
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Beth, how wonderful that you got a basket this year! And what a thoughtful son you have raised.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, my Easter dinner was kind of a bust. My son called and said he and his kids would be there at 1:00, but his wife and her son were not coming after all. No explanation, but I wasn't really surprised. But I did sort of grumble (to myself) about the extra work I went to getting ready. I don't clean house for just anyone. But that's not the worst part. He and the kids were TWO HOURS late. They didn't show up till 3:00. He had lots of reasons, but by then the $27 ham was all dried out. I tried to keep it all warm, but it wasn't easy. We ate, then the kids stayed with us while my son went back to move more stuff from the old house.

    The kids had a blast, playing outside, playing with Bruno, eating Easter candy and playing with their Easter toys. We brought the younger girl's bicycle to our house and so she got a chance to ride it for the first time. She never had a place to ride it before. She did really well. She was so happy!

    Then we met my son up at the storage unit to unload a washer and dryer. Boy, they are heavy. Then took the kids home. It was a full day, and I'm tired. In spite of everything, I think it was a good day.

    I hope you all had a great day. Alison, I'm sorry yours wasn't better.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,

    A quiet day today, which was fine by me. Still feeling in a funk, and adding to that I’m super-irritated with DH for a host of little things that are getting on my last good nerve. :explode: :explode: :explode: Spent 3 hours puttering outside on our deck. Got some seeds started in containers which I am prepared to move in and out of the condo as weather dictates. Being outside was therapeutic and I’ll be thrilled to pieces if my herbs and flowers all come up. :heart:

    Thanks to all of you, I’ve resisted buying any chocolate this season, even for DH. I made some low sugar macaroons from scratch, and that is a pretty swell treat for us. I want to thank whoever it was that brought up See’s Candies. Oh my! That used to be a holiday tradition every Easter and Christmas. Today I pass the See’s kiosks at various airports and just take a deep breath and enjoy vicariously. :noway:

    Grandmallie: Hugs, prayers and every wish that life begins to give you a break. :flowerforyou: You’ve earned it.

    Michelle: Hope you feel better very soon.:tongue: I can just imagine how much effort you used to put into camping with the family.

    Sue: I grew up in Southern California, too. The San Fernando Valley…how about you? I think it’s great that you invite the congregation to sing-along the Hallelujah chorus. I love doing that, although I have a voice that is perfect for singing alone in the car or in the shower. :glasses: :glasses:

    Heather: Your cake decorations are amazing . :love: I’d like to add my voice to the growing MFP drumbeat asking you to write a cookbook. I, too, am a master of the cha-cha.

    Is anyone else watching NBA playoffs? My favorite teams are out of the playoffs this year, so trying to decide who to root for.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Stay well.

    From the Colorado Foothills
    My word for 2014 = Release
    Goals for April
    Strength training 90 minutes per week - -
    Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs –
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in - -
    De-clutter and clean my home office. - -
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Beth, your husband and son are awesome.....not just for finally figuring out that you should have a holiday basket, but that it should contain non-food treats in respect for your new lifestyle.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Beth, you made me tear up. I'm like you, never had a basket, rarely get a birthday, Mother's Day, wedding anniversary or Christmas present. i taught my grand daughters when they were young the importance of them giving a gift and always helped thm make it. Now they take over making them themselves.

    Allison, I sure hope the rest of the year settles down for you. You deserve it.

    Sylvia, sorry your dinner didn't go as planned but sometimes God has other plans. Glad they ended up having a great time in the end.

    Well since I don't get up early enough to go to the store and stock up on leftover Easter candy, my Cadbury eggs temptation is officially over!!!!!!!:laugh: Well, until next year. But Halloween and Christmas will be coming up

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Good morning from sunny and glorious Hampshire UK! :flowerforyou:

    Woke up this morning, looked at the sunshine and realised I hadn't walked round the lanes since last September! :noway: A combination of my knee and the winter floods. So I strapped my knee up with tape and we set off on a brisk walk for the 3.5 mile circuit. It took me 63 mins and my knee held up, though my hips were aching by the time I got back.:laugh:
    The lanes were so beautiful with the birds singing, the bluebells and celandines out all along the banks. You could smell the bluebells as you walked past. The lanes were a bit wet in places, but quite passable. Glorious!
    The downside is I only burned up 261 calories.:sad: I will have to get on the rower later.

    Roast chicken and roast cauliflower tonight. Rhubarb from the garden.

