How can i possibly fit in excercise?



  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Take a walk with your husband after work
    walk on breaks at work
    walk/bike/run to work
    use the weekends. If you can work out just once during the week and twice on weekends, you should make progress even if it's not as fast as you might hope.
    Look up exercises to do in small spaces (some people do standing abs when they go to the restroom, etc).
    Do calf raises, lunges, squats while you're cooking, catching up with your husband, waiting in line, etc
    Get a pull up bar for a door frame in the house. Do hanging leg lifts (or pull ups if you can...I can't yet) each time you pass through. We did this on the bathroom door frame at my house. It adds up
    Get some small dumbbells (5-8lbs depending on your strength) and catch up with your husband while doing strength training (bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, rows, chest presses, side arm raises, chest fly, etc)
    Do some crunches (regular, pike, bicycle, scissor, etc) before bed or while waiting for the shower to warm up

    ETA: For the losing weight part, you can do it with diet alone. I've lost about 25lbs (some before MFP) just through diet. Now I'm exercising to tone up, get my heart & lungs in shape, etc.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I work full-time, go to grad school part-time and have a 2-year-old. It sucks, but I wake up at 3:45 to work out. I sleep less than 6 hours a night. You don't FIND tome to work out. If you're serious, you MAKE time.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    set your alarm earlier and just do it. something like 30 day shred doesn't even take 30 minutes.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    If you have a desk job at work, trade out your chair for an exercise ball. You can pulse, squeeze and rotate and get a great lower body workout. It will also work your back muscles, sides and a little of your abs.
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Prep all your meals and snacks on Sunday for Monday-Friday. I'd even go as far as to say bag everything so that you just grab a bag in the AM and go. Pre-log all those meals in MFP so you can meet your calorie and macro goals. Pre-log as you prep for them. Without your food in check, you won't be able to meet the goals you described.

    For exercise, I'd do push-ups, sit-ups and planks before my shower each day (amount of time devoted is up to you)+ 1 hour dedicated strength training on Saturday + 2 hour hike or other intense cardio on Sunday.

    I am sure you will get holidays, etc so on those non-school days, get 2 hours of something in somehow.

    Not the ideal but it will work. You have to prioritize this highly and fitness seems a priority to that's great!

    Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When to fit in exercise? ME schedule will be changing in 2 weeks. I will work and go to school mon-fri. Work 7:30am-4:45pm school 5pm-10:15pm. This gives me about 8 hours to (sleep, make my meals for the next day, see my husband, do homework, and (Exercise)) How in the world am I suppose to fit in exercise? Any ideas? I have 24 hour gym membership, a treadmill at home, 30 day shred, and Insanity.

    I have about 35 lbs to lose before my Hawaii Vacation in April and I want to do that and have muscles but I just don’t know how I can fit everything in : ( Am I set up for failure?

    Are you in high school? Why would you be in school for that long?
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    Download the "daily" workouts on your phone if you can. They have one for cardio, legs, arms, butt and abs. They are anywhere from 5-10 mins long. You should be able to spare 5-10 minutes somewhere and do a longer workout on the weekends.
  • melonheadPHX
    Do you brush your teeth?

    If you make your workouts a part of your routine and develop a good habit, you will somehow manage to fit it in to your schedule, regardless.

    In my own experience, I have found it best to get up early and exercise. The energy and endorphin bump help me get through the busy day, and then I crash like a tired puppy when my head hits the pillow at night...
  • DzNuts11
    Where there is a will, there is a way! I get up at 4:30 in the morning to be at the gym at 5:15, start stretching and workout at 5:30 so I can be in the office at 8 AM (I'm a girl so it takes me an hour to shower, do hair/face, drive to the office). I was even doing this when I worked from 7:30 to 11 PM Monday thru Thursday, 7:30 AM to 2 AM on Fridays and 5 PM to 2 AM on Saturdays.
    But remember, 80% of what you look like is your diet so put your energy into eating extra clean. That means no processed foods (any products found in the center of the grocery store). Eat lean meat (grass fed cows and wild fish), lots of fresh veggies, fast burning carbs (sweet potatoes, squash, quinoa, steel oats, and some fruit (berries are the best to help loose weight). For flavor, add in jalapenos, peppers, cilantro or other herbs. Clean eating is a little pricier but you will see the difference faster than you will working your butt off in the gym.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    30DS can be done in 30 minutes so get up 30 minutes earlier 3x during the week. At work you can walk briskly at break times and lunch time you can do squats, wall pushups, counter (or desk) tricep dips, jumping jacks, climb stairs (if you have them), use reems of paper & do bicep curls, or anything else that doesn't require equipment. Weekends sounds like you can fit in your cardio days & maybe a little more weights at the gym. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • mercymarque
    walk at work... sit on a ball as I do at work and roll ur waist, do crunches on it. I do lunges by the copier, wall pushes in down time. IF u log ur food u will lose without the exercise just not tone. Just exercise on the weekends
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Wow....I think this all the time and try to go through great lengths to workout. I don't feel like I have as much "out of the home" things to do as you but I have my fair share of "disturbances". Um, I suppose it's nothing new to say but prep meals or write what your having to eat everyday, wake up early and work out, walk during your lunch hour, park furtherest away, take the stairs. Nothing new I suppose.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Change out "excercise" and say: "how can I possibly fit in feeling better about myself and improving the length and quality of my life?" Now ask yourself that, if you still can't fit it in I don't know what else to tell you.
  • got2btru
    got2btru Posts: 5 Member
    I have a great book named "Fit in 15" that gives 15 minute workouts to do every morning of the week that will address total overall fitness. They suggest doing them in the morning because most anyone can manage getting up just 20 minutes or so earlier, and most people, if they wait until later in the day will find a reason not to do it.

    They give you special techniques to use to amp up the intensity in the short amount of time so that you get a good workout (within your comfort and experience level, of course). I love it, because I too have a very hectic schedule. I actually do it in the evening rather than the morning, but so far it is not a problem. When I knew I had to do it for an hour I never had time, but it's hard to justify not being able to spare 15 minutes.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    Do a 15-30 minute workout before you sit down when you get home from school. AND/OR workout twice on Saturday and Twice on Sunday.

    Check out: - she has a ton of free and quick workouts that will get you in shape!