

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All, I actually completed my food journal for yesterday. Hurray for me. I am so bad about it, I usually put in breafast and sometimes lunch but when I leave work, I don't usually touch the computer again for the evening.
    Not much going on here, I'm at work and I have to work at the Y desk tonight so have to get my walking in for exercise today.
    My DD's dog Bailey seems to finally be doing a bit better. Her broken back is healing but the cast has rubbed her raw and she is very nerves and easily upset right now. This is my daughters last week to work, I can't believe she has only 7 weeks left until the baby is born.
    Last night at the Y my boss was working out two high school boys who will be seniors this fall. They play football and want to be in best shape possible. My boss has worked with one of them for a while now and the transformation is amazing. He is so much faster and more agile. He took off 30 lbs and is lean and muscular. Anyway the other boy wants the same transformation and they both want to be able to get scholarships. It was interesting to watch and I learned a lot. So far I've trained only female clients, basically around our age. When my boss goes on vacation I will work with these boys and I have to be as tough on them as she is.
    This Saturday I am taking a four hour womens self defense class. I'm excited about it and think I'll learn a lot. There is a man in my neighborhood who suddenly appears in the morning when I'm leaving for work. He stands by my fence as I pull out, with his pants pulled down and fondling himself (if you know what I mean) By the time the police comes he is long gone.He has never gotten really close and I don't feel extremely threatened because I am in the car and he is on foot, but I still feel nervous and somewhat violated by his actions. I now have pepper spray in my car.
    Better get to work.

    Welcome Pat from Philadelphia!

    Welcome Pam!

    Sylvia, I’m excited for you. I hope you have a great time.

    Cindy in OK, I bet your excited about the floor, I know I was when I got my new kitchen.

    Kim N Cal. I hope you are moving better and recover quickly.

    Jane, So glad you are feeling better.

    Rita from CT, So sorry for your pain, I have arthritis as well but have never hurt to that extreme. I hope you are feeling better.

    Deb A CNY, Congrats to your daughter!

    Wishing all good health and a great day,
    Patty Cincinnati Ohio
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Well at least the house is clean for when CPS shows up:ohwell: .....that's me trying to have a sense of humor this morning.

    Had a chat with my boy on the way to school. I let him know that while I was a little hurt by what he told his teacher that it was more important to talk to someone about how he's feeling and it was "ok". I also let him know that I understand how easily people, especially children, can be told 99 good things but only "hear" the one negative thing. Either way, time to move forward.

    Make an awesome dinner of sauteed shrimp, quinoa, kale, tomato and mushrooms with a lemon/white wine sauce for dinner last night.

    Off to T25 and make my best attempt at a great, productive day.

    xo- Gloria from sunny and cool Metro Detroit
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    The floors in both rooms are done. Those guys were here past 7 pm but got it all done. They are beautiful! I will be burning calories cleaning. I had tile in my entry hall and dust is everywhere after they took it out.:smile:

    I am reading a book called Beloved. This morning the Bible story of Jacob wrestling all night with the angel was the subject. The message being Jacob wasn't going to stop wrestling until he got his blessing. He came away with his blessing and a limp. He had a wound from the fight, but won! One other comment was when he limped, was he wincing OR smiling? I think he was smiling. This touched me, I hope it touches all of you who are struggling. :flowerforyou:

    Rita and Kim, pain is not fun! I have a lot,of arthritis pain too, exercise is the best medicine for it. Kim I love the visual of a video of getting out of bed. Bet we would make a great Laurel & Hardy team! Anyone remember them?:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia, I planted some containers in that heat yesterday. Hot again today, we need some rain badly. Hubby mowed yesterday and it looked like dust bowl days!:grumble:

    DeeDee, what a great compliment from your landscaper! I already know you as very positive and cheerful! The guy delivering dirt, that is a great moment. A new cute jacket, yay! Congratulations on the NSV's!

    Pat, Hope Bailey gets better each day, how exciting for the new grand baby only 7 weeks to go! You are wise to take the self defense class. It is always good to be prepared. You never know anymore what may come up on a simple errand.::flowerforyou:

    Barbie, glad you had a wonderful day!

    Katia, Meg, Gloria, Hugs. :heart:

    Anamika, glad to hear from you!:flowerforyou:

    Jane, glad you feel better!:flowerforyou:

    Michele, could use a dip in your pool, it is hot here! I wondered what you were doing with tofu, thanks for sharing!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome all new ladies!


    Cindy in OK
  • lilymypetal
    lilymypetal Posts: 15
    Hi I am new and over 50. Can I please join??

