cas122777 Member


  • I am in! feel free to friend me, anyone. i need all the encouragement i can get. good luck everyone!!!!!
  • just got mine in the mail today. starting tomorrow if you want to add me we can share progress and keep each other 'company'.
  • i try not to go by it. i seem to be doing better going day to day. each day could have some kind of monkey wrench you can't always plan for. I am actually doing pretty well just doing what i am doing. Thanks for your input!!!!
  • I was just diagnosed last week. I went into the hospital weighing 136. 12 days later and after being on liquids only for the entire time, i weigh 127. this is not how i want to lose weight. I had a heck of a time prediagnosis losing weight and am wondering once i get the diet and meal plans straightened out, will the…
  • I am 34 and just got out of the hospital with the diagnosis of gastroparesis. I had at least 6 tests and this is what they found. I have had trouble in the past with digestion, gas, bloating, vomiting, and nausea. i attributed it to a very poor diet. Turns out that it was poor diet AND not knowing for my whole life that my…
  • I am 5'5. i am now at 140 at age 34. four years ago, i was at 115. surgeries, medicine, poor diet and exercise all weighed in. i am having a real hard time getting the weight off. my personal trainer said to go no lower than 120. but i can't even get to 135 and stay there. keep your goals in mind and stay positive! if you…
  • thanks for all the suggestions! i will look into them when i shop this weekend. I have tried the water recipe, quickfin. i totally forgot about it! i hope this works out because my sugar intake will definitely be smaller!
  • I am in the very same boat as you. my usual weight is about 125, my recent weight is 140. four years ago, i weighed 120. i am 5'4 and have been told all of these are acceptable. a year ago, i would do anything active and ate right. i see a trainer now, but don't go to the gym outside of the twice a week i see her. i still…
  • thanks everyone!!!! Great ideas and advice!
  • Great input so far, thanks!!! My daily coffee consisted of three cups of coffee in a travel mug with about 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of the creamer.
  • I have fluctuated A LOT over the past 5 years.. I would love to keep the girls and lose everything else!!! I noticed when i went from 130 to 120, it got smaller. now i am 140 and LOVE where it is. I, too, hope it is not the first thing to go....
  • Great idea about the homepage!
  • Thanks for all the replies!!!!! they are easiest at work because i only get 20 minutes for lunch and want to make good choices. would it help me to also eat chicken or fish along with the veggies? For the protein aspect? I am still trying to figure out all the aspects i have to include and keep track of in all my meals.
  • I have been on Cymbalta since 2007 and Risperidone since 2009. In early 2006, i weighed 112 pounds. I now weigh 140. these 2 medicines have severly increased my appetite. It doesn't help that i have a sweet tooth. I work in daycare, so i am fairly active during the day. after i get home i do almost nothing because i am so…
  • My downfall is a HUGE sweet tooth! I also have trouble feeling full no matter how much or how frequently i eat. and when i don't feel full, i usually choose chips, candy, cupcakes. In trying to curb the sweet tooth, i have tried to inject fruits and flavored water into my diet. I have only been at this for about a week and…
  • This is also my second time around! I am more than happy to talk back and forth with all of you and trade tips and motivate each other. Feel free to add me as a friend! Good luck to all of you!