Do you brush your teeth? If you make your workouts a part of your routine and develop a good habit, you will somehow manage to fit it in to your schedule, regardless. In my own experience, I have found it best to get up early and exercise. The energy and endorphin bump help me get through the busy day, and then I crash…
Amen, sir...
You have a working fuel gauge in your car? 3 years and still going...
Most fruits and some veggies are highly caloric and many have a high glycemic index as well. I would highly recommend that you log all that you eat, at least until you have an understanding of your personal intake/output profile
Are you intending to spike your glucose level, or maintain? Research 'glycemic index'. It also depends on whether you eat them, or blend them....
Congrats, braddah....I know it was a hard road, but well worth it!!!!
Certain spices are known to be thermogenic: cayenne fruit, bioperine, cardemom, anhydrous caffiene (in green/black teas, but not coffee). Some foods aid in digestion, assisting in making nutrients more bio-available: ginger, papaya, yogurt Snacking/grazing throughout the day as opposed to eating three big meals may help as…
Sometimes it doesn't land on the floor. Check the lampshade, behind the TV, under the couch, the ceiling fan, etc...
Size, shape, and color (of the clothes and the person) are immaterial. The sexiest thing a woman can wear is a comfortable confidence -- nothing is hotter than a woman who knows herself and what she wants.
Fage 0% Plain Greek Yogurt rocks. I think it tastes better than sour cream... I throw a Fold-it or Trader Joe's mini-pitas in the toaster to substitute for tortilla chips. Sometimes I just use zucchini or cucumber slices when I'm really trying to cut back.
I experienced many of the frustrations y'all have mentioned (and I recognize that it's easier for men to recover). All I can do is mention a few things that I learned in the past couple of years: 1. Don't diet. You must instead 'change to a healthier lifestyle'. Look at it as permanent correction of a bad habit, not a…
It took about three months for me to be able to see a difference, but I really took notice when I was able to mow my dinky little backyard without taking 3 or 4 rest breaks and walk up a single flight of steps without breaking into an all-out-of-breath flop-sweat...
I remember how lousy I felt 24hrs a day when I wasn't active...and if that doesn't work, I think about the protein/fruit smoothie I get to eat when I'm done working out...
Slow, steady, healthy weight loss (~2lbs/wk on avg), healthy diet (incl good fats), and hydration worked relatively well for me. I am ~43 yrs old, and half of my weight from 2 years ago, and other than a few stretch marks on my belly, everything snugged up as I went...
Quinoa or kasha (buckwheat groats) makes for a killer breakfast. For a sweet-ish breakfast, just use these grains as you would oatmeal, or make something resembling rice pudding w/ a little cinnamon, stevia, and greek yogurt. For a savory breakfast, use these grains in place of potato/rice to make hash, loco moco, etc I…