    Today is my 2nd day on the plan, and I am babysitting for my granddaughter at my daughters house. Trouble is, it is such a lovely day in London, and I am stuck in waiting for 2 items to be delivered. Pleasures of internet shopping.

    My daughter works part time and is off tomorrow, so why does she have to wait while I am babysitting to get the things delivered. I usually like going for long walks, but today, I have been on the laptop all day, and the items still havent come.

    I look forward to getting to know you all, and if any of you want to add me as a friend please do so. I need all the help and motivation I can get at the moment.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Haven't posted in a while, but just read so many of yours and feel uplifted, encouraged and touched. It is great to share our journeys and support each other.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
    Eat the elephant one bite at a time!!

    tammy in Va Beach
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Happy Tuesday!:happy: ! Sounds like going to be another beautiful day in the 70's. Well I was up 1.5 pounds this morning and I should not be surprised. Going to try and not beat myself up and remember today is a new day. :blushing: Well I made it thru 7 hours of trainning the new lady yesterday.. Will have several hours on Friday morning. She is picking up things fast and glad about that. I am just not the most patient person to teach.
    Meeting on Friday evening went very well. We ended up with several visitors and a good group. Lots of planned rides for the summer months. Hope we can enjoy most of them. As enjoy riding with the group.
    What a beautiful weekend. We rode our fund raiser ride on Saturday, Ended up just over 200 miles. But I did fall getting on the bike and hit my backside. I know I messed something up. Can hardly sit or stand. Can't believe how I just fell back. Thank goodness I had my helmet on as hit my head pretty hard. Then Sunday we went to Omaha to see our DGD get comfirmed. So was a busy and enjoiable weekend. Saturday evening I even helped DH mow the yard. It was pretty tall with all the rain and now looks so nice and green. Went over last evening to Phillips after work and watched the two DGC over there play t-ball. It is their first year and only second game so they are excited.
    Heather--I think I have dicided being grown up is to much work. LOL
    Kim--Congrates on the loss of pounds and inches.
    Cynthia--sure hope Charlie is doing better. Sorry to hear things are not going well. Hugs!!
    Liz--sounds to me like you are doing all the right things. Inches lost are great!!
    DeeDee--great news about the AC. I know what you mean about the sun screen and I do try to remember. Saturday morning when we left for our ride it was not even 50 yet and as the day warmed up I didn't even think about it. My nose is alittle red and my neck is really red. I have to do better at using the sun screen I even got a new bottle this year. Sounds like you had a very speical NSV's.
    Welcome back Linda- welcome to all the newbies. All we can do is take it one day at a time and each day is a new adventure. Important thing is not to give up and take care of you. Remember we are not in this alone.
    Allison--your DFIL is lucky to have you looking out for him. You are so caring in the things to do for him.
    Renny--WOW! Thanks for sharing.
    Sue--hope your horse is ok!
    Meg--Great walk, horse sounds like he has good horse sense. Hugs! We all have felt that way about being parents. I do think we all do the best we can with what we know. In the end they have to make their own choices and live with them. I know more then once I wanted to lock my son up until he gets his head on straight and even tho he will be 40 in November there are times I still want to take him over my knee.
    Heather--Breath and remember how much happier you are now with present DH. Smile and let the ex know it is his loss. Glad all went well and you had a nice visit.
    Milagros--Don't be to hard on yourself. I know when we lost our son (he was 24) it took time to feel anything besides numb. Take care of you!
    Barbie--Thanks for sharing the pictures. You look fantastic!
    Cindy--Great NSV at the reunion.
    Joyce--I know my first husband and I were so much better off after our divorce. I would not have anything if we had stayed together. We just did not bring out the best in each other and it was not the fault of one of us, I also know when I son was divorced I grieved the loss also.
    Sylvia--out of the mouths of babes!
    Patty--How scary,
    Well once again I am caught up and hoping everyone has a chance to enjoy this beautiful day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.Have pt later.
    Anxiously awaiting results from the ultrasound.
    Have a great day.In the 70`s today.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pat I would make sure that at least I took a picture of that guy with my phone or camera. I think it would be difficult emotionally to allow myself to take a picture of what he is exposing but he needs to be stopped, not only for your comfort but others that he may be doing the same thing.

