75in2013 Member


  • This is good advice. Just do small changes. Add 100kcal to your goal manually, go with it for a few weeks and re-adjust if necessary. Also keep in mind weight loss is not linear.
  • I don't see MFP and TDEE calculator as mutually exclusive. I can calculate my calorie needs with TDEE calculator. Which will give me either the exact same number as MFP because it uses the same formula (Mifflin St Jeor). Or it gives me an even more exact number when I can provide my body fat % (Katch-McArdle). Then I put…
  • Hi, a few thoughts:* it could be that you're not logging your food acurately. You even mention "a few days" where you've slipped up. * are you eating back your exercise calories? You might be overestimating the calories burned. Most apps are very "generous" with their estimates. * maybe you are replacing fat with muscle.…
  • This actually not correct. The TDEE calculator uses the Mifflin St Jeor formula (same as MFP) when you can't provide your body fat %. But it will use the Katch-McArdle formula (which is more accurate) when you know your body fat %. I prefer the TDEE calculator because it gives a clear overview of all values (incl. BMR and…
  • This calculator https://tdeecalculator.net/ might help you to figure out at what caloric deficit you'll still loose weight. Regarding hunger. Everybody is obviously different. Intermittent fasting helps me. If I skip breakfast I actually feel less hungry in the morning then after a small breakfast that actually leaves me…
  • But your car's tank is full when you are overweight. If you ensure that you get enough protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, then there is enough energy in your body in form of fat.
  • Wow. To work through a 6 month plateau is impressive! I would've given up a long time ago! I also agree that you must be eating at maintenance. I disagree with this. You don't have to eat back your exercise calories. It's important to have your macros right, especially protein. But not necessarily add calories. Also you…
  • I have lost ~20kg-25kg twice in my life using protein shakes as a tool (Currently on my 3rd weight loss with the help of shakes). Shakes are just a tool for me, nothing more nothing less. I used them for 1-2 months, mostly in combination with intermittent fasting and usually replacing 1 meal (rarely all meals). It worked…
  • This is very true. My maintenance calories are somewhere around 2200kcal. I can easily go down to 1200kcal for a period of time without feeling hungry. Update to my last post: I have no problem feeling hungry, so intermittent fasting is something that works well. If you can do it to, then you can fast till lunch, have a…
  • Hi Pixie, I have used protein shakes as a jump start several times in my life. I can understand your motivation. And I can tell you that it works for me. Also I disagree that protein shakes are inherently "unhealthy" but that is a lengthy discussion :) I have never tried Slim Fast. Just checked the nutrional values and I…
  • Wow! You're my hero :) I failed at maintaining so often. I like your style!
  • To get my BMI down to 30. Then I'm officially not obese anymore. Just overweight :D
  • Just click on the name next to the post. This opens the "usercard" with a picture, name and badges. Click on the name again. Now you're on the profile page of the user. There you see the button "Add as friend" :)
  • I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! My biggest issue was that my mind was not in the right place when I started gaining again. It's like the story with the frog and the boiling water ... Thanks! I sent a request to join!
  • Thanks everybody! I'll start next week after my regular blood donation! I'm not sure if I understand this point. My goal is to gain strength. I don't really care about "looks" or "muscle volume" (if that makes any sense). I expect that at some point I have to gain muscle to gain more strength? I think I only lost so much…
  • Thanks! Intermittent fasting. Calorie deficit. I eat ~1500kcal instead of 2300kcal that I would need for maintaining. Once I hit my first goal (BMI 30) I'll reduce the deficit to ~1800kcal. I don't want to lose the weight too fast. I also do some light cardio and this time around I want to add strength training. Like I…
  • Awesome! How long did it take you to lose those 74lbs?
  • * weigh myself every day * weigh and log my food * eat and drink whatever I want: burger, pizza, ice cream, choclate, alcohol, sodas, ... as long as I stay within my calorie goal! * exercise more, take stairs even when there's a lift, cycle etc. * to be continued Losing weight is a marathon ... not a sprint.
  • You don't need to exercise in order to lose weight. It's obviously very good for your health to exercise. And I would always recommend to exercise. But it's not needed. You achieve the positive health effects of cardio with very little effort (20-30min, 2-3/week). No need at all to do longer cardio sessions unless you…
    in How often Comment by 75in2013 March 2016
  • Can you please give sources for your statement?
  • You guys look great!
  • No need to quit alcohol if you can stay within your calorie goal. Unless you drink unhealthy ammounts. Then you should obviously quit, but not for weight loss reasons.
    in Alcohol Comment by 75in2013 March 2016
  • Diet = looking good with clothes on Diet + Exerecise = looking good without clothes Your diet is the most important part of your weight loss program. Exercise is obviously good for your health but will not necessarily speed up your weight loss. You will look and feel better though ... go for it!
  • Most important thing is to stay within your calorie goal and create a calorie deficit. "Eating healthy" has no clear definition. As long as you get all your macro-/micronutrients your body doesnt really care (obv exceptions exist). So eat what you want. Just stay within your calorie goal. And then it's discipline and…
  • Congratulations!