

  • up your protein intake and water and use a safe healthy detox supplement to help your liver flush out the excess toxins that a higher protein diet can cause! but only do this for about a week and then move back to your regular eating!
  • I bought one when I was in Vegas in January and I can honestly say the only time I really use it is when I'm going out to the bar and I don't want to go outside to smoke. They don't feel like the real thing and as much as I want to quit smoking I don't think it's going to do it for me! My main problem with quitting isn't…
  • and also on another note it is not healthy to stay on a high protein diet for longer than about a week, I lost 2 and a half lbs the first 3 days I went on the higher protein diet! Just be smart about it
  • I am on a weightloss program and when I started to plateau cuz I am getting closer to my goal weight they had me up my protein intake signifacantly, but you will want to add a detox supplement to it as well so that your liver can process the excess proteins better! Obviously you want to pick lean proteins like chicken and…
  • Congratulations! You look awesome! Keep up the good work, obviously you are doing amazing things and getting amazing results!!!
  • Like I said, I am soooo putting that game on my xmas wish list!
  • When I get back from Mexico I'm going to actually wear my HRM to class one day to see how many calories I do burn in that hour!
  • Well woke up this morning to a heck of alot of snow out there, Think I should put on my winters and go shovel, that'll be a good workout to burn off all the liquid calories I consumed Friday night, considering that the most I did yesterday was get up off the couch to go to the bathroom....lol! But 2 more sleeps and I'll be…
  • Last night I went out for a friends B'day and lets just say I might have over enjoyed life last night, I'm not going to lie and say I feel alittle fuzzy today cuz I actually feel like a can of smashed *kitten*...lol! This is not going to be a good day, but hope everyone else is good, my couch is definatley calling me!
  • I'd say happy Saturday to everyone, but I feel like *kitten* so I'm not too happy...lol! Totally didn't stick to my goal of not drinking last night and went alittle crazy haha, To start, at dinner I had 3 bad boy corona's which actually equals out to 6 beer in total, then cuz I had a damn good buzz on, instead of going…
  • Well it's Friday today and tonight my boyfriends mom is taking his son for the night so we get to go out for dinner for a friends bday! I have officially not had a drink in about 2 and a half weeks! This is a great accomplishment for me, and I'm still trying to stick to my guns and not drink till I'm officially on…
  • I am pretty much strictly a beer drinker, hard alcohol affects me in a rather negative way and even if I did drink it I couldn't do the diet pop thing cuz I can't stand the taste of aspartame and besides that the sh%t's super bad for you! moderation is always key in anything sometimes it's just hard to moderate..lol!
  • I don't really have a sweet tooth at all, my weakness is for salty snacks so I snack on a couple almonds or whole wheat breadsticks with hummus instead, but I watch the biggest loser religiously and apparently Extra sugar free gum has come out with some new dessert flavoured gum so maybe that would help with a sweet tooth!!
  • Maybe I should take my HRM with me to class and see where I'm at! The instructor told me you can burn anywhere from 500-1000 calories in an hour, that's insane.......after class I always feel like I burned about 1000...lol! And it doesn't matter what age you are the steps are pretty easy to follow and you can go at your…
  • Zumba for Wii, hells yes that would be awesome.........I didn't know that had such a thing........oh so going on my xmas wish list!!!!
  • I think I have been logging it as high impact aerobics, because I typed in dance once and I KNEW that all that sweat was worth a hell of alot more calories than that...lol
  • I'm about to go to Mexico and consume alot of alcohol, and I have no delusions that I'm not going to gain weight, but this is my vacation and if I have to work extra hard when I get home then so be it! But in day to day life I don't see anything wrong with having a couple drinks, as long as you don't go overboard and try…
  • I'm having a day like that today and want to eat everything I see, thankfully I have abstained from doing so, my problem is that supper is yet to be made and when I'm in this kind of mood I usually opt to make crappy yummy food instead of healthy yummy food! And as for the gym I'm not sure why but I don't like to go unless…
  • I'm waiting patiently for the call from the doctors to get a colonascapy as well! My Aunty got diagnosed with colon cancer 2 years ago now, but she had part of her colon removed and so far is doing really good, but because it's close in my family I thought I might as well get one and get it over with. My mother passed away…
  • going to Puerto Vallarta, been there about 7 times and I just know I pretty much drink from the time the bar by the pool opens until I go to bed...lol, oddly enough I don't really get hungover there, might be cuz I'm eating at the same time I'm drinking......so this lush is definatly going to be a lush for that week, but…
  • and as bad as it sounds, I'm going on vacation in 5 days and I know I won't do very good away from home, but when I get back feel free to kick my *kitten* back into high gear!!!
  • Hi Moby, I'm Dawna, I'm new here too, I have anywhere from 20-25 lbs to lose as well and would love to help you as well as myself in reaching those goals, you can add me as a friend if you want!!
  • Silly goose I'm right along with you on that one, I'm leaving for Mexico on Tuesday and I haven't had a drink in 2 and a half weeks cuz I'm totally going to overindulge in Mexico, like I do every time I go to Mexico, but when I'm at home I usually drink my weeks share of alcohol on Friday or Saturday night, but let me just…
  • Maybe I went off alittle much about last post cuz doesn't seem to interest too many people! I guess I should mention I'm only 5'2 and weigh 142 lbs, I want to lose about 20 lbs!
  • This is my first day on the forums, I've been using myfitnesspal on my ipod touch for alittle over a week and so far I've already lost 3 lbs! Love it and love how they have almost any food you can think of, if you just stick to it I'm sure you are going to love it too! Good luck!