veggie burger and I will get that with a side salad... there is no nutritional information ,so I am going to have to wing it...
    well I better scoot before it starts raining