
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Alison, my paternal grandfather and my grandmother started living with us just before my 13th birthday. We called him Grandpa Van, last name Vanderpool, and each of were, respectively, 'the girl', or 'the boy' -- even my parents. Used to drive my mom mad that he wouldn't use our names! After my grandma passed away, he continued living with my parents for a number of years after we'd married and left home. He had the brightest, bluest eyes and a slight, small build. Oh, AND he collected rubber bands. :laugh: :laugh: He had an early American style headboard/footboard on his bed and would wrap layer after layer of rubber bands on the knobs on the bed. Dad would get irritated and periodically go in and take them off. Grandpa Van would just start a new collection - he thought on the sly, but I'm sure Dad was keenly aware. Golly, I hadn't thought about all that for the longest time!

    Saw / read this blog and thought you might appreciate it - good points made:

    Worked until almost 8p, and came straight home. I am proud to say I've finally got all our invoicing caught up, though not our databases. BUT, no Y as it closes at 8p on a regular Friday, and I suspect it may have closed earlier today. In any event, I'll be trotting through the house for an hour or so as rain continues to pour down outside.

    I may go back to the office tomorrow as my desk is drowning in backlog...and it makes me anxious while I'm at work to be so far behind. (Not to mention I feel like I'm in a hole with all of it piled up around me.) The boss is not concerned, it just makes me crazy (crazier) not to feel organized. We'll see what the day brings.

    Have some routine doctor appointments to go to over the next couple of weeks. Then I can check those off the list for a while.
    I hope you all have a good night. Tomorrow I MUST go for a sports bra or two...and I have some items to return to Kohl's.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Kids and grandkids are gone, and we had a great time. It was actually better to be distracted by all the activities and busyness than feeling miserable and reminded of not feeling well. The grandkids even had their naps. Soup and sandwiches in a help yourself kinda way. and a fruitflan for dessert. Organized by daughter and daughter-in-law. Not much for me to do except enjoy the company and the food. Oh yes, and I pushed the button to start the dishwasher. Yay me.

    Now, in the afterglow, DH has spoiled his own joy by complaining that he had expected a sit -down -at -the -table affair. WTH. Then he should have organized it. Oh well, he'll get over it. He's a big boy.

    I sure hope I have a good night sleep tonight. Hope you all do too.

    Vancouver island, B.C.
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    I have not really been on any of the community posts. I am 53 and have been in peri-menopause/menopause for about 7 years. I am now fully in menopause and feel fatter than I ever have. I have struggled with weight issues since high school being fat/thin, fat/thin. I have had a food disorder as well. I had a serious illness that took over 5 years to heal from. I think after that, I felt like I can eat WHATEVER I want! I had been in such deprivation it was like how dare you tell me what I can or cannot have. That lasted for awhile. I then went into a phase where I really didn't care. I accepted my fat and was honestly okay with it. I have a huge issue with our society and the conversation around weight and I just could not participate anymore. I disagree with the weight charts, I think they are ludicrous. Meanwhile, every time I was thin I thought I was fat anyway. I also realized fat was a huge protector for me through out my life. My life story is too long but fat and food have always been there for me. I did overcoming overeating which helped me tremendously get out of the diet mentality. I just finished a Master's program which was three years with a two year internship. It was quite grueling and took a lot out of me. I find myself somewhat depressed at the end thinking is this it? Both kids are coming home this summer from college, looking for jobs etc. As much as I love them, it will be a challenge having different age groups in the house. I find myself for the first time in about 10 years hating my body, very conscious about my weight and just hating how I look and feel. The times I did lose weight I did Getting Thin which was 1,500 calories a day. What I remember most about that was being hungry ALLLLL the time. I cannot be hungry all the time. I do eat healthy but eat way too much and do love sugar. I work out all the time so that isn't my issue. I have been reading a lot of the posts and it seems most everyone is at 1,200 or 1,500 calories. I am trying to do 1,800 and wanted to know if anyone else in menopause has had luck with that calorie count? I just don't know if I can last on 1,500. At the same time, I am in menopause and know the weight will come off harder. I also do have hypothyroid but am on medication and that was never a problem in the past to lose weight. I am ready to do this fearful all the same. I guess I am afraid I won't lose, or I am afraid to say goodbye to this partner that has stood by my side. Thanks for letting me share. I would like to know if anyone else is losing on a higher calorie count than 1,500? Also, what is this bump thing I keep seeing on the threads? Thanks, LKM
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    LKM- bump to mark your spot so you can find where you stopped reading, when you don't have time or anything to say. I go with what MFP says is the amount of calories I need to eat which is now 1490. I eat LOTS of veggies, meat, fruit, brown rice, sweet potatoes, fish, yogurt, nuts and drink water, tea, and broth. I'm not hungry nor will I be, and I stay under calories more days than not. My diary is open so you can look if you want. My name is Laura, but due to the fact that there are a few Laura's on this thread I go by Tigress. I'm a diabetic and I stopped eating, bread, regular potatoes, pasta, and white food to keep my blood sugar under control. I found that I must log everyday and have just restarted exercise, I lose very slowly, but my blood sugar avg is 92 so I'm doing the happy dance. I've lost 18 lbs so far and hope to lose more no matter how long it takes. Feel free to join in, the ladies here are fantastic and super supportive!