    More later, Joyce, Indiana
  • namacheri
    namacheri Posts: 12
    I'm having a better day today than yesterday :) This past weekend we got the ponds ready to add the fish again. This is an annual chore since we made the ponds 6" too shallow to over winter the fish in the ponds here in Minnesota. Anyway, yesterday after dinner I went into the shed to feed the fish in the stock tanks where they overwinter. The air pump decided to die sometime between Sunday night and Monday night. I lost 30 fish. Most of them I'd had for 8 to 10 years. I still have 60+ fish but several of the ones I'd lost were a foot or more long. I'm so bummed out right now. The only good I can see come out of this is it seems I get in a great workout when I'm upset :)
    Hope you all have a great day :smile:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Heather – you’ll do fine in France, walking and small bites! You know the drill :drinker:

    Alison – good job ! back to the gym!

    Anamika – welcome home – each scale has it’s own story – darn!

    Caba01 & Lilymypetal – welcome!:smile:

    DeeDee – great nsv-s the cute guy and a new jacket!!! :flowerforyou:

    Patty – creepy!!! I’d be peering out the windows to call the cops before I got outside…. And he is a neighbor? Yuck!!! Good job on a self defense class. Great suggestion from Joyce to get his photo! :frown:

    Cindy – congrats on your new floors - The video has to include Levi who knew something was up and wanted to be involved! Somewhere between Laurel and hardy and Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory….

    Namacheri – What a drag – what type of fish do you have? And do you over winter 60+ fish in the house?? Can you tell I am from California – we “overwinter” our citrus trees by putting a sheet over them a couple of nights a year…..

    So a good night's sleep and my back is in the 90+% range of healed - we walked this morning and I went to my Tuesday gardening job - I was careful to not be too strenuous, but glad to be back to myself!!!

    better get sewing!
    Kim in N. California
  • namacheri
    namacheri Posts: 12
    momsamodel - I used to over winter the fish in the house. 4-55 gal tanks plus a 30 gal. Turns out hubby has an allergy to algae and was miserable during the winter. Now I have 2 100 gal stock water tanks I heat in a shed.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    hI to all my wonderful friends here. Thank you so much for your support and wisdom....you brought me to tears with your kindness. Long story short, the girl and her mother never showed up last night but the young man who brough DD home did and he's quite a nice guy. Turns out hubby met his father about 1 week ago at a repair shop talking about painting his jeep! The girl did admit to DD that she told her mom she had lied about the whole story but she's still mad because dd got so wasted she got sick and now she (the friend ) lost her driver's license. Not much of a friend.

    I think dd learned quite the lesson after all. I showed her the blood alcohol calculator and showed her how her blood alcohol level (between 2.0 and 2.5....legally drunk is 0.08) put her right beneath alcohol poisoning. She was pretty shocked.

    But I think she learned her best lesson when she asked what I wanted for mothers day. I said nothing....I didn't want to celebrate because I am not a proud mother right now. The look on her face was astonishing. She knew right then--if not before--how big of a deal this was.

    So over all I do feel better, but have decided "again" I have to put myself first. Between this and DD#1 who is now a raging b****, my blood sugars have been in the mid-200s! Not good; no wonder I feel awful.

    But anyway I do thank you all from the bottom of my heart and want you to know how special you all are to me. I'll be here more; I need to start getting grounded again and back to healthier ways. My stress eating today was 2 string cheese sticks....far better than chips or candy!

    Take care all, Meg from Omaha where it will be mid-90s tomorrow! xoxoxo
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Good evening all, I had a really nice day. Not free of challenging moments with the MIL, but still a really nice day. Feels like summer … makes me wonder what happened to spring went right from winter to summer :smile:

    Short bike ride … 22 miles … then home to clean up and take MIL to her GP doctor's appointment then pharmacy. While at the pharmacy MIL went on to explain why she shouldn't be required to use her walker. Fixed dinner (DH is fishing) while eating dinner she explained why she shouldn't be required to use her walker. She announced she was going to bed, I asked her not to wake up the house in the middle of the night … she went on to explain why she gets up early. I told her there was a difference between early and the middle of the night (generally 2 or 2:30 a.m.). She said she knew I liked to sleep in. I told her I get up between 6 and 6:30 that isn't sleeping in. It was time for her to either stay in bed until morning, or learn to be quite. I told her I didn't care which it was as long as I can sleep to about 6. She stormed off.

    Okay that is enough, just venting a little. The bike ride was really nice :smile: Tomorrow I get to take the whole day off YAY! I'm heading off with a friend to ride the Swamp Rabbit Trail in SC.

    Joyce - I understand. I love my ex-daughter-in-law.

    Gail - good luck with the surgery

    Gloria - I agree with Carol … Glad you had a talk with him.

    Katla - I kind like apps too.

    Kim - hope you are feeling better

    Heather - Happy Anniversary :drinker:

    Annamika - Welcome home

    Sylvia - Have a great trip … so glad you were able to spend time with your granddaughter.

    Bonnie in the Mountains of NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Jane: Red Lobster and no baby = it’s a good day! :wink:

    Michelle: I bet you and your partner are going to rock the senior Olympics. I haven’t tried soft tofu as a beverage, but thanks to you, I always have some on hand. Keep those recipe ideas coming.:drinker:

    Barbie: My DH and I have to have the same discussion you and Jake did. Who gets our stuff? :grumble: Thanks for the prompt.

    Kim: Heating pad is my best friend. I have one on my office chair, which I keep on my back and hips for about 2 hours every morning after my post-workout shower. Glad you're 90% better.

    Heather: How romantic that you celebrate anniversary of the day you met.:heart::heart: :heart: May you enjoy many more years together.

    Grandmallie: As another early morning gym rat, I have to say the hardest part of the morning regime is getting dressed and showing up. Once I get there, the rest is easy. :smile: You got this, girlfriend. Just do it. Then, repeat.

    Anamika: Good to see you. How is your mother?

    Sylvia: Hope DH is getting adjusted to CPAP. :yawn: Sleep is so important, especially before a road trip.

    DeeDee: Your posts always put a smile on my face :happy: . I’m not one bit surprised your landscaper is flirting with you. You deserve that cute jacket, too. Congrats on the NSV.

    Pattie: Glad to hear you are getting trained in self-defense and have pepper spray in the car. Be careful out there.

    Cindy: Happy for your new floors. DH and I can hardly wait for week after Memorial Day when we get our floor installed. We also get to look forward to cleaning up the dust from tile tearout. :grumble: Ugh.

    Lillymypetal: Welcome. You joined by posting. Keep coming back.

    Vicki: Sorry to hear about your fall. :noway: I know you’re busy, but will you please get it checked out?

    Namacheri: So sorry your pump crashed and you lost so many fish, especially ones you’ve had so long. :sad:

    Meg: You handled the situation with DD#2 beautifully. Deep breaths and don’t forget to take care of yourself. :glasses:

    Bonnie: You have quite a handful with your MIL. :ohwell: Hope she heard you about staying quiet.

    Today, I found myself going online to explore and fantasize about other job options. Is the grass greener? -- If I think about the positives vs. negatives of my current situation, I know I am truly blessed and overreacting to a being rubbed the wrong way by executives who have strong personalities that clash with mine. However, by coincidence, I was approached by a headhunter from a major national non-profit, and I have to say I’m intrigued. Can’t hurt to talk.

    Have continued to cook more from scratch. Yesterday I made soy flour wraps (not impressed), and today I made mini grilled vegetable soufflés (not as good as the frozen ones, but will try again). I also have been infusing my water with lemons, grapefruits, cucumber and mint. Does anyone have suggestions for winning combinations for flavoring water? I'm actually enjoying experiments and new discoveries in the kitchen...who knew? :drinker: :drinker:

    Stay well,

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    May Goals:
    Strength training 90 minutes per week.
    Try out an aquatics class and check out Masters swim.
    Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs.
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in.
    On a daily basis, list 5 things I’m grateful for.
    My word for 2014 = Release
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! It's been another busy day for me. Seems to never end sometimes...

    First of all, Meg, I'm so glad your daughter listened to you is being responsive to your disappointment and lessons.

    Jane, did you ever hear from your ultrasound?

    Bonnie, have a good time on your ride tomorrow! I, too, wonder where my spring went--I don't like the heat of summer.

    So, that seems to be all of the names that I remember...

    To the one with the incredibly miserable back, I hope it gets better ASAP.

    I'm sorry to hear about the fish that died. I'm sure they will be missed in your pond this summer.

    Oh, crap! My brain is fried--I can't remember anything else I just read!

    We are still waiting on all of the school stuff to come together. I don't know if I posted this before, but my ex found out that UNC-Charlotte does not have a Director of Financial Aid at the present which is causing problems, and the UNC system just went on board with a new computer system for financial aid and the person in charge of that at Charlotte is brand new. Andrew did get the news that some more of the basic grants and state scholarships were added to his package, so it is a step in the right direction. It's wearing me out worrying about it!

    Tomorrow, we head back to Duke Children's Hospital to see a pediatric allergist for the first time. It's always an adventure to break in a new doctor and always a gamble as to whether or not we will like him or her. Let's hope our luck holds out because we've really liked the ones we've had there so far. Yikes! I just remembered that the ex's flex card is out of money so I will have to pony up for the co-pay as well as gas and time missed from work. :sad:

    I know I had more to say, but I'm tired and I still need to go figure out my portable snack for the waiting room tomorrow. His appointment is at 11 a.m. so we will leave at 10 a.m. for the drive and the parking. If they decide to do tests tomorrow, we may not get out of there before 1 p.m. and I will be mighty hungry if I don't get something between then and breakfast.

    Good night, all!

    Carol in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Super busy day and another one coming up.

    Rori...........All fresh herbs should be usable: basil, parsley, dill, rosemary, bits of ginger
    I think dill and cucumber would be great!

    Michele..........Senior Olympics? GOOD for YOU!!! Bring home the gold!!

    Barbie............Finally, tomorrow I get to try line dancing!!!!!

    Heather............Happy anniversary!!

    Dee Dee............Congrats on the NSV from the former schoolmate. Enjoy your new jacket.

    Meg............One step at a time..........you sound better, thank goodness.

    Bonnie........Sundowners is awful to live with; wish you luck.

    Hello to everyone else!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, the submarine base at Bangor, WA is about an hour away from where we live…..we have to drive by the turnoff to get to the ferry…..we cross a bridge that opens to allow submarines and other water craft to pass by. My dad was in the military and saw many examples of things done in a less than efficient manner like you described.

    :bigsmile: Alison, I am happy to hear that you are getting back on track…..do it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, posting on this thread is important, but not as important as sticking to the right eating and exercise…..some days I choose exercise over spending time at the computer.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, it is quite an accomplishment to feel grumpy but have others see you as cheerful and not grumpy.

    :brokenheart: Vicki, sorry about your fall….how fortunate that you were wearing a helmet.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I hope you have a great time line dancing tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: I woke up a bit later than usual because of my late night and walked the dogs for an hour before breakfast and two hours after. A friend came over at 9:30 AM for a visit (she’s had foot surgery so we sat and talked rather than going for a walk). Jake went back to bed as soon as my friend got here and didn’t get up until about 1 PM but now he feels much better. In between all the phone calls he had to make and my walking the dogs for another hour and doing some yard work, we watched our DVR recording of DWTS and he fixed supper for us
    Morningstar Farms chicken patties and frozen green beans. I’ll be going to bed very early tonight.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I can't recall the conversation that was discussing dealing with our things or 'stuff' but I may have a few suggestions. when my Grandma died, the family held a family only yard sale and everyone took what they needed or wanted. There were several kids getting ready tog o off to college or new apartments and they got the things like mismatched dish sets but still sentimental, and things like that. Her kids got her old precious antiques, some of them they kept and some gave to their children. It has since then gone to their grandchildren. No one was selfish, just took what they needed. Fast forward to my Mom. After Dad died she my sister and I sat down and looked all over her small house and wrote down names for her big items, even her car. She had a large collection of crystal and china. My sister really lucked out in that I didn't want that at all. I think I was still being sentimental after Dad died and just really wanted Mom and din't care about their things. But my name got put on a lot of things. She wrote all these things down and it was included in the envelope that had her will in it. But when she died things in life were different. People had changed paths and didn't have room or needed the things we had written down. It was predetermined that anyone who had given something to Mom that they would get that item back. So those were the first things that were dibbied up. We went around her apartment and put names on things we wanted. All four kids were there and all of the grandchildren also. My brother didn't want something and he traded for something that someone else's name was written down from Mom. We just worked it out. The retirement home had an annual yard sale and proceeds went to the recreation fund so we just left everything else in a pile in a corner and told the administrator that they were to have whatever was left. It was pathetic the way some of the residents arrived. Some would come straight from a hospital and have next to nothing and it always broke Mom's heart. The staff knew that Mom had always wished that some of her things would go to whoever needed them in the home.

    Unfortunately since our home is the largest and had storage room that we stored my brothers and my daughters things for awhile until they could get transport. Some day I may wish I had some of her fine things but that just isn't my house and it doesn't matter to me. I can always visit them anytime I want and she never uses them, they stay displayed in a cabinet in her bedroom and will give them to her daughter some day. I still want my Mom and Dad though. my brother and his wife have had to move in with her Mom and they are left trying to find homes within the family for the things they got. They have an old brass bed and huge dresser that was my Grandma's. They have no where for it. It is breaking their heart.

