medicines that cause weight gain

I am on a couple of medications with weight gain side effects (an anti-psychotic and lithium), and I'm one of the lucky ones that this has happened to. One of my shrinks told me that with work, diet and exercise, I could counteract this. My other shrink said that if I gained the weight because of these meds, I wouldn't be able to lose it unless I went off of these meds. I'm wondering if anybody has experience with this situation and could give me advice. (Weight loss advice, not medical advice.)


  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I'm currently taking risperidone (an anti-psychotic). I gained 4 stone during the course of this anti-psychotic.

    I'm currently losing it - lost 2 stone so far, with no intention of stopping.

    I can't speak for the lithium, but as for risperidone, it just stops you feeling full after a meal (most anti-psychotics do this). It does not alter your metabolism at all - the weight can be lost with a bit of willpower and learning when to stop eating.
  • AshleyNZachary
    My gma is in the same boat as yourself. If you find anything good let me know because she is not aware of this side effect and if she was she would quit taking this valuable medication. So if you stumble into an answer keep me posted and ill keep you posted if i find an answer...k?
  • adhillman01
    adhillman01 Posts: 206
    I have been on antipsychotics for over 8 years now. I initially gained about 100lbs from them. I have been able to lose 75lbs of that while still on them. It is totally possible to lose the weight while on them, but it is difficult. They say that they stimulate your appetite. I have found that eating six small meals a day helps because I always get to eat when I'm hungry and I feel less deprived. I believe that the atypical antipsychotics do effect your metabolism in addition to the increased apatite. They can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity and have been shown to increase your risk for diabetes. Your blood sugar should be monitored regularly especially if you are on Zyprexa or Clozaril. If you have any more questions you are welcome to friend me. Not only have I been on these medications for many years, but I am currently in pharmacy school so I am learning all of the science behind them as well. Good luck!
  • cas122777
    cas122777 Posts: 33 Member
    I have been on Cymbalta since 2007 and Risperidone since 2009. In early 2006, i weighed 112 pounds. I now weigh 140. these 2 medicines have severly increased my appetite. It doesn't help that i have a sweet tooth. I work in daycare, so i am fairly active during the day. after i get home i do almost nothing because i am so tired. I need to work on a healthier me. both drugs work really well for me, so i really don't want to change that. Any hints on food? What has worked for you?