    Tigress in GA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    LKM - welcome, join on in, Tigress (I never knew your real name was Laura!) said it perfectly! When you fill out your goals do it honestly and be realistic, I would have liked to lose 5 or 10 lbs a week but know that what I really want is to lose it and never never gain it back. So I am listed at the 1 lb level per week. That gives you more calories to work with and as you lose it will re-adjust to a lower calorie count; so once you are adjusted and have lost weight then you get the next challenge. I sometimes have trouble eating enough calories, but that only happens on the days that I am eating all non/low processed foods. If I go to a restaurant or do frozen or boxed food it is easier to "run" out of calories, but cooking and eating all the things Tigress listed makes it very doable! And I truly can say I am learning habits to last the rest of my life.

    Had a good day, the front yard is all weeded; the veggie garden planted, the roses deadheaded, and tomorrow is clean the garage (that becomes our dinning room - the table for 10 fits in there nicely and a bit more weeding in the back. Then I am going to make a jello salad - one I hate with marshmallows and cool whip in it; but Great Grandma (not mine, my God kids GGrandma) made it for Easter every year and she passed away last year at Christmas and I am making it in her honor - plus it is a favorite for some - it is our first holiday without her and so it is appropriate.

    Have a great evening!
    Kim in N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Gail - I don't bother with centerpieces, etc. My main focus is on the food.

    Joyce - I have an electric frying pan, but it's been years since I've used it. I think the last time I used it was to put water in it, then this dish and chocolate chips in the dish. The warm water kept the chips melted. And I can't remember the last time I cooked in it. So glad you're enjoying your church.

    Cynthia - when the kids were little, I usually put things in their baskets like juice boxes, small packages of popcorn, animal crackers, and, yes, a bit of candy. Now that they're grown up, I ordered a fruit basket for Jess and one for Kris, but I did put a chocolate bunny in it. Last year I also put in a bottle of wine -- but time just got away from me this year

    Patty can I come to your house for Easter? Oh...wait....Jessica and Kris will be here. I can't just leave them. But it sounds like you have a wonderful day planned

    Teresa - I remember getting a new Easter dress, too. And don't forget the hat!

    Renny - hope you feel better fast

    Vince reminded me that last night was going to be my last night with Jessica's cats. That, in a sense, made me sad

    katla - good luck at the doctor's. Drive safely to son and DIL's

    Did an hour of spinning today, then made a lemon bundt cake for Kris. Tomorrow I'm planning to do the Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 DVD

    After making the cake (which stuck to the pan, not sure why) played mahjongg. I wasn't thinking so many people would be there or else I probably wouldn't have made such an effort to go. After mahjongg went to Dunkin Donuts to get a dozen donuts for Jessica, Kris, and Vince then to PetSmart to get Shadow and Lance more cat food. On the way home Vince called to tell me that we needed more milk so it's off to Sam's to get the milk. They went up AGAIN.

    Sylvia - I would make enough for everyone to at least try your saltless dish. Hey, if you have leftovers, you can always reheat them for yourself. I was just planning on having ham, mashed potatoes (for Jess and Vince) and sweet potatoes (for me and if Kris wants some he can have them) and corn. Then the cakes for dessert that I made. Don't know if Jessica wants anything else. I hate waiting until the last minute to do things, and she's great for that. LOL the cookie and the smoke alarm. That's precious

    Gloria - Jessica will be leaving to go back to VA Sunday, so we'll have our dinner on Saturday, I'll go do my lectoring and then come home. We'll all go to church on Sunday

    Don't know why, but when I went to the gym to do the spinning, my heartrate was higher (just a bit) than usual. Usually, before I work out, my heartrate is in the mid-80's. Today it was around 90. Then after I worked out, I usually wait to get off the bike until my heartrate is around 90. Today I had the hardest time getting it down that low.

