wfte Member


  • I use romaine or little gem lettuce leaves as a taco shell. Works great.
    in Taco Night Comment by wfte March 2013
  • Lol. That's the view I've started taking. Used to try to promote the way of life to people but now I think "Hell, if everyone starts eating like this we'll have a bacon shortage!" They can stick to their pasta, bread, rice. Leaves more of the good stuff for me.
  • I didn't say in this thread, more the general consensus that for weight loss it's a standard equation and where the calories come from doesn't matter. But if foods have impacts on hormones that in turn impact metabolism then the source of calories does matter. But many people refuse this idea.
  • Then if it's individual, which I believe everyone will have different issues, how can so many people try to advocate its how many calories you eat vs how many you are perceived to burn, and that the source of your calories is meaningless?
  • This I totally agree with. I know it's once again affecting one half of the equation but I'm not suggesting the equation is wrong. I'm suggesting it's made too simple. Often the body does compensate to some degree for exercise done, therefore making the calculations for your energy usage even harder to make.
  • I'm not trying to suggest it's not true. I'm trying to suggest that people very often try to make it a lot simpler than it actually is. As we've already suggested, there's many other factors that can affect your energy out, besides a normal daily routine plus exercise. Also the impact insulin plays on "fuel" allocation and…
  • Carbs is one of the things I had in mind, with the impact on hormones. Wouldn't this also fly against the "traditional" idea of calories in\calories out (eat less than you "burn" ( I understand effectively you're affecting the out side of the equation but not in any way that can really be measured) or the equally popular a…
  • I understand anything affecting metabolism would change the out part. I meant is this most likely the impact that medications are having? A lowering of metabolism.
  • Thank you for explaining the impact on the calorie out side for thyroid issues. Would this also account for medication drugs that are known to cause problems? I wasn't trying to invalidate the equation. More open up the idea that maybe more is involved than the normal calorie in/calorie out outlook. Especially as this…
  • So your metabolism is controlled by hormones? So wouldn't this suggest that managing to keep your hormones in balance is more important than how many calories you consume/burn, as if your hormones are out of whack it seems all the calorie control in the world will do no good.
  • It's a thread like this that proves calories in/ calories out is NOT the be all and end all. If it was all about calories people wouldn't see these issues when on medication.
  • It wasn't long ago that I was in the 300s, now 277. I went from 360 to 310 on a low calorie diet with seeing very little difference in body appearance (I think I lost 1 inch off my waist). Since being low carb I've lost just over another 30 lbs but seen 4 inches disappear from my waist. I'm afraid I can't be specific about…
  • It all depends on if the product you use on MFP has been input using UK or US labels. That's why when I add vegetables I always use Tesco cauliflower, for example, as I know the fibre/carb details are UK.
  • We have the same in the UK. What I do is whenever listing stuff like veg etc I use a supermarket listing that I know has the fibre listed UK style. That way I know that and any barcoded stuff I add are all the same format.
  • One thing that stood out to me was the dried fruit. As you lose the water content it makes them even more dense in sugar , especially for the portion size.
  • Just bought a whole cooked crab. I might have to try that tuna pattie recipe subbing the tuna for crab.
  • I've been enjoying a stir fry recently. Fry onions and garlic, add meat of choice (I've used mince pork and sausage). Fry until meats browned. Add sliced peppers for a few minutes. Add small broccoli florets and chopped green beans, a splash of soy and some water. Bring to boil then cover and simmer for 5 mins until veg…
  • There will always be differences between carb and fibre numbers on some items due to the different listing in the US and other countries.
  • Spicy Pork "Tacos" I took the filling from a recipe for some Spicy Pork pasties and adapted slightly. Fry 1/2 small onion, 1/2 pepper and 1 clove garlic for 10 mins until soft. Add 1/2 tsp each of cumin, cayenne and paprika. Continue to cook for 2 mins then remove from pan. Fry 200g of minced pork until browned and then…
  • That is possibly the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life!!
    in Fat Bomb Comment by wfte January 2013
  • I use Kerrygold. Mainly due to the taste and it's one of very few butters in the supermarkets which isn't lower fat or had oils added to make it more spreadable.
  • The usual is 2 rashers of bacon, 2 sausages and 2 fried eggs cooked in butter.
  • I'm assuming you are in UK due to the Asda mention. An issue arises in that American labels (or entries on sites) include fibre in the carb figure (which you'd deduct to get net carbs). In the UK fibre is listed separately so there's no need to subtract from carb figure. The carbs listed are already net carbs. Personally I…
  • I've never understood the idea of using cups as a measurement for most solids. Liquids, sugar, grains etc fair enough, but a cup of broccoli, cauliflower just seems wrong.
  • Agreed with the above. Your levels may have gone above what your recent results show since your 1st tests. They could have dropped since being low carb but just not to the levels of the early test.
  • I was just going to recommend eatingacademy myself. He has a video of him training showing just what can be done on low carb. You may also be interested in his recent articles about Superstarch. Haven't read them myself as seems a product geared towards "proper" athletes but from what I can tell its a low carb solution to…
  • On the site it's total carbs (if using US/Canadian values). Most people only count net towards their goal though so you'll have to deduct the fibre. No way to track just net carbs.
  • Completly agree with the above comment. I never understand why so many people obsess saying "I just can't shift this last 3lbs!" Is 3lbs going to make a huge difference to health or appearance? (Not insinuating you are doing this at all btw) Some swing in weight is ok, even unavoidable when you consider weighing…
  • If I read "Calories in, calories out. End of." one more time I'm going to go fricking insane!!!
  • "But hey, "I can eat Pop Tarts and lose weight" ;) Yeh, bully for you." Agreed. I think too many people are focused on just their weight, or body composition. Although we know it is more than calories in/calories out of course you'll still lose weight eating carbs if you restrict calories enough. I'd probably lose weight…