

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good eve.
    Ultrasound is done-no baby.lol
    Hubby surprised with dinner to red lobster,managed to stay under my calories.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Gloria ... every mother has "vented" on her child/children at some point. Hugs and apologies are in order this afternoon, but I'm certain your little guy will be forgiving.

    Beth in WNY

    And the hits just keep coming. I picked him up from school and started my apology when we got in the car. Apparently somewhere in my rant this morning I used the word "dumb *kitten*" (FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH HIM) in reference to something. I DID NOT call him any names and never have. He apparently decided to go into school and tell his teacher that I called him a "dumb *kitten*". :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    It was all I could to to not take my apology back. 99.5% of what I say to my child is positive and encouraging and this child decides to hear this one thing...and out of context. I can only imagine the chatter in the teachers room today.

    To rub salt in the GASHING WOUND, he had a paper for Mother's Day to fill out and take back to school. He wrote that he knows his mom is smart "because she can multiply" and that he knows his mom loves him because "she gives me food". OH, let's not forget that she makes me laugh when "she says poop".

    Yeah, I'll be drowning my sorrows in some Endangered Species.....
  • Zenzen2000
    Zenzen2000 Posts: 17
    Just wanted to say Hello and I hope to check in often.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sitting on patio listening to the owls hoot across the river. Very warm today (97). Last Tuesday it was 38 in the morning. Spent most of the day outdoors working in flower beds. That was after doing laundry, etc.
    The landscaper didn't arrive this morning so we called around noon. Was told someone would check and call us back. Still waiting. Guess we're going to have to get another contractor. Good so see so many Vit F friends and new ladies joining the group.
    Sue in TX
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Gloria, my sister teaches at a church preschool and has a blast. She says that every year she tells the parents that if they promise not to believe everything they hear, she promises not to believe everything she hears. :wink: I think that is pretty sound advice for most teachers!

    Work has definitely taken over my life these days...ugg! Chatting with the boss and he is open to hiring another person, but between now and July he is hardly in the office for interviews, so it will be a while yet. Just have to get some balance back...

    Laura/Tigress -- Missy sends a hug back to you. She is getting so much grayer on her face these days!

    Has anyone had surgery to fix some iteration of pelvic prolapse? That will be coming up for me. Also, I'm having a cataract removed next week. My, my, my -- feeling my age (and a little more).

    OK - I need to eat something.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    OH - over the weekend I returned a bunch of shrubs that didn't come back after the winter to a nursery here. DH and I wandered around and got some fun annuals and a couple of perennials, AND still have a good bit of store credit for later. Planted those things tonight as it was getting dark.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Dang it!!!! My tablet just spontaneously rebooted and lost my long reply! :sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble:

    I guess I wasn't meant to say so much. :ohwell:

    I will retype this...

    Gloria, don't sweat it too much. He is very unlikely to remember it by next week and has already forgiven you.

    I'll try again tomorrow! Good night. :yawn:

    Carol in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Carol in NC - sure do hope your son gets into that school.

    Joyce - what a wonderful daughter you have there to fix your computer like that!

    tere - I've never heard of cream cheese cornbread, but it sounds scrumpdillicious

    Kim - I enjoy doing "hostess"-type things so I really didn't mind one bit helping out my friend. They're such lovely people. Hope the stretching helped. I stretch my hamstrings every day, but I'm still as tight as a knot.

    Oh, why did I do this? I bought these Hershey's bites mainly because they were on sale, I had a coupon. I was planning to donate them to the local soup kitchen. Well, they melted in the car so I wanted to check them out after refrigerating them. And I had one bag. Now why did I sabotage myself like that? It's not like they were that good or anything. Well, the rest are going to the soup kitchen, that's for sure.

    Did 10 minutes of the 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVD that I have, then held my plank for 2 min 20 sec, in a few I'll be off to the extremepump class. Afterwards, since I'm right by the college, I'm going to stop at the local college to see if they have any talent that we can utilize for a Newcomer "evening of entertainment" (like drawing cariacutres, maybe a standup comedian, a magician?) On my way home I'll probably stop at Aldi since my list for there is getting pretty long.

    Pat - welcome. We moved to NC from Kennett Square. You had lots of rain lately, didn't you?

    Cynthia - ((((tears for you)))))

    I don't remember who posted this, but someone was saying how because of my experience with sunburn on the tops of my feet, they went back to their SUV and put sunscreen on the tops of their feet. So glad I could be of inspriation

    tere - men!!!! what can you say?????

    Alison - you are anything BUT a slug

    Sylvia - yea for you getting to go to the pottery group. How thoughtful of your hubby to talk those kids into taking their exams early

    katla - my latest "thing" has been to have some silken tofu, I add just a bit of water to make it blend better and then some unsweetened cocoa. That seems to fill me up and lately I haven't wanted to have something sweet, which is good. My heart goes out to you with the situation with your daughter.

    Pam - welcome. Do you get back to the States very often?

    Linda - how right you are when you say that kids can play with your heartstrings. Can't wait to see what you get yourself for getting under 200.