    Tigress - they just started this where we recycle A LOT. Don't ask me to explain it, but the trash is picked up weekly but the recyclables only every other week. We have so little trash that I don't even bother to put it out on the weeks when just trash goes out. Another weird thing - evidentally the trash and it looks like the recyclables are picked up on Tuesdays for our street but on Fridays for some of the rest of the development. Not sure if they go further into the development on Fridays, I never go that way. But I can tell you that they do go on the street into the development. Seems strange that they'd come here twice.

    Kim - good for you losing that extra pound!

    Heather - no need to be ashamed. You should be ashamed if you kept it a secret, but you didn't. You're human, we all fall down. the important thing is to pick yourself up, and I know you will

    Kim - congrats on that loss. I never knew Tigress' real name was Laura, either!

    Alison - Dove makes a solid chocolate bunny. It's about $3. Your FIL is a very wise man.

    LKM - welcome. What did you get your Masters in?

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wide awake here
    felt the need for a nap after lunch, usually I sleep about 45 min..........Today 1pm to 5:30, and this was after roughly 9hrs last night; no idea what is going on, but, needless to say, I'm wide awake and have screwed up my sleep pattern again
    it's amazing that the phone never rang in that time, but I certainly feel "well rested".

    Heather...........Read your "confession".............we are all in the same boat, one way or another; you have lots of company.

    Have found a very enjoyable, albeit short (only 6 episodes), series on Netflix---Last Tango In Halifax
    a love story about 2 people in their 70's. From BBC. We are half way through.

    Michele.........I had an electric frying pan back in the 70's. Don't have any memory of what happened to it.

    Kim...............Congrats on the lost pound! And on all the gardening!

    Have tai chi and yoga in am at 8. Got a little headache. Going to put jammies on, read a bit, have a bit of warm milk shortly, and then take something if not sleepy by 2 ish so I'm not a total mess tomorrow w/o enough sleep. Do we ever get enough?????

    Reading an early (1990) Jonathan Kellerman that I somehow missed; or possibly don't remember having read: Time Bomb.

    G'nite, sweet dreams, everyone
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    bunny hop (bump)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    HELP!!!!! I need an alternative to my Quacker granola, honey and almonds that I put in my nightly plain yogurt and pineapple. I am finding myself raiding the box more and more often. A serving is 1/2 cup but I put 1/4 cup in my yogurt. Well I am just as bad with carbohydrates as I am with chocolate. Plus the darn thing costs $4.50 a box. Of course it lasts a long time, that is unless I raid it.

    I always had so much fun with the girls and their Easter baskets. I never used the traditional baskets, well I did when they were very young. I would buy some kind of receptacle like a CD case, shower caddy, etc and fill it. But the hunt was what I enjoyed the most and so did they. I made up the neatest clues to make them search for another clue. I gave the first clue to them. Now when Michelle was young and couldn't read I would give her a colored shape and she would have to find the next colored shape that I put on the clue. I would write clues like 'I am the only thing that will never peak to you when you look at me' or you will never look down to see me, I am always up and I help your Dad with the electric bills. I would usually hide them in the mail box or dryer. I was really surprised when my oldest didn't carry on the tradition with her girls. But when they were little they had no money and they always participated in the big Easter Egg hunt at church and they were always taught the meaning of them helping with the hunt first. After they helped set up everything then they were allowed to hunt. Now Michelle has dogs and she refuses to even think of giving them any people food.

    Tomorrow, cleaning day! Oh, my oldest, the one who is so grossly obese is on this plan at church 'The Daniel plan' She has lost 18 pounds now!!!! Now her girls aren't liking the spinach and brussell sprouts they are fed.

    Oh, I have referred a good friend here. her user name is Drandmadp. Be nice to her. I have told her to please not to say anything bad about me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    The recital was a great success! It's 11:30PM, I'm sitting here sipping a little wine, winding down. I'm on cloud 9, all of my students did a spectacular job. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Wanted to share something a friend posted on Facebook. Since I love to dance, I got a big kick out of it. :wink:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Thanks jb, I needed that! Congrats on your recital.:flowerforyou: I bet you are on such a high!:drinker:

    Thank you everyone for being so kind about my ""slip up", or my "cha cha"!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Sometimes it is good to be reminded that I am as susceptible to temptation as the next person as I can get a little bit judgemental when things have been on track for ages. Yesterday brought me down to earth with a bump. First lesson - one drink is fine, more than that is not as my willpower flies out of the window. I already knew that, but decided to ignore my own foreknowledge! :tongue: :tongue: We rarely open a bottle of wine, for that very reason, and stick to one pastis per evening - 70 cals.
    In my normal frame of mind I am good at resisting chocolate and even cheese, but alcohol sends me into binge mode. And I sneak it behind DH'S back.:embarassed: :embarassed: :ohwell:

    Today is another day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yesterday I pressed out some yellow daisies for the cake. Enough for the top tier. Haven't attempted the models yet. I then dreamt about it repetively most of the night.:ohwell: Does anyone else get these repetitive obsessions going round their head? Like a horrible repeating loop tape. The worst thing for me is "earworms", when a song just goes round and round, sometimes all night. My latest is Paul Simon songs. Driving me nuts!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Yanniejannie - Last Tango In Halifax was one of my very favourite series. There is a follow up series as well. Brilliant writing and superb acting.

    DH off to football. I hope he will see his nephew whose marriage is in big trouble, but he hasn't been answering his phone, even to his distraught mother. :cry: His wife has taken the baby, the one I was worried might be autistic, and gone off to San Francisco where she has relatives. It's not looking good and we are all worried. She is coming back, but to what? They are both such lovely people and it is hard to see young people getting themselves into such a pickle. If the nephew would communicate then we might be able to help, but he has cut himself off. I feel for DH'S sister, who was such a happy grandma when the baby was born.:brokenheart:

    I have a French film to watch. Will I try out the modelling? Not sure.:indifferent:

    Love to all and :flowerforyou: thanks to those who think I should write a cook book.:flowerforyou: When I was baking a lot I did think of writing a blog, "Wild Heather - Adventures in Baking", and took photos of all my efforts, but then I realised that my adventures, fun as they were, were not helping my waistline. In my twenties I nearly wrote a philosophical book about food, called Food For Thought, and had a publisher interested, but somehow I was not really into non fiction writing - too much research. Food has been my abiding obsession since I had Elizabeth David's books as my bedside reading at university. :tongue: For me it encompasses everything, history, culture, science, travel, philosophy, health, aesthetics, social history, adventure and more.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing: At least it means I eat "mindfully". That is good.

    Bye for now from cloudy Hampshire UK, Heather

    Update - the nephew has texted to say he will be at the football and the pub beforehand. Hooray!:love::heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK:smile: I will ask the landscaper on Monday or Tuesday when he`s here, how often to spray the egg white solution. That never entered my mind to ask:embarassed: .

    Michele:smile: You are really going to miss the kitties when Jessica goes home:cry: ! I thought about all the baking you did when you were having the pool put in, keeping all the workers happy:happy: , I have cold bottled water for the guys here, that`s it:tongue: . One had a birthday last week and I did go to Dewey`s bakery and buy him a little birthday cake:bigsmile: , believe me it was much better than one I would have made:blushing: :laugh: !

    Heather:smile: I seem to have the opposite problem, when I have 2 or more drinks, I don`t want to eat at all:noway: , just want another drink:drinker: :embarassed: . I haven`t done that in years though, I never like the way I feel the next day:sick: . You`ve done an amazing job, and will continue to do so, don`t beat yourself up:heart: !!!

    Jb:smile: I knew the recital would be wonderful:bigsmile: !!! Love the sign!!!

    Yanniejannie:smile: I had a nap yesterday too:yawn: , the guys left around 3pm and I laid down and slept for an hour and a half, and was still tired when I went to bed last night:yawn: ! Hope you had no problems going to sleep!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy and cool NC
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    I am new to all of this and a friend said this is a great place to be.

    Have a fabulous day!

  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Is there something we click to join this group or do we just see it on our community feed? Thanks for the responses. I am going to try the calorie counters recommendation which is 1860 calories. I am going to only do 1800 and not add back exercise calories. I think I am going to have to figure it as I go. If I don't lose on this count, I will start going down. I agree nuts, seeds, salads etc. are the way to go. I am really trying to eliminate most sugar and carbs but not all. Taking away whole food groups just doesn't work for me.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning!

    Michele, is your heart rate back to normal habits? Could always just be a little virus or something but I'm glad you keep close track.

    Looks like Good Friday was not a day of "sacrifice" for many. I also had a few "slip ups" but not too bad and still came out in the negative with my calories when it was said and done.

    Couldn't agree more Heather that alcohol is key to caloric disaster. As mentioned, I will not be counting on Sunday because I know I'll be drinking wine early in the day. For the most part, I try to limit my wine to a glass right before bedtime, when I know I'll be too tired to walk down the hall to the kitchen.

    Sort of "confused" about my boy's behavior. He told me this morning he didn't feel like going to the egg hunt we always go to and that he'd rather just do Easter stuff on Easter. What child doesn't want to go get those eggs. We go to one at the roller rink down the street. He gets free skating passes (he loves to roller skate), his fave candy (Laffy Taffy) and even dollar bills. He's just not interested. I think it is part of his grieving of grandma and I'm just not sure if I should "force" him to go someplace, even if out to the movies or let him go though his process.

    Either way, it's a beautiful, sunny morning and I'm ready to rock.

    Hope everyone has a great day and is able to keep focused on their goals in the process.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Morning,
    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    Jb love the saying. Congrats on the recital. Nice to savor.

    Daughter 18 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are being a good role model with 57!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally was able to get out and rake our front yard. 70 tomorrow here in Minnesota.:smile:

    Tigress great eating plan! Glad you have your blood sugar under control.:smile:

    LKM I average about 1800 a day. I have kept off about 30 pounds this way. I am fairly active and I am 5’8” tall. I am on my feet and move quite a bit during the day, plus I walk daily for 30 minutes. I eat a high fiber diet my aim is to be at least 5 unit over my fiber recommendations for the day and try to minimize the high processed food. Because I eat such a high fiber diet I rarely feel hungry. I feel good at the weight where I am. I do weigh myself daily and if I am up two pounds over my goal weight I start to log again. This is what has worked for me. I do believe one has to find what works for them. I love this group because we share ideas and support in a caring way that is sometimes lacking on some of the other forums.

    Heather love the picture of your granddaughter.

    Alison that is wonderful that you gave blood.

    Patty does deep breathing help at all to calm your thoughts. There are some good meditation CD out there that help. I have one or two I use when my mind races.

    Gail blog was a good message for Good Friday.

    Today I will get out and rake our backyard, so tomorrow I wake up to a healthier me and yard.
    2014 word: contentment
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    The deer repellent egg mixture, yeah, we've done that. Well, actually, DH is in charge of gardening, so, he tried it. Must be repeated often, depending on rainfall, i think. If you forget, too late:free snacking for the deer resumes. If you do it right, and have sprayed close to patio or porch, it stinks to high heaven, which pretty much makes the area human repellent too. Hahaha...not funny actually.

    I am feeling a bit better this morning. Although up at 6 A.m. no more sore throat, so that is good. I'm thinking of going back to bed now (only 8 AM here) to get some more zzzzzs

    Vancouver Island, B.C.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was a day without any grandparent duties, and I really needed the break. Today we are going over to my son's at noon to help move some household stuff. He's still not cleared out of the old house, so hopefully getting some help today will do the trick. He sounded awful yesterday when he called to ask us for help. He tires so quickly. He gave me a key card to his apartment building because just walking down the hall, going down the elevator, and walking across the lobby wears him out. I kind of think he is going to need one of those motorized carts soon. He says "Mom! I'm not OLD!"

    Swimming was great this morning. The water was at just the right temperature. Aaaaaah!

    Well, gotta go clean something. Bruno has been busy.

    Have a great day!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 490 Member
    HELP!!!!! I need an alternative to my Quacker granola, honey and almonds that I put in my nightly plain yogurt and pineapple. I am finding myself raiding the box more and more often. A serving is 1/2 cup but I put 1/4 cup in my yogurt. Well I am just as bad with carbohydrates as I am with chocolate. Plus the darn thing costs $4.50 a box. Of course it lasts a long time, that is unless I raid it.

    Joyce, Indiana


    My Hubby makes a muesli using yogurt, oatmeal, nuts, cinnamon. Not sure exactly what he does each time but it is good. I know how adds some fruit (whatever we have in the house). There is a website (blog) called The Oatmeal Artist that has a lot of ideas. This is much cheaper than ready made granola. Hope this helps.

    Cindy in OK
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 490 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Have a wonderful day. I must get ready to walk. We are going to church this evening to help ease the crowding tomorrow. Our church holds three services each weekend. Nice to have the choices. I need to get moving.

    Welcome to everyone new.

    Hugs and Prayers,

    Cindy in OK