    Tuesday evenings are strange in our house. It is the only night of the week that my husband likes the shows I like and he actually sits without the remote control for 3 hours. But we love the two NCIS's and Person of interest. Season finale is next week. So there goes our evening together.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    What a day! I seem to have taken that old saying "shop till you drop" a little too literally. It was my fourth stop. I was at the sporting goods store looking at a pretty little pink bicycle when I leaned over to get a better look and just sort of toppled over. Banged my head on the bike rack. The poor kid who was helping me with the bikes just about had a stroke. He kept asking if he should call an ambulance. I tried to laugh it off - and I did buy the bicycle - but I drove directly to Walgreens, right down the block, and checked my blood pressure. It was 112/39. That's a little low for me. So, I sat in the pharmacy for a while, drinking water and eating a Hershey bar. Don't know why I thought that might help, but I did. After a little while I felt better and went directly to Taco Bell for my two crunchy tacos and more water. After I had some real food, I felt better. Then I finished my shopping and went home. Felt a little funny the rest of the day, and still do. I gave my BP machine to my son, so I can't check it here at home. Hopefully it was a fluke, but maybe it's time to get off one or more of my BP meds.

    I took my older granddaughter to Girl Scouts tonight. She had a good time.

    I would post today's joke, but it wasn't worth posting. It made no sense at all. I think it was a mistake, like they combined parts of two different jokes. So, I hope you can just laugh at the idea of an old lady falling face first into the bicycles instead. It really was pretty silly.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Today did an hour of a Total Body Blast Bosu DVD. Tomorrow the plan is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Believe it or not, I got an email from Bryan. Seems they moved and he can't call because they're waiting for the phone/internet to be hooked up. Diana's mother was there for two weeks. I know, I know, "a son is a son until he takes a wife", but I just can't help feeling sad. The good news is that I don't want to rush and stress eat. I'm going to wait a while before I answer him, I need to compose myself.

    katla - what is the name of that app?

    Barbie - love that yellow submarine

    Kim - hope you feel better fast.

    Heather - happy anniversary! Now that you're on maintenance, were you able to do any exercise to get rid of the extra skin?

    caba - welcome!

    DeeDee - we plan to vacuum out the pool and then I fully intend to go into it. As a matter of fact, I may have to go into the spa (life's tough) to get it vacuumed. I know, cry for me :). Congrats on that jacket fitting! Oh, I gotta tell you, the other day I was putting on my sunscreen. I was white from it but knew that it would soak into my skin. Anyway, Vince looked at me and went "eewwwww.....do you know what all that does to our filters?" I just answered "I rather buy new filters and more sunscreen than have to go thru chemo from skin cancer". He didn't say anything more

    Patty - I'm sure you'll learn a lot at the self defense class. Please pass on any tips you can. How scary about that guy! I agree, too, take a pic of him

    Just came in from outside. Went to the senior olympics and bowled the three games. when I got home, had something to eat and then vacuumed the pool and spa. I know it's a tough job and someone has to do it...i had to get into the spa to vacuum it. Isnt' that rough? Anyway, then we blew up this float thing that I got and I went in the pool for an hour. The thing I didn't like about the float thing that I had before was that the sides would collapse. This one has wider sides. I honestly don't think I'll get another one, but it's good to have a change.

    Cindy in OK - of course I remember Laurel and Hardy! Boy, does that make me old

    lilymypetal - welcome. Tell us more about yourself.

    Tammy in VA Beach - stop in more often

    NSV for me today. I took one of Vince's chocolate cookies, it just tasted "yukky" to me so I wound up spitting most of it out of my mouth. That's a good thing. But it was just a different feeling for me.

    Vicki - hope you're OK from the fall . Glad you had your helmet on

    Bonnie - have a good ride. The weather is supposed to be real nice tomorrow.

    Rori - thanks for the lovely compliment on the senior olympics. To be honest, just about everyone else on our team did better than we did. But who cares, really? It's not like we're going for any big gold or anything. Actually, they put you in age brackets and they go by the age of the yougest on your team. My partner was 81 (you'd never know it to see her, she's such a lovely lady), but the fact that she was in the 55-60 age bracket didn't bother her. She felt she was just going for the fun of it and nothing else. I was very surprised, tho, to find that they didn't provide bottled water this year. They said the reason was because they don't have the sponsors they had last year. I told them they can just skip the snacks, but have water! Let us know how things go with the headhunter. You're right, can't hurt to talk!

    Carol in NC - sure hope you like this MD. What kind of snack do you take with you (always looking for ideas)

    Michele in NC