    I will have to look at my summer wardrobe soon to see what fits. I'm down another 14 lbs since last summer (1 stone) so I don't think I've got much that fits. :bigsmile: I've got my one best dress for the christening and my white lace top for DGS'S birthday (to wow my ex) :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :tongue: , but nothing much for the bottom half. I can't spend the whole summer in my black winter treggings.:tongue: I hardly ever wear skirts as I hate my white legs, but I might have to get the tanner out! I really fancy some of the brightly patterned crop trousers that are fashionable, but my ankles are one of my worst features, having been sprained a few times and swollen from arch problems. I find summer dressing quite a problem altogether. I have to wear an elastic sleeve for lymphodema nesrly all the time and my skin is very wrinkled underneath when I do take it off for "best". Shoes are a nightmare as I am never out of trainers with orthotics normally, so sandals are not good news for my feet. Plus I seem to blister the minute I take my socks off. It has to be a heatwave for me to take my socks off! In fact, summer is not good news for me at all.:embarassed: :laugh: :ohwell:

    Spring I do like though!:love::love: :drinker:

    Must drink my lovely coffee DH has made me.:heart:

    Heather in still sunny Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Rori:smile: I`m sorry things haven`t improved:sad: ! I know about having "one last good nerve":angry: . I`m hoping the funk will lift soon for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Beth:smile: How wonderful you got a basket too:heart: !!!!!

    Alison:smile: You have had a time this year:sad: , hope things will slow down soon:flowerforyou: !

    I had a marvelous holiday weekend:bigsmile: ! I spent it with the people I love the most:love::heart: ! I feel very blessed having such a wonderful family and fabulous friends:heart: !!!

    Have a wonderful Monday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:glasses:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning all:

    Hope you had a blessed Easter weekend! I got to spend a little alone time with my son as he went with me to put out flowers on the ancestor's graves. He, his pregnant wife & nephew came for lunch yesterday. My DD was in KY visiting with her fiance and his parents. She is due to drive that long 7 hr drive home today. I'll be glad when wedding day is finally here :happy: .

    Whoohoo Down 2 more lbs! Exercise & portion Conrol:laugh:

    Off to the library this morning to pick up a copy of "Princess Bride" one of my all time favorites. The movie I watched the other day "jewtopia" was awful! Don't waste your time on it. But exercise, house straightening (it amazes me how fast things get messy) and shower first!

    Hope you all have a good day. Now to go back and read the weekends posts!

  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Heather, i just signed up for adult tap classes last week! I took 1 year of ballet when I was a kid, but after that my father left and we couldnt afford such frivolous things! I have recently purchased my tap shoes and am looking so forward to yet another way to EXERCISE and tap away the pounds!! Im sorry to hear about your knee(s) . I have knee problems too, but the dr. has told me that theres nothing structurally wrong with them. I just have osteoarthritis. .... :(

    I had a nice quiet Easter. Took my mama to church and then out for dinner. I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter as well!

    Happy Monday all!
    Columbus, OH
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All, Sadly it's Monday morning and I'm at work. The week-ends go much to fast. Friday night I took my twin gd shopping and they picked out dresses to wear to their Mom's pinning ceremony, both are beautiful young ladies, they are 12, one is blond and the other a brunette, both have gorgeous blue eyes.
    Saturday I did my cycling and ab class plus di some exercises and lifted weights. Saturday afternoon was the ceromy and then I came home to clean house, get groceries and have everything ready for Easter Brunch. Yesterday's weather was picture perfect, there were 5 children to hunt eggs and they all seemed to have a great time. Breakfast turned out well, my french toast cassorole was a hit and I made lemonade with watermelon ice cubes, which was a hit with the kids. Afterwards I went up to my dd and dsil to stay with the dogs while they went to his side of the family. My dsil's grandmother was taken to the hospital Saturday night so his Mom ended up there most of yesterday. Not much of a celebration for them. Bailey (thedog with the broken back is in pretty bad shape still. She is miserable. Zena, the other dog is a nervous wreck and paced and wined at the window most of the time the kids were gone. Poor things.
    When we were kids we all use to get Easter dresses with the white shoes. lacey socks, hats and all. After church we always participated in egg hunts and picnics. There doesn't seem to be any around here now. Every place does their hunts on different days.
    Oh well, I better get to work. Wishing everyone a healthy day,
    Patty Cincinnati Ohio
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Popped on early to get caught up on reading. Gave one loaf of banana bread to neighbor and taking half a loaf with me to Gwen's. The majority of the rest will go in DH's lunch. Gwen has an early dr. appt. so I need to pick her and her sister up shortly.

    We can get See's candy locally; I splurged last Christmas and bought some for a friends mom.........glad I did as she died a couple months later and they were her absolute favorite. That's been my only experience with it and didn't get to taste any so I'll take everybody's word about how good they are.

    I took tap and ballet for a year or so when I was about 3. Wasn't very interested or very good. Recently found a program from our recital and told several good friends as their names were listed too...........we had no idea how long we really knew each other!!!

    Cloudy again.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! The boy child has a doctor appointment this morning so I get to relax for a few minutes instead of hitting the ground running. :love:

    Beth - I remember those eggs! They were about the size of my fist (now) and had pretty little flowers on top. They came in different flavors - I can't remember if it was me or my brother who really liked the coconut version. I would have loved the chocolate filled one but neither my mother nor my brother were much into chocolate and I always got stuff that they would like, too. :ohwell: We, too, sliced ours to make them last. Besides, they were so incredibly sweet that, even as a child, I couldn't eat a lot of it at one time.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    We have a bank holiday over here for Easter Monday. Do you not have one in the USA?

    Heather UK
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    We always got the big cream (or coconut cream) Easter eggs as kids. Yes, they had the pretty hard sugar flower on top. We used to have our names written on them. Asher's candy. Oh, they were sooo good. I still buy them for the kids. They like the cream, I prefer the coconut cream so I usually am ok not touching their candy. So far I haven't had any. Hope that lasts.

    Beautiful day here, sunshine, going up to nearly 70. I'm in SE PA and just went through one of the nastiest winters. It must be spring time cause mah garden is full of weeds! So much to do here ... the house is a disaster, never got any spring/fall cleaning done last year. My 2013 saw the death of 7 relatives in 7 months, including my mom and dad 11 days apart so ... yeah, everything kind of came to a stand still. But after the treadmill and breakfast I am starting in. When everything needs to be done it's kind of hard to know where to start. One room at a time, right?

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Heather, the US does NOT have a holiday for Easter Monday. Years ago everyone was off on Good Friday and some on Monday, but no more.

    Patty, I think some of the reasoning for all the different days for egg hunts is marketing -- the churches and other organizations are trying to get people in their door (or, on the lawn in this case), so they try and find an alternate day. Like VBS, which used to have a more standard time in the summer. Around here each church has a different week and it seems to go on through all of June/July. Many have free VBS in the day (marketed much like day-care), and evening-only VBS to encourage families to attend.

    Hi- ho, hi-ho, its off to work I go......

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    We have a bank holiday over here for Easter Monday. Do you not have one in the USA?

    Heather UK

    Heather - I work for a bank, and NOPE - no bank holiday here for Easter Monday. Shoot, we don't even get GOOD FRIDAY off!! Also, CONGRATS :flowerforyou: on the weight loss since last summer! That's awesome! I have that to look forward to for NEXT year!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Yes Beth, I have fond memories of those eggs! The chocolate and walnuts! Yummy! Haven't seen the in years. It's a good thing I might not be able to resist them.

    I lost 1 lb this week, which is what I'm set up for. I'm happy with it and my blood sugars. I've lost 3.5 lbs since I came back to eating right. I still haven't kept up with the exercise, still a little cold outside. I don't like to exercise in front of DH. Yesterday DH and I were in the store and I saw these cookies I haven't seen in a while, DH said I should get some, I told him they are a want not a need and I would rather have low blood sugar than cookies. I think he's afraid if I lose weight I'd leave him. Lol. He's the most fantastic man I've ever had in my life.

    Yanniejannie- sorry you Easter was so crazy.

    Meg- I'm missing you! You always have good stories.

    Thanks for the like Gail.

    Tigress in GA
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 490 Member
    Good morning lovely Ladies,

    I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. It is rainy here again today. I enjoyed reading about your Easter memories. I too remember those large candy eggs. The fruit and nut were my dear Grandmother's favorite.

    On my walk yesterday I chatted with one of my neighbors who has one of my favorite neighbor pets. His name is Indy. He is a little terrier mix who "rules the the neighborhood". She told me a story of how he saved one of our other neighbor's pets, a lab named Lucy. There is a trio of dogs who are best friends in our neighborhood, Indy, Lucy and a shepherd mix named Brown Dog. Brown Dog belongs to the neighborhood, he adopted us. Lucy was hit by the school bus and Indy ran to her house and barked until Becky (Lucy's Mom) came out. She followed him and he took her to Lucy. This was a couple of years ago. I do love that little guy. He gives you a big toothy grin when he comes to visit. Lucy is a grand old girl and is alive and well today. Thought you would enjoy this story.

    Alison, Big Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee, so glad you enjoyed your day with family.:smile:

    Beth, you did raise a wonderful son.:smile:

    Michele, hope you get back to feeling normal.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce, no yummy sugar temptations until Halloween. Unless you count Fourth of July pie......:smile:

    Donna, housework today for me too.:grumble:

    Tigress, congrats! One pound loss, good for you!:flowerforyou:

    Hugs and good thoughts to everyone. Have a wonderful day.

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

    OVERINDULGENCE, OVERINDULGENCE, OVERINDULGENCE. That was my Easter. The GOOD news is that I got up and did a Zumba DVD and took a little walk between cocktail and hors d'oeuvres and dinner. What I ate yesterday, however, oh dear.:smokin:

    My dinner turned out perfectly. Ham not dry, Alfredo was perfect and even the grilled asparagus. I just ate so darn much of it I literally felt sick and like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. :ohwell:

    Back on track today...with a house full of chocolate, however. Pacing and discipline need to be the words of the week. Last week of T25 Alpha level. Next week I move on to Beta. Weee.

    For those who asked about Aaron, he didn't really have much to say about how he was feeling. He just told me "can't we just celebrate Easter on Easter???" Make sense to me and, who knows, maybe he is starting to grow out of things I'm not ready for yet. Last night before bed I asked him if he was feeling sad because Grandma wasn't with us for Easter and he said "not really". I was a little surprised by that answer but we did have a nice, relaxing day overall. He was so wrapped up in his new XBOX game that he didn't have time to feel much of anything. :love:

    Got the ham bone in the crock pot. Need to go add the peas, etc.

    Happy day to all!

    Gloria in balmy Metro Detroit