    Margaret - to be honest, I'm not holding out any hope that things will get better with my son. Maybe that's because I don't want to be disappointed.

    Sally - welcome

    Gloria - don't beat yourself up. We are all human

    Kim - hope you feel better fast and the chiropractor helps you.

    Jane - good luck to you!

    Rita - this getting old stuff sure ain't for sissies.

    jane - how adorable!

    Kim - so glad you're better

    yaniejannie - you are so good to Gwen. There's a special place in heaven just for you.

    Deb - sounds like you have an extra special daughter there.

    Gail - good luck with your surgeries

    Went and played mahjongg tonight, maj'd twice. Tomorrow there are these senior olympics and one lady asked me to be her partner in the bowling so I'll do that. I know it won't take real long. I think I need to be there something like 9:30. Then in the afternoon Vince wants to vacuum the pool.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Speaking of latest things, my iPhone is now counting my steps AND MFP is automatically adjusting my calories thanks to an app. :smokin: What will they think of next? :huh: Today it said I had 4,719 steps and earned 64 calories. Clearly, I will need additional exercise in my life. :laugh: This was a free app and it is fun. I can see where exceeding your steps from the previous day could become addicting. I don't think this is as accurate as a regular pedometer, but they claim they make adjustments at the end of the day so that it reflects what dedicated pedometers do. Evidently there is also an android version.

    Today was a better day than I expected. :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am up much later than usual tonight because Jake had to drive over to pick someone up at the ferry. When he agreed to do it, he thought it would be during the day. On his way over, he had to wait a long time at the bridge because the bridge was open to allow a submarine to pass through with a lot of security----Coast Guard boats and helicopter and police cars. The man he is picking up is the new house sitter for our friends (the ones that Jake house-sat for two years ago where he now cuts the grass)….the man has flown in from London and his schedule got changed at the last minute so he couldn’t get in touch with Jake until he was on the ferry.

    :bigsmile: I had a great day today with a walk with a friend in the morning, some time on the exercise bike, and my usual walks with the dogs several times during the day. Took a short nap with Jake and all the pets also managed to spend some time with Jake working on our list of who gets what of our special possessions when we die….we updated our will recently and this is the last piece of the puzzle.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Alison – you can do it. Just pick one thing and do it for a week then add the next thing back, you have been on go do for others for so long – it is time to do for you. :smile:

    Deb – how exciting to go to DD graduation.:happy:

    Mimi – great NSV on no candy…. We are chatty aren’t we?

    Joyce - I hate self check- I must be like your hubby – I don’t put things in the right places, and scan to slow or too fast or what ever!!! Drives me crazy – I’ll take a clerk anyday!!!

    Jane – glad the ultra sound is done – and the results were no baby!!! LOLOL

    Katla - your app sounds like fun

    Barbie - what a nice day!

    So not much exercise for me today - 2 short slow dog walks, and then I decided to take a short rest before going to a girl friends for dinner - getting up was pain, from laying down to up was enough to bring on the tears - awe *@it! but standing and sitting are fine - so dinner then home; I have my glass of wine and a heating pad, and feeling pretty relaxed; so I am bringing the heating pad to bed - will see if a good night's sleep will help - it better! I have plans for tomorrow that do not include this crap!

    Kim in N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, from your comment about the subs, I assume you live close to the Navy base. They are quite an intelligent group there. My youngest brother was part of a team that built one of the Trident nuclear subs on that base. Well that is all fine and dandy but it was to be stationed in Conneticut! Why not build it over there, you sure can't drive it across the country. The only way to get it over there is through the Panama Canal and then up the Atlantic. Smart people on that base. But it allowed my brother to come home for a rare visit. Half the crew went on the sub and half by land. That was the year we had our big family Christmas in February, the kids loved it!

    Joyce, Indinaa
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Rita and Kim - sending a healing massage for your pains!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Yanniejannie - I had the same feeling once during a mammogram. All was fine.
    I know they say the over 50s are invisible, but I've never found that. It's difficult to miss me! And I met DH when I was 53!

    Gail - a friend of mine has just had her op for a prolapse. Hers was quite extreme, but it has all gone well.:flowerforyou:

    Our anniversary today. 11 years since the day we met. We're out for lunch to our favourite gastropub. Lots of seafood and fish there so I hope not to go hugely over. I've got a light supper ready in the fridge. My pesky 1 lb has come back with all the parties I've been having recently, but I'm good on the in between days so the damage is limited. I hope I can maintain in France, so will have to do a lot of walking. Might get some yoga in and press ups etc.:ohwell: I am definitely not as dedicated to my regime as I was when I was losing, but I guess that is typical for maintenance. Just want to lose that pesky lb!:sad:

    Off to yoga class now.
    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies, well up and had my lemon water.... and am dressed and ready for the gym...
    I am going to try and get back on track with this....
    Joyce- yup they build them here too at the Groton sub base....
    going to the dental convention thursday at Mohegan Sun which is one of the Casino's here in Ct.
    Zina and I are taking one course then meeting everyone for lunch...plus we even get paid while we are taking the class.
    I havent grocery shopped in almost 3 weeks, I really will need to go this week.. I am having veggie withdrawls, I had some stuff way in the back of the freezer I have been using but that is mostly all gone..
    I have been very bad and eating alot of processed stuff and it shows..
    Barbie~ my friend is using the Isinagex(sp) program and she has lost 12 lbs and 20 inches, so proud of her.
    well ladies I have to go to the gym, I think they must think I keeled over or something..
    all us early risers call ourselves the BBC- the before breakfast club :laugh:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    Wow! Everyone seems to have moved on way ahead..... in terms of posts:blushing: I had gone for a week to look up my mom and fell back on MFP, seemed like a sabbatical from the internet. But I stuck to my early morning exercise routines and was very careful about what I ate, but its not the same. My mom's weighing scale shows 2 kgs less, while I was there I felt good but my scale told me the real story. Back to 72kgs.
    The past few days I tried to log in and thought I would post, but was overwhelmed, so today I post before I dive into the pages I have to catch up. Oats for me today and yoga.
    Lots of new photographs where you all look wonderful! Great inspiration!
    Best wishes to all.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Woke up and could not get back to sleep, so I decided to get out of bed. I had bad night sweats but was surprised when I put my glasses on and saw it was only 3:00. It felt later. Hubby seems to be sleeping, so I didn't want to disturb him with my restlessness. He slept almost 5 hours the previous night. A new record! I hope that means his CPAP machine is starting to help him. He's having a terrible time with it.

    I took my youngest granddaughter to Girl Scouts last night and she had a lot of fun. One thing they did was a craft project to give to their moms for Mothers Day. They decorated a vase and made a card. Her card said all the traditional stuff...love you, you are the best mother in the world, I'm so glad you're out of jail. It made me laugh, but a little sad too. Poor kid.

    The kids are coming over Wednesday after school to play for a while and have supper. I wanted to see them before we leave on our trip Thursday. I hope hubby can do some of the driving this time. He's been so sleepy in recent years that I've done most of the driving. I hate to drive through the big cities. It's scary. I'm not that confident in my own driving abilities.

    Well, maybe I'll try to sleep a little more. I hope you all have a great Tuesday.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Just a quick check in to commit to staying on plan today. I will log every bite and get at least 45 minute of exercise.
    Off to get m DD to work and then meet my carpool mate. This evening DH and I will go shopping. I need something to wear for DDs graduation.

    Have a great day!

    Deb A in CNY
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Sylvia-DH is also using a cpap. He had trouble at first, but did a lot of research and found some tips that helped him. He sleeps very well now. Hope your DH can find out what adjustments will help him.

    Deb A in CNY
  • CABA01
    CABA01 Posts: 33
    :flowerforyou: :heart: Hi, I started again after nearly a year not counting calories.Must look here a Little bit around at first. Hope to get new Friends!

    A wonderfull day + not so much hunger!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin:smile: So glad everything is okay:flowerforyou: , and there is no baby:laugh: !!!

    Kim in N Cal:smile: Sure hope you`re feeling better this morning:flowerforyou: ! A glass of wine, heating pad and the bed, sounds like a great combination to me:bigsmile: !!!

    Deb A:smile: Congrats to you and DD!!! Hope the weather will be nice for the graduation:glasses: !!!

    Sylvia:smile: Hope you got back to sleep:yawn: !!! I know you`ll have a terrific time on your trip:bigsmile: !!!

    Anamika:smile: So good to see you again:flowerforyou: !!!! Love to read your posts!!!

    Caba01:smile: Welcome to the greatest thread on MFP!!! Pop in often, you`ll get lots of support here!

    Heather:smile: You will get that pesky pound back off! Happy anniversary to you:flowerforyou: !

    Michele:smile: It`s going to be close to 90 degrees on Friday, sounds like a great day for the pool:glasses: !

    Katla:smile: Sending prayers your way that everything works out for the best for your daughter and son in law:flowerforyou: , and hugs to you, I know this has to be so hard on you:flowerforyou: !

    I had several wonderful moments yesterday! My landscaper gave me a wonderful compliment when I went out to greet him at 8am, he told me I was one of the happiest people he had met, especially happy at 8am. I told him I had been up since 4:30, I would be grumpy and tired by 2:30, he saw me again at 3pm, told me I wasn`t grumpy at all (really I was grumpy:grumble: and tired:yawn: ). The company that is delivering dirt to me, used to be my neighbor when I was in Jr. high, his father owned the company then, he told me he had such a crush on me in Jr. high, and high school:blushing: , I had a crush on him too:tongue: , shame we didn`t know that back then, he told me I was just as beautiful today as I was then:blushing: , too bad he`s married, he`s still a cutie too:love: !!! I went with my brother yesterday morning to order the light fixtures for the girls bathroom, then he had to run by the mall, so I ran in Dillards while he was getting whatever he needed, I found a cute white jacket, picked up the large and thought it looked awfully tiny, the lady told me it ran small, but she thought it would fit me, so I tried it on...it fit:bigsmile: !!! I now have a cute new jacket!!!

    Oh dear the time has gotten away from again:grumble: ! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses: