scha4r Member


  • My sister-in-law sells them so I gave them a try. Recommended taking 2 a day but I only took 1. I am SO skeptical about these things and the long term effects on the body so I didn't dare take any more than I had to. An hour after breakfast I took a pill with the recommended amount of water. Before ACE I exercised 3-5…
  • This is my exact diet plan! Wow... who knew I was in the cool dieting group?? :laugh:
  • The Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Rice Krispy treats I just made. I don't know why I even make desserts... It seems like I end up eating them all in one sitting!
  • Sorry to keep posting here but I have more ideas... When I find myself overeating and I know I am going to continue to overeat, overeat on something healthy. If you find yourself grabbing the chocolate or ice cream go grab some carrots or veggies and go to town on those!! Much easier to overeat there and recover faster…
  • Agreed! If I have ANYTHING in the house that's for a reward later... It'll be gone in seconds on a bad day. I have to buy groceries as if I am going to have a bad year. Nothing bad in the house! :( My hubby does NOT like it...
  • I find as soon as I start down that road I can't stop. No matter if I try to eat something else or walk away, eventually I have to come back and I'll start eating again. What I have to do is get the taste out of my mouth. The only way for me to do that is get some gum or mints and chew them like there's no tomorrow. As…
  • Your smile looks more confident in the second picture. :) You seem to be enjoying yourself more. Keep it up!!!
  • Keep it going. Small victories are what win the war. You may have been dealt a blow but look at all of the stairs you did!! Your body will love you for it.
  • Sometimes when I am running on the treadmill I pretend I am Rocky Balboa and start fist-pumping, boxer style and celebrating. Then I stop running. You can't keep running after that, can you?? ;)
  • When people know you are watching what you eat and seeing you eat something that is a little bad for you, "Uh oh, there go the calories." -Thanks I wasn't feeling guilty at all before... When people see you have lost weight, "Wow, you look scrawny, put some pounds back on." -A "I've see you've lost weight" would be…
  • Yep yep yep! Love it too and with a lime in it, it's wonderful.
  • mmmmm Fair food. Fair season and Thanksgiving are my downfalls. I can't stop myself from loading plate after plate. I feel your pain.
  • Keep at it. They're jealous that they don't have the discipline to do what you're doing.
    in RANT!!! Comment by scha4r May 2011
  • I hear ya. My family thinks I'm too skinny (which I'm not) and then try and load as many calories as they can onto my plate whenever I come and visit. Definitely stems from jealousy, I think. Stay strong. You can do this. You're doing it for you, not them!!
  • I would get like this if I took it on an empty stomach. You said you ate something before taking the pills. I think it's your body (stomach) not used to the multi vitamin. Try it for a week or two and see if it improves. You can always consult your doctor about the feeling. Plus multi vitamins are great for you. :)
  • Not eating before exercising can put an extra strain on your body and it will not workout so efficiently. Grabbing something (a banana is VERY easy to digest) before you workout is probably best. Ease your stomach into it, sometimes going from eating nothing to eating a lot before working out can actually make you feel…
  • Hi- Since you will be sore and your muscles will need some sort of recovery, try doing bodyweight stuff. Lunges (forward, backward, side-to-side), wall-sits (30sec-1min depending on fatigue), sitting on the ground and raising your arms over your head to a 90 degree angle at the elbow invites stretching as well as (if it is…