Lookibg for immediate results but I got offended..

During my 12 hr shift I briskly walked down and back up 4 flights of stairs. Then I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the bicycle. Hooray, I was proud until I went to the banks drive in and teller asked "when are you due"? I replied "the baby is 5 years old". I was really offended so I went home and ate some cookies :embarassed:


  • Jadesfattorment
    Just ignore those mean people! You'll show them when you've got that body you're working so hard for! I have had someone say that to me before aswell which was horrible because at the time I was only 17 years old. :) I went home and ate a gallon of ice cream so don't feel bad, just pick your self back up!
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    good job on the stairs and going to the gym...60+ min of exercise, awesome. A couple of cookies isn't gonna kill you. Have a good healthy supper, and move on. Focus on what you did good today.
  • HannahSmilah
    Oh honey, don't take it to heart! Some people are so thoughtless in what they say.

    You did a fantastic day of exercise, it's not the easiest to work out on top of a 12 hour day at work! Try and turn the hurt around and channel it into positive thinking and exercise. Don't let anyone stop you. Losing weight is what you want and you can do it! Next time you are on that treadmill, take out all your hurt and anger in the process and think how good you will feel when people can see the new you! xx
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Maybe what the teller meant was "When is your payment due?"
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I know how you feel! A few years ago, in high school, I had a cafeteria lunch lady ask me when I was due, right in front of everyone. I was mortified. I just laughed it off then, but I went home later and cried for hours.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    That's weird that 30 minutes on the treadmill didn't get it all off. I lost my 120lbs in an hr. You must have been doing it wrong.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Notice what your triggers are. You seem to eat when you've been hurt. Realize, be mindful of it, and take steps to change it. In the mean time, keep hitting the gym and celebrating your successes!!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Been there. someone I worked with that I hadn't seen for awhile. I didn't get offended. I knew I looked that way and I simply said, nope been gaining weight!
  • moonlightturk
    You shouldn't let that rude remark get to you instead you should use it as fuel to work harder to achieve your goal. I'm only 17 and constantly get rude remarks with people thinking I'm 25+ years old. When I went to sign up for the gym, they immediately told me that there is a day care available for my kids. WTF I'm only 17 I have no kids... But once I get the body for my age, they'll realize they were talking to the wrong person.
  • scha4r
    scha4r Posts: 17 Member
    Keep it going. Small victories are what win the war.

    You may have been dealt a blow but look at all of the stairs you did!! Your body will love you for it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    That is just something you never ask a woman unless you already know she's pregnant. People just don't think.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Whilst I understand that you were upset, I think that it's something that has happened to a lot of overweight women, it's happened several times to me, but I don't think people are being rude or insensitive, they genuinely think what they think, and probably are trying to be friendly by asking. Instead of getting offended, use it as motivation to get to the point where no one could think that.
  • zoeengland2000
    I have been asked that question twice in the last 2 weeks... By my customers. The first was really rude she said s when's your baby due & I said I'm not pregnant...... Her response was oh so you're just overweight then!!! I said yes I am & I'm doing something about it! The second customer was very apologetic & embarrassed
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
    Did they really say that to be horrible? (And if they did, doesn't it say more about them than it does about you?)

    Especially if they don't know you, obviously they have no reason to be mean to you, you didn't key their car or run over their dog or steal their high school boyfriend. So they're just being nice.

    Think about this from their perspective. I just tried it.

    I imagined being somewhere, and someone asked when the baby's due.

    I think they were trying to be nice, they don't know I'm just fat. It's not their fault I'm fat.

    I'm not saying I wouldn't feel crappy if somebody asked me the same thing (and I totally could be a few months pregnant, I had three c-sections and the skin just never goes away) but I read your post and asked myself, "Why is it okay that I know I weigh more than I should, but nobody else should notice?"

    I'm no help. I came home and ate cookies and everybody was nice to me today.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    You surely don't want to resort to emotional eating because someone thinks you're overweight....can you say...vicious cycle? I mean really...all you are doing by doing that is making sure that you'll hear more of these comments in the future from obtuse people....use it to fuel a workout....punch something and work that anger out, don't swallow your feelings in cookie form!
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    That is just something you never ask a woman unless you already know she's pregnant. People just don't think.

    ^^^ This. I don't think those who ask are being rude or mean. They don't know any better. I will never ask anyone that question until I am 110% sure that they are pregnant.
  • erzsebet_1560
    That's weird that 30 minutes on the treadmill didn't get it all off. I lost my 120lbs in an hr. You must have been doing it wrong.

    Wow...did someone crap in your oatmeal? That's not what she was saying at all.
  • trainorgirl
    You turned to cookies because they made you feel happy/better, then afterwards they probably make you feel guilty and like *kitten*!!!! You need to find something else that makes you happy after a bad experience- get an inspirational book or quote book. Write down how this experience made you feel and use it to motivate you to work out harder and want to achieve your goals… cookies… not the answer.. that is a cop out self sabotage!!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    That's weird that 30 minutes on the treadmill didn't get it all off. I lost my 120lbs in an hr. You must have been doing it wrong.

    Wow...did someone crap in your oatmeal? That's not what she was saying at all.
    You should probably let the OP speak for herself. The title DOES say...'Lookibg for immediate results but I got offended..'.
  • erzsebet_1560
    That's weird that 30 minutes on the treadmill didn't get it all off. I lost my 120lbs in an hr. You must have been doing it wrong.

    Wow...did someone crap in your oatmeal? That's not what she was saying at all.
    You should probably let the OP speak for herself. The title DOES say...'Lookibg for immediate results but I got offended..'.

    Ok, yeah you're right. I just don't understand people who have to be rude just to have something to say. I know there are tons of people that really have no clue about dieting and exercise and need help. I just think it's sad that people have to resort to offensive comments just to chime in.