Drussander Member


  • Why do you want to lose weight then?
  • Travel is tough on the routine. I do travel with bars for my snacks. I then stick mostly with vegetables and proteins for my lunch and dinner and complex carbs (oatmeal, etc.) for breakfast / or egg and toast if I need more protein. I then log everything to the best of my ability. I have to eye the portions and guess…
  • Oh one more idea. I divide the plate up when I eat, especially if it's a buffet lunch. Half the plate is for leafy green, low starch vegetables that you can stock up on. A quarter for starchy vegetable like a potato if you can't avoid it. And the other quarter for protein. You can substitute the starchy food portion for…
  • I do this all the time, and it can be a challenge. I'll tell you what works for me. Usually travel means lots of eating out. This means alcohol too. So the calories can add up. Use portion telling methods (deck of cards for protein), fist for apples, fruit, potato. Eat lighter than you think you need to. I tend to try to…
  • Make some wraps, soups, salads, stuffed peppers, Nasoya pasta, tofu burger, stir fry, etc. Variety is key. I eat apples and oranges as snacks, popcorn, use unsweetened almond cashew, and also high fiber cereal (hot or cold). As long as you stay in your calories, and make good fuel choices, you will be fine.
  • Don't be afraid to fail. If you are, you won't try anything new or take risks. Look at failure as a learning experience. And then succeed!
  • I use the scale now all the time. Even for cereal. If it says grams, ounces, etc., I'll weigh it.
  • At a New Years party hosted by my guitar player's girlfriend. She was his girlfriend's friend. It just happened.
  • "Chi" if marketed as a mystical power.... is complete bullshido.
  • True - nothing turns me off more than when a person treats other people poorly. Restaurant and service industry people work hard. If the restaurant people are rude, that's one thing, but just treating people poorly because they are serving you is unacceptable to me.
  • I remember going out with a woman that I really liked, but when at a restaurant, she treated the waitstaff rudely and complained about everything - and was generally an unpleasant person - a side I hadn't seen before. She was nice at first, but true colors come out often when you go out in public. Needless to say, I told…
  • Looks healthy and delicious. Interesting that you cut the Okra long ways. I usually cut it into coins, but I may tried that.
  • Are you weighing everything carefully? I'm on 1600 cals a day and while all the measuring is a PITA, I am able to stay at 1600, or just below. To help, I am bulking up with lots of fiber, veggies, etc., and making low calorie density choices (Volumetrics), but it is doable. That said, at 1600 cals, I am never full like I…
  • I have a standing desk now. It goes from seated to standing very quickly and easily. Best thing I ever did for working at the desk. Saved my back.
  • I think 12 years old. I practiced on the pillow though in preparation! :smirk: Sort of like learning to ride a bike. You stress about it until it realize you didn't wreck and then it's easy from then on. I don't recall how I did it to be honest. I just did it.
  • Yikes! Most Tumaro's wraps are around 60 cals. But the regular ones come it between 100-200 cals so 200 seems right to be safe.
  • I play music (jazz) with various groups. Also have a nerdy side and love comics, comicons, and related pop-culture.
  • I decided it was too limiting. I used to do it all the time, but I found that counting calories works just as good and doesn't limit me. I still like some aspects of eating low carb, so I still avoid processed carbs and sugar, but I don't avoid certain foods any longer. Nothing wrong with very low carb, but you have to…
  • It's a good option. It steers you toward healthier fats, and whole grains. It's not a low carb diet, but if you keep within your calories, it will be as effective as anything else, and nutritious.
  • I second the beef jerky. I make my own, with lean London broil. The commercial stuff has sugar, but your own can be sugar free and much better tasting. All it requires is a dehydrator or a convection oven that can heat at around 170 fahrenheit or 77 celsius and a rack to hang the strips on.
  • Throw some chicken breast into the Crockpot, and crock until fully cooked and tender. Then separate with a fork to "pull" the chicken. Put in a bowl, and make BBQ'd Pull Chicken Breast with low-sugar, low calorie BBQ sauce or whatever you want to make it flavorful. Scoop onto a multi-grain slider roll, or grainy bread or a…
  • 6 days a week generally. Alternate between cardio and weights/resistance, but try to mix it up. Hiking, walking, etc. also counts.
  • I agree with Ebony's comment: "I can tell you that you still need to eat a calorie controlled diet." Ultimately, while Ketogenic diets work very well for some, I find it easy to eat more calories if you are not careful. Initially, it seems like I Iose weight by shunning carbs, but for some reason my body adapts and it then…
  • Yeah, try protein. I had two eggs and 4.5 oz of baked ham for breakfast. Not hungry at all. If I do get hungry, I'll start snacking on my homemade beef jerky. For some reason, I find that eating sugar and milk make me hungry in the morning, so if you want to do cereal, consider trying a low sugar version with high fiber,…
  • Um, yeah so you can't hear the guy with the rope and duct tape following you in the beat-up old van with darkened windows?! Not smart. Be alert at all times. So many people get hit by cars, bikes and mugged because they have ear buds and music playing - and can't hear or sense what is going on around them.
  • Whoa there, cheese classicist! Let's not bash my beloved Velveeta. Just because it doesn't have the fancy pedegree of some of those "real" cheeses, doesn't mean it isn't niutritous, tasty or good for you. I like my aged raw milk Stiltons, Cheddars, etc., as much as anyone, but Velveeta still has a place in my heart....and…
  • This is a tough topic actually. There does seem to be alot of compelling arguments as to why giving up certain foods is a good thing. I have been reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taub and there are some interesting, if not controversial positions in that book. The whole concept of insulin resistance, etc. is…
    in PALEO Comment by Drussander May 2013
  • Sex for my birthday? Really? LOL. And maybe on holidays too? LMAO. Sex as a gift kinda kills it for me, no offense - unless you are going to do something really special or exotic. A special home cooked meal is nice or dinner out (you buy). Gifts aren't really necessary, but speaking for myself, I like books or special…
  • Vinegar and Salt works well for me with a sprinkling of olive oil sometimes. Get the flavored vinegars to add variety, or add some Mrs. Dash to the vinegar. YOu can also use flax oil too if you want the omegas.
  • LOL, too funny -SPAM diet and Bacon Keytones? LMAO. Yes Dr. Oz is yet another Oprah borne calamity, but there is far worse on TV. The show called "The Doctor's" makes Oz look downright reasonable in comparison. Any thread mocking any of the TV doctors will get no objections from this poster. My most disliked list: 1. Any…